The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 163 House price, you break my heart

Chapter 163 House price, you break my heart
In about 20 days, the filming of Huo Yunting's part was considered finished.

Qin Palace, Qingming River Scene, Guangzhou Street, Xiangjiang Street...

This is also thanks to Huo Yunting, Cheng Long, and Li Lianjie, the three martial arts actors, who did not procrastinate, and fought like flowing water.

The speed is fast and the quality is guaranteed.

But to be honest, Huo Yunting felt that this radish was not very good.

In other words, the requirements are too low.

When he was filming "Kung Fu" with Zhou Xingchi in Shanghai, it would be good if he could shoot more than a dozen shots a day for the martial arts part, and it might take [-] or [-] shots for a shot.

This is still based on the fact that he knows real kung fu and is often praised by Zhou Xingchi for his good performance.

When it comes to radish, the martial arts scene is terribly fast.

The scene involving Michael, a newcomer to martial arts, will take a little longer to shoot, but when it comes to him, it can be passed with five or six reshoots at most.

If it weren't for Yuan Heping's frequent suggestion of something unreasonable and suggesting a reshoot, Huo Yunting felt that Luobo would like to pass his part.

But in any case, he was finally done.

When the last scene was filmed, it could be said that the sky was full of gongs and drums, and firecrackers were blasting;

Rob Minkoff's excitement was visible on his face, and he opened two bottles of champagne, thinking that the crew had wrapped up.

"Hey, Brother Yun, are you leaving?" Liu Yifei moved closer to him.

"Yeah, I won't be with you anymore."

She looked a little lost.

The two have been together since "The Legend of Condor Heroes". "The Unspeakable Secret" is, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is also, and "The King of Kung Fu" is still.

Three films in a row are together, and now it is coming to an end?
Suddenly, a sense of grievance from a long-distance relationship welled up in my heart.

Long-distance relationship, nine points out of ten!
"Brother Yun, can you stop leaving and stay with me more. At least, at least accompany me to Jiuzhaigou after filming." The little girl looked like she was about to cry, and she pulled his arm coquettishly.

"No, no, Miss Liu, I don't think this is necessary."

Rob Minkoff, who was watching the fun, heard Liu Yifei say this, and was so frightened that he choked all the wine he had just drunk.

"Miss Liu, Ji should be regarded as a rising star. He must be very busy. It will take at least a few months to take pictures with you to Jiuzhaigou. Even if I agree, Huayi will not agree."

This speech is very fast, stuttering, mixed with Chinese and English.But Liu Yifei could understand the meaning.

"I don't know!" Liu Yifei gave him an angry look.

Originally, I was just acting like a baby, and you made me seem to be making trouble for no reason.

Will Brother Yun think that I am more childish?She mused in her heart.

Rob Minkoff didn't care about whether she was acting like a baby, and he was relieved to see that she didn't beg Huo Yunting to stay.

I still need to learn Chinese during this period of time, so it will come in handy.

If the plague god stayed, he would suffer for several more months.

"I'll take you to play after the filming is over."

Patted the little girl on the head, and said goodbye to Liu Xiaoli, Yuan Heping, Chen Weitao and Shi Xingyu in turn.

As for Li Lianjie, he looked around and found no one. When he asked, he said he had gone to the toilet.

So he went to that boy Michael.

"Xiaomai, I don't think you need to say more about some things, you should understand." Holding his shoulder, Huo Yunting handed him a cigarette.

In the past half month, he has simply taught Wulang the eight trigrams stick and the eight immortals stick, which can barely be regarded as a half-teacher's favor.

Because of being beaten lightly by him for more than half a month, Michael's admiration for him became more and more profound.

How far do I have to practice to make Master Huo serious?
Michael hurriedly raised his hands above his head, "Master Huo, don't worry, if I really do something I shouldn't, Mr. Cheng and Mr. Li will clean me up."

Huo Yunting rubbed his head approvingly, "Good boy."

After explaining this round, Rob Minkoff, who was overwhelmed after drinking, also came in front of him.

"Hell, congratulations on finishing it."

There is no habit of giving out red envelopes in Hollywood, and Rob Minkoff just shook hands with him.

"I wish "The King of Kung Fu" a big hit at the box office."

Huo Yunting also said something auspicious, paused, and then added, "Carrot, Mr. Rob, I think martial arts scenes should be more strict."

He felt that this film was supported by Cheng Long and Li Lianjie's years of experience in martial arts, which made it look better.

The rest, he felt, seemed a little sloppy.

Rob Minkoff was stunned, "Should there be stricter requirements?"

"Come, come, murderer, my brother will see you off."

Just as Huo Yunting was about to say something, he was pulled away by Cheng Long beside him.

Seeing this, Rob Minkoff shrugged and walked back to the set.

He knew that Huo Yunting might want to give some suggestions about the film, but he didn't care.

Cheng Long put his arm on his shoulder, and the two walked back slowly.

"I said murderer, you don't need to tell him these things, he won't understand."

"Hollywood shoots are all industrialized, focusing on efficiency. It's not the same concept as you understand Hong Kong-style martial arts movies."

Huo Yunting paused, "But this is a bit too hasty. I feel that some scenes still need to be polished, but the result is good, and Luo Luo clapped his hands and said it."

"Carrot?" Cheng Long was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about Rob, and couldn't help laughing, "You are very good at picking nicknames."

"When I was filming "Master Dragon", I just kicked the shuttlecock for a few minutes. It took two months to shoot, and the editing room was filled with so many materials."

"In "Project A", the part where I jumped from the clock tower took a full eight days."

"Our own family knows our own affairs. He is a foreigner from Hollywood. His nose is higher than his eyes. He knows a lot of kung fu."

Then he patted him on the shoulder with emotion, "At least he is willing to ask Da Yan for his opinion, which is already very good."

Huo Yunting thought to himself, "So Hollywood action dramas can't compare to Hong Kong-style action movies?"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Long hesitated for a while.

After a while, he nodded and shook his head again.

"Yes, and neither."

"Do you know the nickname of Big Eye?"

"The number one martial finger of the Chinese."

"Yes, then why do you say there is a Chinese prefix in front of it?"

This time, Huo Yunting was stunned.

"American like a factory, very industrialized. You know what I mean? Efficient, reproducible, and even better."

"We have made a kung fu movie, which is a qualitative change from 0 to 1, from scratch. But they can imitate and learn, and become 2, 3, 4..."

"Big eyes are really cool in Hollywood, but Hollywood won't send people to learn? If the mass media is still intoxicated by the kung fu created by us and becomes popular in the United States and the world, I feel that it will take two or three years at most, then it should be was eliminated."

After a pause, Cheng Long added, "Actually, I always feel that it is difficult for martial arts actors to find a way out. Martial arts, there is already a vague tendency to go downhill."

"We used to have people and time, but not now."

Huo Yunting didn't say anything, just tilted his head to listen, remembering every word he said.

I am a kingdom in the sky, with a vast land and abundant resources, and everything is there.

For some reason, such a sentence popped up in my mind.

The examples given may not be very appropriate, but his education level itself is not high.

The two of them didn't speak any more, they crossed the street, skipped the laughing crowd, avoided the tourist groups of men, women and children, and passed by couples of passionate young couples.

They run against the bustling and noisy road.

Cheng Long quietly glanced at the silent Huo Yunting, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

I also gossip a lot, why talk about this with a brat like him?

This kid was nicknamed Ren Qiu Chuanwu, and he sounded like he was full of ambition and full of romanticism, but what could he do in this big environment?

The more I know, and the more I find myself unable to change the status quo, the more painful my life will be.


I really did something wrong.

He just walked silently until he reached the hotel gate.

"Okay, I'll take you here."

Huo Yunting nodded, "Brother, we will meet later."

"it is good."

"Say goodbye to Teacher Li for me too."

"it is good."

After returning to the house to pack up his things, Huo Yunting got up and walked downstairs.

Lao Zhang had already hailed a taxi, and Huo Yunting stooped into the car, not giving the paparazzi a chance.

Resting his head on his hand, looking at the scenery passing by outside the car, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Thinking back to the time when I first joined the industry, I was very happy when I had a scene to shoot. No matter where I thought it would be like today, I always thought about these big things.

He seemed to understand what Cheng Long said.For example, when Cheng Long said that martial arts films were slowly declining, he didn't really believe it, but he felt in his heart that it was not nonsense.

Why did he want to lie to himself?
The surrounding scenery faded back like an afterimage, and suddenly there was a sudden brake, Huo Yunting's body leaned forward according to inertia, and everything stopped for a few seconds.

It also includes Huo Yunting's heart.

Glancing ahead, it was a red light.

Huo Yunting suddenly regained his strength, no, why are you thinking about these things by yourself?
Originally, he came to this entertainment circle to treat illnesses.If the disease is cured, he will withdraw.

As for the entertainment industry, the future of the domestic film and television industry, etc., what do these things have to do with Huo Yunting?
"It's stuck."

"What? What got stuck in it?"

Listening to Huo Yunting talking softly to himself, Zhang Debang asked doubtfully.

But he laughed quickly, "Brother Huo, if you, a master who can't get up at five o'clock in the morning every day, gets stuck in it, I probably won't be able to pull it out."

When Huo Yunting heard it, he quite agreed.

It really can't be pulled out.

But think about the use of those things for yourself, what role do you do with your identity.

When he really reaches Cheng Long's level, then think about how to save the entertainment industry.

I haven't even cured my illness yet, but I think about these things.

Thinking of it this way, I couldn't help but feel a lot lighter.

"What? Brother Huo said that you're it Mrs. Huo?" Zhang Debang leaned over with a smirk on his face, gossiping all over his face.

As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty, tsk tsk, the ancients did not deceive me.

"Hey, you don't think it's shabby, old boy. How old is Xixi?"

Huo Yunting cursed with a smile, and then asked, "Have you chosen the house and shop I showed you?"

"Don't worry Brother Huo, I've already taken care of this for you."

According to his idea, buying a house requires a courtyard house, and it has to be remote. Zhang Debang has been looking for it for a long time.

It was later that they visited Guo Degang and his wife again and asked her wife to introduce them.

He had heard that the courtyard house that Huo Yunting rented was built by Wang Hui for the client.

He came here with a request, but when the old Guo and his wife heard that it was Huo Yunting's business, they must have been in the saddle.

Although Lao Zhang had been with Huo Yunting all this time, and had no time to do it himself, Wang Hui directly entrusted someone to choose the house.

"Brother Huo, there is a set at Fengtai. There are three main rooms, two east and west wing rooms, and three inverted rooms with a garage. The total area is more than 300 square meters."

Huo Yunting listened, frowning slightly, "There are so many rooms?"

Parents don't want to come to Peiping, they have lived in Huojiazhuang all their lives and got used to it.

As for Liu Xiaoli, he reckoned it was enough to live with the two of them.

Then how many children do I have to have with Sissy to not waste it?You can't rent it to Lao Huang anymore, can you?
"Brother Huo, this is called the old Beiping Zheng'er Bajing Siheyuan. Where you live now, it should be called Dazayuaner."

"How much does that cost?"


"Cough cough cough cough!"

Huo Yunting touched his pocket, but did not take out the earpick.

"How much?" He listened attentively.

"More than 800 million." Zhang Debang smiled gloatingly, "This is considered a cheap price."

Affordable price...

Huo Yunting was powerless to complain.

"It's only been a few years, and the house price is faster than the fucking rocket."

"There is a 3000-square-meter seaside courtyard house in Shicha Haiya'er Hutong. It was sold to an old man. Brother Huo, guess how much it sold for?"

Zhang Debang stretched out an index finger, almost poking Huo Yunting's face, "One hundred and ten million!"

"One point one hundred million, Brother Huo!"

Huo Yunting's face twitched.

It's no wonder that the rent in his courtyard is rising a bit high now, and it's rising all over Beiping.

Rubbing his face, "Forget it, I won't buy a courtyard house. Why do you need so many rooms for all kinds of miscellaneous things?"

Zhang Debang quickly gave a thumbs up, "No, Brother Huo's words really make sense."

"What about the store?"

"This one, I've seen it too, and it's from Fengtai, the city, a lively place."

"If our martial arts gym opens—"

"No, not in a lively place." Huo Yunting pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'll take a look at this matter when I get back."

"The price is—"


Zhang Debang shut up with some regrets, and wanted to pierce this kid's heart again.


There was a vibration, Zhang Debang touched his pocket, and there was news.

After glancing around for a few times, he clicked his tongue twice, "Brother Huo, the Tang people would like to invite you—"

"beep beep"

Huo Yunting's cell phone also rang, and a call came.

"Hello? Brother Hua, long time no see, what's the matter."

The other hand stretched out in front of Lao Zhang, took his mobile phone, and looked at the messages on it.

The general meaning is that Tang people want to ask him to sing an episode of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"Tingzi, are you busy recently? I have a concert in Xiangjiang in a few days, come to join me?"

"Okay, Brother Hua."

"Hey, okay, see you soon."

"Don't worry, it's fine."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting looked at Zhang Debang, "Come on, don't go back to Beiping."

(End of this chapter)

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