The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 165 Tingzi, what did you see that day

Chapter 165 Tingzi, what did you see that day

"Brother Huo, don't look at me anymore, I'll surround you after a while."

Huo Yunting nodded, feeling that his words made sense, so he walked around the crowd and walked into Huazi Tiandi.

At first, Huo Yunting thought that Huazi Tiandi was run locally, but after being introduced by Zhang Debang, he realized that it was actually a fan organization.

It was incredible when I inquired about it. It was established in 98, headquartered in Xiangjiang, and has a branch in Shanghai Baodao. The number of fans adds up to tens of thousands.

And this was just a few years ago, and now it is estimated that there are at least 8 to [-] people.

Hearing what Zhang Debang said, Huo Yunting let out a breath, good guy, how many people will Huazi Tiandi have to come?
Wandering around the gate of Huazi Tiandi for a few times, there were guards guarding him from entering, and Huo Yunting didn't want to reveal his identity, so he left angrily.

When they left, media reporters were still surrounding the star.

Huo Yunting was very curious, he tiptoed on the nearby steps and took a look, and found that there were not one, but three people around, it looked like a husband and wife with a daughter.

The appearance is ordinary, not like a star, but there is a confident temperament exuding, and he is talking to the surrounding media reporters.

Huo Yunting was a little puzzled, what is the origin of this?

Could it be that a leader from above is visiting?
So you didn't bring your children for interviews, did you?
But I was just wondering for a while, and quickly left with Zhang Debang to find Liu Dehua.

The place is not too far away, Heming Garden is Liu Dehua's secret residence and one of his private homes.

As for why I want to say one, because he has a lot of houses.

According to the house number given to him by Liu Dehua, Huo Yunting looked for it all the way, checked it, and knocked on the door.


The door opened and it was a woman.

Huo Yunting was a little dazed, could it be that he made a mistake?
Just about to speak, Liu Dehua's voice came from inside, "Who is here?"

Now Huo Yunting's face changed suddenly, Brother Hua actually has a girlfriend? !Is this a hidden marriage?

Liu Dehua, who wiped his hands with a light blue towel, came out of the bathroom and looked at Huo Yunting with a smile on his face.However, seeing Zhang Debang behind him, his face froze slightly.

I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, why didn't I say hello to Huo Yunting in advance and let him come alone.

"Brother Hua, don't worry, the biggest characteristic of me is that I keep my mouth shut. What I see is as if no one sees it!"

In other words, Lao Zhang has been able to get along in Huayi like a fish in water in just a few years, his eyesight is really not covered.

The two entered the door, Huo Yunting greeted Liu Dehua, and stretched out his hand to the woman, "Hi sister-in-law, my name is Huo Yunting."

"Hi sister-in-law, I'm Brother Huo's manager, and my name is Zhang Debang."

"Hello, hello." The woman smiled without showing her teeth, "My name is Zhu Liqian. Just call me Sister Qian."

He looked at Huo Yunting for a while, his face was amiable, "You are so handsome, no wonder he always praises you to me, today I finally met a real person."

This said, the elders are full of spirit.

"Hey, we're all living together, so we must be called sister-in-law." Huo Yunting looked at Liu Dehua teasingly.

Facing Huo Yunting's ridicule, Zhu Liqian just smiled, "Sit down first, I'll make tea for you."

Looking at her tall back as she turned away, Huo Yunting couldn't help feeling that making tea is indeed a necessary preparation to start the conversation.

Zhu Liqian went to make tea, and Liu Dehua greeted the two to take their seats.

Zhang Debang straightened his back and sat down in a military posture, his head was motionless, but his eyes flicked around.

Angrily stepped on his big leather shoes, Huo Yunting asked, "Brother Hua, when did this happen to you? You've been hiding it for so long."

"It started in 86."

When Zhang Debang heard it, his eyes almost popped out, good guy, it's been more than 20 fucking years!
"Good guy! It's been so long." Huo Yunting also exclaimed, and finally asked, "Where is sister-in-law from?"

"Malaysian, working as a plane model."

Hearing what he said, Huo Yunting came to a realization.

I thought this was a full-time wife, but it seems that she still has her own job?
"I didn't see it, Brother Hua, you've done such a good job of keeping secrets, so it's possible that few people except me know about it?"

It was just a joke, but Liu Dehua thought about it, but nodded seriously.

"Except for a few very close friends and my parents, no one knows."

What he said was level, because the drunken man didn't care about wine, he cared about the mountains and rivers.

Zhang Debang thought to himself.

In Liu Dehua's mind, Huo Yunting is actually one of the good friends.

In fact, in Liu Dehua's view, Huo Yunting entered the entertainment industry with a perfect background and image, and as long as he doesn't kill himself, he will be a first-rate star at the end.

Official support, how capable!

In addition, some time ago Huo Yunting helped him get rid of Song Zude, who had disgusted him for a long time, Ting Zi was very rare in his heart.

No, the concert asked him to come and play.By the way, to promote feelings.

He felt that Ting Tsai would not be easy in the future.

"I said Brother Hua, you guys are not just in a long-distance relationship, it is simply a foreign relationship."

For Huo Yunting's ridicule, Liu Dehua didn't take it seriously, but asked instead, "Then what about you and Liu Yifei?"

Huo Yunting was taken aback, "How do you know?"

Now he smiled, "How do you know, people in the circle, even a fool can tell that it's your girl."

"The two of you are filming two dramas in a row, and you are both male and female protagonists. It's obvious. With your current status, no one will intentionally embarrass your little girlfriend."

Now the situation is reversed.

He and Zhu Liqian hadn't even talked a few words before he and Liu Yifei were involved.

Just when Liu Dehua was about to question him until his face turned red, Zhu Liqian came with tea.

"The tea is here."

At this point, this accountability meeting will come to an end.

In the evening, I stayed at Liu Dehua's house, which has three rooms.

According to Brother Hua, he wants a son and a daughter, two rooms for the children, and one room for him and Zhu Liqian, which is just right.

But there is no one and a half daughter now, so the two rooms just happened to be given to Huo Yunting and his manager.

At five o'clock in the morning, it was just dawn.

Huo Yunting got up and went out of the room after washing, just in time to see Liu Dehua coming out.

"Good morning, Brother Hua."

"Morning, Tingzi."

When filming "A World Without Thieves", Huo Yunting discovered that Liu Dehua woke up very early, not much later than himself.

At that time, he was very emotional, otherwise how can he say that he is a big name.

The two had a simple exchange, Huo Yunting went back to exercise, and Andy Lau went to watch the news.

Liu Dehua will not miss all kinds of current affairs and news hotspots every day.

Hemingyuan's house is regarded as his private residence, if Huo Yunting is seen by others, it will be exposed.

The room is not small, but it's still a little hard to do a set of fists and kicks, so I might as well do push-ups, sit-ups or something.

When he was in Peiping before, he heard what the muscular trainer in the nearby gym said, which is called anaerobic exercise.

Is that another cardio workout?
After practicing for two or three hours, I was sweating all over my body. The sun shone through the window, and the sweat glistened.

After a quick rush, he changed his clothes before going out of the house, and saw Liu Dehua and his wife sitting in front of a computer, frowning deeply.

Look around, where is Lao Zhang?
Then there was a thunderous snoring.It's just that most of it is suppressed by the door, so I can't hear clearly unless I get close.

Come on, the old boy is not up yet.

"Brother Hua, what's the matter? This frown."

Standing behind the two of them, I found that they were watching an interview.

It was a man and woman who looked like a middle-aged couple with a young girl.

"Yo, isn't this the three who were interviewed yesterday?"

Hearing what he said, the two heads turned around "swish", looking at him with piercing eyes.

"Tingzi, have you seen this woman?"

Didn't mention the middle-aged couple, just this young woman.

Huo Yunting nodded, "Yesterday, I went to Huazi Tiandi to look around, and I happened to see a group of media surrounding the three of them. I thought it was some leader who came down to inspect."

As Huo Yunting spoke carefully, he saw Liu Dehua's face turning greener and greener.

He felt that things might not be as he thought.

"This woman's name is Yang Lijuan."

Huo Yunting thought about it carefully, then shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

"Do you still remember the illegitimate meal I told you about when I was filming "A World Without Thieves" from Peking?"


"That's her you were talking about?"

Liu Dehua's face turned livid, "No, she is just one of them, but she is definitely the most special one among these people."

The most special?What kind of special law?

Huo Yunting was a little puzzled, could it be possible to soak Brother Hua's socks in water and drink?

"She didn't come to chase stars, she wanted to get married."

Seeing Huo Yunting's doubts, Zhu Liqian added something aside.

Now Huo Yunting couldn't help but thump in his heart.

"It seems that he has been chasing me since 95. During this period, he has chased me many times."

Liu Dehua rubbed his temples, his face was full of irritability.

"Look at the news, look at it! It's crazy!"

Looking along the text field of his finger, and roughly glanced a few times, Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat again.

In order to participate in this Huazi World, his father sold a kidney.

I hurried over to read the news carefully, and the more I read it, the more I felt my heart tremble.

No wonder there are reporters coming to interview him, he has been blacklisted in Brother Hua's mind.

But looking at the inexplicably confident expression of the woman in the photo, Huo Yunting was a little puzzled.

"Brother Hua, why does she think you can marry her?"

Liu Dehua didn't seem to want to talk about this topic very much, her lips twitched a little, "She said it dreamed of me, and then thought I was her true son."

Huo Yunting was speechless.

After thinking about it, he patted Liu Dehua on the shoulder, "You can't blame the society if you don't remember anything, you have to learn to comfort yourself when you are alive."

These words obviously did not have any comforting effect, Andy Lau still sighed.

But irritability is irritability, but this concert has been agreed, and it has to be held.

Moreover, this woman has created a lot of momentum. If there is no her in the fan interview, I don't know what kind of rumors those paparazzi will create.

So this concert not only had to be held, but also had to meet her.

Because of this matter, Liu Dehua was a little irritable all day long.

But the concert still has to go on.

On the evening of the 25th, Huazi Tiandi's concert was officially held.

Huo Yunting took the initiative to ask for a seat at the front of the infield, at the very edge.It is convenient for him to escape.

He entered the arena three hours early, he thought he was early, but looking at the black head under the incandescent lamp, he felt that he had underestimated Liu Dehua's influence.

Countless voices drilled into his ears from all directions, countless support fluorescent signs, and fluorescent lights shone in the auditorium.

After a cursory glance at Huo Yunting, he collected his thoughts, sat in his seat, and stared at the stage directly in front of him.

He didn't dare to look too much, didn't dare to look directly, he was afraid that he would go crazy.

Hearing the ear-piercing din around him, Huo Yunting felt like sitting on pins and needles.

"Baby! Bass!"

As soon as the headlights were turned off, Huo Yunting quickly took off the mask.

bored to death.

This is Liu Dehua's home stadium, and they are all here for him. No one pays attention to whether there are other stars around him.

What's more, it's so dark that no one can see who.

After more than ten minutes, Liu Dehua walked to the front of the stage from the back of the stage.

For a moment, piercing screams came like air defense sirens.

The loudest one was Zhang Debang next to him.Shouting heart-piercingly, Huo Yunting was afraid that he would split his throat.

Damn, I didn't see it, this old boy is still a fucking Liu Dehua fan.

"Hello everyone."

Liu Dehua smiled and waved to the audience, the screams were like waves, wave after wave, Huo Yunting's eardrums were so noisy.

He regretted it a little, and shouldn't have come to participate in activities with so many people.

Guo Degang's cross talk show in Tianjin, and the Cannes Film Festival, I didn't remember the lessons from the two scenes.

This concert lasted for several hours, and Huo Yunting didn't listen to much of his songs, but only heard Zhang Debang calling like a male duck beside him.

He really wanted to give the old boy a kick.

Listening to the tone, I can vaguely hear that he is singing "Men Cry, It's Not a Sin", "Thank You for Your Love", "Flower World", "The Sky Is Higher", "Forbidden Zone of Emotion"...

He sang a lot of songs, and after that he couldn't tell the difference, he just felt irritable from the inside out.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, the concert was coming to an end, Huo Yunting hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and got backstage.

The torment of the night was finally over.

From the backstage, Huo Yunting saw many young girls and old men all gearing up, their eyes sparkling.

This is a photo for a while.

At the same time, Huo Yunting also saw the girl named Yang Lijuan.

He smoked a cigarette in the bathroom, and quietly waited for the concert to end from the backstage.

Around 12:[-], Liu Dehua felt relieved and walked backstage with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Tingzi, please wait for me here."

"Listen to your concert for two hours, what can I do after a while."

After simply taking a photo with Yang Lijuan, the staff hurriedly "invited" her away and replaced her.

Without speaking, Liu Dehua felt a lot more relaxed.

"What? Did Yang Lijuan handle it?"

"After taking a picture together, it's probably all right."

"Tsk tsk, a Gansu native, he came all the way to Xiangjiang."

Huo Yunting was a little embarrassed, and his family was not rich, so what is this picture about.

The two were chatting, when a staff member dressed in black suddenly trotted to Liu Dehua's side, and handed him a letter.

Then whispered in his ear, Huo Yunting watched his face gradually become stiff with naked eyes.

When the staff trotted away, their faces were completely gloomy.

Opening the envelope and looking at it, her lips turned white.


"What's the matter, Brother Hua?"

"I still remember when you were filming "A World Without Thieves", you taught me how to peel eggs in my room."

"Tell me the truth, what did you see that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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