The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 166 Liu Dehua: Tears filled my eyes

Chapter 166 Liu Dehua: Tears filled my eyes
I can see anything.

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, then realized that he was talking about the pair of red high heels he saw the day he fell ill.

"Brother Hua, what are you thinking, where are those nagging things coming from?"

Liu Dehua's face was cloudy and uncertain, obviously he still had some disbelief, and he handed the letter to Huo Yunting.

After taking it, my fingers inadvertently rubbed it on the paper, the ink was still wet, and the belly of the thumb was black, obviously it was just written.

Looking at it carefully, goosebumps all over my body, it's too nasty, and it's full of nonsense.

Like what in my dream I was already married to him, and I have been chasing him for a long time. I heard that when he was filming in Gansu, he stood in front of his window every day and stared at him, and finally mentioned that he wanted to see him in private one side……

Seeing this, Huo Yunting suddenly realized.

No wonder what he hesitated in his heart was to scare this woman.

When they were filming in the Gansu prairie, Yang Lijuan's family also moved to Gansu for this reason.

He suspected that this woman was following him.

"Brother Hua, I was really wrong at that time. Think about it, we were already in Beiping at that time, where is she going with you?"

"Then what if we follow all the way to Peiping?"

"She said that standing in front of the window of her own house is nothing more than lustful, and she can't go there."

"Oh, it makes sense, it makes sense." Wiping off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, Liu Dehua relaxed his brows and let out a long breath.

But soon frowned again.

He got up to greet the staff and declined the personal invitation.

The staff member nodded and trotted away again.

There is nothing wrong with doing this.

As an international superstar, he is on the road of being hacked and being hacked almost every day. If he really met this Yang Lijuan in private and let this woman speak out, he would not be able to clean up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

At that time, we can only admit that these paparazzi media are spreading rumors and making troubles.

"Let's go, Tingzi, I'll take you to meet some friends and go play."

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about this troublesome thing, anyway, he had already finished taking photos, and in the daytime he would pack his luggage and leave Xiangjiang, hiding far away.

In a few days, this woman should think clearly and give up.

Just as Huo Yunting was about to open his mouth to agree, the words welled up in his throat, and he choked them back.

"Brother Hua, no."

"Huh? What?"

Rubbing his chin, Huo Yunting pondered on his face, "I feel like I have to look for it... I'm afraid this woman will commit suicide."

The person who knows you best is your enemy. This sentence is not entirely true, as well as your patients.

As a mental patient, Huo Yunting felt that her symptoms could be somewhat related to him.

They are all imaginative masters.

Not to mention that he was also someone who spent time in a mental hospital.

After searching hard for more than ten years, I finally met and took a photo together. I was full of joy and wanted to go further with him, but found that he refused you.

If the flame that had supported her for more than ten years were to be extinguished like this, that person would probably be doomed as well.

Not to mention seeing such a situation in a mental hospital, even he himself had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

And if this really caused a death, then Liu Dehua will be regarded as a major accident.

Compared with this, even meeting in private is not as serious.

"Damn it, Ting Tsai, don't scare me." Liu Dehua looked skeptical, but couldn't help but confirm again, "You really just misread it in my room that day?"

"Really, I'm a dog to lie to you."

Seeing that he still didn't believe it, Huo Yunting popularized some unpopular knowledge about mental illness for him, talking about various professional terms and terms, but Liu Dehua didn't understand it.

Soon, he realized the seriousness of the problem, and at the same time realized another more serious problem.

The buttocks quietly moved a few millimeters behind the stool, "I said Tingzi, how do you know so much about mental illness?"

Huo Yunting's expression froze.

"I'm just asking, casually asking, nothing else, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Liu Dehua quickly expressed his opinion, his calf muscles tensed, and whenever he felt something was wrong, he quickly ran away.

This kid is really good at it.

Yang Lijuan wanted his body at most, but this kid couldn't possibly want his life.

"Brother Hua, what are you thinking? If I am that mentally abnormal person, can Huayi sign me? Can I go to a boxing match? Can I enter the industry?"

"Can the mental hospital let me go?"

Liu Dehua thought for a while, it seemed that none of the brokerage companies said they wanted to do mental illness screening, so he nodded heavily, "Of course, I will definitely believe you."

Then the buttocks went up a little bit.

Hey!I am short tempered.

Seeing his appearance, Huo Yunting directly resorted to a big killer.

Immediately, someone should bring a computer to show him his chat with Tom Cruise's personal doctor, and discuss and analyze his professional knowledge on his original script.

Seeing that he has been wronged and wronged, coupled with his calm and fearless appearance, Liu Dehua finally felt relieved and waved his hands repeatedly to apologize.

"Tingzai, Tingzai, it's useless. I'm just talking casually. Why do you take it seriously?"

Huo Yunting breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Hua, to be honest, it's hard for you to find someone with a more stable mental state than me."

"That's for sure, that's for sure."

After a few perfunctory sentences, he frowned again, "What's the matter? I'm going to find Yang Lijuan now?"

He still believed in Huo Yunting, an expert on mental illness.

Just believed.

"You can't go, if you go, then this thing will be really messed up."

If he also followed to find Yang Lijuan, tomorrow's newspaper would have published "Andy Lau trained hard as an amateur, chasing..." for many years and late at night.

After thinking about it, "Call me a few people, and follow me out to look for them."

It's almost here now, and he won't be caught by the paparazzi if he sneaks out.

"Are you going?!" Liu Dehua was shocked before his eyes.

Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?

"This woman and I should have a common topic. After all, the spirit is... ahem, after all, I have a lot of research on the spirit."

He added in his heart, negotiating experts.

Although this illegitimate meal was a bit disgusting, but he estimated that a life would be lost, so he ignored it and couldn't do it.

The so-called chivalry is a benevolent man.


"Brother Hua?"


Liu Dehua got up and walked in front of him, hugged him in a big hug, and patted his back heavily.

Good brother, too generous!

The tip of his nose was slightly sour, and he kept blinking his eyes, trying hard not to let the liquid slip from his eye sockets.

This little brother is really not in vain.

It's not in vain!

He knew the horror of this woman, how could Huo Yunting, who is proficient in psychiatry, not know?
What if the time comes to change the target and entangle him?

Even so, he was willing to help himself to see what was going on.

How could he not be moved?

This is a brother worthy of deep friendship, no, this is a brother worthy of worship!

Hearing his voice choked up, Huo Yunting was a little puzzled, why was he still crying?

After thinking about it, I still pat him on the back, imitating how his mother patted him when he was a child.

Taking a deep breath, he let go of Huo Yunting, and clapped his hands heavily on his shoulders a few times.

"Tingzi, if you have difficulties in the future, just come to me."

His eyes were fixed on Huo Yunting's face, "As long as the eldest brother can do it, he will definitely do his best."

What he said was very formal. Although there were only the two of them around at this moment, Huo Yunting knew that he was not the kind of person who would not keep his word.

It is not an exaggeration to say that his words are equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death.

He didn't speak, just nodded his head twice.

Afterwards, Liu Dehua called a group of young men and went out with Huo Yunting to look for them.

When I went out, I found Zhang Debang was leaning on the eaves, holding a photo with Liu Dehua in his hand, looking at the autograph on the back with admiration.

"Old Zhang."

Hearing Huo Yunting call him, he turned his eyes to the back and saw a group of men in black, and suddenly felt a little guilty.

"What's wrong... Brother Huo, are you trying to get rid of the underworld?"

"Anything is the underworld."

Huo Yunting glanced at him inexplicably, "Go, follow me to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

"Yang Lijuan."

Yang Lijuan?Why does the name sound familiar?

After thinking about it carefully, he took a deep breath, "Fuck, isn't this my own father who sold his kidney just to see Liu Dehua?"

Why are you looking for her?Does this have something to do with Huo Yunting?
I had doubts in my heart, but seeing Huo Yunting's unrestrained appearance, I took it back.

In their relationship between artist and manager, Huo Yunting has the absolute right to speak.

I found the staff member who had reported the letter just now, and asked where Yang Lijuan's family was going.

The guy thought for a while, then pointed to the southwest, "Go to Qifu Road."

"What's there on Qifu Road?"

"Service area."

"How about going again?"

The young man scratched his head, "That's the sea."

"Quickly call a car and go over there." Huo Yunting's face suddenly became serious, and he hurriedly called for someone.

Soon, two black jeeps stopped in front of them, Huo Yunting and the co-pilot of the one behind them, Zhang Debang drove and followed.

He is not stupid, he quickly guessed what Huo Yunting was afraid of.

"Brother Huo, I don't think so. It's just because of such a trivial matter...Maybe it's going to the northwest, strolling in the market."

"There's so much nonsense, just drive your car honestly." He cursed angrily, "It's human life anyway, let's see how much time I can't waste."

Zhang Debang didn't speak.

Huazi Tiandi is not far from the coast, less than one kilometer.

When we got to the place, opened the car window, Zhang Debang poked his head around, "Brother Huo, get out, I guess there's nothing wrong."

Rubbing his chin and thinking about it, he shook his head, "Keep looking."

"Turn on the headlights and look for them from both ends."

Zhang Debang had no choice but to greet the vehicles in front and tell them to drive forward, splitting into two groups.

An arm stretched out from the driver's seat of the vehicle in front, gestured an OK gesture, and then stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Zhang Debang turned the steering wheel and ran in the opposite direction.

Huo Yunting didn't know what this sea was called, only that it was a very remote place.

There was no one coming and going on a line, and there was no light at all. It was so dark that the headlights couldn't reach the head when it was turned on.

Zhang Debang yawned, a little speechless in his heart, this kid is a little nervous.

He has been wandering around for half an hour, and he didn't even look at anyone. If he could find Yang Lijuan's family of three, he would kneel down and kowtow to Huo Yunting.

Do you think you are a fortune teller?
Just as I thought of this, I heard Huo Yunting's cell phone beeping.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Found it? We're going to your side now."

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's fine, if it's okay, then it's okay, first stabilize, don't let them go."

Hanging up the phone, looking at Zhang Debang with his mouth wide open, "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry over there."

"Oh, ok, got it."

The car turned around and ran towards the other side.

Lao Zhang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead slightly, his grandma's, it can't be so effective, right?

Or, or should I really knock him two?

The car shook back and forth heavily and stopped in front of the crowd.

Huo Yunting heaved a sigh of relief as several young men were trying to dissuade the weeping family of three.

As long as no life is lost.

The mother was crying heartbreakingly, patting the ground with her hands; the girl was standing aside, unable to see the expression on her face clearly; the father was wet and lying on the ground——

Um?Why did the father lie down?

"Brother Huo, you are here."

"Hello Brother Huo."

"Brother, what should we do?"

Faced with the screams of ghosts and wolves, the boys didn't know what to do, so they quickly looked at the backbone Huo Yunting.

Looking at the boys, two of them were wet and still panting, so I knew they were the ones who went into the water to save them.

At this moment, Huo Yunting felt a little pain in his brain when he heard the screaming and crying beside him.

"Old Zhang, do you have cash on you?"

"Uh, there are more than 3000."

"Go and get my bag. From the car, there are more than 7000. Give each of these five brothers [-] for hard work."

Hearing this, the boys repeatedly waved their hands in disapproval, but they didn't move their feet.

Zhang Debang pouted, trotted back to the car and overturned, and came back with a stack of red tickets after a while.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Thank you, uncle, and brother Huo."

"It's troublesome."

"Thank you Mr. Huo, thank you Uncle."


The money was handed out one by one, and the chests of the young men stood upright, with excited expressions on their faces.

I thought I was working overtime tonight, but I didn't expect the overtime pay to be so high.

The voice of Mother Yang, who was crying and wiping away her tears, gradually became softer. Seeing the thick stack of red tickets being scattered, her eyes became a little straightened.

In the past few years, they could barely make up 1 yuan by scraping together things, and the [-] yuan was taken out like improper money and scattered.

Huo Yunting squatted in front of Yang's father and sniffed, his breathing was already steady, so there was no big problem.

At this time, I looked at Yang Lijuan again, and felt that this matter was interesting.

Originally, he thought that Yang Lijuan, who was going to jump into the sea, would be split, but he didn't expect it to be his father.

It can be seen from the news that his father is a doting person.

Raising money, selling a house, moving, selling a kidney...

But he felt that no one should spoil a child with his own life.

In other words, his father was hit harder than his daughter?

Looking at this family of three, Huo Yunting smacked his lips, this is not an easy matter.

(End of this chapter)

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