The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 167 Turning into Spring Mud to Protect Flowers

Chapter 167 Turning into Spring Mud to Protect Flowers

"All right, all right, stop howling."

Interrupting Mother Yang's intermittent voice, Huo Yunting asked the two young men to help Father Yang up.

"No, my old Yang can't just die for nothing..."

I don't know if Yang's mother listened carefully to what they said, and hugged Yang's father and continued to cry and howl.

Several young people tried to pull it, but they couldn't pull it away.

Pulling hard, but Yang's mother hugged Yang's father like an octopus and would not let go.

"Mom! Don't make trouble with them!" Yang Lijuan also joined in.

Cut constantly, the rationale is still chaotic.

After pulling back and forth, Huo Yunting saw a piece of paper protruding from Yang Lijuan's pocket.

Huo Yunting became interested, the face wearing the gold-rimmed glasses flashed through his mind, his left arm passed across quietly, and the next second the paper fell into his hand.

"Give me the stuff!"

"That's the certificate for me to meet Huazai!"

Yang Lijuan, who found that the paper had been taken away, wanted to snatch it back, but was stopped by two other boys.

A family of three, an old man and two women, had no ability to resist in the face of six strong men.

Ignoring Yang Lijuan who was behind him, Huo Yunting walked towards the headlights, the lights were shining and he could see more clearly.

After a few glances, goosebumps arose.

A full article, full of abuse and curses on Liu Dehua, hating why he can't see his daughter; hating why he is so cruel; hating why he...

To be honest, I hate a little too much.

And it wasn't written by Yang Lijuan, it was written by her father.

Filled with the impotent rage of a middle-aged man.

The letter was folded and stuffed into the pocket of his clothes.

"Your family, each one is more interesting than the other." Huo Yunting looked happily as he scanned the three faces with different expressions one by one.

It's a pity that the hat and the mask are so tightly covered that the smile on his face cannot be seen.

"At first, I thought you were the only one who had big dreams, but now I see that your father's dreams are bigger than yours."

"What's wrong? Do you want to be the Supreme Emperor?"

Now he understood why Yang's father was willing to sacrifice his kidney for money to come to Hong Kong to meet Andy Lau.

It is estimated that in his father's knowledge, as long as he can meet Liu Dehua, then this marriage can be 100% settled.

I don't know how Yang Lijuan brainwashed her father, she can believe it.

This spring and autumn dream is not as real as scratching the lottery ticket.

After he was recruited, a young man came over and gave him CPR, almost causing artificial respiration--he finally woke up.

"Are you awake? Go back where you came from."

Huo Yunting put his arms around his chest and watched coldly.However, Father Yang's expression was a little dull, as if he couldn't hear his words.

It's also possible that he heard it, but it doesn't make much sense to him anymore.

The moment he learned that Liu Dehua refused to see his daughter, he was truly devastated.

He exhausted all his favors, scattered all his property, and even gave up part of his body, just to climb high branches.

This time, not only did the high branches not climb up, but even a tree fruit was not caught.

Father Yang didn't say a word, but Yang Lijuan couldn't sit still when she heard this, and wanted to struggle again.

"Let me meet Huazai, as long as I meet him, I can explain everything clearly."

"What did you say when we met? It's one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and he won't go back to accompany his wife."

When these words came out, Yang Lijuan's expression froze, and the faces of the old couple were ashen.

"Impossible...I've followed him for so many years, I've never seen him get close to any woman..."

His eyes fixed on Huo Yunting, and he walked towards him stiffly.

Like the zombies in the movie.

"You, who are you talking about? Yes, Yu Kexin or Guan, Guan Zhilin? Or who?"

Well, that's pretty much what I said.

"Are you entitled to know?"

"Impossible, you must be lying to me, you, what status are you, it is impossible for you to know the private affairs of the international superstar!"

Then he took a deep breath, with a look of conviction on his face, "The matter between us is not up to you alone as a bodyguard. Take me to see Hua Zai, and I will make you the captain of the security..."

The words were a bit incoherent, and the eyes were erratic, Huo Yunting suddenly felt a little envious.

This is talent.

To be able to deceive himself for no reason, he had to find this feeling from his dreams.

"It's hard for you to attend a concert with someone else, and you've been with him for so many years, did you follow him in your dream?"

What she said made her lose face, and her nonsense became even more serious.

"Take good care of her and her mother, don't be surprised."

"Okay, big brother!"


As the saying goes, eating people's hands is short, and taking people's mouth is short.The five guys rushed forward, trying their best to express themselves.

Skipping Yang Lijuan who was muttering to herself, she went straight to Father Yang.

"Brother, I'll give you 5 yuan. Take your wife and children and go back to where they came from."

"Don't make yourself uncomfortable, and don't make me unhappy, understand."

Father Yang moved his head, but didn't speak.

He is a person who died once, and his thoughts are quite different from before.

In fact, he regretted it from the moment his body was soaked in sea water.

Not only did he regret committing suicide, but he also regretted pampering his daughter again and again, which eventually led to the ruin of the family.

As for the letter he left behind, it was originally full of malice and wanted to ruin Liu Dehua's reputation, but it was taken by his daughter as a proof of meeting Andy Lau.

My heart is a little cold.

What star is his grandma chasing after?I have been a cow and a horse all my life just to sell my kidneys?

You can leave immediately after extorting a sum of money.

But the 5 yuan was too little for him.

Eyelids lifted slightly, but quickly fell again.

Liu Dehua wants reputation, and he will definitely choose to use money for things that can be solved with money.

"6." The thumb and little finger stretched out.


"8." The little finger retracted and the index finger stretched out.


"10." All fingers closed.

Father Yang still didn't speak, he just felt the blood "buzz" rushing into his brain, making him dizzy for a while.

10 yuan... He has never seen so much cash in his life!

If you can pay 10 yuan, you can definitely pay more!

He had already estimated the price in his heart, and so did Huo Yunting.


Father Yang was taken aback, then raised his head suddenly, what's going on, did he miss a ten?


Looking at the palm in front of him, Father Yang understood now that he was not talking less, but reducing the price for him.

I was a little anxious, "How can you get less and less, so I can—"

"3." Huo Yunting put away two fingers.

"No, no, no! One hundred thousand! Just pay the highest price! I'll leave immediately, and I will never let my daughter bother Liu De—"

"1." Put away two more.

"Okay! Don't drop it, don't drop it, just this price, just this price."

He grabbed Huo Yunting's upright index finger, fearing that he would lose even 1 yuan.

In less than a minute, my heart was ups and downs, like jumping off a cliff.

Zhang Debang leaned close to Huo Yunting's ear and whispered, "Brother Huo, I told you just now, I only have more than 3000 on me, and you borrowed them all, where are you going to get them?"

"Aren't you just over 7000 in cash?"

"Just drag this family of three to the city. Take it to the bank."

Huo Yunting stood up, "Let's go, I'll take you to the airport, and go back where you came from."

"I took the money for you on the way."

Father Yang nodded like a chicken pounding rice, but Yang Lijuan, who was surrounded by five guys, was unwilling, and sat on the ground like a spoiled child and started making a scene.

"I won't leave! I won't leave until I meet Liu Dehua!"

"He doesn't have any women at all, so don't lie to him——crack! Crack!"

Before she could finish speaking, Father Yang rushed forward and "slapped" two big mouths on his face.

Pulling his collar, he gritted his teeth.

"You fucking bastard, huh? I pulled you up with shit and piss, my relatives have borrowed money, the house is sold, the kidneys are fucking sold, and you just listen to me contradicting me every day?"


Yang Lijuan covered her face in disbelief.

Her father, who had been hurting her all her life, actually hit her, her eyes turned red, and she burst into tears.

This crying made Yang's father even more angry, and Yang's mother wanted to dissuade him, but it was of no avail.

"Don't pull me! I'll kill this unfilial girl!"

Hearing the family of three quarreling again, Zhang Debang asked quietly, "Brother Huo, don't we care?"

"What do you care? They have cut out a kidney. Is it too much to scold or beat me?"

Looking at Yang Lijuan, who was crying, making trouble, and hanged herself, and at Father Yang who was almost insane, Zhang Debang felt sorry for him.

In the future, I must pay close attention to the education of my daughter, be strict, and be solid.

Absolutely can't follow the path of this family!
"Extreme things must be reversed." Huo Yunting sighed.

The more she loved her before, the more she hated her after going through this life-and-death situation.

Huo Yunting doesn't know much about Yang Lijuan's previous life, but he can probably guess that she didn't suffer much.

Once his father got mad today, he soon became honest.

The group of them watched coldly until the crying stopped completely, then they raised their legs and walked towards the car.

"Come on, get in the car."

Those five guys were sent back by him, and they first reported to Liu Dehua that they were safe.

Lao Zhang drove the car, and he took the co-pilot, leading his family of three to the city.

Zhang Debang was fully prepared, the car door was locked, and the seat belt was fastened, for fear that Yang Lijuan would suddenly give him a traffic light and jump off the car.

On the way, Huo Yunting went to the bank to withdraw the money, and returned Lao Zhang's three thousand, and the rest of the thick stack of red bills was slapped in Father Yang's hand, his eyes stared straight at him.

"Go to the airport."

"get it"

Looking at the tall figure on the co-pilot, Father Yang's lips twitched.

Huo Yunting, who glanced at the rearview mirror, had a panoramic view of everything.

"Don't talk nonsense, the money is only ten thousand, don't give it to me."

"No, no, yes, yes."

With a flattering smile on the corner of his mouth, he hurriedly stuffed the 1 yuan into the inner pocket of his clothes, but felt that his heart was bleeding.

My 9 yuan...

When they arrived at the airport, they booked a plane ticket back to Gansu. It was not until he saw the family of three flying away that Huo Yunting finally relaxed.

Glancing at the phone, Liu Dehua sent him many messages, all of which were thank you and asked about the situation.

After thinking about it, I replied to him: I have already returned by plane, and we will talk about meeting in detail.

The airport lights are bright, and the hall is brightly lit.It wasn't until I went out and saw the black sky that I realized that it was already night.

One house apart, like two worlds.

I looked at my watch, it was almost two o'clock.

"The city that never sleeps..."

As soon as Yang Lijuan left, Zhang Debang felt better.

With a slap of the big hand, the tune of "Broad Sea and Sky" sounded.

Driving, shaking his head.

"Forgive me for being unrestrained and loving freedom in this life~"

"I'm also afraid that one day I'll fall~"

Listening to Lao Zhang's loose Cantonese, Huo Yunting grinned.

"Old Zhang, you are suitable for appreciating art, but not for touching art. Distance creates beauty."

Zhang Debang smiled, and lowered the volume a little, "Brother Huo, you lost seventeen thousand in blood just now."

"What do you think I asked those five boys to go back first?"

Huo Yunting calmly said, "Report the letter."

When Zhang Debang heard this, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Brother Huo, it has to be you."

He didn't go back to Huazai Tiandi, but went directly to Hemingyuan's residence according to Liu Dehua's news.

As soon as there was a knock, the door was pulled open.

"Brother Huo, thank you very much for doing Lao Liu such a big favor."

"Sister-in-law, look at what you said, whoever I and Brother Hua is with whom, it doesn't matter."

"Hey, my sister-in-law didn't go to the concert tonight?"

"What am I going to do? If someone takes a picture of that, it won't cause trouble for him." Zhu Liqian smiled and invited the two of them in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Dehua with an excited face.

"Tingzai, thank you for your hard work."

Invite the two to sit down, and impatiently ask about the specifics of today's matter.

Although the five guys had already reported it to him, they didn't know about the rest of it, and he wanted to hear Huo Yunting's story more personally.

After Zhu Liqian put down the hot tea, Huo Yunting sipped and talked, which was similar to what the five guys said.

After finishing speaking, he gently threw the curse letter on the table.

"This is the letter from his father."

Holding the letter paper, Liu Dehua had a hesitant expression on his face.

After a while, he threw the letter back on the table again, "Forget it, I won't read it."

Let out a breath, with a relaxed smile on his face, "Tingzi, tell me the card number, it has helped me so much, I can't let you put more than [-] in it by yourself."

Huo Yunting was puzzled when he heard this, more than one hundred thousand?

"Just [-], where did more than [-] come from?"

Liu Dehua didn't understand, so, "They said so."

After the two of them talked, it was only then that they realized which link had gone wrong.

When negotiating conditions with Yang's father, those guys were not around, and only heard Yang's father yelling "just one hundred thousand" and "just follow this price", thinking that Huo Yunting had paid 10 yuan.

Huo Yunting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and briefly talked about how he cut one hundred thousand to ten thousand.

Andy Lau was amazed again and again and gave him a thumbs up, but he still insisted on transferring 15 to him.

"Tingzi, take all the extra money as a reward for buying this letter. If you refuse again, I will be angry."

Huo Yunting couldn't resist him, so he had to leave the card number and let him deposit the money.

It's not that he doesn't want to refuse, it's really not allowed to be rejected.

Then he pouted at the letter, "Brother Hua, what do you plan to do with this letter?"

"Tear it up."

"If you tear it up, there is a possibility of putting it together." Huo Yunting smiled, "Let me come, Brother Hua."

He took out the lighter from his pocket and lit the unfolded letter paper.

Zhu Liqian opened her red lips slightly, trying to say something, but she closed her mouth in the end.

Zhang Debang is also full of doubts, what is this for?
A corner of the letter was ignited, and the slender fingers flipped it deftly. The paper overlapped countless times, but they didn't touch the flame.

Clusters of sparks surged and leaped, and the A[-]-sized letter gradually became smaller. Finally, the sparks disappeared and the palms closed together.

Spread it out again, leaving only a piece of paper ash.

Slightly tilting his palm, he poured it into the green plant beside the coffee table, and smiled at Liu Dehua, "Turn it into spring mud to protect the flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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