The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 175 Let me introduce you

Chapter 175 Let me introduce you
Huo Yunting has always been excellent and outstanding in terms of destroying the atmosphere.

The original charming feeling in the room dissipated in an instant, and Liu Yifei, who was full of shyness, was also discouraged.

She shouldn't have any illusions about Huo Yunting.

Looking at the window, the car has long since disappeared. I called and found out that I had already gone far.

Lao Hou is also an old man, a taxi driver, a special car driver, what have you never seen in a car after decades of driving?
I didn't see the boss and the boss's wife come out for an hour, so I knew in my heart that I probably wouldn't be able to come out today.

Huo Yunting scolded Lao Hou angrily, and then asked him to come pick him up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Boss, isn't eight o'clock too early? Can you get up?"

"I got up at five o'clock, do you think I can get up?"

Can you get up, can the lady boss get up?Lao Hou said a few words in his heart, shook his head, he was still too young.

"Boss Haole, I will definitely be there on time tomorrow."

After making the phone call, he looked at Liu Yifei and said with a smile, "I will pick you up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. The villa is relatively close to the airport, about 10 minutes away."

"Well, good." Liu Yifei nodded, and asked tentatively, "Then shall we wash and sleep now?"

"Did you go to bed so early?" Huo Yunting was a little surprised, and looked at his watch, "It's just after eight o'clock."

As soon as Huo Yunting said this, the blush that had just faded on the little girl's face surged up again.

What are you sleeping at just past eight o'clock?My brain was really burnt out.

Afraid of being spotted by Huo Yunting, he hurriedly changed the topic and chatted about some interesting things he had done on the set during this period.

For example, the crew bought an insurance premium of up to 8000 million for Li Lianjie, Cheng Long and Li Bingbing.

It also talked about how Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao got along like ducks in water on the set.

Yuan Heping admired Chen Weitao very much, and many members of Yuan's class also admired Shi Xingyu's good skills.

As for Chen Weitao, everyone even praised him for his non-martial arts creativity that day, which really made Yuan Heping highly appreciate it.

Finally, we talk about Rob Minkoff. Although he is an American, he respects kung fu very much. As long as Yuan Heping, Cheng Long and Li Lianjie make suggestions, they will basically modify them according to their ideas.

He is considered an outsider himself, so he doesn't interfere too much with expert things like martial arts scenes.

The two were leaning against the head of the bed, Liu Yifei was talking absent-mindedly with her head resting on his shoulder, her heart beating wildly.

Eyes from time to time to look at the clock on the wall, how time passes so slowly?
Having said this, Huo Yunting pondered for a while and said, "Luobo is a little arrogant."

"Typical American arrogance." Then he sighed again, "It may also be that Americans have been arrogant for a long time, making him feel that this is quite normal."

That thick and thick ladyboy-style eyeshadow really disgusted him.

Before this incident happened, I watched some Hollywood movies involving foreign countries, and I just thought it was interesting, and I didn't think too much about other things.

For example, "The Mummy" released in [-], he used to enjoy watching it, but now thinking about it, how do Egyptians view this film?

Liu Yifei blinked, swallowed involuntarily, and asked cautiously, "What is American arrogance?"

"Hmm..." Huo Yunting pondered for a moment, "People think that your things are good, so they can use them. As for whether they are right or not, they don't care."

"Moreover, I have to secretly poke at you and forcefully export their cultural values ​​to you."

It has to be said that before this incident, his understanding of movies and TV series was only interesting and good-looking.

It wasn't until he was put on such makeup on the crew of "The King of Kung Fu" that he realized that film and television works also have the function of exporting ideology.

Back then, I strayed into the shooting scene of "Mission: Impossible 3" in the ancient town of Xitang. If I didn't have Tom Cruise's adoring apprentice, if there was no Tom Cruise's investment in "Mission: Impossible 3", then my own Is Long Wu about to turn into a Fu who wears a bamboo hat and mustache?

Thinking of these, bad memories flooded up, making him a little upset.

Seeing Huo Yunting's complexion getting worse, Liu Yifei couldn't help shrinking her neck, and quietly withdrew the hand holding his arm, looking timid.

"Well, Brother Huo, don't you like Americans?"

Having talked so far, Huo Yunting took it for granted that Liu Yifei was referring to someone like Rob Minkoff.

Then he nodded, "I don't like it. She's polite on the surface, but she's arrogant in her bones."

But he soon sighed again, he is arrogant and has the capital of arrogance.

Hollywood, the birthplace of global fashion and music is the biggest capital of their arrogance.

The little girl who said this was a little self-doubting, arrogant?do i have it

No, does Brother Yun know about my situation?Never talked to him before...

For a moment, the little girl was in a state of confusion, all the ambiguous images in her mind disappeared, and she began to think about a new, serious, and serious question.

Looking at the watch, it was almost ten o'clock, and he rubbed the head of the little girl with a pensive face, "Do you want to sleep?"

"Well, sleep."

Huo Yunting got up, went to bring her a whole new set of toiletries and put them in the bathroom, then turned off the lights and said good night to her, closed the door and left.

With a "click", the bedroom door closed.Liu Yifei buried her head in the pillow and rubbed back and forth.

Sure enough, with his EQ, he never expected to sleep in the same bed with him.

With a sigh, she turned over and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. She was completely sleepless now.

After tossing and turning like this for an hour, I finally couldn't help picking up the phone and sending a message to her mother.

【Mom, are you asleep yet?I want to tell you something. 】

Immediately afterwards, both mother and daughter had a sleepless night.

Huo Yunting knocked on the door at around [-]:[-] the next morning, reminding her to change quickly and leave soon.

Liu Yifei agreed feebly, snuggling on the bed for a while before changing her clothes and pushing the door out.

Although the face is wearing makeup, the thick dark circles under the eyes cannot be covered by multiple foundations.

But Huo Yunting was taken aback.

"Sissy, are you insomnia or what?"

"Oh, I'm a little scared to sleep alone."

"It's normal. This happens to everyone who moves to a new house. After all, it's a strange place."

Liu Yifei was speechless.

Following Lao Hou to send Liu Yifei to the airport, they are going to Jiuzhaigou to film the last scene. After filming, "The King of Kung Fu" can officially wrap up.

Under the arrangement of Lao Zhang, Huo Yunting took a few more commercial performances.

He has to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala now, and the film cannot be accepted.

Originally, Lao Zhang organized a promotional event for him for a media university, which was in Beiping, not far away, and asked him to talk about some key points of being an actor, how the entertainment industry is and so on.

When Huo Yunting heard this, he could pull it off. What kind of coffee is he going to give lectures to others, and what did he say?

Tell me how your illness gradually got worse during the acting process?

Seeing that Huo Yunting was not interested in this, Zhang Debang didn't mention it again.

These days, the announcement of "The Unspeakable Secret" has also begun to ferment, and the number of people discussing it on the Internet has increased again.

For Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei, the reality version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", they once again collaborated in a movie, and it was still a romance movie.

When the announcement was made, many audience members asked loudly from the audience if they were already together.

Looking at the girl with black-rimmed eyes who was roaring heart-piercingly, Huo Yunting was really afraid that he would nod his head, and she would recite it with a sound of "啦儿".

Although the two did not admit it publicly, netizens made up all kinds of nonsense and made wild guesses, and they were basically about to make this matter real.

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei's opinion on this is, let them guess.

Apart from the reunion of the real-life Condor Heroes, the MV is the most discussed by netizens.

At the announcement ceremony, Jay Chou had already released the MV for "The Unspeakable Secret", and the response was very strong.

Some people say that the lyrics and music are great, while others say that Huo Yunting sings well.

These two groups of people are like a powder keg, they are on the verge of breaking out, and they are arguing over who is the reason for the good response of this song.

Sometimes Huo Yunting is also very helpless, feeling that his fans are too pushy, this is not to recruit black for himself.

But how can we say that Jay Chou is the king of the Chinese entertainment industry, his songs are basically high-quality, especially this song "The Unspeakable Secret", it can be said that he has exhausted his efforts and energy to create it.

In the end, he gave up the opportunity to sing to Huo Yunting, which can be said to be reluctant to give up.

This is why when Jay Chou asked Huo Yunting if he could add this song to the album, Huo Yunting agreed without hesitation.

"Jay Lun, this is your song, I'm just a singer, you can make up your own mind about this kind of thing."

"How can you say that you are also one of the creators of this song, I have to ask your opinion."

Jay Chou integrated all the songs used in "The Unspeakable Secret" into one album.

The album will definitely be released after the movie is released, and now I just want to say hello to Huo Yunting.

The two negotiated happily, and just as he hung up the phone, Lao Zhang called again.

I asked about the martial arts performance in the Spring Festival Gala.

It is true that he is not asked to sing a one-man show, but to lead a martial arts.

"Brother Huo, I figured it out this time. How many programs of each type are scheduled in advance. In other words, we just need to compete with programs of the same type."

Huo Yunting was thoughtful.

There is only one martial arts show every year, and there should be quite a few teams competing for this show.

"Well, I can be regarded as catching up with thousands of troops and horses to cross the single-plank bridge."

"That's not so serious." Old Zhang chuckled, "Brother Huo, actually I think your matter is stable."

There are many groups competing for the martial arts performance, and there must be many individuals competing for the leader of the martial arts.

But the question is, who can beat Huo Yunting personally?
Even if another group came together, he didn't think Huo Yunting would lose.

"Brother Huo, make time this Friday, we have to meet with the organizer."

"And let them see how powerful our Ren Qiu Chuanwu is."

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting thought for a while, went to the gym and picked up a long sword from the weapon rack, and began to practice.

After all, it’s the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. I don’t know which crouching tiger, hidden dragon people will go back, so I still have to practice.

Just as he put out his hands, the phone beeped again.

He finally found out that he either didn't receive a single call in ten days and a half a month, or he kept calling in a swarm.

Look, I only received three calls this morning.

"Yo, Lao Guo, you are a rare visitor."

"Haha, Brother Huo, don't come here unharmed."

The two briefly recounted the old days, and Guo Jianyong asked, "Brother Huo, are you interested in playing the leading role here? In "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern", you play Yang Jian."

"Hey, Lao Guo, you can do this, you have become a director."

"Action director, there are still some martial arts scenes in this movie, and I'll choose the protagonist."

Generally, like martial arts dramas, there will be two directors of literary drama and martial arts.

Lao Guo, an apprentice from the Yuan family class, is indeed a perfect fit for an action director.

"How is it? Are you interested? The literary and opera director is also an old friend of mine, and he will definitely not treat you badly."

"Old country, if your call had been made earlier, I would have answered it, but I can't do it now."

"What's the matter? Am I a step late?"

Guo Jianyong became interested. At the beginning, the average ratings of "Lotus Lantern" was 5.4%, and the highest ratings were 9.1%, which surpassed the previous record of 6.6% in "Wrong Love".

In 8, it ranked No. 11 among all the drama series broadcast by CCTV [-], not to mention that this film also won the No.[-] Asian TV Award in [-].

With such a popular drama here, Huo Yunting is not interested in its sequel?
What film did he take?
"I said Brother Huo, what good job did you get? Are you not interested?"

Huo Yunting chuckled, "I was invited to the Spring Festival Gala."


Guo Jianyong barely bit his tongue, and his voice became unbelievable, "Have you been invited to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"What are you acting for?"

"Martial arts performance."

"Hey, that's really a professional counterpart." Guo Jianyong babbled twice, "I thought I was asking you to sing."

"Whatever songs I sing, people come for my name, Ren Qiu Chuanwu."

Hearing Huo Yunting say this, Guo Jianyong regained his spirits, "I heard that, your Ren Qiu Chuanwu has started accepting younger brothers?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"They're all from the Beijing circle. They're so big. You'll know as soon as you inquire."

Then he said meaningfully, "You kid is going to start the Huo family class. Just the three of you, is that enough?"

At this moment, Huo Yunting heard that something was wrong, "I said Lao Guo, what the hell are you talking about, are you using me as a leading role as a cover?"

"What's this called? I'm serious about finding you as the lead actor. It's also incidental to introduce someone to you."

"Introduce someone?"

"That's right, they also want to hang out with you. They have admired you as Qiu Chuanwu for a long time, and they are also an old acquaintance."

ps: Sorry for being late, I will add more compensation during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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