Chapter 176 Master
Now Huo Yunting was really curious.

Old acquaintance?
There are not many people who have anything to do with Chuanwu, and even a handful of people he knows. Which one is Lao Guo talking about?

"Old country, don't be tricky, just say which one."

"Li Cai, do you still remember?"

Li Cai?

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, and soon, long-term memories flooded into his mind like a flood.

A tall and thin figure squatted on the earth wall, looking at himself and Lao Guo in the distance on the concrete floor.

"Brother Cai..."

"Hey, you still remember him."

Putting the long sword in its scabbard back on the weapon rack in his hand, he sat down on the armchair, "I can't forget this, the film "Ping Zong Xia Ying" is a turning point in my life. I can't exaggerate it."

"What's wrong with brother Cai? I can't get along anymore?"

"It's not like I can't get along with it." Guo Jianyong thought for a while, after all, "The Golden Armor in the City" is still his action guide.

"I still think it's more promising to hang out with you."

Huo Yunting couldn't deny this, "Then come back and ask Brother Cai to greet me, I will have a good chat with him."

"Yes, I will leave Lao Li's phone number to you then."

"I remember I have his contact information."

"The number has been changed."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting rubbed his chin and pondered for a long time, Lao Guo is here to be a lobbyist today.

It's true that I want to be the lead actor, and it's probably a incidental thing to ask Li Cai.

But why didn't Li Cai ask me himself?

Huo Yunting shook his head, stopped thinking about these irrelevant things, drew out his long sword again and started dancing.


Early on Friday morning, Zhang Debang and the driver Laohou brought Zhang Han to pick him up.

Seeing Zhang Han and Huo Yunting, he was stunned for a moment. Didn't Lao Zhang say he wouldn't bring this kid?

Zhang Debang attached great importance to this Spring Festival Gala, he was really worried about that brat Zhang Han, he was afraid that he would cause some trouble, so he simply let him stay and go to battle by himself.

It can be regarded as returning to the old profession of an assistant.

This made Zhang Han very anxious. If he couldn't go to the scene, what's the point of being an assistant?
I begged Zhang Debang for a long time and said a lot of good things. Finally, Lao Zhang couldn't stand him tormenting others, so he reluctantly agreed.

But there is only one request, when you get to the place, keep your mouth shut and don't say a word that shouldn't be said.

Zhang Han nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Morning, Brother Huo."

"Brother Huo, your very casual."

Compared to Zhang Debang and Zhang Han who were formally dressed, Huo Yunting seemed quite casual.

Wearing a white coat and black trousers, it looks like an old man who is a frequent park visitor doing Tai Chi.

However, it is quite in line with the requirements of martial arts performances.

Huo Yunting got into the car, and Lao Hou stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Beiping Media Center.

The place they are going to is the No. [-] studio of the old CCTV station, which is the venue for the audition arranged this year.

Lao Zhang had a stamped admission ticket in his hand, and when the three of them entered the venue, Zhang Hanna really took a deep breath.

It is said that this No. [-] studio hall was originally a circular garden in the compound of China Central Radio and Television. It was planned and rebuilt into a studio hall because of the needs of CCTV's own development.

The usable area of ​​the entire studio hall is 700 square meters, and the inner surface area is more than [-] square meters.

This place is very big, and there are many people who come here.

It wasn't too early for them to go, and there were already many people in the No. [-] studio.

Most of them are from martial arts schools, because they all wear uniforms.

The three walked towards the stage, and many eyes focused on it along the way.

All of them are strong boys, full of energy and spirit, with a bit of fierceness, Zhang Han looks quite stressed.

Without waiting for Zhang Debang's introduction, Huo Yunting started to speak.

"Shichahai Sports Academy, the old man in charge is Wu Bin, the vice chairman of the National Wushu Association."

"The disciples below are all over the place, ranging from martial arts stars to athletes."

Then he turned his head slightly and looked to the other side, "The one over there is Henan Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts Academy."

Then his eyes focused on an old man who was very old, and his eyes became complicated.

"...That is Liu Baoshan, the founder of Tagou Martial Arts School. He is an old man with both civil and military skills."

Hearing Huo Yunting's eloquence, Zhang Debang couldn't help admiring.

"Brother Huo, you have done your homework in advance. I really underestimated you. This audition team, hey, you are very clear."

Originally thought that he really wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, but it seems that he still knows that he has to understand the situation by himself.

Zhang Debang smiled cheerfully and quickly introduced the remaining teams to him in a low voice along the way.

"The one inside is the National Martial Arts Team; look, there is the Capital Institute of Physical Education; and this one, people from the Laizhou Chinese Martial Arts School in Shandong..."

This morning is considered to be a special session of the martial arts show, so I will do this one.

Zhang Han was also listening attentively, nodding frequently, and finally discovered a problem after Zhang Debang finished his introduction. The people here are basically teams, why are they here alone?
No one cared what Zhang Han thought. When he came to the stage, Huo Yunting greeted the judges.

One of them is Zhang Debang and the Zhang Xiaohai he mentioned, and the rest are also people from the organizer, from director to director, planner and so on.

"Mr. Huo, I'm looking forward to you." Zhang Xiaohai said cheerfully.

"Hi, Director Zhang." Huo Yunting hastily stretched out his hand.

The two exchanged a few simple words of courtesy. Seeing that everyone had arrived, Huo Yunting found a seat in the auditorium and sat down. Zhang Xiaohai on the stage began to talk about the topic.

The theme of the [-] Spring Festival Gala is: Harmony and Prosperity, Unity and Forge ahead.

Therefore, their martial arts performance must also rely on the key theme of prosperity.

Huo Yunting rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

This martial arts performance depends entirely on body movements, and generally speaking, they don't speak, so how can they tell what the theme is?

He couldn't figure it out here, and when he turned his head, some people who looked like experts behind him had already begun to whisper.

The half-sleeved shirt is tucked into the waistband of the trousers, with a big belly and the Mediterranean Sea. From this look, you can tell that he is a person who is doing big things.

Huo Yunting couldn't help feeling that his awareness was still too low.Then he listened attentively to Zhang Xiaohai's speech.

There is only one martial arts show, and to put it bluntly, let them compete for themselves.

Groups have their own selection methods, and leaders have their own selection methods.

The group is to select a group of good seedlings from these martial arts schools to form a team to compete on the same stage, and the leader is to select those who have achieved results to compete.

Huo Yunting swept down this circle, and he understood the general idea in his heart.

Most of the leaders are outstanding student representatives from various martial arts schools.

As for Huo Yunting, he is considered a special case.

Although he did not come from a martial arts school, he has won two martial arts championships.And he is considered a martial arts star, and his reputation is not small.

Coupled with the fact that the country has vigorously promoted Chuanwu in the past two years, he is the most suitable candidate for Renqiu Chuanwu.

However, the process still has to go through it normally.

After Zhang Xiaohai finished speaking, the audience instantly became lively like boiling water.

"Brother Huo, are we looking for someone to discuss or something?"

Seeing the heated discussions around the crowd, Zhang Han was a little nervous.

No one takes them to play.

When the director had a meeting just now, he was sitting on pins and needles, with countless eyes looking at them.

He quietly scanned around, some were curious, some were hostile, some were scrutinizing...

To put it bluntly, the three of them are outsiders.

There are only those well-known martial arts schools in China. It is estimated that these are the few schools that come to the Spring Festival Gala every year. As for who is selected, it depends on luck.

Huo Yunting suddenly came in this year, I don't know you well.

Now he began to regret that he had to come along after begging for nothing.

I didn't see many celebrities, but they were all big and three rough guys.

"Brother Huo, will we be excluded here?"

"Why are you talking so much?" Zhang Debang scolded angrily, "I told you so many times, don't old bb not understand?"

Zhang Han quickly shut up and remained silent.

Zhang Debang also began to ponder, how did this get together?

"Brother Huo, are there any acquaintances here? They all practice martial arts."

Huo Yunting nodded, "There really is one."

Old Zhang was overjoyed, "Then let's get close?"

Huo Yunting ignored him, and strode towards Liu Baoshan, who was sitting in the first row of the auditorium, who was cheerful.

Seeing Huo Yunting walking towards Liu Baoshan, not to mention Zhang Debang and Zhang Han who were stunned, even the students of Tagou Martial Arts School were a little confused.

This person still knows the old principal?
Walking slowly towards Liu Baoshan, Zhang Debang felt a little apprehensive.

What is Huo going to do?
This is the vice chairman of the Hen Province Martial Arts Association, the eighth-dan national martial arts, this is a real antique.

Stopping in front of Liu Baoshan, his muscular figure cast a shadow under the light, covering the old man in front of him.

Beside Liu Baoshan, a big man in sportswear frowned and was about to speak when Huo Yunting suddenly bowed and clasped his fists.



Huo Yunting's voice was not loud, but almost all the students of Tagou Martial Arts School stared wide-eyed.

master? !
The old principal founded the martial arts school for so many years and never heard of accepting apprentices?This Ren Qiu Chuanwu was taught by him? !

Even the big man next to Liu Baoshan looked shocked.

He has been called a teacher all these years, and his identity is only a disciple——

What's the situation with Huo Yunting?
Seeing Huo Yunting with firm features and a majestic aura, Liu Baoshan smiled.

Standing up, cupping fists, "Yunting, long time no see."

Looking at Liu Baoshan, Huo Yunting was in a trance for a while, as if he had returned to that morning several years ago.

Grinning, he also smiled, "Yeah, when I think about it now, it feels like I just finished learning Kung Fu with you yesterday."

Liu Baoshan, one of the 49 masters who taught him Kung Fu.

Liuhequan, Qixingquan, Chunqiu Broadsword, Changhu Xinyimen, the old man taught him several kung fu by himself, and he was very impressed.

At that time, he only thought that he was a reclusive expert, but later he realized that this humble little old man had such a great background.

"How is your Spring and Autumn Broadsword training?" Liu Baoshan asked concerned, "I remember that you majored in boxing and kicking, and you are not very proficient in weapons."

Huo Yunting smiled slightly, "Perfect."

"Don't dare to exaggerate?"

"Master, I won't say anything that I'm not sure about."

Seeing that Huo Yunting and Liu Baoshan were chatting with each other, Zhang Debang patted his thigh excitedly, "Look, look, this is Brother Huo's network!"

She's a fucking social butterfly in the entertainment industry!

Zhang Han clutched his thigh, grinning his teeth in pain, "Uncle Zhang, just say what you want, why are you patting my thigh?"

This is the apprentice of the old principal, Ren Qiu Chuanwu.

Although they haven't stayed in Tagou Martial Arts School, they can be regarded as members of Tagou Martial Arts School.

Thinking of this, the students of Tagou Martial Arts School became eager.

Those who are close can't help but come up and say a few words.

Anyway, he is also a popular star in the entertainment industry, if he wants to develop in this industry in the future, it is good to have someone to support him.

The two of them were chatting heartily, and Wu Bin from the Shichahai Martial Arts School next door also walked over here carelessly.

"I said Old Liu, I didn't see it, this Renqiu Chuanwu is still your apprentice?"

Seeing Wu Bin approaching, the big man next to Liu Baoshan quickly stood up and gave way.

This guy is even better than their old headmaster. He is the vice chairman of the Chinese Martial Arts Association and a national martial arts coach.

Huo Yunting nodded slightly, "Master Wu."

Wu Bin had also heard of Huo Yunting, Renqiu Chuanwu, at first he thought he was a bully, until the old man Yu Chenghui said that he had lost to others, and he became interested.

But today is also the first time we meet.

The two martial arts masters chatted happily with Huo Yunting, and no one dared to disturb them for a while.

Just listen to each of them to see if they can learn something from the speeches of these big guys.

Even if you don't understand, you can write it down first, and chew it over and over again when you go back.

"Yunting, I heard that you not only beat that old man Cheng Hui, but also that old man Yu Hai?"

"Master Wu, I was lucky enough to win by half." Huo Yunting was ashamed, and it was hard for him to answer these words.

"Hmph, two old praying mantises." Wu Bin chuckled, "Did you pay more attention to this animal when you said this pictographic punch?"

Huo Yunting shook his head.

"It's not advisable to learn its shape but not its meaning. It's more about adding that sense of mystery..."

Wu Bin originally planned to test Huo Yunting, this question, hey, the answer was fluent.

Now Wu Bin became interested. There were more and more questions, and the difficulty was getting higher and higher. Huo Yunting was given some questions that he couldn't figure out by himself.

Unexpectedly, this kid would be able to give an answer after a little thought, but it made him think about it.

Liu Baoshan was cheerful, "I said, Old Wu, do you really think that Xiao Huo's martial arts is blown out?"

"Without this diamond, who would dare to take on that porcelain job?"

Wu Bin sucked his teeth, hey, I still don't believe in this evil.

After living for most of his life, is it possible that there really is such a rare martial arts prodigy?

As for Wu Bin's rivalry, Huo Yunting has already looked away.

Basically everyone I meet has this unbelieving idea.

Lao Guo is like this, Mr. Yu is like this, and so is Wu Bin.

"Perfect score in theory, let me see how you do in practice."


Wu Bin suddenly shouted loudly, "Come here and let Ren Qiu Chuanwu try you!"

As soon as these words came out, a group of people stood up in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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