The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 178 The Disappearing Sword

Chapter 178 The Disappearing Sword
"Wu Jing?"

Huo Yunting squinted his eyes and looked up and down, Wu Jing felt a little nervous when he saw it.

"Master Huo, what are you looking at?"

"Ah, I said why are you so familiar."

Huo Yunting slapped his hands, and Wu Jing's face in front of him finally merged with the image in his memory.

This man is a martial artist.

Huo Yunting smiled cheerfully, "Your face is familiar, and your name is also familiar, I think I remembered it, aren't you the one who played "Slaying the Wolf"?"

At that time, when he was seriously ill, he urgently needed a film with a high contrast to curb it. In the end, he gave up "Slaying the Wolf" and starred in "Blue Red", which Wu Jing missed.

Hearing what he said, Wu Jing's face turned green.

Is this because I hate myself for stealing his film?

It shouldn't be, that's what he gave up first.

"Master Huo, let me say it first. I am old and I don't have practice."

He wanted to run, but he didn't dare.

Master Wu was watching from behind, and Master Liu was watching beside him.The 49 people in front of him have all come over. If he flees, won't he lose face to Master Wu?

Arching his hands, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

As expected, Huo Yunting elbowed him out in the third round, and he fell to the ground and began to feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

"it is good!"

One hit fifty, all wins!

Zhang Xiaohai applauded enthusiastically, his palms were flushed, and his face was full of excitement.

Does this count as witnessing history?

The only pity is that there is no one to record, there are [-] actual battle videos, I'm afraid we won't see them again in the future!
Zhang Xiaohai's heart was full of regret.

It's just that he slapped his hands enthusiastically, but none of the hundreds of Lianjiazi in the auditorium made a sound.

All the eyeballs could not wait to stare out, looking at Huo Yunting who was still standing on the stage with a face full of horror.

A dozen fifty? !

Is this damn human capable of doing it? !

If you let Ali and Tyson come over and fight fifty times like this, you have to weigh it?And these fifty are all champions of various world levels, not ordinary people.

Where does Huo Yunting, who has been in the entertainment circle all year round, get time to practice martial arts?

Do you think they can figure it out?Can't figure it out.

Do you think Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan can figure it out?I can't figure it out either.

But Huo Yunting can figure it out.

His personal hard work is one aspect, and playing with Yingying in his dream every night is another aspect.

If he was really accidentally killed by a shadow in his dream, he really didn't know if he would be able to survive.It can be said that competing with Yingying every night is a desperate effort.

However, after he mastered "fooling" himself in the past, his security improved a lot.

His ability to control the dream is getting stronger and stronger.

With just a thought, a dump truck can rush out and knock Ying half to death.He was just playing around in the dream.

The more Zhang Xiaohai slapped, the softer the sound became, why no one echoed it?
"it is good!"

Just when he was about to take his hand back, Wu Bin stood up suddenly, cheered like a bell, and then clapped his hands.

Soon, Liu Baoshan beside him also stood up and applauded.

The hundreds of people in the auditorium also clapped their hands.

With a smile on his face, Huo Yunting bowed slightly to everyone, then put on his clothes and walked off the stage.

The fifty people who were beaten up by Huo Yunting before all slipped away in desperation, and went back to their respective houses to find their own mothers.

As soon as Wu Jing slipped to Wu Bin's side, he saw Huo Yunting also walking this way.

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, and he was about to find an excuse to leave, but Wu Bin held him down.

"Where are you going?"

"Master, I... I'm going to the toilet..."

"What are you going to do?" Wu Bin glared at him angrily, "Hold on!"

Lose or lose, let's see how the 49 people in front of him lost?That is also imposing!
What about him?

Take a bite of your teeth and let go of the pondering. Is there a fishbone stuck between your teeth?
Just thinking about it made him furious.

"Tell me about you, you are not too young, just like Yunting, you are also an actor. No one has better acting skills, no one is as famous and famous, and no one is as good at kung fu."

Wu Bin poked his head rather resentfully, "What do you do every day?"

After scolding him head and face, Wu Jing could only nod his head and listen with embarrassment.

It's like parents comparing their children during Chinese New Year!

Liu Baoshan didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

After all, Huo Yunting is also considered his half-disciple, he has won, and his face is also bright.

After reprimanding Wu Jing, Wu Bin pulled Huo Yunting in front of him, touching left and right, making him feel uncomfortable.

"His grandma, your boy's physical strength is also a little bit better, and you are sweating a little after picking fifty masters in a row?"

"Master, you don't know. Master Huo beats people with every inch of strength." Wu Jing, who was on the side, complained.

"Fuck off, Xiao Huo is only in his early twenties, even if he has an inch of energy, how much energy can he have?"

Wu Bin just finished cursing, looking at the cheerful Huo Yunting, his heart was a little drummed.

No, this kid can't be treated by ordinary people.

Huo Yunting didn't speak, he also knew that what he did today almost reached the limit of his body.

He personally thinks that it was because of the "snake gall" that he ate when he was filming "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

These days he has pondered a lot himself, Huo Yunting does not believe that the things he imagined can exist in reality.

All fantasies are fictitious, and he can't grasp them.

But eating this "snake gall" really felt useful, and he felt that the problem still lay in the point of "cheating".

He lied to himself.

He felt that eating the "snake gall" was really effective, and the hidden potential of his body would be forced out.

When he was in high school, he also did a political question about a child who was run over by a car, and his father lifted the car up by himself.

But try it later, let alone lifting it, the car doesn't move at all.

Huo Yunting felt that this was probably the case for him.

The thought flashed by, seeing Wu Bin still talking about Wu Jing, Huo Yunting opened his mouth to defend him.

"Master Wu, Brother Jing is actually pretty good at it."

Wu Jing was instantly grateful.

"Brother still shocked, what a shame." Wu Bin curled his lips, "Shock him so much."

"Hey, don't, just call me Old Wu." Wu Jing hurriedly said.

This shocker always sounds weird...

After chatting with Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan, two martial arts masters, Wu Bin patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder regretfully.

"Xiao Huo, it's a pity that you are not in the system. Otherwise, with your skill and understanding, you will definitely be able to get a ninth-dan national art!"

This is right and wrong.

In terms of skill and understanding, Huo Yunting is definitely worthy of the ninth rank.

It's a pity that there is still a requirement for this nine-dan, 60 years old and above...

"Pull it down, return it to the system." Liu Baoshan pouted, "There are a bunch of trivial things, and he won't be able to pass the hurdle at his age."

Wu Bin also sighed slightly.

In fact, this request is not too much. After all, the national martial arts 100th Duan Ye can't gather [-] people, which is still very high in gold.

Huo Yunting, a young man in his early twenties, was an exception.

After sighing a few words, Wu Bin slapped his thigh, "Yunting, I, Wu Bin, will do what I say. I recognize your name as Ren Qiu Chuanwu."

"Whoever has an opinion, just ask him to find me, Old Wu!"

Wu Bin's chest thumped.

As they were talking, a few men with big bellies came towards them.

"Vice Chairman Wu, we discussed our martial arts performance over there."

From the looks of it, Wu Bin tended to ignore his answers, as if he didn't really want to chat with these guys.

Seeing that Wu Bin didn't speak, it was right to assume that he had acquiesced, and those Mediterraneans continued to talk.

"Let's lead the martial arts, we are thinking about inviting five people, fists, feet and weapons—"

"It doesn't matter how many people you invite, I don't need to emphasize Xiao Huo's skills, right?" Wu Bin interrupted directly without giving any face.

The fat guy in the lead froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Master Huo's skill definitely deserves his place, but I don't know what kind of leader he is..."

"Yunting, tell him which one you are best at." Liu Baoshan pouted.

Huo Yunting showed a little humility, and nodded slightly to the leader, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I know a little bit of everything."

Wu Jing's eyes widened.

Damn it, why can't I figure it out if it's so hanging?

In the morning, there was a special session of martial arts performances, and a group of martial arts leaders fought hard for the remaining four spots.

As for Huo Yunting, he has already left.Before leaving, he took a photo with Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan, two martial arts masters.

No one dared to raise any objections to Huo Yunting who swaggered away and still secured a spot.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the majesty of the fight, no one dared to challenge this veritable Renqiu Chuanwu.

Before leaving, the big guy next to Liu Baoshan still reluctantly called Huo Yunting Senior Brother, and his scalp was numb.

"Brother, wait a moment, when will I become your senior brother."

"Senior brother, don't be a stranger. You are the true disciple of the old principal, and your skills are definitely among the best in the whole country. It is not too much for me to call you brother."

There is no point in saying this.Huo Yunting thought so.

The big man's eyes were burning, "Brother, teach me."

Huo Yunting couldn't help it, and hurriedly slipped away after a few perfunctory words, the big man escorted him all the way to the studio, and even greeted him from behind to come to his alma mater as a guest when he was free.

Slipped out of the studio, followed by Lao Zhang and Zhang Han.

With his face upturned and his belly shy, those who didn't know thought that they had beaten No. 50 people, and Huo Yunting really wanted to kick them both into the trash can.

"Brother Huo, you are so awesome, one pick fifty!" Zhang Han gave a thumbs up excitedly.

Today he really saw what beauty is.

They are two kinds of beauty that are completely different from what I understand.

Sweating profusely, with fists to the flesh, and a muscular figure...Compared to Huo Yunting, he feels like a chicken.

Originally, he was quite confident in himself, no matter in figure or appearance.

But today, after seeing Brother Huo's record of [-] in one fight, he felt inferior.

This is male beauty!
In just one morning, Zhang Han felt that his aesthetics had been forcibly reshaped by someone driving an excavator and holding an electric drill.

"Brother Huo, can I also rely on fitness to reach your level?"

Huo Yunting glanced at him slightly in surprise, "Want to learn?"

"I'll teach you."


"Master Huo! Master Huo!"

Several people were walking out when Wu Jing caught up from behind.

"Master Huo, where are you going?"

"Go to my studio, from Chaoyang."

"Hey, that's a coincidence, drop by. Shall we go together?"


Whether it should be said or not, Huo Yunting's skill is really unique, he is definitely the one who stands at the top of the pyramid.

No, it should be said that they are the top of the top group.

He really has a heart to make friends with.

In addition, Master Wu also asked him to learn more from others, so that if he was familiar with him, he would ask for advice, no, he rushed over here in a hurry.

I thought that he would be a difficult master to deal with when he was so vicious on stage, but I didn't expect that when he got off the stage, he would be polite and gentle.

The two chatted one after another, from the entertainment industry to domestic and foreign kung fu, and to masters of various schools.

"Brother Huo, you also have a good master." Wu Jing sighed, "In terms of Shaolin's unique skills, no one dares to say that Master Liu is the first when he says that he is the second."

Seeing Wu Jing mention this, Huo Yunting also became thoughtful.

But instead of pondering about Mr. Liu Baoshan's unique skills, he was thinking, how many of the 49 masters who came to him that day were like Mr. Liu?

Now Huo Yunting's understanding of the petition in the cupboard in the bedroom on the third floor of his home has reached a new level.

It's not just the apprentices and grandchildren of these masters who are awesome, most of these masters themselves are in high positions.

Seeing that Huo Yunting didn't speak, Wu Jing laughed, "With this teacher, this life is enough."

"Do not."

Huo Yunting shook his head.

Take a deep breath and let it out.

"I may have 48 such masters."

"What the hell?" Wu was stunned, "No, is it true that the hundred masters passed on martial arts?"

"Hey! Brother Huo, don't go, wait for me later!"

When they arrived in Chaoyang District, they dragged Wu Jing to a random intersection, threw him away, and then slipped away.There is no other reason, the old boy kept asking questions, and Huo Yunting's head hurt from listening.

As soon as he arrived at the studio, the two little girls from the media management ran over joltingly, telling him to hurry over and have a look in a soft voice.

Looking at it, the official account of the Chinese Martial Arts Association posted a blog post, which was a group photo of Huo Yunting, Wu Bin, and Liu Baoshan.

The following is an accompanying text: I met Ren Qiu Chuanwu today, and the reputation is well-deserved!
This is an official certification.

The comments below are surprisingly unanimous and all praise.

"Boss, take a look, you're hot again."

After flipping through it, Huo Yunting smiled and shook his head, this speed is really fast enough.

If you walk on your own, this blog post will be sent out on the back foot.

Just as I was about to praise the little girl and ask her to keep up the good work-the phone call came.

At first glance, it was Liu Yifei.

His eyes softened involuntarily, and he went to his office after a perfunctory sentence.

"What's wrong, Sissi?"

"Brother Yun, I want to tell you something."

Hearing that her tone was wrong, Huo Yunting stopped joking, "What's the matter?"

"Do you still remember the puddle I fell into when we filmed "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

"Well, remember, I also dropped a dark iron epee from the crew into it."

"Yes! The problem is this..."

"We are in Jiuzhaigou now, and I went to that pool again, and the sword... I can't find it."

 The bard wanders into the entertainment circle
  "The character obtains the heart of a bard and successfully takes up the bard profession..."

  Shuo Shuo, do you have any idea of ​​becoming an actor?

  Chen Shuo looked at the career panel and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  It seems that I am quite suitable...

(End of this chapter)

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