The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 179 "The Untold Secret" Released

Chapter 179 "The Untold Secret" Released

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, and frowned.

"Can't find that sword?"

He was very impressed with this sword.

After all, I inserted it with my own hands, and the card is tightly locked—why is it still missing?
"Yeah, I also think it's a bit weird..." Liu Yifei stammered.

This time the crew happened to be in Jiuzhaigou, and the place wasn't too far away, so they suddenly thought of the heroic past between her and Brother Yun who saved the beauty, so they came over to take a look.

It turned out that the sword had disappeared.

"No, Sissy, I stuck the sword in the middle of the pool, right? How did you find out that he disappeared?"

"There was a scene in the river, Michael was in the water, and I asked him to help me find out if the sword was still there."

Speaking of Michael, Liu Yifei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this American guy is quite busy, and he basically responds to whatever he asks.

"This kid is quite reliable." Huo Yunting rarely praised him, and then muttered, "Why did this sword suddenly disappear..."

Liu Yifei thought about it for a while, and then said, "The version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" that we filmed was quite popular. If it's not complete, some fanatic fan picked it up as a souvenir."

"...I hope so." After a long silence, Huo Yunting spoke quietly.

This sword is not very important, just disappearing so suddenly, Huo Yunting's heart always skipped a beat.

Suddenly remembered something, Huo Yunting asked again, "By the way, I remember your mother told me that you plan to sign Huayi?"

"The "King of Kung Fu" is about to finish, right? Has this matter been settled yet?"

Speaking of this, Liu Yifei murmured.

She doesn't have a big opinion on whether to join Huayi or not. She can come from anywhere.

Moreover, Huayi is a company that Brother Yun has given good reviews to, and she thinks it's not bad.

Well, her mother didn't think so.

After listening to her babbling and chirping for a long time, Huo Yunting sighed and understood what was going on.

It is estimated that Liu Xiaoli is pulling it.

"Sissy, the meeting ceremony of "The King of Kung Fu" has almost made you digest it. If you are full and don't do anything, it's not authentic."

"I know."

Liu Yifei was also a little numb, her mother said to wait for "The Untold Secret" to be released to see what happened, and she couldn't refute it.

Huo Yunting sighed, "Okay, come and find me if there is any situation."


After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting went back and told the little girls a few words before returning to the office.

There is no other reason. Lao Zhang told him some time ago that a buddy named Li Cai came to him and said that he knew Huo Yunting and worked with him before.

Then it was set for this afternoon.

He held the doorknob, turned around and said, "Everyone, work hard" and entered the office.

Falling down on the office chair, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes, I don't know what to do for a while.

As for the martial arts performance in the Spring Festival Gala, he is only tentatively designated as the sword at present, and the specifics are still being discussed.

As for his studio, it is running slowly by itself, and he just throws his hands away as the shopkeeper, and there is nothing to use him for.


With his feet on the table, Huo Yunting put his hands behind his head and pondered.

Thinking about how the sword stuck at the bottom of the pool suddenly disappeared, and thinking of the snake gall that I ate when filming "The Legend of Condor Heroes"...

Thinking about it, suddenly, the train of thought cleared up.

If I can eat this snake gall, can I also eat other panacea?
Like Jiuhua Yulu Pill, Leopard Taiyi Jin Pill, Tianwang Huxin Pill, Tianshan Snow Lotus...


The more Huo Yunting thought about it, the more he felt that he had something to do.

Interest came to his heart, and he was about to give play to his "deception" power, which he hadn't used for a long time, when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

With a shout, a man of medium build pushed the door in, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with a modest smile on his face.

"Brother Huo, long time no see."

Looking carefully, there was a trace of fatigue hidden under his smile.

Huo Yunting also smiled, "Brother Cai, long time no see."

"Brother Huo, just call me Lao Li."

"It's not like this." Huo Yunting shook his head, stood up and pulled a chair for him to sit down, which made Li Cai a little flattered.

After brewing a cup of Pu'er for him, the two chatted one after another, and Huo Yunting finally figured out the reason why Li Cai defected to him.

It's a polite thing to say that you can't get along. You came from the Guizhou Wushu team and studied under Cheng Xiaodong.

The reason why he planned to come to Huo Yunting was because he wanted to make a name for himself.

"Brother Huo—"

"Brother Cai, don't be so polite. You can call me what you used to say now."

His lips twitched a few times, "Boss, I always feel that I am living in the shadow of my master. Do you know this feeling?"

"I have been taken away by my master, just like Lao Mouzi's "The Golden Armor in the City" before, and my master took me there."

Huo Yunting nodded, he could be said to empathize with this feeling of living in the shadows.

He had this feeling when he played against Ying before, every time it was just a move away.

Just a little bit, but lost in the end.

During that period of time, he was really confused, but soon he regained his confidence, and he fought harder every time, but he also lost and won from time to time.

Until I mastered the "deception" power, I never lost again.

"Boss, I don't think I can always live in the shadow of my master." Li Cai pushed up his glasses, his expression firm, "I want to make a name for myself."

Huo Yunting nodded, it sounded a bit like the story of a rich second generation who, in order to prove that they were capable, started their own business in a fit of anger, and ended up losing money, and honestly went home to inherit the inheritance.

It's just that Li has just reached the stage of self-employment, and the next step may be a blood loss.

After he finished speaking, Huo Yunting pondered thoughtfully, and then said, "Brother Cai, let's make it clear first, you will sign a contract with me."

There were two guys like Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao before, and it was enough to talk about it verbally.Now Li Cai also wants to join in. If it doesn't work well, his team will grow bigger and bigger, so it's better to be more formal.

"I know."

"That's it." Huo Yunting nodded, "Come practice with me, and I'll see how your skills are."

"it is good."

Li Cai stood up and stretched his muscles, "Boss, where should we go to practice?"

Looked around, "here."

"Just in the office?"

"Yes. There are no rules, you can move things."

Li Cai narrowed his eyes slightly, Boss Huo is looking down on me.It seems that I have to show some real skills to meet Ren Qiu Chuanwu for a while.

Putting on a posture, Huo Yunting waved at him, and Li Cai hit him with a punch.

It was a fake move, and suddenly the calf bounced up, and the tip of the toe poked his crotch.

Huo Yunting snorted coldly in his heart, and slammed down with his forearm, hitting the bone of his leg, causing Li Cai's eyes to tear apart in pain.

You can't admit defeat with one move, right?

He picked up the pen container on the table and threw it at Huo Yunting, and then threw a punch, but Huo Yunting ignored the thrown pen container at all, and kicked him to the wall.


There was a huge impact sound, and the employees outside the boss's office were all shivering in fright.

Find the source of the sound, and then look at each other, what is the boss doing with the man who just walked in?

Play so big?
It's a little too intense.

A few minutes later, with a "creak", the door of the office opened, and Li Cai came out with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Everyone who watched was grinning.

Ignoring their gazes, he frowned and stared at the note in his hand.

It was left to him by Huo Yunting just now, and it read: Changhua New Village, Wulin Road, Hangzhou, Unlimited Fighting Martial Arts Hall.

"Brother Cai, why didn't you realize that you still have this ability?"

Helping Li Cai up, Huo Yunting tore a piece of paper and wrote on it.

"I've seen your way. It's a new direction. It's more like ordinary people fighting. It has a strong sense of reality. Go to this place to learn."

With a sound of "tearing", the paper was torn off and handed to Li Cai.

"When you get to the place, tell me that I introduced you."

When he came back to his senses, Li Cai rubbed the back of Gu Dabao's head, Unlimited Fighting Martial Arts?What is this again?
In the office, Huo Yunting leisurely cleaned up the mess. He was really moved by Li Cai, an old friend.

Cheng Xiaodong's martial arts style is elegant and unrestrained. It can be said that he gave up everything in pursuit of the ideal "beauty".

Beauty is enough.

But how did he teach Li Cai to be such a realist apprentice?Obviously, it wasn't like this when I was on the crew of "Ping Zong Xia Ying".

Halfway through the change of style, from freehand brushwork to realism, the reversal was not thorough enough, and eventually it became the extremely weird situation now.

Anyway, he is quite suitable for Chen Hegao.

After dealing with Li Cai's problem, he didn't have to stay in the office so hard anymore, he packed his things and sauntered back home.

Around the end of July, "The King of Kung Fu" was officially finished, and Liu Yifei came back with Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao.

Let the legal side draft the contract and sign it with Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao.As for Li Cai's share, let's talk about it when he comes back.

These days, the story of myself hitting [-] in Studio No. [-] has been spread, and the rumors are vigorous and full of excitement.

There were hundreds of people present that day, which can be said to be spread all over the country, and his deeds can be regarded as well-known in the martial arts circle all over the country.

Coupled with the official certification of the Chinese Martial Arts Association, Huo Yunting's No. 1 martial arts is almost confirmed.

Therefore, more and more people took the initiative to come to the door.

They all came to ask him to be a martial artist.

After Huo Yunting said that his schedule was too full, the group took the next best thing and asked him if he had any apprentices or something to borrow from them.

No, Chen Weitao came in handy.

But just ask him to be the leader, the team still has to be matched by the crew.

Chen Weitao was overjoyed here, thinking in his heart that it was the right way to hang out with Brother Huo.On Shi Xingyu's side, he had a cold face, pretending not to mess with me all day long.

Want to ask why?He was arranged by Huo Yunting to coach Zhang Han.

"Brother Huo, I think if your assistant wants to practice from scratch, it's better to let Lao Chen do it. What he practices are all things to strengthen the body. I think it is more suitable than me."

Huo Yunting chuckled, the kid is rebellious every day when he hangs out with me, when he was on the set of "The King of Kung Fu", he still wanted to hang out with Yuan's class, learn from Lu Bu?
Today I have to dampen your arrogance.

"Xiaoyu, you are a serious practitioner. Let Lao Chen come over. I'm afraid that he will teach you wrongly. What if you go crazy?"

Then he patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "You also raise your heart."

Shi Xingyu's face twitched a few times, but he finally complied.

When he dealt with the group of people under him, Liu Yifei dragged his suitcase and moved to their small villa.

Except for rehearsing with the martial arts team every day, honing in on moves, and occasionally offering some suggestions, the rest of the time is spent with Liu Yifei.

It is worth mentioning that even though the two lived together, they still separated into two rooms, which made Liu Yifei very depressed.

At this time, she hoped that Brother Yun would not be such an upright gentleman.

"Brother Yun! My bed sheet got wet, I'm too lazy to change it."

Looking at Liu Yifei who was hugging the pillow, Huo Yunting smiled dotingly, "It's okay, we still have several bedrooms in our house."

With a broken face, he pouted and left.

"Forget it, I like to sleep on wet sheets, it's cool!"

Just as Huo Yunting was about to speak, his cell phone beeped.

He took it out and saw that it was Wang Zhongjun's phone number from his old club.

"Hello? Mr. Wang, long time no see? What's the matter with you?"

"Hehe, how is Yunting doing recently? I heard that you moved to a new house? I didn't even give you a present..."

Listening to what he said, Huo Yunting curled his lips secretly, I have moved here for 800 years.

After a few more detours, the conversation finally came to Liu Yifei.

"Yunting, you also stayed in Huayi, you must know what's going on here."

Huo Yunting's head got dizzy when he heard him say this, why is he making himself a lobbyist?

He quickly found an excuse to prevaricate, and hung up the phone.

He didn't want to get involved with this shit.

But again, this is the matter of one's own object.

Tsk, worry.

The last week of July is also the busiest period for Huo Yunting.

He and Liu Yifei followed Jay Chou all over the country to do premiere events, and he was busy going to the audition for the Spring Festival Gala martial arts performance.

And also take time to market yourself, and try to get a top spot in the event of the 50 most beautiful people in China.

The 50 most beautiful people were published by the Beijing News a few years ago.

Starting from paying attention to the aesthetic changes under the big entertainment, this article reviews and analyzes the aesthetic changes in the entertainment industry—to put it bluntly, it is done once a year to see who everyone thinks is good-looking.

Take this to analyze the aesthetic changes of the public.

The influence of the 50 most beautiful people is not small, radiating to the entire Chinese-speaking region, and even many overseas media have made special reports on this selection.

It can be said to be the best choice to increase influence.

This year is different from the past, not only invited professionals from all walks of life, but also increased online votes.

Now the top ones are Jay Chou, Liang Chaowei, Jin Chengwu, and Gong Li.

Huo Yunting looked at his own, there were more than 40 people in the queue, and he was at the end of a crane, which was a bit dangerous.

Otherwise, how can Zhang Debang let him do a good job in marketing.

This whole week has been going on and on, which made him a little out of balance.

Working until July 31st, the last day of July, Huo Yunting finally took time to give himself a vacation, and went to the cinema with Liu Yifei in disguise.

Today, "The Untold Secret" was officially released.

ps: I chatted with a few authors today, and I took a lot of photos, tsk tsk, I was almost broken, but fortunately, I am firm-willed

(End of this chapter)

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