The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 184 It's broken, I'm afraid it's not from the military

Chapter 184 It's broken, I'm afraid it's not from the military

After the judges finished commenting, Zhao Binshan, Song Dandan and Liu, who played the role of host, stayed on stage.

Many people in the audience wearing gray trousers and sequin armor stood up and walked down the aisle to the backstage one after another.

The program of their martial arts performance is tentatively named "Prosperous Heroes".

Most of the actors in the group are students of the Tagou Martial Arts School, and the origins of the leading martial artists are a bit more complicated.

From the Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater, from the Capital Institute of Physical Education, from the Australian Sports Development Bureau...

There is also a self-employed.

"Hey, why are you still sitting down?"

Looking at Zhao Binshan who found an empty seat and sat down, Song Dandan was quite surprised, "Didn't you say that martial arts performances are all vain, and you're not interested in it?"

"I'm really not interested in martial arts performances." Zhao Benshan rubbed his chin, "But there's someone here that I'm quite interested in."

"That Renqiu Chuanwu?" Song Dandan quickly guessed.

He is a big player in the entire Northeast, regardless of whether it is the entertainment circle or what kind of circle, he knows a little bit about it.

He has also heard of Ren Qiu Chuanwu's name.

At that time, he didn't care about it, but in just a few years, the name has grown from being famous to being in full swing.

How many seniors he has to deal with carefully are full of praise for this Qiu Chuanwu.

What kind of abilities does a young man in his early twenties have?He, Zhao Benshan, also wanted to see and see.

He didn't speak, and Song Dandan immediately found an empty seat beside him and sat down.

"Then I'll take a look too."

"Drink! Ha!"

The sound was like thunder, and there were two shouts, and a group of monks holding long sticks stood in the middle of the stage.

Each held two sticks, knocked heavily on the ground twice, then retreated to both sides of the stage, looking at the judges in the audience trembling with fear.

The story of Huo Yunting smashing two LED light boards with one knife has been spread for a long time. Seeing the movement of these monks poking the floor, the judges were afraid that they would be smashed to pieces.

After the monks retreated to the two sides, a young man in a purple robe and holding a long stick jumped out, and fell on the ground with a big straddle, and a split horse came.

This guy is the long stick champion of the National Youth Wushu Championships.

There are still many champions behind, such as Tai Chi champions, Changquan champions...

In the end, all the monks shouted loudly again, with long sticks set up, holding two-handed swords, and Huo Yunting in black robe came on stage from the center.

The first few are all men and women, but when it comes to Huo Yunting, he is alone.

There is no other reason, no suitable partner can be found.

There are few people who practice two-handed swords, and even fewer women who practice two-handed swords. It is impossible to find anyone who can be a partner with Huo Yunting.

Swallow the body and stab Yiyi to do the work, seize the opportunity to grab the wrist and file the side.

Move the belt to point to the throat, turn right and left to fly without letting go.

The next step is dodging, and the body seems to be retreating, and the fierce front kills the back...

This is the sword art song of the two-handed mantis sword, and its core comes from the "Mantis Two-handed Sword Sword Manual" that Chenghui gave him.

Huo Yunting himself practiced it many times in his dreams, strengthened and perfected it, and finally concentrated the core points into this sword formula——

He feels that there is no more perfect two-handed sword art than this one in the world today.

Not arrogance, but self-confidence.It stems from his self-confidence in Ren Qiu Chuanwu.

This two-handed sword is short and quick, with every move and style, just a taste of it.With a single tap, he quickly withdraws, turns around and strikes again.

It can be said that the audience and judges under the stands couldn't stop.

"Oh, I'm going, who is this person? It's hard for me to hit me. How can I just stop with one click?"

"You don't even know this master? Ren Qiu Chuanwu, a master in the martial arts circle."

"You're in your early twenties, are you still a master?"

"I'll let you hit fifty at a time, can you do it?"

"Good guy, this buddy will give me a challenge from now on?"

I don't know who said this, and the audience around nodded their heads.It's such a rationale.

No matter how anxious the audience was to cursing their mothers, Huo Yunting was single-minded, and the long sword in his hand was sealed and stabbed.

Short and sharp, the move is fatal.

In Huo Yunting's eyes, there were countless figures flying towards him with [-] kinds of weapons, and then fell one by one at his feet.

There are countless corpses underfoot.

"Hey, Old Zhao, look at this young man, let's put aside whether he is good at swordplay, as if someone really cut him."

Song Dandan bumped Zhao Binshan with his elbow with great interest, saw that he was silent, looked sideways, and found that his face was gloomy and frightening.

This kid has killed people, absolutely.

Zhao Binshan's heart was pounding, what hadn't he seen in these years in the Northeast?The top double bonus red sticks and gold medal fighters also went to the sea.

But no one is colder than Huo Yunting.

Yes, it's cold, not fierce.

This sword is played with no waves, it is very stable, it just wants to kill you.

How many lives does this subordinate have to be fast, accurate, and ruthless to this extent?

Seeing that Zhao Binshan's face was not right, Song Dandan also put away his smile, "What? Is this kid really so powerful?"

The two have been working together for these years, and she knows a little bit about Zhao Benshan, which can make him suddenly turn cold. It seems that Ren Qiu Chuanwu is really extraordinary.

Huo Yunting on the stage finally put on a sword-splitting posture, and this "Golden Age of Heroes" ended here.

In the blink of an eye, the table full of corpses disappeared.

"it is good!"


The audience applauded like thunder, Zhao Binshan clapped his hands, and quietly turned his head to Song Dandan's ear.

"Give him a watermelon knife, and he can save a street."

Song Dandan's clapping hands froze for a moment, "How can he beat a company by himself?"

"not enough."

Zhao Benshan shook his head, "Not enough for him."

People in their 40s are already in their forties.However, a few drops of cold sweat still broke out on Song Dandan's forehead.

When I was filming before, I heard people say that now the crew calls Huo Yunting Brother Fierce.Now she understood why.

"Let's go, don't have too much contact with this kind of murderer."

"No, I'll meet you later and pay homage to the top of the mountain." Zhao Binshan looked serious, "We must know the origin."

The applause died down, Huo Yunting put away his long sword, and the leaders in front also came up, waiting for the judges to comment.

This martial arts performance is relatively difficult to define, there is no language, only movements.

Whether the core idea is crooked or not is hard to say.Generally, I only look at whether the action performance is beautiful or not.

"Master Huo."

"Director Zhang, tell me."

Zhang Xiaohai racked his brains and pondered, "You are all real kung fu. The nature of this performance is not too high."

Huo Yunting brought out the previous saying that there must be absolute strength in a prosperous age, but Zhang Xiaohai was not very satisfied.

The two insisted on their own words, and neither could convince the other.If it wasn't for seeing Huo Yunting pick No. 50 people in a row that day, Zhang Xiaohai would have to lecture him.

In the end, Huo Yunting made a concession.

"Director Zhang, must you have a strong appreciation?"

"Master Huo, you are facing more than one billion audiences across the country, from all walks of life. You can't just focus on your martial arts circle."

Huo Yunting nodded, "Director Zhang makes sense."

Afterwards, he asked everyone around him to step back, and drew out the long sword in his hand again.

Holding it with one hand, he played a sword flower in the air, then turned around and kicked, and suddenly let go, and then kicked on the hilt of the sword with his foot.

The long sword swirled rapidly in the air, and the moment Huo Yunting landed on his toes, he clasped the hilt of the sword with both hands.

The audience was silent for a few seconds, and then the shouts broke out almost breaking through the ceiling.

"Damn! What did I just see?"

"Kicking the sword?! Can you still play like this?"

"This is too fucking awesome! Squad leader! Come and try!"

"Get out! I don't want hands or legs?"

The audience shouted loudly, and Huo Yunting's brain began to really hurt again.

This is a little too strong.

"Quiet! Be quiet!"

Zhang Xiaohai yelled several times to stop the auditorium.

Looking at Huo Yunting who was carrying the sword on his shoulder, he opened his mouth, and there were countless words that he didn't know how to say.

In the end, someone in the audience yelled out the topic he wanted to talk about most.

"another one!"

"Yes yes yes! One more!"

Huo Yunting had no choice but to come again.

This time without him saying anything, the people around him took the initiative to take a few steps back.

Although it is a show sword, such a high-speed rotation can also hurt people.

After kicking the sword this time, the field once again burst into applause.

"Master Huo, how long have you been practicing sword kicking?" This time, Zhang Xiaohai asked the most critical question.

"For a while."

The words are vague.

This was something he figured out during rehearsals a few days ago.

Those few martial arts leaders were thinking about how to show more unique skills during their playing time.

Like the guy who played with a long stick, he just jumped into the air and fell to the ground.

Huo Yunting took a look, he had to figure it out himself.Finally, there is this kicking sword.

"Are you proficient?" Zhang Xiaohai asked sincerely.

Even though Huo Yunting kicked him twice in a row, he was still a little worried.

"I can close my eyes." After saying that, he closed his eyes, and the monks and leaders around hurriedly retreated again.

"Don't, don't! Just keep your eyes open." Zhang Xiaohai quickly stopped.

Then, looking at Wu Bin and the others, "Master Huo kicking the sword must be added."

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not enough, "Squeeze the time of other people and leave a gap for Master Huo."

Those directors and directors nodded repeatedly.

Originally, their "Golden Age" was a group portrait stream, but now this martial arts performance has a protagonist.

With Huo Yunting's amazing kick, other people's problems didn't seem so important.

When Zhang Xiaohai thought of the scene of Huo Yunting kicking a sword at the Spring Festival Gala, his whole body became excited!Almost diapers!

He also issued a death order to everyone in the auditorium, kicking the sword is a unique skill, you can't say it!

"Just this kick is worth a sketch of mine." Zhao Binshan, who witnessed the whole process, smacked his lips, "I didn't wait for this trip in vain."

After stepping off the stage, everyone around them distanced themselves from Huo Yunting, their faces full of awe.

To say that I thought he was a great master before, but now I think he is a master of the outside world.

As soon as I arrived backstage, I heard several directors and planners chatting there, and even considered whether to replace this martial arts performance with Huo Yunting's one-man show.

"You said that some time ago, Mr. Huo picked fifty. They were all masters of various sects, right? They all lost. Does that mean that Mr. Huo is better than them? Just let Mr. Huo come."

"Oh, Mr. Huo, that's all real kung fu..."

Listening to them talking from there, Huo Yunting could feel some sad eyes burning his back.

"Okay, stop it, you guys. A prosperous age, what kind of prosperous age is it just me."

Seeing what he said, those few just smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Huo Yunting felt that the sad eyes behind him turned into gratitude.

They did the calculations in the first instance, and there was no change in personnel.But if the details need to be changed, Huo Yunting has to be given more performance time.

Everyone took the bus and left, while Huo Yunting found an empty corner and answered the phone.

"Old Huo, I heard that several of your younger brothers are doing finger movements? Can you give me one too?"

Huo Yunting laughed and scolded, "Didn't you shoot black humor? You still use your fingers?"

"Hey, I have a kidnapping scene and a muay thai master. I have to find someone to watch."

"That's unfortunate, there just happened to be one."

Li just came back not long ago and was idle.It is appropriate to throw him to Ning Hao to direct "Crazy Racing".

Li Cai is the most suitable for the fights of ordinary people who tend to be realistic.

"Hey, when will you start this movie?"

"Just a few days."

"Haha, don't worry about funds this time."

Chat a few words and hang up the phone.Turning around, he saw a kind-faced uncle and an aunt wearing glasses standing behind him.

"Oh, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Song." Huo Yunting was a little surprised, what did these two ask him for?
"Hey, Master Huo, just now you kicked the sword really well."

As soon as Zhao Benshan grasped his hand, he kept praising him.Song Dandan also echoed at the side, and after a few words, he invited Huo Yunting to a restaurant for a meal.

Huo Yunting was also very interested in this pair of Baiyun and Heitu, and agreed immediately.

I found a nearby restaurant and asked for a private room.

Despite Zhao Benshan's kind face and the image of a rural old man, his gestures are full of momentum.

It's not aggressive, but that kind of soft, yet majestic feeling.

It reminded Huo Yunting of Vito Don Corleone in The Godfather.

Sitting at the banquet, Zhao Benshan chatted, from Huo Yunting's swordsmanship to kung fu, and then some of the Taoism, and then he talked about the past in Northeast China in the early years.

Huo Yunting was listening to the story with great interest.

Finally, Zhao Binshan changed the subject, "Master Huo, can't you open the Spring Festival?"

Huo Yunting was taken aback for a moment, why are you talking nonsense?What does this mean?
Frowning slightly, "I can't open it halfway."

"Where is it, throw a vine?"

The question was not about Huo Yunting's last name, but to know who was behind him.

But who is behind him?no one.

Huo Yunting thought for a while, but only said his last name, "Meng Liangfang."

Chewing on the peanuts, I felt more and more that the phrase "After passing the Shanhaiguan Pass, find Benshan if you have anything to do" was not just a joke.

Tsk tsk, I have to ask Brother Hua what happened when I go back.

As he was thinking about it, Zhao Benshan was also thinking about it.

The family is full of duty, but suddenly appeared in the entertainment circle, and is still the master who has licked the knife.

Ask him to follow him, don't say anything, just give his name...

The more I think about it, the more my heart beats.

It is so well hidden, and the Chinese Martial Arts Association strongly recommends it—couldn’t it be a soldier?
 An aviation disaster brought a genius in physics and materials back to 20 years ago. Starting from mathematics, ending with physics, with materials as the backbone and energy as the blood, a great country set sail here.
  The academician is reborn, the beginning of science and technology, the stars will live forever, and China will prosper forever.

(End of this chapter)

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