The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 185 Assistant Zhang, Your Butt Is On the Road

Chapter 185 Assistant Zhang, Your Butt Is On the Road (Let’s talk about Assistant Zhang’s question)

It is afraid of thinking about everything.

The more you think about it, the more you realize it's not easy.

Zhao Benshan felt a little flustered in his heart, he finished the meal hastily, and kept talking about the new atmosphere in the Northeast, sweeping black and evil and so on for the rest of the time.

Huo Yunting was thoughtful.

After the meal, Zhao Benshan and the others left first. It was not until they got into the car that Song Dandan realized that his forehead was sweating.

"What? Are you sweating after eating?"

"Then it's not about eating." He wiped his forehead, "This Baobuqi is from the military."

Paused, "And it's definitely not an art troupe, that's too murderous."

Song Dandan also heaved and sighed. For this meal, she had to think over every word she said several times, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

"Old Zhao, is the entertainment industry going to change?"

"Anyway, pay more attention. It's always right to pay more attention. Don't make trouble."

"Brother Huo, you must pay more attention. Now that the gossip has spread in the circle, the higher authorities may crack down severely. You must not make mistakes at this juncture."

About a week later, Zhang Debang stood in front of Huo Yunting with a serious face, persuading and enlightening slowly.

"What can I do if I keep myself so clean." Huo Yunting gave him an annoyed look, "But how did the news get out?"

"It is said that two big names in the circle found out when they were drinking with others."

Huo Yunting savored it carefully, why did he feel a little familiar.

However, he has always been law-abiding and pays taxes on time, even if he is severely cracked down, he will not be able to hit him.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Debang swallowed.

"Brother Huo, there is something else I need to tell you."


"Have you heard of Happy Twist?"

"I'm quite happy when I eat mahua. Which street stall is this?"

"What kind of stall? This is a company."

Huo Yunting became interested, "What's the matter? Are you here to discuss cooperation?"

Zhang Debang turned his nostrils to the sky, "Hey, I don't have enough qualifications."

This happy twist company was established in [-], specializing in stage plays.For example, stage plays such as "Want to Eat Twist for You", "Fighting the Landlord", "Man Floating in the Jianghu" and other stage plays are all produced by their company.

Huo Yunting thought about it carefully, "I haven't heard of any of them."

Hey, isn't my artistic creation just a little low?
As if seeing what he was thinking, Zhang Debang gave him a comforting look, "It's okay, I haven't heard of it, it's a small company."

"The reason why I'm telling you this is that they recently launched a new play, based on the film of the same name, "Crazy Stone"."

When Huo Yunting heard it, it was amazing. The drama adaptation rights of "Crazy Stone" have been sold.

"But what are they looking for me for?"

"At 5 o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, there will be a "Crazy Stone" play, and I plan to invite you to go. Speaking of this, Zhang Debang smiled, and he paid you to watch it. The main reason is to gain your popularity. After all, you Is it one of the leading actors in this film?"

Originally, they wanted to find Ning Hao, the director of this film.

Although Happy Twist didn't give much money, the money came easily.And Ning Hao is still short of money than him, if it weren't for the filming of "Crazy Racing" already started, this old boy would have to go there anyway.

As for Guo Tao, the other leading actor in this film, he is a drama actor himself.People think that the play Happy Twist is not very good.

Look down on him, no matter how you say he is half an artist.

In the end, they found Huo Yunting.

The day after tomorrow... no rehearsals, no commercial endorsements or anything like that.

He slapped his hands, "Okay, that's the deal. I'll go."

Two days later in the afternoon, Huo Yunting took Zhang Han to No. 11 Futong West Street, where Happy Twist rented.

As soon as he entered the theater, Zhang Chen, the owner of Happy Twist, hurried over, shaking hands and politely, full of enthusiasm.

His seat was near the front, so Zhang Han had attained the Tao by himself, sitting next to Huo Yunting.

Huo Yunting glanced back, good guy, there is no one absent.It seems that their drama must be good.

Just as he was thinking, the host came to the stage to give an opening speech. He didn't say a few words, then changed the subject and mentioned Huo Yunting.

"Today, we are honored to invite Mr. Huo Yunting, one of the leading actors of "Crazy Stone", everyone applauds."

Applauding, the host stepped off the stage and put the microphone into Huo Yunting's hand.

A little dazed, Huo Yunting stopped being vague, picked up the microphone and went on stage.

Do things with money.

As soon as they went up, the auditorium began to scream.

"Huo Yunting!"

"Huo Yunting, I like you!"

"Idol! Idol!"

"When are you and Liu Yifei together?"

There was an uproar at the banquet, well, this is not for the drama, this is for myself.

But why no one praised my acting skills?

He thinks he is best at two things: skill and acting.

He raised his index finger to his mouth and made a hissing gesture, and then he will be quiet.

He didn't prepare the manuscript in advance, he just played it on the spot.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad to come to the drama theater today, and enjoy the performance of my friends from drama actors with you. I also thank the director..."

The host beside him tilted his head slightly and muttered, "Shen Teng."

"I also thank director Shen Teng for his personal efforts."

Looking back at the backstage, a fair young man with a high nose bridge and slanted bangs clasped his hands together, smiled and shook him.

Not to mention, this young man looked more comfortable than Zhang Han.Also handsome, but not greasy, very refreshing.

After returning to their seats, the headlights of the theater were turned off and the actors took the stage.

This was Huo Yunting's first time watching a drama, and he watched it very seriously.

He is the lead actor in "Crazy Stone", and he remembers every scene and every line clearly.

There's a big difference between this play and the movie.

One is the live broadcast, and the other is the post-editing.

And the display form is even more different...

He pondered while watching, and it was the first time he watched the play, it was very fresh, and the play came to an end soon.

There was thunderous applause, but most of it was not for the happy twist team, but for Huo Yunting.

Because viewers can go to him and ask for autographs.

The autograph session lasted for more than half an hour before the reluctant audience was sent away.

Young girls make up the majority, and there are some young men and middle-aged uncles.

There are those who like Huo Yunting's skills and want to worship him as a teacher; there are also fans of Mr. Jin who want to talk to him.

But they were all escorted away by security.

Finally, Huo Yunting went backstage and talked with the drama actors.

The actors were very excited to see Huo Yunting, and they surrounded him one by one, and their enthusiasm was no less than that of the audience.

"Mr. Huo, hello, my name is Ma Yuan."

"Mr. Huo, I have seen you. My name is Ai Lun."

"Teacher Huo..."

It doesn't matter if it's the actors of "Crazy Stone" - the actors of the whole Happy Twist team are all around.

He has become a popular actor at a young age, and there is a high probability that he will be one of the top four students next year.

As for the people like Happy Twist, they can't hold half of Huo Yunting together.

Most of these people are comedians, they talk in a different way, and
Even though he was just a little-known nanny-type assistant, seeing Huo Yunting being praised by everyone, he would puff out his chest proudly.

Finding that the water bottle in Huo Yunting's hand was empty, he immediately went to it.

"Brother Huo, let me buy you some water." The polite and distant Zhang Han stepped forward, glanced at the drama actors, and couldn't help but straighten his waist again.

It was too late for Huo Yunting to talk to these drama actors, let alone Zhang Han.

Just nodded, "Go."

After dealing with the enthusiasm of the actors, Huo Yunting planned to leave.But just took a step——

"Teacher Huo?"

Turning around, he looked at the handsome boy named Shen Teng.

He stood in the distance, his eyes somewhat cramped.When the other actors came up to him just now, he had been standing on the periphery.

"Director Shen, what's the matter?"

"Don't, don't, Mr. Huo, you can just call me Shen Teng. The director can't afford it."

Huo Yunting shook his head, "Director Shen, your words are too polite. You are still young, and there will be many opportunities in the future."

Judging from his appearance, he is only in his early twenties. He has become a drama director at such a young age, and he will definitely have great achievements in the future.

It's just that he didn't expect, Shen Teng smiled shyly, "Mr. Huo, I'm actually 28 this year."

Huo Yunting:?

"You're so much older than me."

Good guy, it's ten years younger than what I expected.

Shen Teng scratched his head, not wanting to discuss too much on this topic, and then asked, "Mr. Huo, what do you think of my play?"

Although Huo Yunting was born as an actor, this question is not professional for him.But I have seen many famous directors, it is better than none.

Huo Yunting pondered for a long time, and made an evaluation of him.

"You can try something else."

It's not that he is talking nonsense, but he really feels that Shen Teng's future is not in being a drama director.

In fact, he thinks this drama version of "Crazy Stone" is okay.

Can't say great, but not bad either.

But this is the first drama he watched, and it is quite similar to the first love filter.

Shen Teng pursed his lips.

He has worked as a drama actor and also acted in TV series, and it is also the first time for him to be a drama director.Each one can only be described as mediocre.

Could it be that he really doesn't have this talent?

After a long silence, he took a long breath, "Mr. Huo, I'm sorry for your trouble. I—"

"Teacher Huo! Teacher Huo! Come out quickly, something has happened!"

A young guy suddenly rushed into the backstage and greeted Huo Yunting loudly.

"what happened?"

"Fart, ass..."

"What ass?" Huo Yunting frowned.

"Your assistant, the ass is gone!"

Huo Yunting trotted all the way to the outside of the street, a Maybach parked not far away, and some people had already surrounded him.

Although the sky was getting dark at this time, a long dark red mark on the ground was shocking.

"Huo, Mr. Huo, that assistant of yours was scraped by the car, dragged along, rubbed his butt on the ground..."

Hearing the young man's breathless voice, Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched.

"Call 120."

"It's been beaten."

When running over, Huo Yunting glanced at it and quickly turned his head away.

It hurts just to look at it.

Afterwards, things were done in one go.

The ambulance carried the man away with his back up. Huo Yunting and the owner of the car took notes.

Zhang Han was mainly responsible for this matter. There were witnesses on the street and surveillance cameras on the traffic lights. It was Zhang Han who ran the red light.

Looking at the surveillance, the red light was half gone, and he rushed out in a "crack".The car corner didn't react, and this happened.

If it wasn't for him not being in the hospital, Huo Yunting really wanted to give them a mouth.

He is not as magnanimous as Hu Ge, this kid can open.

He is too lazy to deal with this matter, let Zhang Han solve it with others.

Leaving the police station, Huo Yunting went to the hospital, Zhang Debang called him on the way.

"Brother Huo, I'm sorry for you..."

Huo Yunting became numb when he heard it, what is this grandson doing again?

After asking, I found out that this matter has been on the news today.

This was within Huo Yunting's expectations. There were so many people at the time, it was impossible not to spread the word.

"No matter how fast your PR is, you won't be able to blame this matter." Huo Yunting covered his face and walked towards Zhang Han's ward.

"Brother Huo...I mean, Zhang Han's grandson has a criminal record. Everyone on the Internet is talking about reincarnation...I just found out that he had hit and run before."


"Brother Huo, Brother Huo?"

"Zhang Debang, it's really impossible, let's go our separate ways."

"No! Brother Huo, give me another chance!"

A few days ago, Zhang Debang told him that the recent crackdown was severe, but today his assistant, no, the former assistant broke out in a hit-and-run.

His grandma thought I died too late?
Huo Yunting walked upstairs, counting the wards Zhang Han was in one by one.

"Zhang Debang, Lao Wang did it once before, and today the assistant is here again. Do you still want to do it?"

He is really angry, how drifting is this old boy recently?Doesn't he know that Zhang Han has a criminal record?

Zhang Debang is suffering and can't tell.

He knew that there was such a thing, but one was Khan and the other was Han, he didn't think about it so much... He really happened to meet him.

"Brother Huo, this matter is my fault..."

"Okay, let's go back and talk about your problem."

Huo Yunting hung up the phone hastily, looked at the ward number in front of him, and pushed the door open.

There was a middle-aged couple sitting beside him, their eyes full of distress.I guess it's his parents.

Seeing someone coming, Zhang Han, who was lying on his stomach, tried his best to raise his head, barely holding out a smile that he thought was sunny.

"Brother Huo, my ass..."

"Xiao Zhang." Huo Yunting thought for a while, "The ass is on the road."

ps: Originally, I wanted to pave the way for some other follow-up plots, and finally give Assistant Zhang a big one.

To put it in a relatively vulgar way, it means to block it at the moment when it is about to come out.Then tie a knot and strangle it down
I took a look at the comment area today and changed the outline, let's go ahead.If possible, I hope everyone can help me in the comment area. There are a lot of people talking about this matter, and I can’t come back.
It's my fault, I didn't say hello to everyone in advance, Assistant Zhang will be gank.

In the past two days, I will add an update, which is right as compensation.The pigeon will apologize to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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