The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 188 2 Psychiatrist Gu

Chapter 188 Ergu Psychiatrist
Sitting cross-legged on the golden jewelry, Huo Yunting dragged his cheeks in a daze.

Looking at the experience summed up by the protagonists on the ground, he felt a toothache.

What the hell is a ghost, so how does he get out of this endless loop?

The passage of time from my dream and the passage of time in reality have always been confusing.Sometimes this night is equivalent to a few hours in reality, and sometimes this night is equivalent to half a lifetime in reality.

I'm afraid that if I don't wait for the alarm to ring at five o'clock in the morning, people will starve to death here.

"His grandma, this prodigal bitch, I really want her to die here tonight."

Huo Yunting suddenly cursed, the fat man beside him couldn't figure it out.

"Let me tell you, your little third master has a lot of leisure time. He still misses women when he is about to die. Do you miss that Ah Ning?"

Pan Zi didn't speak, and his eyes became sad.

"I'm stupid, you also have a woman who wants to, kid?"

Huo Yunting tapped his thigh, ignored the discussion of the two bookmen behind him, and racked his brains to figure out how to get out of this dream quickly.

He doesn't dare to forget Huo Yunting's identity now, this is obviously a matter of life and death.

It reminds me of the hanging soul ladder in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". That is because the light is too dark, the stairs are too wide, and the man-made fork is invisible.

But the tomb passage is not wide now, is it?

Can't figure it out, a little worried.He took a cigarette in his mouth, lit it, and then froze for a while.

He took down the cigarette dangling from his mouth, it was Hongmei.Looking at the lighter, Sissy gave him the Zippo.These are his Huo Yunting's, not Wu Xie's.

He suddenly realized that he knew how to solve this matter.

Damn it, this is his dream, I've never heard of anyone being bullied in his dream.

With a thought, a flashlight appeared in his hand.The tomb was illuminated casually, and when it swept across the beam top, it suddenly turned back quickly.

A man with gold-rimmed eyes stood on top of the tomb.

film? !

"Fuck! Shoot!"

With a loud shout, the thunderous sound echoed frantically from the tomb, hitting Huo Yunting's eardrums.

Later, he witnessed Ying being beaten into a sieve.A sieve whose skill is by no means weaker than his own.

Seven steps away, the gun is fast.

Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast.

This is the only thought in Huo Yunting's mind at this moment.

"What is this, with gold-rimmed glasses? Such a flamboyant thing?"

The fat man surrounded him with a gun and kicked it twice. Huo Yunting hesitated a little, leaned over, squatted down, and heard a faint voice from Ying's head with several big holes.


Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat, why did he start talking?

And it doesn't repeat like a repeater like in the past, these words sound full of resentment.

He became more cautious and stood up - he found himself sitting up from the bed.

Glancing outside the window, the dim blue gradually became brighter. Liu Yifei curled up in a small ball on the bed, frowning, as if she hadn't escaped from last night's ghost story and was having a nightmare.

The first thing he wanted to do right now was to get out of bed immediately, pick up the "Tomb Raiders Notes" by the bedside, put it on the window sill, and read the end of the story in the faint skylight.


A few minutes later, Huo Yunting closed the book, cursing softly.

Rhino horn psychic?Who the fuck can guess.

It's so good that Xu Puppet didn't get tricked to death.

When I touched the back of my head, I felt a little cold, and the cold sweat had already soaked out.

Tiptoing out of the room, Huo Yunting pushed open the balcony door, lit a cigarette, and sat down cross-legged.He has to review this matter today.

The more I think about it, the weirder it becomes.How long have I been practicing this "deception" ability, why do I still fall into a dream suddenly and inexplicably?

And the shadow appeared suddenly.

To be honest, Huo Yunting was startled, this was the first time he found Ying in the dream world, and it was a ghost who wanted their lives.

Does this mean that Ying's consciousness has been recovering?He even said that his sudden dream was actually planned by Shadow?How long has he been self-aware?

Huo Yunting felt more and more weird, and hurriedly got up and sent a message to Tom Cruise's personal doctor to ask what was going on.

They still contact occasionally on weekdays, and send each other blessings during the holidays.Just like last time, during Qingming, he sent himself a happy Qingming Festival.

Huo Yunting told him that if it doesn't work, he should sever the relationship.The doctor checked and found out what Qingming meant, so he quickly called to apologize.

With that said, my thoughts drifted away.Shaking his head to calm his mind, he began to write the email.

He didn't mention the dream again, but told him that he had a new subject.

[Long time no see, doctor.We haven't discussed dreams for a long time, but now I have a new idea, it's about dual personality...]

After writing intermittently for more than half an hour, he compiled a story that he was extremely satisfied with.Click, send, all in one go.

I went back to my bedroom and looked at my watch, it was around 50:[-].

He was not in the mood to go back to sleep, so he turned off the alarm watch, went to the kitchen and spread out two eggs to eat.

Liu Yifei also woke up around seven o'clock, yawning.

"Brother Yun, it feels like you woke up very early today."

I almost won't be able to come back, can I wake up early.

Huo Yunting smiled, but didn't speak.

She had nothing to do today, so she got up from the bed and lay on the sofa.This is a different place to sleep.

Huo Yunting packed his things, stuffed the "Tomb Raiders Notebook", and went to rehearse.

The content of the rehearsal is similar, for Huo Yunting, he only needs to practice the sword kick well, and he doesn't care about anything else.

This is also the decision of Wu Bin, Liu Baoshan, and even the entire planning team.

It is worth mentioning that when Huo Yunting went there today, he found a boy with red and swollen eye sockets.After asking, I found out that this was not a fight with someone, but that I practiced with a stick in private and poked my eyes.

What he practiced was Huo Yunting's kicking sword.

And this kid is not an exception, it's just that he had the most serious accident and was caught as a typical example.

There are also many other people who are practicing secretly, and there are many injuries on their bodies and arms.

Huo Yunting found Liu Baoshan privately, but don't send these idiots to his martial arts team.

It is important to have ability, but it does not mean that you can throw away your brain.In the entertainment industry, brains are more important than abilities.

About three days later, Zhang Debang found him. There was a variety show in Korea that wanted to invite him, called "Two Days One Night".It was the one who invited Jay Chou and Liu Yifei before and was rejected.

Huo Yunting asked about the purpose of this variety show. It basically introduced the special attractions in Korea, food and so on. It is said that it has become popular in Korea.

But he was very puzzled.

Where the weather forecast can be solved in one sentence, what tourist attractions can there be?He couldn't even figure out the special delicacies, one hundred and eight ways to make kimchi?
Immediately, Zhang Debang refused.

He still has to participate in the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, and he can't get away from it at all.

It took another four or five days for Huo Yunting to finish reading the third Genting Tiangong.

The first thing after reading it is to call Xu Puppet.

"What is the ultimate?"

The voice on the other end of the phone came quickly, "I don't know either."

"...Old Xu, if you dig a hole like this and don't bury it, the reader will send you a blade."

"Hey, it's okay. When this book is published, I'll look at the readers' feedback and find out if there are any suitable comments to copy."

Huo Yunting turned pale with shock, can he still play like this?

Grandma, there is nothing good about these novel writers.

Indignantly hung up the phone, Huo Yunting vowed never to read his book again.

This kid is a typical example of digging a hole but not burying it. Reading his book can make him anxious to death.

When I got home at night, Liu Yifei had already prepared dinner.A plate of fried meat with green peppers, and a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.Although the appearance looks indescribable, it is okay to eat.

"Sissy, let me cook in the future."

"What do you mean! You are insulting my cooking skills!"

"No, I think your cooked rice is delicious."

After a few perfunctory words, leaning on the sofa and turning on the computer, I saw the doctor's return email.

The lazy gaze instantly condensed, and he hurriedly opened it to look seriously.

First of all, he sighed with emotion, saying that Huo Yunting is really a natural screenwriter and director, and being an actor is a waste of this talent.

It didn't take long before he saw another great idea.

Then he also made his own views on the questions raised by Huo Yunting in the email.To be honest, some things are out of line even in the eyes of a psychiatrist like him.

【Huo, as you said, although the sub-personality is just an unconscious shell, the "impurities" rejected by the protagonist are full of strong emotions. In other words-you gave him humanity. 】

Seeing this, Huo Yunting's heart sank.

He finally understands why he feels physically uncomfortable when there are a lot of people.

It's just that he didn't expect that the "impurities" that he substituted into various worlds in his dream would also promote the development of Ying.

[However, in the final analysis, all of this is constructed by the protagonist's personal spiritual world.Strictly speaking, they should all be controlled by the protagonist...

[Finally, I'm glad you're willing to discuss such an idea with me.Your friend, Sha Kiberband. 】

Seeing the end all the way, Huo Yunting, who crossed his hands, frowned deeply.

"what's wrong?"

Looking at Huo Yunting who was frowning, Liu Yifei walked towards him curiously.

It's really rare for me to see him look so bitter and vengeful.

After closing the computer, Huo Yunting scratched the little girl's chin.

"What's in the computer? Close it as soon as I come, don't, don't scratch me...ha..."

The little girl was actually quite easy to fool, she just scratched her chin and stopped making a sound, she was very honest.

She closed her eyes slightly, thinking about what the doctor had said to him.

Constructed by my spiritual world... the shadow exists because I think I will have schizophrenia, so it appears?
The more Huo Yunting thought about it, the more he felt that there was a trace of this matter, and the hand that scratched her chin accelerated even more.

"Oh, don't mess with me..."

That's what he said, but the little girl still leaned into his arms without showing a trace.

Leaning his head on his chest, he glanced up quietly, suddenly feeling a little angry.

He even closed his eyes!

Love is because he is a gentleman, and now hate is also because he is a gentleman.

How can it be so consistent?You show a little selfishness, okay?
She had all sorts of gossip and thoughts in her mind, but Huo Yunting didn't know, and was still thinking about him and Ying.

In fact, he has also had several dreams these days, and every time he sees Ying, he is half dead, with several big holes in his body.

In the past, there was always a feeling of inscrutability when looking at it, but now it looks like a ruined wall.

In the past, in his dream, he told the dump truck that it would be fine to hit it, so why did he fail it with a few shots?
He was puzzled.

"Brother Yun, there is a saying called food and sex, have you heard of it?" The little girl leaned towards him and sat on his lap.

"I've heard of it, what's the matter?"

Puffing out her cheeks, she said as if exhaling, "Don't keep carrying it, we both sleep under the same quilt and you still... you are lying to yourself."

Lie to yourself.

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, and then his brain roared.

Really let this girl be right, she lied to herself!
He called the dump truck to hit it, and it was fine, because his subconscious mind felt that it couldn't die!

That night when she was dreaming, Ying was beaten into a sieve, the main reason was a surprise!
The gun was indeed fast enough, and no one could react—maybe even Ying himself didn't react, and then received the box lunch.

In other words, the gun is faster than his subconscious mind.

It's easy to understand.

What he should have wanted to understand, but Liu Yifei woke him up with a casual sentence.

This way of thinking became smooth, and everything seemed to flow smoothly.

Ying may have been conscious for a long time, the endless loop that night was a wedge, this thing wants to rebel.

It's a pity that it didn't expect that it underestimated the gun, and it may also underestimate the subconscious that Huo Yunting has trained in these years.

Everything is back to the beginning.

"Haha." Suddenly, Huo Yunting burst out laughing.

Killed by two people in the book, is this considered plot killing?

"What are you laughing at."

Seeing him laughing at herself, the little girl was a little angry.

Still treat her like a child!
Just as she was about to get away from him in anger, her face was suddenly held, and her lips softened.

With a relaxed mind, the jaw fell and was pried open.

In the silent living room, only the "tsk tsk" sound of a child sucking a feeding bottle is left.

I don't know how long it took, or maybe the lung capacity of the two of them was really not enough, and finally, they gasped.

The shimmering silver threads were like the cheese on the freshly baked pizza, dripping on the clothes, and both of them blushed for a while.

"Sissy, give me a little more time, okay?"

If you are sick, you can wait a little longer; if you are a child, you can also wait a little longer; wait until he erases the shadow thing.


She nodded shyly, and soon, she suddenly realized another problem, and her face became weird.

Seeing that her expression was not right, Huo Yunting tentatively asked, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Yun, when did we get together?"

"Last July."

"It's been more than a year." Liu Yifei felt a little emotional, "I just found out that this is like the first time we two kissed."

"The serious kind."

"Hmm..." Huo Yunting fell into deep thought.

ps:. . . .It was banned again, just released, why am I always involved in pornography, I feel that I didn't write anything, and deleted a lot

(End of this chapter)

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