The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 189 Three Questions Confused the Master of the Martial Arts

Chapter 189 Three questions, let the martial arts master confuse me
There is hope in the heart, there is hope in life.

After suddenly enlightening, he was thinking about how to completely erase Ying from his life.

I have tried many times in my dreams these days, chili water, tiger stool, and beauty tricks, but it doesn't work, and I still look as decadent as before.

Huo Yunting couldn't help but think of the book "Three-Body Problem" that has become very popular in the science fiction circle in recent years.

There is a word in it that he thinks is very good to use, thought stamp.

He now has a thought stamp in his subconscious mind, and the shadow cannot be killed.

When he completely erases this thought seal, Ying should go out completely.

This may be a very long process, but Huo Yunting still has time.

Sissy is not yet 20 years old, so she can be regarded as half a child.

In mid-November, Zhang Debang called and the martial arts hall was completely completed.

Huo Yunting was rehearsing at the time, and when the rehearsal was over, he called Mr. Liu Baoshan over to have a look.

Wu Bin was considered a middleman to set up a bridge, and since he had nothing else to do, he also went to have a look.

Huo Yunting was only taken to a martial arts school by his father when he was a child, and that was almost ten years ago.

As for the level of my martial arts school, I still have to let the two old men around me make an evaluation.

"Not bad." Liu Baoshan walked around the first floor with his hands behind his back, "The decoration is pretty good. At least it's better than my school."

Then I went to the dormitory on the second floor, and my face was a little strange.

"I said Yunting, how many people can your dormitory hold?"

"Five dormitories, six-person rooms, a total of 30 people."

"So few?" Wu Bin was a little surprised. After he set up the bridge, he never asked about the martial arts gym.

"You have a team, how can NO.30 people be enough?"

"Take your time first." Huo Yunting said with a smile, "Now I have only three people who can be used seriously, let's try to recruit the first batch first."

Liu Baoshan couldn't deny it, "Come back to Henan with me when you have time some other day. You can choose by yourself and pick out a batch of good seedlings."

Looking at his own martial arts gym, Huo Yunting became more and more enthusiastic, "Master, it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. If you think it's okay, let's leave now."

Liu Baoshan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "You are a quick temper."

Huo Yunting's skills during the rehearsal were obvious to all, and now they realized that Huo Yunting was not joking when he said that he could do it with his eyes closed in the first trial.

He walked for days and no one could say anything.Just mention this matter to Wu Bin.

"Then let's go now."

They called Shen Teng, Huo Yunting, and Mr. Liu Baoshan to the Tagou Martial Arts School in Songshan by plane.

Along the way, the old man talked to him in detail about various precautions for opening a martial arts gym.

Such as the name of the martial arts gym, training rules and so on.

Huo Yunting didn't think about these things.

But let him think about it now, but he can't figure out one, two, three, and it won't be too late after he has selected the candidate.

When I arrived at Tagou Martial Arts School, I saw someone holding a banner before entering the gate: Warmly welcome Master Huo Yunting to come to our school for guidance.

As soon as Huo Yunting appeared, those who played the strings, played the drums, and sang all jumped out.But Shen Teng was taken aback, thinking that a hundred thousand knives and axes were about to jump out.

"Principal, here you go."

Several people stepped forward, and a burly man quickly went up to him, but he was scolded by the angry Liu Baoshan.

"Fuck off, say hello to Ye in advance, to let Ye get ready for this selection interview, what's wrong with it."

The man smiled mischievously, and hurriedly asked people to put away the banner, then rubbed his hands, and came to Huo Yunting with a smile on his face, "Master Huo."

"Hey, hello."

"Master Huo, what do you think of me? Can I join your team?"

"You're a letter ball, let you find a good seedling, why do you join in the fun? How old are you?"

After entering the school, there was a welcoming team, and they took two photos with a reporter who came out of nowhere, and then Liu Baoshan dragged him to his office.

Made him a cup of tea, Huo Yunting drank it, his eyes scanned the wall around, it was all red, full of pennants.

"I said master, am I very tempting from your school?"

Taking a sip of tea, Huo Yunting smacked his lips and said.

Just on the way from the gate to the principal's office, the group of students looked at him like they wanted to swallow him alive.

Liu Baoshan shook his head with a smile, "These guys are not fools. It's obvious which is better, being a security guard or working in the entertainment industry."

Huo Yunting was speechless.

Early the next morning, Tagou Martial Arts School's early enrollment plan began.Nearly a thousand people signed up, but only [-] were finally selected. It can be said that thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge.

There are nearly [-] people, if Huo Yunting is asked to interview one by one, he will definitely not be able to finish the interview, even if he works overtime for a month, he will not want to leave.

Long before they left for Tagou Martial Arts School, Liu Baoshan had arranged for people to take the unified examination three times. According to their martial arts school's own evaluation standards, they just divided the evaluation requirements into three grades to increase the difficulty in turn.

When Huo Yunting arrived, the review had already reached the third round, and after another two days of waiting, the unified examination was over, and finally only [-] people were left.

Afterwards, the resumes of these [-] people were handed over to Huo Yunting, and the interview began.

There are three types of interviews, fist, equipment, and theory.

Fist, feet and equipment are easy to talk about, just use what you have learned in your life, only theory, let alone a student, even Liu Baoshan is a little confused
"How do you understand the three-pointed opposition?"

Liu Baoshan, who was listening, nodded, and he was actually asking about martial arts techniques.

"Give you a kitchen knife, how do you kill your opponent?"

Liu Baoshan froze for a moment, what does this question mean?
"What do you think a fairy should look like with a sword?"

Liu Baoshan was completely confused, what are you asking?

There are many more questions like this, and Liu Baoshan, a master of martial arts who has studied martial arts all his life, can't figure it out, let alone these students, who are all biting the bullet to answer.

Huo Yunting sketched a picture on the paper, interviewed three more times, and finally selected thirty candidates.

"I said Yunting, what do you mean by asking this question?" Liu Baoshan finally couldn't help asking.

In fact, these three questions deal with the styles of Shi Xingyu, Chen Weitao, and Li Cai respectively.

One is the serious ancient martial arts, the other is the most realistic fighting of ordinary people, and the last one is a fantasy fighting that tests the imagination.

These three styles are enough to meet most of the needs for martial arts guidance in the film and television industry at home and abroad.

Three styles, thirty people, ten for each of the three brothers.

After Huo Yunting finished speaking, Liu Baoshan rubbed his chin and sighed, "Good guy, your team has a variety of styles, and a hundred flowers bloom."

Huo Yunting just smiled at Mr. Liu's exclamation and did not speak.

The three brothers each have a different style, and they all go to an extreme, and he didn't admit it.

After staying here in Henan for nearly a week, he decided on the shortlist, and in the spring of next year, he will go to his martial arts gym for training.

These people recruited are all half-children, and they are in their teens, which is a good time to train them.

After staying in the martial arts hall for nearly a week, Shen Teng had seen the reputation and status of his boss in the martial arts circle.

That was a hit.

He felt that in ancient times, Huo Yunting could pull up a team for himself with a single sentence.

On the way back to Beiping, Huo Yunting sent text messages to the three brothers one by one, and came back to get together when he had time, and recruited some men for them.

I sent two out, and was compiling the one for Li Cai, when suddenly Zhang Debang called.

"Brother Huo, I have something to tell you. That kid has been discharged from the hospital."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, he understood who he was talking about, and his tone was a bit puzzled, "He will be discharged as soon as he is discharged from the hospital, why? What tricks are you doing?"

Did you contact the media to smear yourself, or did you hold a sign and went to the street to parade?

"Not at all. After he is discharged from the hospital, he will go out to play tricks."

"Does anyone dare to ask for this?" Huo Yunting was surprised, "Isn't the circle cracking down on it now? As for his hit-and-run file, the crew dare to ask for it?"

Although it is just a walk-on, and may only show his face for a second in the whole drama, if any competitor reports it, in just this second, the film will be taken off the shelves.

After all, this is the period of crackdown, and no one dares to take this risk.

"In the beginning, no one dared to ask for it, but then a small crew asked for it. The investor, damn it, is simply a female version of Guo Degang..."

Zhang Debang always commits this old problem, he talks a lot of nonsense, and he can't stop talking about it.

After Huo Yunting's kind reminder, he summed up the matter in one sentence.

The small investor in the film crew fell in love with Zhang Han, and asked the director to line up a scene for her, and stretched out his hands to Zhang Han during filming.

"Damn it!" Huo Yunting gasped, thinking of Lao Guo's appearance with a wig, he couldn't help shivering.

Then he hurriedly asked, "And then?"

"Then it started to fight, my good fellow. The big sister of the capitalist took one step at a time, and stood in front of you. The sun couldn't even shine, and she was crushed by Mount Tai, and half her life was crushed."

"What about people now?"

"The hospital. I sneaked to the hospital to take a look, and the big sister of the capitalist was having a big fight with the boy's parents."

"Dog eats dog."

With a word of emotion, Huo Yunting hung up the phone, and Shen Tengteng next to him tentatively came over, "Brother Huo, the former brother...what's the situation?"

"Sugar daddy."


After returning to Peiping, Huo Yunting once again fell into the busy preparation stage.

Taking time to greet Liu Baoshan, Wu Bin and the others discussed the name of their martial arts gym.

The two seniors said that you should name your own martial arts gym yourself.

He pondered for a long time, and thought hard for several days, and came up with a famous name, Yunting Martial Arts.

Then, the two masters of martial arts also began to participate in thinking about what to name.

The name suggested by Wu Bin is Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts, which has both a mighty demeanor and a flexible spirituality.Moreover, dragon and tiger have always been representatives of Chinese traditional culture.

What Liu Baoshan came up with was called Flying Dragon Martial Arts, implying that the students in the martial arts hall can leap over the dragon gate with carps and soar into the sky.

The two couldn't stop arguing, and Huo Yunting once again hinted that Yunting Martial Arts Hall is also acceptable, the two paused, ignored him, and continued to argue.

In the end, he was still a man with a big belly and the appearance of a leader. Seeing what they were talking about here, he leaned over to listen to it, and then interrupted——

"If you want me to say, it's called Zhonghua Wuguan."

"Master Huo Renqiu Chuanwu's title can be said to be well-deserved, no one would deny it."

"Since you are already at the top of the pyramid, you have to show a bit of a big cow's demeanor, otherwise it will make people look down on you."

Don't look at this Mediterranean who doesn't know anything about martial arts, but he is good at naming names.

As soon as he said this, both Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan had no objections.

The Chinese Wuguan got it.

Then Huo Yunting began to think about the motto and creed of his Chinese martial arts school.

You ask him to write some elegant rhyming phrases, and he can't write them yet.All the short words are written, like something, no messing with men and women; no corruption and perverting the law...

At the end of the writing, it was basically copied according to the criminal law.

Wu Bin really couldn't stand it anymore, and finally personally supplemented the motto and creed of this Chinese martial arts school for him.

But Huo Yunting couldn't be moved enough. Before that, he helped him find a place, and helped him complete the formalities of opening a martial arts gym, and now he even handwritten supplementary martial arts training rules for him.


Time flies to the middle and late January of [-]. The third trial of the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal has been completed, and the rest is rehearsal.

During this period, Huo Yunting also witnessed the elimination of many sketches and songs, but fortunately, their martial arts performers did not change much.

It's just that every time there is a review, the judges will always ask to give Huo Yunting a few more seconds.Every time a judge said this, the extremely resentful eyes behind her looked over.

Huo Yunting couldn't take it anymore, he sneaked off to his martial arts gym as soon as the judging was over.

The preparations for the martial arts hall are almost ready, all the equipment and furniture have been arranged, and the rest is to list.

Huo Yunting intends to list on the 24th, without much fanfare, just calling a few friends he knows is enough.

His martial arts school does not plan to openly recruit students, and currently plans to recruit some talented young people with Tagou martial arts school.

I didn't tell too many people, I only told a few close friends.

Like Lao Guo, Brother Hua, Jie Lun and others.Finally, after thinking about it, he sent another text message to his old club, Wang Zhongjun.

In less than a day, he received a call from Jay Chou, who had already arrived in Beiping.

Boy, this is overnight.

But that's true, the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala also included his song, "Blue and White Porcelain".It's definitely coming.

Huo Yunting told him his address, and after a while, someone appeared in front of his villa.

"Jay, long time no see."

"Yunting, you are really silent and doing great things. You have opened a martial arts gym."

"What kind of big deal is this? It's just a trick to hang up a sign and invite a few good friends."

Speaking of friends, Jay Chou suddenly slapped his hands.

"I have a friend who has wanted to know you for a long time, and I originally agreed to bring him along. It's just that his computer is broken, and it seems that he has a lot of important materials. He was looking for someone to repair it, so he didn't come."

Jay Lun's friend, which TV star?Huo Yunting became curious, "Who is it?"

"Crown West."

(End of this chapter)

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