The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 191 Popular at home and abroad

Chapter 191 Popular at home and abroad (updated)

Huo Yunting thought, are these two dating?Let the paparazzi take pictures and post them online?

I went back and looked at the group of photos, no, isn’t this an obvious selfie?

All of a sudden, "Fuck", he's not focusing on the right thing. The fucking point is that someone posted the nude photos on the Internet.

"Cissy, do you understand what's going on in the Hong Kong area?"

He yelled at the kitchen, and it took a while before the voice came, "I don't know, the Hong Kong area is too far away from us. If you want to talk about the Beijing area, I can still think about it."

Then he came out with a dish of dishes on his face full of curiosity, "What's wrong?"

Huo Yunting hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "It's nothing."

It's too dirty, so don't let Sissy see it.

"Come on, try the egg custard I made?"

"Ouch! How much salt did you put in?"

"Hmm... I accidentally put too much."

An hour later, Liu Yifei ran over with a shocked face, "Brother Yun! Did you see the group of photos on the Internet?"

But soon she realized, "Oh, I said you just asked me what you mean by that."

Huo Yunting clicked his tongue twice, "This is a serious matter."

On January 1, photos were already flying all over the Internet. In the afternoon of the same day, a new set of photos appeared again.

But this time I changed to a heroine, who used to be the head of TVB Xiaohuadan.

And a related person broke the news that he had seen a lot from Chen's laptop.

Now Huo Yunting understands why computer repair is so important.

If the photos of him and Ajiao were released before, Huo Yunting would only think that people nowadays are too open-minded and playful.

But now there is another female number two, this time Huo Yunting is really shocked.

If he remembers correctly, this number two female is already engaged to a rich second generation from a wealthy family, right?

"Brother Yun, I think this matter is going to be blown."

At night, the two cuddled up on the bed and watched the news, Liu Yifei said with a few babbles.

Huo Yunting understood that she was referring to a wealthy marriage.

Rubbing her head, "Let's watch a show."

"This melon, let me say that I can eat it for a week at least. "Liu Yifei said with emotion.

On January 1th, Nu No. 28 appeared, and she was one of Xiangjiang's recognized beauties.

Although there was only one picture, it caused an uproar.On the Internet, it cannot be said that the pot is exploding, it can only be said that it is about to turn the sky upside down.

The Emperor immediately called the police, saying that these were synthetic photos.The lawyer followed up and the police reported it.

I don't know how many people are discussing these things, but Liu Dehua's celebrity group is silent.

On January 1th, some star fans launched the Global Alliance Rage Campaign and began to collect evidence for idols.

Some fans said that this is a composite photo made using technology, and the cut is a still photo of her in "Princess Revenge".

The fans yelled that some villain did it on purpose, but none of the protagonists involved in the incident showed up to reply.

Every night, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei were under the covers, summarizing and discussing the news they had inquired from their respective circles, and every time they talked, they talked until one o'clock in the morning.

Liu Yifei, who used to go to bed at ten o'clock every night, has been staying up late for several days, but her eyes are still shining.

"Brother Yun, I think I can eat this melon for a month."

Although this melon is really hard to extricate oneself from eating, Marriage Ting still restrained his mind and made every effort to cope with the Spring Festival Gala on February [-]th.

During this period, the male protagonist took a video to apologize to all the victims, and the police also said that the case had been solved, but thousands of photos were released again that day.

The scope of personnel involved has once again expanded, and there are four more women, five women, and six women.

Moreover, this incident has escalated from messing with the relationship between men and women, and many netizens began to wonder whether some shady means were used.

This time, Liu Yifei didn't dare to eat this melon.

Huo Yunting felt a little funny, he ate with relish before, why did he suddenly stop eating now?

When asked why, the little girl curled up in his arms, hesitating.

"Brother Yun, there are more and more people." The little girl said softly, "I'm scared."

The smile on his face gradually faded away, and he clasped her tightly in his arms, "No one would dare if I'm here."


February 2008, 2, New Year's Eve.

Huojiazhuang was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the neighbors in the village began to pay New Year's greetings.

But everyone's footsteps are mostly the same, and they will visit Huo Gang's house first.

"Gangzi, I wish you an early year."

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, Uncle Gang."

"Auntie, I'm here to see you."

Chen Caiping and Huo Gang welcomed all the New Year guests in, and hurriedly brought Guazier cigarettes and candy.

The living room was full.

After wiping off the sweat that was dripping slightly from her forehead, Chen Caiping looked at the men, women and children in the living room, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

In previous years, there were only a few neighbors who came to visit, but this year, more people came to visit to pay New Year's greetings than the total number of people in the past.

Touching the red envelope in his pocket, with a smile on his face, he came to a little girl.

"Come on, Xiaojuaner, the red envelope from my aunt."

"Come on, say thank you, auntie."

A middle-aged man took the little girl's hand, and looked at Chen Caiping as if remembering something.

"By the way, Caiping, I heard that Yunting is going to be on the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Chen Caiping couldn't help puffing out her chest, but waved her hands modestly.

"Hey, I've been tossing around every day, and I won't be able to come back this year."

That being said, anyone could see the pride on her face.

"I'll show you the program list." He hurried back to the bedroom and took out a Spring Festival Gala program list that had been printed long ago.

A whole room of people put their heads together and stared at him with wide eyes, "Oh, this is the fourth from the bottom."

"What do you understand? Do you understand the finale appearance? The later you appear on the stage, the more powerful you are."

"The Unforgettable finale comes out every year, it's the same every year."

"That is a must-have program every year!"

"Cough cough!" Huo Zhongde, who was seated in the main seat, coughed twice, "It's Chinese New Year, please be kind."

"That's right, that's what the old man said."

"Well, old man, then we won't bother you."

When everyone was gone, Chen Caiping couldn't laugh or cry, "Dad, you are really tough."

"Hmph, it's our family who are arguing." The old man snorted twice, "If it wasn't because of my grandson, I'd call them whatever they said."

At eight o'clock in the evening, everyone sat around in front of the TV, waiting for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala to be broadcast.

"Oh, this table is creative this year, it came down from above."

"Tsk tsk, Dong Qing is not old at all."


Huo Yunting sat in the background, cleaning his sword.There are several staff members around him, looking at his sword with uneasy faces.

Look at the blade, look at the hilt, it is indeed his props, so I feel relieved.

The reason is that he asked Zhang Xiaohai a few days ago if he could use his own sword, and Zhang Xiaohai agreed without thinking too much.

Then, he took the sword given to him by old man Yu.

Zhang Xiaohai also broke out in a cold sweat.

I asked you to use your own sword so that you can use it smoothly and reduce the chance of accidents on stage. Why the hell did you bring a sharpened sword?
Do you want to learn from Zhuan Zhuan's assassination of King Liao or Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin?

After racking his brains, he finally said tremblingly, "Master Huo, if you have any opinions on me, you can speak up."

In desperation, Huo Yunting had no choice but to hang the sword back on the wall of the martial arts hall.

It's just that Zhang Xiaohai has been careful with him since then, and arranges someone to check his sword before each rehearsal.

Huo Yunting listened to the voice in front of him, and he had already arrived at Cai Ming and Guo Da's sketch "Fantasy Homeland".

Looking at the time, it's not even 08:30, and their show is still very early.

So I took the time to look at the Tianya Forum.

The impact of this incident is too great, and many Hong Kong stars have also begun to end.

Ye Tong, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, said that these groups of photos were taken very creatively. Chen Xiaochun ended up yelling and secretly poking at Chen Guanxi's connotations.

A popular event, witnessing all kinds of living beings.

In addition, the most confusing thing is that the Xiangjiang police arrested the suspects one by one, but the photos should be leaked out, and there is no sign of arresting them.

Huo Yunting looked at the various conjectures of netizens on Tianya, and it can be said that the conspiracy theory has been brought to the extreme.Some people even published a [-]D composition saying that this is an American conspiracy!

Huo Yunting really couldn't understand it.

But one thing is certain, that is, Xiangjiang entertainment industry has indeed exploded.

I don't know how many actresses are in danger, afraid that they will be the next one to collapse.

When I came back to my senses, looked at the time, and listened to the sound of the song coming from the stage, it should have been the dance "Flying Apsaras".

"Master Huo, do you want to rehearse again?"

As soon as I closed the computer, the guy who punched me came over.

Apart from Wu Bin and Liu Baoshan, Huo Yunting is the backbone of their performance team.

Huo Yunting glanced back, most of them were holding sticks in a daze.

"Brother Yun, let's practice more and get familiar with it, so there won't be any accidents during the Spring Festival Gala."

Liu Yifei beside him tugged on his sleeve, muttering softly.

He thought for a while and stood up.

"It's okay, just try a few tricks."


"The next show, eh, there is a heavyweight coming on stage."

Zhu Jun looked at Dong Qing with a mysterious face, and quickly continued, "Which heavyweight?"

"He, he was nominated for best actor in Cannes at a young age."

"Huh? I really want to have a little impression."

"He, he has won three championships in various international martial arts competitions."

"Huh? Is this still a martial arts star?"

"He, in the martial arts circle, is known as Renqiu Chuanwu."

"Oh! You said it earlier, then I know who you are talking about. It must be Huo Yunting."

In the end, the two said in unison, "Next, please enjoy the martial arts performance "Golden Age Heroes"!"

It was obviously a group portrait show, but the host alone spent more than ten seconds introducing Huo Yunting.

"Hey, Huo Gang! It's our son!"

"Old man, the martial arts performance you mentioned has begun!"

"Aqian, let's watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Tingzi's show has started."

"Old Huang, your landlord's show has started!"

At 35:[-], I don't know how many people switched to CCTV.With his eyes fixed on the screen, "The Heroes of a Prosperous Age" began.

"Drink! Ha!"

There were two roars, and the long sticks in the hands of the monks hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Soon, a man with a long stick leaped forward...

"The muscles, bones and ligaments are trained really well." Huo Gang commented.

"That's not all marked, this is the champion of the championship." Huo Zhongde reminded.

Soon, it was Taijiquan, Dao, Changquan...

Chen Caiping felt a little anxious when she saw it.

"Why hasn't this reached our son yet? Did Yunting be withdrawn temporarily?"

"If this is the case, Yunting would have come to tell us a long time ago."

While several people were talking, Huo Yunting appeared on the stage.

"Oh, come out, come out."

Wielding the long sword in his hand, he was clean and vigorous, but Huo Zhongde looked puzzled.

"Where did this kid learn the two-handed sword?"

Huo Gang froze and didn't say a word.

As the movement of the long sword in his hand gradually slowed down, Huo Gang knew that this was the end.

It's just - there's only so much playing time?
Just as he was thinking, he suddenly let go of the long sword in his hand, turned around and kicked sharply, the sword swirled rapidly in the air, only seeing some afterimages, and finally inserted his hands into it suddenly, holding the hilt.

"Kick the sword?!"

"Dad! Don't jump so high, you scared me!"

"Oh my god, Lao Huang, do you think this is a special effect?"

"Damn it! This kid still has such a skill? I knew that he would have to give me a demonstration during the week when I borrowed from his house."

The moment Huo Yunting held the hilt of the sword and maintained his figure, countless people from all over the country exploded.

However, Huo Yunting didn't know anything about it.

Withdraw the sword and bow.

The screen quickly cut to the main scene.

"Master Huo! We are done!"

"Woohoo! It's over!"

"Perfect end!"

When the director gestured an OK gesture, the group of young people around him exploded in an instant.

The hard work of half a year is not in vain today.

Zhang Debang was very excited and gave thumbs up again and again.

"Brother Huo, the best year's Spring Festival Gala, the best performance!"

Huo Yunting just smiled, and patted his shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work, you should go back to sleep earlier."

Then he greeted the driver, Lao Hou, and went home with Liu Yifei.

When they got home, they cooked a plate of quick-frozen dumplings. The two of them took a simple bite and went to bed.He was highly concentrated that night, and he was also a little tired.

His head touched the pillow, and soon he fell asleep.

The next morning, Huo Yunting was woken up.

The alarm clock at five o'clock was once, and Zhang Debang's countless series of fatal phone calls from eight o'clock made him feel sleepy.

"Your uncle, can't I let me sleep well after the New Year's Eve?"

Liu Yifei was sleepy and blindfolded, trying to climb up to his shoulder, whispering indistinctly in his ear.

"Curse him... scold him severely..."

"Brother Huo, I didn't mean to harass you, you're angry! You're so angry!"

"After your performance last night, the ratings of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala rebroadcast today have exploded!"

Hearing her excited voice, Huo Yunting couldn't scold him for a while, so he had to listen patiently.

"and then?"

"Oh! You are also popular abroad, Brother Huo, do you still remember that Tom Cruise? He forwarded the video of your Spring Festival Gala live on Twitter, and also marked you as his master!"

(End of this chapter)

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