The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 192 You Have Misunderstood the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 192 You Have Misunderstood the Entertainment Industry
As soon as Tom Cruise was mentioned, Huo Yunting no longer fell asleep.

Huo Yunting still vividly remembers the incident of him smashing someone's camera in front of the press conference.

He just learned a few tricks and dared to smash it with his hands. After watching his video today, don't practice blindly in private.

Quickly shook Liu Yifei awake, and asked her to figure out how to read Twitter, and to check the popularity of discussions about her in the Spring Festival Gala yesterday.

After hanging up Zhang Debang's phone, Huo Yunting realized that there were still many text messages sent.

He didn't have time to talk to him right now, so he turned on his computer and checked the discussion on the Internet about his sword kick last night.

Liu Yifei used her own computer to find discussions about him on the Internet for Huo Yunting.

As soon as the computer was turned on, the middle-aged man coughed frantically one after another.

Huo Yunting opened the third-rate celebrity exchange group, and he was blown away by Aite.

Everyone was asking him if he kicked the sword last night was a special effect?

"[Crying and laughing] It's a real shot. The Spring Festival Gala is a live broadcast. Where did the special effects come from?"

After saying this, the group became even hotter.

[Zhang Ziyi]: I have long said that Xiao Huo's must be a real shot. I have watched the rehearsal countless times.

Without bothering about what was said in the group, Huo Yunting opened the browser, without him searching, a bunch of hot news jumped right in front of his eyes.

[Expert analysis, kicking the sword is for synthesis]

[Spring Festival Gala ratings hit a new high]

And so on and so on, the news came out one after another, Huo Yunting tried to search his name, and there were more than 20 pages of related entries!

But he couldn't help but wonder, he kicked a sword in half a year, and they can discuss more than 20 pages with this kick?
I just found a post and looked at it, and the comments below have exploded.

"I just imitated it. Although I was lying down, my legs were still spinning in the air."

"This movement is not difficult. You do this first, then do this, and finally do this again. Hey, where is my head?"

"[Picture] has a swollen eye and is in the hospital."

"Now I recognize Huo Yunting's title as Qiu Chuanwu, it's worthy of the name."

"Hehe, do people need your approval?"

There are all kinds of things to say on the Internet, but there is also an upsurge of imitating kicking swords.

There are also many doctors who have begun to complain that they have to work overtime during the Chinese New Year.

After thinking about it, he posted a blog: Professional moves, please do not imitate.

"Brother Yun, you are so popular on the Internet, the number of viewers has exceeded 500 million."

"Where is it? Let me take a look."

Liu Yifei trotted all the way over, Huo Yunting took over the computer and looked at it.

Tom Cruise got the video of his Spring Festival Gala performance from somewhere, it’s just three seconds, it’s the part where he kicks the sword.

Coupled with two words: my sifu.
The following comments are similar to those in China, and many people have been admitted to the hospital.

"This must be special effects synthesis."

"Dude, this is a Christmas party in the East, and the requirement is that it must be broadcast live."

"I've been asking my Chinese classmate studying abroad all night, why doesn't he admit that he can kick a sword?"

"This is a master of Kung Fu. You should ask your classmates to perform kicking sticks for you. This is easier."

"This is a real kung fu master, when will Hollywood hire him as an action director?"

After reading the tweets was not enough, Liu Yifei showed him videos on YouTube. His clips of the Spring Festival Gala have already had millions of views, and there are many imitators.

At first, Huo Yunting wondered if there were so many hidden dragons and crouching tigers on the Internet?After a closer look, I found out that it was a fucking special effect.

"Brother Yun, you are really popular at home and abroad now."

Huo Yunting nodded, "After this year is over, let's see if we can get some good dramas."

Zhang Debang was so disturbed that he lost his sleepiness, and the two simply changed their clothes and prepared to go out to pay New Year's greetings.

I went to visit Liu Xiaoli at the first stop. It is indeed a bit inappropriate for a Chinese New Year abductee to sleep with her.

Liu Xiaoli, on the other hand, looked calm and calm, she looked at her daughter's face carefully for a while, and felt relieved.

As expected, he guessed right, handing Qianxi over to Huo Yunting gave her more peace of mind than being by her side.

After saying a few words and stuffing red envelopes for the two children, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei left. He still has other connections to make.

"Hey, why are you following me? Why don't you accompany your mother to eat dumplings for the New Year's Eve?"

After saying this, Liu Yifei froze for a moment, turned her head to look at Liu Xiaoli, and suddenly straightened her back, "I know someone."

After finishing speaking, she took Huo Yunting's arm and forcibly dragged him away.

"When you have a husband and forget your mother, you are a prodigal child." Liu Xiaoli cursed bitterly.

There are only a few friends in Peiping, and Huo Yunting who is not in Peiping sends text messages and calls one by one.

The next stop was Yu Qian's house, and by chance, Lao Guo was also there.

"Oh, this is a big star."

Opening the door, seeing someone coming, Yu Qian stared wide-eyed.

Huo Yunting grinned, and before he could say anything, Yu Qian invited Liu Yifei in.

"Come on, come on, isn't this Liu Tianxian?"

"Brother Qian'er, do you think I don't exist?"

"Hahaha, I can't forget you."

Yu Qian laughed a few times, and quickly pulled Huo Yunting in.

"Eat here at noon? My wife ordered some hard dishes."

"No, I'll go back to my hometown after visiting the house in a while."

Seeing this, Yu Qian couldn't say anything more.When I asked the two of them that they hadn't eaten breakfast, they made some side dishes by themselves.

Huo Yunting chatted with Lao Guo in the living room, Lao Guo smiled and looked at Liu Yifei.

"How old is Yifei?"

"How long have we been talking?"

"Oh, brother Huo is also a good man."

"Haha, I've known you were talking for a long time, but I haven't met you face to face."

While chatting, Yu Qian came with a few plates of side dishes.

"Come on, try my shredded pears, it's appetizing and relieves greasy."

Put the shredded pears on the table, and Yu Qianle introduced them cheerfully, "This pear, cut into shreds, and then put Beijing cake sticks, canned hawthorn and soup into it, hey, it's cold, sweet and sweet .”

"Thank you, Teacher Yu."

Liu Yifei smiled without showing her teeth, took a toothpick and stuck a piece of Peking cake, stuffed it in her mouth and chewed slowly, soon the expression on her face became colorful.

Looking at the side dishes and Liu Yifei's expression, Huo Yunting pondered for a long time.

The taste of this Peking cake dipped in hawthorn juice and stuffed into the mouth can't be said to be unpalatable, it can only be said to be special.

After eating this Beijing cake, Liu Yifei started drooling, and she wanted to pull out her teeth.

A smile appeared on his face, "Teacher Yu, don't tell me, this side dish of yours... is quite creative."

Yu Qian waved his hand immediately, with a humble expression on his face, "Hey, this is the eating method of an old gourmet I know, and it's not my idea."

Seeing Liu Yifei's expression, Guo Degang smiled.

"Brother Qian'er's status in the food industry is equivalent to Hawking's status in the sports world. His small dishes are easy, convenient, and easy and convenient."

After saying this, everyone present except Yu Qian laughed.

Yu Qian was anxious, "Hey, how do you talk? Do you have taste?"

"Come on, Brother Huo, try it."

Huo Yunting couldn't resist him, so he took a piece of pear silk and tasted it.

He looked at the ceiling and pouted, thinking for a long time.

Brother Qianer's dish, it really can't be said to be unpalatable.

It’s a bit of a slap in the face, these few ingredients don’t match at all, and after being fried into a plate, they fight each other, and there are endless quarrels in your mouth.

"How is it?" Yu Qian looked hopeful.

"Brother Qian'er, you should feel free to talk about cross talk in the future."

Just as Yu Qian was about to refute, a baby was heard crying.Yu Qian's complexion changed, and she hurried to the bedroom, and came out with a child in her arms after a while.

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, his face full of shock, "Brother Qian, your son?"

People in their 30s can be regarded as—oh, but they are not considered old-fashioned.

"I said, you two are not young anymore, when are you going to have a child?"

Huo Yunting's face darkened, isn't Liu Yifei still young when he's not yet 20?

Since my hometown, people have been urging people to marry every day, and now they are directly making people give birth to children, which is endless.

After a few simple perfunctory sentences, Huo Yunting hurriedly said goodbye and left.

On the way, Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, "Brother Yun, that is really the most special dish I have ever eaten in my life."

"I don't know if it's appetizing or not. Anyway, it's quite nauseating."

The two murmured along the way, and then went to visit other friends.

Finally, after visiting Beiping, Huo Yunting booked a ticket back to his hometown.He hesitated in his heart, and asked Liu Yifei if he wanted to go back with him.

The little girl agreed after a little thought.

After talking for more than a year, it's time to meet the parents.Otherwise, she wouldn't even follow Huo Yunting to meet relatives without her mother.

It's a pity that when the two were about to leave, they were greeted by Liu Xiaoli on the phone.

"Are you just my mother? You have no other relatives?"

Hearing her mother's stern tone, the little girl let out a resentment, reluctantly said goodbye to Huo Yunting, and took a taxi to find her mother.

In the end, it was still Huo Yunting's journey home alone.

Just like last year, when I first arrived at the gate of the village, I was surrounded by people, those who took pictures, those who wanted to sign, and those who looked familiar...

Huo Yunting almost couldn't handle it.

I don't know where I heard the news that he was going back to the village.

When I got home, my parents were booing and asking for warmth.

Finally, the topic changed, and the clichéd question was asked again.

"Yunting, do you remember Xiaobin's child? I went to the same school as you in junior high school, and now all the children are born."

Hearing this, my head got big.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Gang took over the conversation, "Yunting, why didn't you bring the girl you mentioned home?"

After a pause, he continued, "It's been a year."

"Dad, I also have relatives and friends who want to visit. Next time, I will definitely have a chance next time."

Huo Gang wanted to say something more, but Huo Yunting cut it off.

Every day I know that there is a daughter-in-law, and I have never seen her face, so I don't know if it is true or not.

Chen Caiping comforted, "The child is old, let him go."

During the time he stayed away from home, Huo Yunting's phone rang off the hook.It was all played by Zhang Debang.

The two of them wanted to make ten phone calls a day, and the call time was longer than that between him and Liu Yifei.

All kinds of commercial endorsements have been found, and there are many other film appointments, but Zhang Debang is not very satisfied.

"Brother Huo, what is our status now? The first brother in the Spring Festival Gala!"

"It's just such a bad show, is it worthy of our Ren Qiu Chuanwu's reputation?"

Huo Yunting responded angrily, "Don't push me, you boy, there will be no show in the end."

After hanging up the phone, I started talking to Liu Yifei again.

Originally, he was thinking that Liu Yifei would come to his house after visiting relatives, but it's a pity that she was very busy.

I don't know where there are so many friends who want to hang out, I haven't even seen each other in previous years.

Liu Xiaoli's explanation for this is that after joining Huayi, there are many people who have to say hello and make friends, so this year there are more people to visit.

But Liu Yifei didn't quite believe it, she felt that her mother was dragging it on purpose.

Seeing this, Huo Yunting had no choice but to give up his plan.

It doesn't matter whether Liu Xiaoli did it on purpose or not, if she really can't do it, she will have to ask in person one day.

During this period of staying away from home, apart from discussing his sword-kicking performance in the Spring Festival Gala, the rest of the villagers are discussing the pornographic photos in the Hong Kong circle.

From a certain point of view, Huo Yunting's kick in the Spring Festival Gala also shared a lot of attention.It was an assist.

On the [-]th, the indecent photos broke out again, and the number of people involved expanded again, and there were already more than ten numbers.

On the [-]th, someone began to apologize, but was threatened by a mysterious person: the day of comeback will be widely circulated again.

NO.11 even reported that there was a video leak. It is said that Emperor paid a huge price to recover the photos, and the cost was as high as 700 million Hong Kong dollars...

These days are getting more exciting every day, and the news is getting more outrageous every day.

Fake news is flying all over the sky now, and I don't know how many of them are used to confuse the public. All in all, the Internet is very lively.

In the end, even the rich wife and Miss Qianjin came out, and they talked about their noses and eyes.

It's a pity that Zhuangzi discussed this with many people, but his parents didn't discuss it.

He really couldn't stand these two asking about his life-long affairs every day, so he found an excuse, and he invited Zhang Debang to go to Xiamen with him to see how the filming of "Crazy Racing" was going.

The reason why I didn't call him Shen Teng is because it's still the Spring Festival holiday, and I always feel a little embarrassed.

But Lao Zhang didn't care, he didn't feel guilty at all when he squeezed it.

So Huo Yunting, who was full of energy, and Zhang Debang, who was full of dark circles, boarded the plane to Xiamen.

"I said Brother Huo, what are we doing here?"

"Hide my parents who are urging me to get married, and visit my old friends by the way."

Zhang Debang's face twitched a few times, you hide from the marriage urge, you just go back to Peiping, why the hell are you dragging me to suffer with you?
But he just thought about it in his heart.

"Passengers, please turn off electronic devices."

When the flight attendant's voice came, Huo Yunting glanced at the screen again, and then closed the computer.

"The matter of the pornographic photos is really a big mess."

"Looking at the entertainment circles at home and abroad, this kind of thing is probably not common."

Zhang Debang blinked and looked at Huo Yunting.

"Brother Huo, you may have misunderstood the entertainment industry."

ps: It's the end of the term, and I have to do preliminary work in the past few days, so there is only one chapter, and this chapter is counted as yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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