The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 193 The book recommended by the third master

Chapter 193 The book recommended by the third master

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Brother Huo, what do you think the conclusion of this matter should be?"

Huo Yunting thought carefully, "Bad guidance violates social morality."

"Did you break the law?"

Huo Yunting was stunned.

"It said a thousand words and ten thousand things about this matter, and the only thing wrong is that it leaked out." Zhang Debang rubbed his eyeballs, "If this little photo didn't come out, what should I do, don't you think so?"

Huo Yunting was a little shocked, but also a little hesitant. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that except for him and Liu Yifei, the others didn't care about how much fun they had, but were discussing how it came out.

He knows that there are many shady things in the entertainment industry, but he only thinks that everyone has what they need, they want roles, status, and standing out, and they use their bodies in exchange.

But this—it was beyond his imagination.

Seeing that Huo Yunting was silent, Zhang Debang shook his head.

"Brother Huo, I won't say much about Ms. Liu. Her mother has grown up since she was a child, and her family is also rich. She grew up in Ivory State, or Utota."

"But you, Brother Huo, maybe you don't even realize how big your background is."

"No, I know." Huo Yunting gave him an angry look, "I'm not a fool."

Now Zhang Debang wondered, "Then why are you wondering?"

"I don't think my reputation is low now, right? Why haven't I even heard of such a thing?"

Zhang Debang was taken aback, "Brother Huo, you really hate people for not taking you to play."

"Shit, I'm just fucking curious."

Hearing the creaking sound of Huo Yunting's finger bones, Zhang Debang didn't dare to joke anymore, and quickly waved his hands, "Brother Huo, you still don't understand."

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

"Brother Huo, what do you think is the most important thing for a martial artist?"

"Wu De."

"Not bad." Zhang Debang slapped his hands, "Brother Huo, if you want to elaborate on the martial arts, I don't understand, but it must be about integrity."

"When you first entered the circle, your reputation was low, you had no status, and people didn't take you to play, and you couldn't see what was going on in this deep water."

"But why are you popular? Following your name is Chuanwu. Who are you close to? Yu Chenghui, Yu Hai, Liu Baoshan...these are all masters of martial arts. How many people are their disciples. "

"When did you see this scandalous scandal spread on them?"

At this point, Huo Yunting probably understood.

"Brother Huo, they dare not take you to play, even let you know. Who wants to bet on this?"

He is Ren Qiu Chuanwu, a master in the martial arts circle, and a master in the hearts of countless practitioners.He is destined not to blend in with some people in the same circle.

After thinking through his mind, Huo Yunting suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Leaning on the seat, closing his eyes, countless faces appeared in his mind.

Huang Bo, Guo Degang, Fan Bingbing, Li Lianjie, Cheng Long, Jay Chou, Liu Dehua, Hanxue, Gao Yuanyuan, Feng Xiaogang, Wang Jiawei, Zhao Benshan...

Faces passed by, each smiling kindly.

Is there any circle among these people that he can't get into?
he does not know……

"Huh heh heh~~~~"

Huo Yunting was startled by the sudden snoring sound beside him, and looking sideways, Lao Zhang had already fallen asleep.

Seeing his thin face and thick dark circles under his eyes, Huo Yunting's heart ached and he couldn't help but tremble.

This is what he made his wife squeeze into.


Panting Zhang Debang and energetic Huo Yunting came to Xiamen Huandao Road Stadium.This is what I told Ning Hao in advance, and they are shooting from here now.

The two went in unimpeded, and no one stopped them.

Compared with the security of "The King of Kung Fu", they are simply two extremes.

Because "Crazy Racer" has no security at all.

The moment the two of them entered was the highlight, Huang Bo was being beaten.On both sides, there are buddies in raincoats holding faucets and spraying water.

Huo Yunting could see clearly, smacked his lips, good guy, there is no mercy in this step.

"Hey, who is this here?"

Huo Yunting stood watching from a distance, when a playful shout came from behind him, and he knew it was Ning Hao without turning his head.

"Isn't this the famous Ren Qiu Chuanwu?" With his hand on Huo Yunting's shoulder, Ning Hao teased with a smile on his lips.

"Let's play around."

"Hey, you're still not satisfied. I let you in for a visit, you outsider, and I didn't say anything."

Huo Yunting looked surprised, "I said Director Ning, what's wrong today? So excited?"

"A leader came here today to inspect the work, and I'm quite satisfied."

Before Ning Hao could speak, Huang Bo, who was kicked and covered in mud at the other end, also clicked on this one, and walked over staggeringly.

Huo Yunting didn't leave either, and stuffed a cigarette into his mouth.

Huang Bo took a sharp sip and muttered, "Third Master said it's very good, follow up."

"Hey, the third master is here too?"

"Producer, you have to take some time to come over and have a look."

Several people chatted one after another, and then Huo Yunting asked, "I said Director Ning, where is Li Cai?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Ning Hao had a strange expression on his face.

"Old Huo, are all the people under your command like this?"

Huo Yunting realized that something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

Looking around, Ning Hao pulled him aside, "I have a character in this movie who is a Muay Thai master. In reality, the actor is also a Muay Thai master."

Huo Yunting nodded, "And then?"

"Master Li just moves his fingers. Zhang Luo, a Muay Thai master, just makes gestures with him. After all, he is also a Muay Thai champion. I guess he has the confidence..."

The more Huo Yunting listened to it, the more he felt that something was wrong, "Fucking point, what are you learning from my manager?"

"Then this muay thai master is still lying down from the hospital. I can only change someone."

Reminiscing about the fight that day, the expression on Ning Hao's face was a little painful.

"His grandma, Master Li has really refreshed my understanding of you guys. Damn it, I brought down that muay thai champion in less than six seconds."

After thinking about it, he looked at Huo Yunting again, "Let me tell you how vicious Master Li's methods are?"

"Did you kick the ball?"

"Damn it, you really taught me this!"

"Don't talk about it, I can guess it." Huo Yunting's face hurt, he waved his hands, "Is his performance okay?"

"I don't have to say that, the kidnapping, street gang fights and other scenes have also provided a lot of experience. Seriously, Lao Huo, if Master Li hadn't been invited from you, I really have to go to the bureau to report it. "

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just sucked his teeth.

How did Li Cai get it wrong?

The two were cooing, and suddenly a pair of hands patted their shoulders. Looking back, the two said in unison, "Master San."

"Yo, Yunting? Why are you here?"

Seeing Huo Yunting, Han Sanping looked very happy, and beckoned someone to bring another chair and put it on for Huo Yunting.

Ning Hao also picked up the horn and shouted, and everyone immediately returned to their posts.

The scene where he was kicked had to be added a few more times, and Huang Bo lay back on the ground again, but this time the punches and kicks were much lighter.

"Crack! It's over."

"Brother Huang, do you think this strength is right?"

"Brother Bo, you know the director, why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"Brother, do you still know Huo Yunting? Such a big wrist?"

Before he could use his own strength, the group of people rushed to help him up.

Huang Bo ignored the courteousness and groaned in his heart.

Damn it, I don't like being low-key at all.

"I have a showdown, Huo Yunting and I are good buddies."

Huo Yunting and Han Sanping sat together, with an oversized sun umbrella propped underneath.

Two big shots in the circle watched with their own eyes, and the surrounding actors became even more energetic in their performances.

It's a pity that they were winking at the blind man, Han Sanping and Huo Yunting chatted vigorously and didn't pay attention to what they were playing.

To be honest, since Han Sanping watched the martial arts performance in the Spring Festival Gala in [-], his sense of Huo Yunting has improved to a higher level. This kid is really amazing.

How did such a flamboyant guy like Kicking Sword come up with it?The most important thing is that he can really kick it.

After watching the martial arts performance, Han Sanping couldn't sit still.I didn't sleep at all that night, and kept paying attention to the ratings, hot discussions on the Internet and other data.

After staying up all night, his eyes were sore, but this statistic simply made him happy.

Especially the surprise the next morning, the video that Tom Cruise forwarded on Twitter directly sparked Huo Yunting's popularity on the Internet.

In just those two days alone, the popularity almost caught up with international superstars like Cheng Long and Li Lianjie.

Huo Yunting's sudden explosion of popularity even brought "Mission: Impossible 3" a little rejuvenation.

Originally, he was thinking about going to Beiping to talk to Huo Yunting after inspecting "Crazy Racing", hey, this feels good, and Cao Cao will be there soon.

His kicking the shuttlecock set off a boom in oriental martial arts in the European and American circles. Coupled with Huo Yunting's popularity in Korea, Han Sanping chatted with him a lot.

Most of them are some high-level vocabulary such as international popularity and cultural output.

Huo Yunting listened with half understanding, and also told Han Sanping about his makeup on the crew of "The King of Kung Fu".

After listening to him, Han Sanping frowned, "Is there such a thing?"

His only impression of the film "The King of Kung Fu" is that it was co-produced by China and the United States, which is a small step in cultural export.

But your output is output, and you can't put a hot face on someone's cold ass.

You have the right to pretend that this thing doesn't exist because the secret yin and yang are pissing you off?

"His grandma's, from our own territory, can people be bullied?"

Xiao Wang's buttocks are a little crooked.

Han Sanping pondered in his heart, it seemed that he had to beat and beat when he went back.

There is also news that the entertainment industry will be cracked down.

I don't know which grandson came out, even he was taken aback, the military area was all out.

Then he looked at Huo Yunting approvingly.

There is also an advantage of being a pure warrior, that is, he is upright.No matter how muddy the water in the entertainment industry is, it can't pollute this noble spirit.

Then he tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yunting, you did a good job on this matter. If anyone makes an issue of this, you can come to me and I will solve it for you."

Huo Yunting nodded.

Huang Bo's role is over, and the next scene is the part where the gang trades goods.

I mistakenly took the ashes as powder and brought them into the car. I tasted them and found that they were wrong.

This part is a scene in the car, and the camera is still adjusting the equipment, so the actors playing the gangster acted it out on the spot.

The boss of the gangster is a fat man, and the appearance of the three younger brothers is also different.

They don't need to act, just looking at their looks is quite joyful.

"Ning Hao is a good director. Just these actors, at least he has screened thousands of people."

Hearing what Han Sanping said, Huo Yunting couldn't help but nodded.

"Every character looks so unique, it's really hard for Ning to direct."

Several people sat in the simulated seats, the boss of the gangster was in the co-pilot, and the three younger brothers were in the back seat, holding the urn in the middle.

"Brother, is this enough?"

The boss of the gangster glanced back, "Amao."

The boy holding the urn opened the box, stuffed a layer of ashes into his mouth, and frowned.

"what happened?"

The younger brother didn't speak, and passed the box to the side, and the ashes of younger brother No. [-] also stuck a finger of ashes into his mouth, and quickly spit it out.

"I'm sorry, brother, this taste is not right."

The driver suddenly leaned forward, imitated a braking action, covered his face and burst out laughing.

"My brain is crowded by the door, can it smell right? Hahahahaha..."

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

A few shots were fired, and the co-pilot's gangster's face twitched.

"The state owns the state's laws, and the industry has its own rules. The local gangs are too rude!"


Among other things, this acting is absolutely top-notch. Even though it was a non-actual performance, it still made Huo Yunting and Han Sanping, two industry leaders, amused.

"Sir, don't tell me, I understand why you are so optimistic about this film. Director Ning is really a genius."

Han Sanping also smiled, "There should be some good films in China, those with both artistic and commercial aspects."

The two watched the car drive up and pull these actors away.

"Let's go, Yunting, take a stroll with me."

Huo Yunting greeted Zhang Debang and asked him to go to Li Cai and briefly talk about the martial arts and the students.

Then they went for a stroll with Han Sanping.

On the way, Han Sanping curiously asked him where the two-handed sword came from, how he came up with the kicking sword, and so on.

Huo Yunting answered fluently.

"The old sword master still passed on his two-handed sword." Han Sanping felt a little emotional.

Soon, he looked at Huo Yunting with a smile again, "Just because of your sword kick in the Spring Festival Gala, now this appointment will continue."

"There are many, but I don't know if there are any suitable ones. My agent pushed me a lot."

After lighting a cigarette for Han Sanping, Huo Yunting looked at him with a smile, "Master, why don't you recommend one to me."

Han Sanping was not too polite, took a puff of cigarette, and then thought about what good scripts he had recently.

After thinking about it, my eyes lit up and I slapped my hands, I really thought of one.

"Don't tell me, I really thought of a book. It's also about Chuanwu."

Huo Yunting also became interested, "There are not many people who talk about martial arts, who is it?"

"Bruce Lee's master, Wing Chun, Ip Man."

(End of this chapter)

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