The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 195 Wing Chun Civil War

Chapter 195 Wing Chun Civil War
Looking at Yen Zidan who suddenly became excited, Huo Yunting was a little confused.

What he said was indeed outrageous, but Donnie Yen wouldn't be so stressed, right?
But the words have already reached this point, and it is futile to think about anything else.

"Mr. Ye is naturally qualified."

"Then invite Mr. Ye to teach, and let him do the evaluation, how about it? If Mr. Ye calls you the master of Wing Chun, I will let you play the leading role."

"Brother Zidan, then don't regret it."

"I regret that my surname is not Zhen."

The two hit it off immediately, and Ye Weixin also pulled the helpless Ye Zhun in.

When I told him about this, the expression on the old man's face became even more helpless.

He really didn't want to care about this matter, but the problem was that he found Huo Yunting's words more and more inconceivable.

Become a master in one night?Is this kid funny?
Finally got it over with.

He wanted to see if Ren Qiu Chuanwu, who was bragging about even the Spring Festival Gala, was true.

"Master Huo, the boxing routines of Wing Chun mainly include the three sets of Xiao Nian Tao, Xun Qiao and Biao Zhi. In addition, there are many types of footwork. You can learn it now."

Facing Donnie Yen's aggressive words, Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Don't talk about it for one night, it will be one night."

Everyone present showed no trace of expression, but they had different thoughts in their hearts.

Yen Zidan was a little shaken by his confident appearance.

But soon he became firm again, and it's almost the same to learn a general routine in one night, become a master?Don't even think about it!
Ye Zhun was afraid that the two would fight if they disagreed, so one sent him upstairs while the other sent him to the backyard.

Huo Yunting was not annoyed, he squatted in the courtyard smoking a cigarette, and texted Lao Zhang with one hand, telling about his situation.

Then he called Liu Yifei.

"Hello? Sissy, I'm a little busy, I guess I won't be able to go back in a few days. Hey, I'm in Foshan, with some friends..."

I don't know how long this phone call has been. Anyway, he has cleaned up the weeds around here, and Ye Zhun shook his head.

This kid, don't be in a hurry, he is so obsessed with women.

At around two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the door of the martial arts hall was pushed open with a "bang", and Ye Zhun, who was sucking tea, shivered.

"Old man, I'm sorry!" Zhang Debang cupped his hands, "May I ask where Huo Yunting is?"

"Young man, don't be so dazed, it's in the backyard."

"Thank you."

"Brother Huo, why can't you get through this phone?" Zhang Debang rushed to the backyard with a broken face.

"Didn't we just come and see if there is a protagonist in this movie? Why did you still make an appointment with someone? And forget about the appointment, how can you still become a goddamn master overnight?"

Huo Yunting looked up, "Qi Qian, I won't tell you now."

"What's the hurry, am I the one who doesn't fight and is prepared?"

Zhang Debang's face twitched, "Brother Huo, I'm an amateur, but I'm not a fool. Whoever you tell me to become a master overnight will know that it's not reliable."

At this moment, Huo Yunting realized why Donnie Yen reacted so much.

This disease has been with him for these years, and he has long been used to it, but others don't know it.

"All right, all right, I have my own plan."

Zhang Debang had no choice but to find Ye Weixin. Seeing the two chattering, Huo Yunting didn't know what they were talking about.

At six o'clock in the evening, Donnie Yen came down to smoke a cigar.Huo Yunting looked at the time and got up to find Ye Zhun.

"Master Ye, I think it's getting late, so let's come."

"Old man, I have to go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening."

"Don't worry, it won't delay your sleep."

Ye Zhun put down his teacup, led him to a wooden stake, and began to teach Wing Chun.

The old man combined theory with practice, taught by himself, and talked about theory.

Donnie Yen pursed his lips, watching from the side with a cigar in his hand.

After teaching "黐手" and "黐脚", the old man wanted to take him a little deeper, but Huo Yunting refused.

"Master Ye, you have already learned how to do this. You can move on to the next one."

Ye Zhun was stunned, and didn't come back to his senses for a while; Ye Weixin almost wondered if he was a little boy who was raised by some big boss;

After a long silence, "Are you serious?"


Ye Zhun stopped talking and continued to teach.

He understood Huo Yunting's request, so he just showed him Wing Chun from inside to outside.

The old man scoffed, and Master Cheng could not mention it for now. If he could learn it, it would be an insult to his decades of practice.

At 09:30 in the evening, Ye Zhun finished teaching.

Huo Yunting thought about it, and laughed, "This Wing Chun, if it's in an alley, it's really a masterpiece."

"I'll test you tomorrow morning, the old man went to bed." Yawning, Ye Zhun went upstairs to sleep.

Huo Yunting bowed his hand to Yen Zi, and went out to find a hotel to sleep.

Zhang Debang sighed, as far as Brother Huo was studying the Fa, even a layman would think it was outrageous.This night, insomnia.

I began to think about how to smooth things over tomorrow and how to keep people from talking about this matter.

Huo Yunting fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

In the dream he had a lot of time to study.

It's a pity that Ying is still half dead, with several huge holes in his body, lying motionless on the ground, unable to practice duel with him.

I poked my toes a few times, but didn't move.

Huo Yunting curled his lips, if there is a new partner——

As soon as the thought came to him, he quickly slapped himself, and broke out in a cold sweat.

What are you thinking about in your head, one shadow is not enough?Want another one?
Or practice it yourself.

At five o'clock in the morning, Huo Yunting got up.

Open the curtains, at this moment the genius is dimly lit.

Going out for morning exercise, I happened to see Donnie Yen who was also out for a run.

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows, it is not common for martial arts stars to get up early to practice martial arts these days.

The two of them still have an unexplainable Liangzi stuck, at least Huo Yunting thinks so.

They glanced at each other and stopped talking. One headed east, the other headed west, and ran away separately.

At eight o'clock, everyone gathered in the martial arts hall, and the assessment began.

"Master Huo, only use the method of Wing Chun, and no other methods are allowed. Do you have any objections?"

Nodding to Ye Zhun, Huo Yunting put on a questioning gesture, "It's the master of Wing Chun, really shouldn't use anything else."

"Then you should be careful."

Ye Zhun let out a drink, which was regarded as a greeting, and rushed forward with fists, but in Huo Yunting's opinion, he was a bit slow.

Waige blocked it with his palm, and charged straight at him with the other fist.

The speed is not fast, but the main one is hard to guard against.

Huo Yunting blocked it with his arms, and that bony fist suddenly turned into a palm, and suddenly punched it straight.

It is index.

At this distance, the explosive power is amazing.

He turned his head to avoid the finger, and then smashed his elbow to Huo Yunting's neck.

Before a smile appeared on Ye Zhun's face, Huo Yunting pressed his other fist into his abdomen.

He just pressed against him lightly, but Ye Zhun could feel the strength of his punch. As long as the punch was delivered, the ambulance would not be able to come late at all.

This one is over.

Taking a step back, Huo Yunting cupped his hands.

Ye Zhun also cupped his hands, but he was horrified.Did this kid really learn after watching it once?

However, this skill is still not good enough, and it is somewhat rusty. It can be regarded as a tie between the two of them.

But this talent really made him envious.

"Master Huo, you must be used to opening your fists and kicks in the north, so you didn't realize it for a while."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, "Master Ye, what does this mean?"

"Hehe, my elbow is a bit abrupt."

Huo Yunting was silent for a while, then pulled open his collar and exerted a little force, revealing his strong trapezius muscles.

"Master Ye, I don't hide because I know I can bear it."

There was another word that he kept silent in his heart.

He could also guess that Ye Zhun's punch would not have much strength.

Even so, the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

Ye Zhun couldn't hold back his face, coughed twice, "Not bad, not bad, it's really unexpected."

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.Damn, this kid is pretty crazy.

Then don't blame him for being rude.

Going to the weapon rack beside him, he took down two sticks and threw one to Huo Yunting.

The fist is afraid of the young, and the stick is afraid of the old man.

The longer the immersion time, the more refined the stick technique will be.

In the boxing fight just now, he lost to Huo Yunting because he was young and strong.Now gesturing this 06:30 stick technique, he has been immersed in it for decades, how can this kid take advantage of it?

The so-called 06:30 stick method is mainly the first three points, the last three points, and the half point if you don't push or advance in the middle.

There is very little outside circulation.

This is also very different from the commonly used stick method. The difference is that the strong hand is behind and the weak hand is in front.The strengths and weaknesses complement each other, and they are flexible in advancing and retreating.

And this 06:30 stick method also has a special stick, which is different from the commonly used ones. It is about two and a half meters long, and most of them are solid.

It is extremely powerful and strong, but the only disadvantage is that the stick is long and heavy, and its flexibility is too poor.

Just now, although Huo Yunting was slightly better in the fight with fists and kicks, but he was young and strong, so it's not easy to evaluate.

Now that the equipment is changed, it is still the stick method, so you have to watch carefully.

The cigar in Donnie Yen's hand had been extinguished at some point, and his eyes were fixed on it.

This time Ye Zhun didn't say hello, he stepped forward and poked his face with the killing stick.

Huo Yunting lowered his waist and pressed down with his strong hands. With this strength, he suddenly bounced the tip of the stick, and a bullet stick hit him horizontally, but Ye Zhun rubbed it down with the stick.

It has to be said that the old man still has a lot of strength, and the solid wooden stick more than two meters long is carrying the wind in his hand, and his expression has not changed.

The two heavy sticks collided with each other, the sound was thick and muffled.

Zhang Debang clasped his hands together slightly, and only begged Huo Yunting not to lose too much face, otherwise he would not be able to smooth things over when the time comes.

Yen Zidan looked a little stiff, he felt that he had underestimated Huo Yunting.

No, it's not underestimation, it's too much underestimation.

When it comes to boxing and kicking, there are other kung fu first, and with this foundation, Wing Chun is easy to learn, but this 06:30 cudgel——

It is really rare to be proficient in the stick technique at a young age, let alone this relatively rare 06:30 stick.

And this is not just practicing a few moves, and filming on the spot, this is actual combat.

A six-he split and a big split hit the top three flowers, and Ye Zhun blocked it with a horizontal stick in front of him.

He clenched his teeth tightly, but the head of the stick hit it, and suddenly he lost his breath, and he blew a thousand miles away.

With both arms, he pushed the head of the stick out, and then a stabbing stick stepped forward and stabbed his chest.

The stick was heavy and powerful, Huo Yunting took advantage of the momentum to turn around and chop sideways——


There was a clear and loud noise, sawdust splashed, and the 06:30 stick in Ye Zhun's hand was broken into two sections.

Looking at the half of the solid wooden stick on the ground, Ye Zhun gasped heavily, his mind went blank.

With a shake of the hand, half of the stick fell to the ground, and the hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

Huo Yunting is so good at playing with the stick, his arms are numb now.

Ye Zhun didn't need to speak, the ashen-faced Donnie Yen knew it by himself.

He lost.

Astonishment, shock, doubt, disbelief... all kinds of thoughts came to my mind.

Ye Zhun and Donnie Yen still couldn't believe it, he learned everything in one night?

There are also eight chopping knives!
He wanted to shout, but he didn't think it was necessary.

Immediately afterwards, he began to doubt whether Huo Yunting had learned Wing Chun, but he was quickly dispelled.

He is a native of the north, where can he learn Wing Chun?
The popularity of Wing Chun in the south is average, let alone in the north.

"What a master."

Ye Zhun's emotion was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Take a deep breath.

Taking a few deep breaths, Donnie Yen cupped his hands, "Master Huo, I am willing to admit defeat."

Then he looked at Ye Weixin, "Director Ye, in terms of skill and acting skills, Master Huo is definitely not weaker than me. He is more suitable than me."

Huo Yunting looked a little funny at this appearance, as if he was going to die generously.

However, he is a good person, and he is a believer in what he says.

Hurry up and hold his hand, "Brother Zidan, how can I snatch your role? Telling this kind of thing is not a joke."

"I, I was also angry at the time, brother Zidan, don't take offense."

The more Huo Yunting said this, the more awkward Zhen Zidan felt.

I thought this character was quite good, but now it has become a hot potato.

"Master Huo, there's no need to say more. Let's talk first, and we will make a deal. If I go back on my word—"

Without saying anything later, he cupped his hands and left.Pushing open the door of the martial arts hall, I don't know where to go.

Huo Yunting and Ye Weixin looked at each other, what should I say about this?

In terms of selfishness, Ye Weixin was moved.

With looks, acting skills, and strength, he is a high-end Donnie Yen.No, it should be said that Donnie Yen is a low-profile Huo Yunting.

But there is only one bad thing about this matter, why didn't you go to Huo Yunting?

Who would have thought that he, a northern boxer, could learn this small southern boxing style in one night?
"Tsk." Ye Zhun regained his strength, shook his head, called for people to clean up the ground, greeted Huo Yunting and went to rest.

This shit happened in his martial arts gym.

Ye Weixin couldn't help shaking his head, "Oh, Teacher Zhen is also a stubborn person. It's a pity that he has been practicing for seven or eight months."

Huo Yunting quickly stopped when he heard this, "Wait a minute, Director Ye, before I came, Brother Zidan had been practicing for almost nine months?"


This time, Huo Yunting was stunned.


ps: I made a mistake, Master Ye never opened a martial arts gym in Foshan, that one was opened by his apprentice, changed it,
(End of this chapter)

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