Chapter 196
Huo Yunting sucked his teeth and squatted in the backyard with a cigarette in his hand.

This thing is a bit disturbing.

He now understood why Donnie Yen was impatient when he said that he would become a grand master overnight.

If it were him, he would be impatient.

My own words are equivalent to completely denying the efforts of others for seven or eight months, which is really easy to make people angry.

Suddenly, he thought of the thief on the train again.And those gold-rimmed glasses.

"Brother Huo, do you think we should take this job or not?"

Zhang Debang standing beside him was also smoking a cigarette, and kept bumping his feet.

The film "Ip Man" should be good. Brother Huo found it himself, and his vision is still valuable for reference.

The only problem is Donnie Yen.

Huo Yunting grabbed the few weed seedlings on the ground, "Didn't Ye Weixin send someone to find Yen Zidan, let's talk about it when we get back."

Before Donnie Yen could find him, Ye Weixin came over first.

"Mr. Huo, what do you think about the film "Ip Man"?"

"I'll squat down and watch."

Huo Yunting waved his hand, "I respect Brother Zidan's hard work in the past nine months, if you can persuade him, let him come."

"I guess it's difficult." Ye Weixin squatted beside him, "He's very stubborn."

Huo Yunting looked him up and down a few times, then what did he mean by telling himself?Falling in love so quickly?
"Hey! Master Huo! Can you please stop picking up my grass!"

The window on the second floor was pushed open with a "snap", and Ye Zhun's head popped out, "That's what I planted! I didn't mention you when I took out all my land yesterday!"

When Huo Yunting heard this, he quickly threw down the weeds in his hands, no, the green plants, and cupped his hands towards the window.

"Master Ye, I'm sorry, may I plant it back for you?"

Ye Zhun tugged at the corner of his mouth, "No need, just don't pick up my other grass."

Turning around, Huo Yunting looked at Ye Weixin, "Director Ye, let's call Brother Zidan back before we talk about anything else."

In the afternoon, Donnie Yen was found and came back with a suitcase in his hand. Seeing this, he was about to board the plane one step too late.

"Brother Zidan, you should play the leading role. My skills are pretty much the same, so where can I go?"

After several hours, Yen Zidan calmed down.

At that time, a rush of blood rushed to his forehead, and with so many people watching, he couldn't help but leave.

Now calm down and think about it again - this face is useless, is it good for me to eat.

Huo Yunting has given enough steps and face, no matter how difficult he is going down the slope, he will seem a little ignorant.

After all, he was the one who started this matter first.

"Mr. Huo, you are really modest when you say that the big difference is not far away. Your stick directly hits Master Ye's stick in half. How many people in the whole country can do it?"

Just as he opened his mouth, Ye Weixin spoke.

After hearing what he said, Donnie Yen thought for a while, then closed his mouth again.

Huo Yunting gave Ye Weixin a slightly surprised look, "Director Ye, you can't say the same thing. I'm a northern boxer, and it's really out of place for me to play this small southern boxing style."

"Mr. Huo, look at what you said. Whether it is south or north, they are all one family. When did the hometown of actors become an important indicator?"

Donnie Yen still wanted to speak, but Ye Weixin beat him one step further.

He thought for a while, and closed his mouth again.

With some understanding in his heart, he cupped his hands at Huo Yunting, "Master Huo, I always keep my word, not to mention that you are indeed more suitable for this role than me."

Having said that, there is no need to say the rest.

Don't tell the truth, it's to keep the sympathy, but you understand everything.

As he was silent, Ye Zhun came down from downstairs, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master Huo, Director Ye, I am a martial arts gym. Although there are no people, this is a martial arts gym after all."

The old man is a master who is afraid of trouble, and the few people hurriedly packed up and said goodbye.

When leaving the martial arts gym, Zhen Zidan was pulled aside by Ye Weixin, and he didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

But soon after the talk, seeing the expression on Donnie Yen's face, he felt relieved, and then he bid farewell to everyone and left.

Huo Yunting looked at each other with sympathy, and left a phone call with him.Although his expression is somewhat awkward.

Yen Zidan left, Huo Yunting folded his arms around his chest, "I said Director Ye, you are a bit interesting."

"Mr. Huo, I mean it."

"I don't quite understand what you mean."

"It doesn't really mean anything else."

"Then you are interesting enough."

Zhang Debang listened in a cloud, if it wasn't for his strength, he wanted to give these two people a big mouth.

What do you mean? It’s not over yet.

"Mr. Huo, I must make up for Master Zhen. I was looking for someone to ask about the resources just now. He has prepared this for me for half a year. I definitely can't do something like kick him out without showing any sympathy." thing."

Martial arts practitioners don't have the purpose of entering the entertainment circle at first, they always have their true temperament.

Ye Weixin patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder, "Mr. Huo, I must not treat Master Zhen badly."

Find resources...

Huo Yunting shook his head and asked the most important question.

"Then what do you mean, Ye Wen will be played by me?"

"It's none other than you."

"I want to watch the storyboard."

Ye Weixin froze for a moment, the news that Huo Yunting must watch the storyboard when reading the script reverberated in his mind again.

"Yes." Immediately, the people around him quickly took out a storyboard from the bag, and handed it to Huo Yunting with both hands.

Huo Yunting looked roughly, his eyes were a little empty, and he quickly sketched out pictures and cut them into fragments in his brain.

"Director Ye, you still have the real thing."

Without waiting for Ye Weixin to ask back, he directly asked the most important question.

"How much is my salary?"

Even though he had already made a prediction in his heart, he still felt a little uneasy when he said it in front of Huo Yunting.


"Ahem!" Zhang Debang coughed twice, and squeezed in front of Huo Yunting, it was time for him to appear.

The two talked for a long time, and Huo Yunting blushed when he watched them talking.

In the end, Zhang Debang returned as if he had won a battle, full of vigor and arrogance.

The final negotiated price was 600 million.

Ye Weixin's price has exceeded Huo Yunting's expectations, and Zhang Debang's price of 50 can be said to be the icing on the cake.

"Brother Huo, I understand. Donnie Yen only offered 300 million yuan at the beginning, so you doubled it now."

Zhang Debang leaned against his ear and whispered, "Don't look at Daoer Ye as a ruthless person, but the price is still sincere."

Although Donnie Yen debuted much earlier than him, Huo Yunting is definitely far ahead of him in popularity.

Kicking the sword in the Spring Festival Gala, I really don't know how much traffic it has attracted him.

Naturally, the price has to be higher than Donnie Yen.

Moreover, he is well-known in South Korea, and he has an apprentice of a Hollywood superstar, so his international reputation is not bad.

If the price was not as high as Donnie Yen's, Zhang Debang would spit out old phlegm all over his face.

After signing the contract, Ye Weixin didn't bother, and directly called [-]% of the total salary.

Half of the filming will be paid [-]%, and the final [-]% will be settled after the filming is completed.

With 180 million in hand, Huo Yunting nodded, feeling a sense of security in his heart.

I set the shooting date with Ye Weixin, and the shooting will start in mid-to-late March.The rest of the matter is to contact on the phone, and he has to say hello to the other actors. They have changed the male lead in this play.

Before leaving, Huo Yunting stopped him, "I said Director Ye, then why did you come to this Wing Chun martial arts gym?"

"I'm planning to find Master Ye for further training." Afterwards, Ye Weixin looked at Huo Yunting and shook his head, "Mr. Huo, I think you should give up."

After all, leave in a hurry.Just talk about the rest of the phone call.

After saying goodbye to Ye Weixin, Huo Yunting went back to say hello to Ye Zhun, and asked again if he needed to make up for his baldness.

In the end, I only got a word from the old man, "Master Huo, let's go..."

Well, it seems that he is boring himself.

He set foot on the car back to Beiping with Zhang Debang, he was going to think about the recruiting of new students in the martial arts school, and he had to say hello to Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao.

When he was about to board the plane, Huo Yunting suddenly said, "Old Zhang, pay 100 million and give Yen Zi a single pass."


Zhang Debang almost choked himself to death with a sip of mineral water, "No, Brother Huo, what did you just say?"

"I said to give Donnie Yen a million in singles."

Zhang Debang became anxious, "Brother Huo, you, you, me, you are really not in charge of the family, and you don't know how expensive daily necessities are."

"Doesn't the martial arts school need money? The studio doesn't need money? We don't have much in our studio's account, so why don't you take out 100 million all at once?"

The tone was a little excited, and the mood was also very excited. The mineral water in the pinched hand overflowed from the bottle.

"Why are you excited?" Huo Yunting glanced at him, "I don't feel sad? Do you really think that all my money is blown by the wind?"

"We have to make sense of what we do."

After all, it was because his trip was too abrupt.

To put it bluntly, Donnie Yen's nine months of hard work were in vain—it's not easy for martial arts actors to make money these days.

Except for Cheng Long and his international superstars.

Although Ye Weixin is not very authentic, but he himself is embarrassed.

Zhang Debang gritted his teeth, not giving an inch.His grandma's got mixed up in the entertainment circle, why are you being so moral?

After following Huo Yunting's side all these years, it was the first time he was so stubborn.In a word, no answer!

Huo Yunting was very surprised, this old boy is so awesome.

His eyes gradually became dangerous, eager to try his wisdom teeth, Zhang Debang retreated a little.

"Brother Huo, 100 million is really different. Let's make a compromise. You and I each take a step back. What do you think?"

Stretched out a palm, "50."

Huo Yunting pondered for a while, "OK."

When the two got on the plane, Zhang Debang felt a little sullen.

Damn, what's the deal with a salary of 600 million, and he doesn't get a commission, so why should a salary earner worry about this big dog.

Just go with your conscience, it will kill you sooner or later!

Feeling aggrieved in my heart, I suddenly patted an arm over, feeling the wide palm, and lost my temper instantly.

"Old Zhang, for your meritorious service in protecting money, I decided to give you a bonus of [-] yuan this month as a reward."

Zhang Debang rubbed his face and smiled sincerely, "Brother Huo, whoever we are with is seeing each other. I have always regarded you as my half-brother."

"Let's forget about the bonus."

"Don't, my brother will settle accounts."

After returning to Beiping, Huo Yunting began to contact Liu Baoshan to discuss the issue of children coming to his martial arts school for further study.

Liu Baoshan waved his hand over there, indicating that the school paid the travel expenses and the plane was chartered.

Huo Yunting felt relieved, and sent text messages to Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao, calling them all to come to the martial arts hall.

The two of them benefited from Huo Yunting's favor, and both went to good crews.However, the two of them did not disappoint Huo Yunting. Although the film hadn't been released yet, the co-directors gave thumbs up after seeing the materials.

Chen Weitao was satisfied, but Shi Xingyu still had a little regret.

Behind the scenes is still not enough, I always want to act in person.

"First of all, congratulations to the two of you for returning home with honors. Secondly, take care of ten students per person, all of them will be taken care of by me."

The two were a little nervous, they had experience as apprentices, but this was the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair as a teacher.

"Brother Huo, is this... strict or loose?"

Huo Yunting looked surprised, "Do you still want to ask me this kind of question?"

Chen Weitao silently shut up.

"What you should be most worried about now is not how to teach." Huo Yunting looked sincere, "It's whether your level is good enough."

The two froze for a moment, bad memories flooding their minds.

The pain of being beaten into a dog by Huo Yunting in the small courtyard surfaced again.

"This theoretical issue is very important. But I think it has to be combined with practice, right?"

Huo Yunting stood up and took off his coat, "These few months of being on the set haven't been wasted?"

Soon, lively voices came from the martial arts hall.

A few days later, the 26th was the day I made an appointment with Liu Baoshan.

Huo Yunting sent two people to pick up the plane.

She and Liu Yifei checked the martial arts gym carefully.

In any case, it was an important day, and she, the teacher's wife, had to be present.

This is also the first time for him to open a martial arts gym, and he asked many veterans in the industry about their experiences.These children are the first batch of students in his martial arts school, so they still have to make a good impression.

While tidying up the corners, the phone suddenly rang.

"Master Huo, I deserve this money."

The other party got straight to the point, Huo Yunting stopped what he was doing, "Brother Zidan, let's pay one yard for one yard. I stole your scene, so I have to give you an apology, right?"

"This... this is not appropriate."

"What's wrong with this? Don't think it's enough if you have less money."

Master Huo joked, this is quite a lot. "

Ye Weixin said to find resources for him to make compensation, and allocated another 20 for the arrears.

Huo Yunting suddenly dialed another 50, but he really had nothing to repay.

It's none of Master Huo's business in itself, he's paying for it at his own expense... For a moment, Yen Zidan's heart was warmed by the blazing sun.

"Brother Zidan, I have something to do here, so I'll hang up first. I'll buy you a drink when I come to Peiping another day."

"Definitely. Master Huo, I know you, my friend."

"Haha, brother Zidan's words are off the mark."

After the two exchanged a few words, Donnie Yen hung up the phone.


Wang Shishi crossed his fingers and looked at him.

"I am lucky to be friends with such a genuine man in the entertainment industry."

(End of this chapter)

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