Chapter 197

"Who called just now?"

"Donnie Yen is considered a senior in the industry."

"Oh." Liu Yifei pouted.Another old man.

Some girlfriends always ask her to pay more attention. Her husband is Ren Qiu Chuanwu, and his reputation is as high as that of others.But she wasn't too worried.

Huo Yunting is simply an insulator of the opposite sex, but he always recruits some middle-aged men.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it, "Brother Yun, is there anything special about your martial arts? What should I say when I see those kids?"

"There's nothing special about it, just come normally."

A pot of tea is colorless and tasteless after adding an unknown amount of water.Huo Yunting was chewing tea leaves boredly, when he suddenly heard the sound of countless footsteps, he straightened his back and patted the sleepy Liu Yifei.


"Ah? What's coming?"

"Brother Huo!"

Chen Weitao shouted cheerfully, pushed open the door and turned sideways, a group of teenagers and half-children poured in.

Qi Shushua stood in front of Huo Yunting, with a reserved and curious face... various expressions, all kinds of strange.Huo Yunting could not understand everything.

"Brother Huo, the children are all here. I've counted their names, and they're all right."

Shi Xingyu sat on the chair with a exhausted expression on his face.

Taking care of children really involves some blind spots in his knowledge.

Don't submit various matters such as picking up, naming names, and counting people.It was really exhausting him.

If I had known earlier, it would be better to let Chen Weitao go by himself, even if he accompanied Huo Yunting as a stake.

The bus outside drove away, Huo Yunting led the group of boys to the training ground, and Liu Yifei followed.

The youngest looks at the [-]th Five-Year Plan, and the largest should be no more than [-].

Huo Yunting was thinking about how the physical education teacher had taught them when he was in school. He was about to speak, but he didn't know which leader would take the lead, and suddenly bowed together.

"Meet the master."

Followed by another bow, "Meet my wife."

It's just that the head is lowered, but the eyes are gone.

Leaving aside their master for the time being, Sister Tianxian and the others have grown up since they were young.

Standing by the master's side today, it means that the news circulating on the Internet is true, and the two of them have indeed brought the Condor Heroes into reality.

Thinking in my heart, I secretly raised my eyes a few more times.


Chen Weitao snapped his fingers next to the boy, his face full of surprise, "Why are you still peeking? That's my wife."

"Ah, no, I, master..."


"Why are you still watching? Talk to me."

After saying these few words, some people couldn't help laughing, and there was a lot of laughter.

Liu Yifei kept her back straight, crossed her hands lightly on her lower abdomen, and smiled without showing her teeth, with a half-smile on her face.


Huo Yunting couldn't help but praise from his heart, it's really good to pretend.

He coughed twice to make them all quiet, and after counting their names, their heads lined up.

After that, he briefly talked about the rules of his martial arts school with these boys, and then drew a big picture of the entertainment circle.In the end, they were divided into three groups, each of which was assigned to the three capable generals under him.

Since Li Cai hasn't come back yet, Shi Xingyu will take over the ten of his subordinates for the time being.

Before leaving, he hesitated, "Call me Master Huo from now on."

After all, he flicked his sleeves and left indifferently.

Liu Yifei pursed her lips, nodded at them, and walked away.

Watching Brother Huo and his sister-in-law leave, Chen Weitao whispered in Shi Xingyu's ear.

"Monk, how do you teach these children?"

"How to teach?" Shi Xingyu sighed, "Bite the bullet and teach."

On the way home, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei briefly talked about their plans for a while.

He's going to the south to make a film about martial arts, "Ip Man".

A few days ago, I stayed in the south and didn't come back because I was discussing this film with the director.

After asking about the time, it was about a month away, and Liu Yifei was quite emotional.

She has nothing serious to do recently, except that she has a variety show next week and a commercial show this weekend, so she is very free.

Huo Yunting asked her to go to the martial arts hall to take care of her in her spare time, and remember to tell him if there was any situation.

He was still a little worried about Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao.

Liu Yifei agreed without hesitation, but then hesitated.

"Brother Yun, why don't you teach me kung fu."

"Hey, the sun is coming out from the west."

Pretending to be fierce, he kicked his calf, "Then they call me Mrs. Shi, what if they ask me some questions, I'm afraid I'll lose face for you."

"It's not instant, it's all on a monthly basis."

Liu Yifei thought for a while, then sighed, "Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog, so teach me."

So that afternoon, Huo Yunting took Liu Yifei to the practice room and taught her the basic zama step.

Teaching by hand.

This teaching started in half a month.She has a foundation in dancing, her body is flexible, her physical fitness is not bad, and she is quick to learn.

Huo Yunting only taught some basic skills of Baguazhang, which can be regarded as a classic boxing method in the internal boxing.

On March [-]th, he bid farewell to Liu Yifei and boarded a plane to the south.

I had communicated with Ye Weixin in advance, and the first place they were going to was the cotton factory in Shanghai.This is also one of the four filming locations of the film.

Huo Yunting only had Shen Teng with him, but he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.

He understood why his ex-brother was so envious of the position of Huo Yunting's assistant.

Before going to Shanghai, he casually asked who was there, and apart from other things, the point of martial arts instruction alone shocked him a lot.

The martial arts instructor is Hong Jinbao.

The martial arts instructor is so awesome, can anything else be worse?

Going this trip by yourself is really seeing the world.

After getting off the plane, Shen Tengma slipped to find a car, while Huo Yunting was waiting, he received a call from Zhang Debang.

"Hello? What's the matter, Old Zhang?"

"Brother Huo..."

"Fuck your farts."

Huo Yunting got annoyed when he heard Zhang Debang's elongated tone.

"Oh, brother Huo, I have news about my ex brother, do you want to hear it?"

I don't know how Zhang Debang heard what Shen Teng's ex-brother said, so he started to follow suit now.

Huo Yunting frowned subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

"The former brother just solved the problem of salty pig hands in the past few days, and then encountered a new problem. This kid is not a good guy. It seems that he was caught in two boats."

Huo Yunting found a bench and sat down, "What do you say?"

"I just broke up with my ex-partner, turned around, hey, I continued immediately, and I didn't leave any gaps."

"Good guy, I really haven't paid attention to his private life."

"However, his ex-girlfriend is not a good person. I heard that she is from Beijing Film Academy, and she has a bad reputation. The acting skills are not good, and the asking price is still high. Two thousand and eight a day. Brother Huo, who is such a high price for a student? .”

The two were having an in-depth discussion on the chaotic film market price in the entertainment industry, and the scolding of their ex-brother, when Shen Teng came back.

"Brother Huo, let's go."

"Yes, Lao Zhang, we have time to chat."

Reluctantly hung up the phone, followed Shen Teng into a taxi.

Having known Lao Zhang for so long, it is rare for him to talk about something that he can talk about.

But should I say it or not, the ex brother is really miserable.

Just lost half of his butt by a car, and then he got sucked into the hands of others, and now he is caught in this kind of thing again.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"Brother Huo, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, let's feel emotional."

This cotton factory is located in the industrial park, Huo Yunting has read the script, it is indeed a rare scenic spot in the film and television park.

When he arrived at the industrial park, Shen Teng asked someone to lead the way to the warehouse where the crew was located.

"Master Huo, hello, hello, I have heard of your name for a long time."

As soon as he arrived at the place, a gentle man wearing glasses walked towards Huo Yunting with his big white teeth bared.

"Brother Huo, this is Huang Baiming." Shen Teng hurriedly whispered in his ear.

Although Shen Teng has only half a foot in the entertainment industry, he has done his homework when applying for Huo Yunting's assistant.

Regardless of whether it is Hong Kong or the mainland, Hollywood or Bollywood, he has studied famous people at home and abroad.

I dare not say much, but I can still do it with faces and names.

This is a producer. Strictly speaking, his actual rights are not necessarily lower than Ye Weixin.

"Hello Hello."

"Just call me brother."

Huo Yunting greeted him and followed Huang Baiming inside.

Several huge machines in this warehouse were running at full speed, but black smoke came out after a while.Huo Yunting moved away quietly.

"Brother Ming, will there be any problems with this machine?"

"It's all just been repaired." Huang Baiming walked in the front without looking back, "There is no suitable cotton factory in this warehouse, so we can only build one ourselves."

Hey, good guy, it's really good enough, I built one myself.

After bypassing several machines that were running, Huo Yunting came to the back, and the number of people increased.

Under the swirling of cotton wadding, a few figures stood there.

"Hello, Master Huo."

The sound is like a bell, rough and bold.What impressed Huo Yunting the most was those big eyes, piercing with energy.

"Master Fan."

Fan Shaohuang can be said to have practiced martial arts since he was a child. His father used to be a martial arts actor of Shaw Brothers, and he also entered the entertainment industry when he was young.He also worshiped Cheng Long as his teacher.

He played the childhood Cheng Dieyi in "Farewell My Concubine".

For this Renqiu Chuanwu, Fan Shaohuang was about to hear his name to death.Especially after the Kicking Sword appeared in the Spring Festival Gala, people around were discussing it.

"Master Huo, your kicking sword with one hand is really amazing."

Huo Yunting looked helpless, well, he knew that he must have to talk about this again.

It doesn't matter if he is an insider or an outsider, the first sentence he said after meeting him is almost inseparable: Your kicking the sword in the Spring Festival Gala is absolutely amazing!
"Master Fan, you are being polite, it's all just putting on airs."

Huo Yunting cupped his hands, his eyes looked around, and he couldn't help but slightly widen.

Zhou Bili who plays Wu Chi Lin, Ren Dahua who plays Zhou Qingquan, and Fan Shaohuang who plays Jin Shanxun next to him...

There are also a few fresh faces, although Huo Yunting doesn't know them, but judging from their muscular figure, he knows that they must be Lianjiazi.

Although he was not familiar with the other party, he looked at him very kindly in his eyes, which made Huo Yunting a little confused.

"This is the deputy director of the Shaobeiquan National Steering Committee, Chen Zhihui, the deputy director."

Huang Baiming explained on the side, Huo Yunting suddenly realized.Good guy, he has a lot of background.

Just looking at the figure of this Deputy Director Chen, Huo Yunting felt that this martial arts business probably had nothing to gain.There are more people with the real thing than he imagined.

This Shaobei boxing pays attention to the four techniques of double attack, which is composed of four parts: long boxing, short attack, pona, and clever escape.

Coincidentally, he knows how to do this little Beiquan.

However, Huo Yunting was also a little puzzled, how did this Deputy Director Chen know that he would lose the North Fist?
Looking at Huo Yunting in a daze, Chen Zhihui grinned and patted him on the shoulder, "Little Huo, the master who taught you Shao Beiquan is also half of my master."

【Shao Bei Fist, Zhang Rongshi】

The words suddenly echoed in my mind, and the face of a Mediterranean old man with gray hair and glasses came to my mind.

"Master Zhang?"

Chen Zhihui didn't speak, just nodded.

Now Huo Yunting was startled, half of them were joking when he told Wu Jing about the preaching of the Hundred Masters.After all, he didn't check this personal name.

At that time, I just thought he was an ordinary old man with such a big background?

Seeing the shock in Huo Yunting's eyes, Chen Zhihui shook his head.Good boy, it's really lucky that you don't even know Zhang Rongshi, but you can still get his true biography.

"The old man's ancestral home is AH. He is a descendant of the leader of the Nian Army at the end of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He is known as "Neijia Zhang". Later, he moved all the way to Shanhaiguan, and the old man learned martial arts from Mr. Zhao Guolun. This is how he became the seventh generation successor of Shaobeiquan."

It's amazing, is this passed down from generation to generation?
Looking at Huo Yunting, Chen Zhihui still had something to say in his heart.

His nephew Zhang Jinfu was supposed to be the eighth generation heir of Shaobeiquan, but...

"Haha! Master Huo."

Hearing the sound, it seems unfamiliar.

But soon, he met the face in his memory.

Wide and fat, rich but majestic.

"Master Hong." Huo Yunting cupped his hands.

The faces behind him were all unfamiliar faces, so it could be seen that it was the Hong family's class, not the Yuan's family's class.

"Master Huo, it's been almost five years since we last said goodbye."

In just two words, it summarizes nearly two thousand days and nights.

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Huo Yunting's eyes, and he laughed teasingly, "Five years ago, I played a supporting role, and now I have become a leading role, which can be regarded as a turnaround."

"Hahaha, Master Huo, to be honest, I'm quite surprised to have you play Ip Man."

Hong Jinbao's tone paused, with a hint of teasing.

"The southern martial arts use the moon to hang on the small bridge, and the short bridge is strong among the bamboo forests; the northern martial arts use the sun to rise from the top of Mount Tai, open and close in the open space, jump up and down, and stretch generously."

"Master Huo, your span is not ordinary. Not to mention you can only Wing Chun."

Huo Yunting grinned and smiled, scraping his teeth with the tip of his tongue.

"Let's see the real trick on the field."

ps: Sorry, the original price of the three pairs of shoes has been lost, so let’s not talk about the extra, let’s just leave it at that.

I will make up for the renewals that are owed, and I have not forgotten to add monthly tickets. The main reason is that I am really busy during the end of the period, and I have a fever again today, which is a bit outrageous, so we all rushed together
Apologize again to everyone
(End of this chapter)

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