The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 199 What exactly does the director want to shoot

Chapter 199 What exactly does the director want to shoot

When Tom first heard Huo Yunting say "but".He raised his breath a little, but when he heard that he had sent his team there, his breath eased again.

If it is as famous as Yuan Heping's Yuan Jiaban, like his subordinate Chen Hu, how many Hollywood superstars have been trained by him?

Even if the class leader didn't come and let the second in command go, no one said anything.

But the question is, who has heard of this Huo family class?

Whether it is popular in the East, whether anyone recognizes it, he doesn't know, anyway, no one has heard of it in Hollywood.

Moreover, the crew of "Wolverine" came here for Huo Yunting, who was playing flying over walls and kicking long swords.Only the underdogs come, but there is no leader, how can we cooperate.

Tom Cruise thought about it for a while and was about to refuse, but after thinking about it, this is someone else's business, and it's not good for him to refuse without authorization.

"Master, then I'll let them contact you, you guys are talking about it yourself."

"Thanks, Tom."

After a pause, Huo Yunting added, "Come to Peiping another day, and I will teach you all about this flying ball."

"Really?" Tom Cruise was overjoyed, "Then can you also teach kicking sword by the way?"

"Just kick the sword, it's a bit dangerous after all."

Tell Tom Cruise that he's filming, and he won't be free until after seven or eight in the evening, and then hangs up.

Ye Weixin also set up the scene and called Huo Yunting to go.

Putting on a black gown, rolled up the sleeves, and walked to a cotton machine, "Director Ye, what is the first scene?"

Before Ye Weixin could speak, Ye Zhun, who was acting as a consultant, looked at Huo Yunting and couldn't help smacking his lips.

"Like, very similar, very similar."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, but subconsciously patted his head.

His hair had been shaved according to the requirements of the crew before coming to Shanghai, it looked like bangs, and it looked like a pot lid was stuck directly on his head.

A vigorous and handsome young man turned into an honest and strict wife in an instant.

When Huo Yunting just finished shaving, how he looked at it was so awkward, but now he finds it quite pleasing to the eye after getting used to it.

"In the first scene, Jinshan went to the cotton factory to find fault, and you came out to save people."

After recalling the script and the storyboard, Huo Yunting made an OK gesture.

Huo Yunting doesn't have many scenes in the cotton factory, and most of the shots come and go lightly.With the appearance of an expert outside the world, he pretended to be forced and left.

"Come, come, all departments are ready."

"Three, two, one, action!"

The scene of the fight between the cotton factory workers and Jin Shanxun's group was filmed in the back, and here is the scene where Ip Man appeared on the stage to deter Jin Shanxun and then began to talk.

With the actors in place, Huo Yunting stared at Fan Shaohuang with a serious face, and made a gesture of moving his hands——


The clicking sound almost missed Huo Yunting's waist.

After thinking about it carefully, it's not right, just yell KA wherever the problem arises, he hasn't even spoken his lines yet.

"Master Huo, you need to be more serious." Not far away, Ye Weixin, who was standing behind the camera, raised his head and shouted.

Huo Yunting frowned, how serious?Isn't he serious now?

"That's right, that's how it feels right now!"

Seeing Huo Yunting's frown, Ye Weixin slapped his hands and shouted excitedly, "It's fine to frown slightly, and the nostrils should be opened and sucked more."

Huo Yunting: ...

Although he felt a little outrageous in his heart, he did it anyway.

"That's right! That's the feeling I want!" Ye Weixin nodded approvingly, "This is what you call a good actor."

The more Huo Yunting listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he went to the camera and looked at his own image from the camera.

how to say?A sense of compassion.

Director Ye likes this tune... Huo Yunting is thoughtful.

He didn't have any special opinion about it, the director said what to do.

"Three, two, one, action!"

"No wonder you dare to resist, it turns out that you hired a bodyguard!"

"I came to Foshan to open a martial arts gym, and you all excluded me. Today, you are going to control me again!"

"His grandma, do you have to chase me away!"

"No one is going to kick you out."

"Ip Man, have you ever tried not to have enough to eat every day?"

"Now everyone can't eat a full meal."

Huo Yunting doesn't talk much, only two sentences in total, but pays attention to the actor's personal ability.

When Ye Wen said this, there was a sense of terror in his eyes, and he was always on guard against Jin Shanzhao's sudden attack.


Ye Weixin suddenly shouted again, Huo Yunting quickly went through the lines in his mind, and it was all right.Immediately afterwards, I went through my own demeanor and actions again, and they were completely in line with that era, and they were not bad.

"Director Ye, what's the problem this time?"

Ye Weixin propped his chin with his fingers and pursed his lips, unable to speak for a while.

He suddenly called out because he felt a little bit off topic, but he didn't know where the question went.

After thinking about it again and again, I couldn't think of it, so I turned to look at Ye Zhun, "Master Ye, what do you think?"

Ye Zhun was stunned for a moment, and then buried his head in thought. After pondering for a long time, he didn't think there was any problem.

"Director, I think Master Huo's acting is pretty good, there's nothing wrong with it."

Now Ye Weixin didn't know what to say, so he could only continue filming according to the plan.

After the filming of the literary drama of the cotton factory, a nearby yard was borrowed to film Sato's search for Ip Man.

There is some martial arts elements in this scene, Ye Wen knocked down all three devils.Although there are not many, the right is to make appetizers for Huo Yunting.

Speaking of this ghost Sato, we have to mention his actor Shibuya Tenma.

This actor, who is not a major, originally studied classical dance.How he became an actor, Huo Yunting didn't know.

But there is one thing, this can be said to be a professional ghost actor.

In [-], he starred in the main theme movie "Flying Tigers Spy War". Before taking over the film "Ip Man", he also participated in "True Heroes" and "Life and Death".

It's just that the latter two films haven't been released yet.

"Mr. Huo, I'm very glad to cooperate with you, please take care of me."

Shibuya Tianma is very polite, bowing at nearly ninety degrees and shaking hands with both hands, and the Chinese is not bad.

"Hello, hello, it's not easy for Shibuya-sensei to leave home and come to another country."

Shibuya Tenma was stunned for a moment, then repeated a few words of hello.

It was only now that Huo Yunting came to his senses, and he knew these few words after arguing for a long time.

The two exchanged simple greetings, changed their clothes and prepared for the next game.

A few on-set workers were busy running around, and finally the casting director suddenly trotted all the way to Huo Yunting's ear, and leaned over to ask him if he could write some autographs.

Huo Yunting was shocked at the time, this is a fucking movie, you want an autograph with me, can you be more professional?
Seeing that he was misunderstood, the casting director hurriedly explained that he wanted the autograph for the film salary.

It's hard to find young actors. This is all temporarily negotiated with the workers in the factory and borrowed from other people's children.

When the workers asked what the film was called? "Ip Man", never heard of it.Again, who is the lead actor?Huo Yunting.

All excited now.

"Ah, it's Renqiu Chuanwu, right?"

"The one from the Spring Festival Gala performing sword kicking?"

"I don't want this salary, can I ask him to sign it for me?"

Huo Yunting was stunned when he heard the casting director say, good guy, he has met his own fans.

Seeing that Huo Yunting didn't speak, the casting director felt a little regretful, and he was also out of his mind, why would he ask him such a question?

One of his autographs is worth five times the sum of the children's salaries.

The casting director regretted it more and more. As the saying goes, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.Why is his nickname Brother Ji?Isn't that obvious?

"Well, Mr. Huo, I'm really sorry, it's me who was a little abrupt—"

"No, don't be abrupt. Don't you just want to sign, how many copies do you want?"

How much is his autograph worth?It's just time to start writing some words.

After leaving a few signatures, Huo Yunting went to change clothes and put on makeup.After a while, the actors took their positions.

Xiong Dailin went to the pavilion to stand, and the rest of the people also found their own seats, only to hear Ye Weixin's "action", and the scene began.

Ye Wen was talking with someone, Sato held a gun, pointed at his son, and approached slowly.

"What are you doing! Ah? What are you doing!"

Sato didn't say a word, he looked up and saw Zhang Yongcheng on the attic, his lust became aroused for a while, and he started to walk up the attic.

Ye Wen's face darkened instantly, full of murderous aura.Suddenly rushed forward, kicked him in the calf, knocked him down, grabbed his collar, and slashed at the neck several times.

The two devil followers around him wanted to draw their guns, but Huo Yunting cut them down to the ground with one move ahead of time.

It seems that the attack is vicious and vicious, but in fact they all keep their hands.

Shibuya Tianma is not a Lianjiazi, so she couldn't stand him.


After the filming this time, Ye Weixin gave a thumbs up, "The filming was very good, there is no problem."

Shibuya Tianma breathed a sigh of relief, and Huo Yunting took a deep breath.

Why is this so good, but the part about the cotton factory wasn’t quite right?
I haven't changed my behavior or demeanor, have I?
Huo Yunting didn't fully understand, he was still thinking about it while eating dinner.Until nine o'clock in the evening, a phone call pulled him back from his contemplation.

Seeing that the number is an unknown number, I picked it up and listened to it, good guy, with a serious San Francisco Hollywood accent.

"Mr. Huo, hello. I am the director of "Wolverine", Gavin Hood."

"Good evening, Mr. Gavin, I'm Huo Yunting."

The two of them didn't exchange much pleasantries, and quickly negotiated on the issue of action guidance.

Huo Yunting said that he has his own team, and there are three capable generals.Gavin Hood said that he only believed in Huo Yunting who flew over the wall and kicked the flying sword.

He can understand kicking the flying sword, after all, it was posted on the Internet by Tom Cruise, but where did the flying sword come from?

Huo Yunting couldn't bear it and asked curiously in his heart, only then did he understand the matter.

"Wolverine" actor Hugh Jackman has a little friendship with old Tom, but not much, just a little.

It was because of the video of Huo Yunting kicking a sword reposted by Tom Cruise on Twitter that Hugh Jackman became interested.

So I contacted Tom Cruise to inquire about it, and found out that Huo Yunting is a born genius in the East.

So he recommended it to the director Gavin Hood. How about asking this Mr. Huo as the action director?
Yuan's class can't make an appointment, so how about inviting Huo's class to try?

After thinking about it, Gavin Hood thought it would work.So I contacted Tom Cruise and asked him to help him ask if he had this intention.

After hearing this, Huo Yunting suddenly realized that in this twists and turns, he also dealt with a man named Hugh Jackman.

Huo Yunting was not interested in this recommendation after a few hands, the most important thing now is to negotiate with Gavin Hood on the issue of movement guidance.

"Mr. Gavin, because I have a movie to make myself, I really can't get away. But I don't think our cooperation should end here."

"I'm sorry Mr. Huo, I don't know your subordinates well, I only know that you are a real master. If you can't be invited..."

"I can guide remotely."

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and Gavin Hood didn't seem to be able to react for a while.

"Mr. Gavin, I can guide you remotely. You should trust my level."

Gavin Hood didn't know what to say for a while, let his subordinates go to work, and he came to guide remotely-this is really weird.

Yuan Jiaban was not invited, and Hollywood's own action director felt that he could not come up with any new ideas, so he put his idea on Huo Yunting.

Seeing his silence, Huo Yunting was also a little surprised, and didn't hang up on my phone.

"No, Mr. Huo, I think it's still..."

Soon, the second round of confrontation started again.

Huo Yunting himself is not good at talking about cooperation with others, let alone making a cross-ocean phone call with a foreigner in English to discuss international cooperation.

After talking for two rounds, Huo Yunting couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to give up and let him chat with Zhang Debang, but the other party suddenly let go.

"Mr. Huo, are your men really like what you said?"

"If it's a fake replacement."

"In this case, I hope we can cooperate happily."

That being said, in fact, Gavin Hood has already made two-handed preparations in his heart. The Huo family should invite him, and Hollywood's action directors should also invite a batch.

Anyway, the boss behind the Fox family has a big business, so it is still affordable to hire an extra martial arts team.

"Mr. Huo, "Wolverine" is a superhero movie that Fox attaches great importance to this year, and I also hope—"

"Super hero?"

"Yes, Mr. Huo, a superhero movie. What, is there a problem?"

Huo Yunting narrowed his eyes and pondered, then suddenly slapped the table and stood up.

"His grandma's, I finally figured it out. No wonder Ye Weixin keeps saying things are wrong... This is not a fucking biographical movie at all."

In the scene of the cotton factory, facing Jinshan looking for this compatriot, he was too murderous. This is not what a master should show.

Facing Sato's sworn enemy in the attic, even the master would be really angry.

Now he understood what Ye Weixin wanted to shoot.

ps: The body temperature repeatedly hovered between 36 and 39 degrees, numb.

Regarding other things... the updates I owe will definitely be made up, and they will be made up.

(End of this chapter)

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