Chapter 200 Thoughtful

Although Ye Weixin has always called "Ip Man" a biographical film, it is only a biographical type, not even a documentary.

Ye Weixin didn't tell him officially that this was a biographical film, but even Mr. Ye Zhun was invited to be a staff member, which was almost equivalent to tacit agreement.

Therefore, Huo Yunting rehearses in his heart many times on weekdays, all of which are to put himself into that turbulent era, and strive for a truth.But the final result was that Ye Weixin was not satisfied.

Now he finally understands, this is not a biographical movie, it is a biographical movie, at the most fundamental level, Huo Yunting thinks "Ip Man" is more like a superhero movie.

If this is the case, Ye Wen's superb strength and broad mind, which are invincible in all battles, seem a lot more reasonable.And it's no surprise that he lost to Wing Chun in the Dakongdi with the kick-foot-turning fist.

It's a superhero movie after all.

Huo Yunting didn't think it was a big deal, the Americans could shoot it, but I couldn't?

"Mr. Huo? Mr. Huo?"

Gavin Hood's voice called twice again, and Huo Yunting came back to his senses, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Gavin, I was distracted just now. For more details about the cooperation, please contact my agent people."

After the international long-distance call, Huo Yunting quickly contacted Zhang Debang. When he told him about the matter, Lao Zhang was also pleasantly surprised.

When people sit at home, their joy comes from the sky.

Being an agent for Brother Huo is just for this benefit, so you don't have to worry about it.

The stars of other agents sit there all day long, waiting for their agents and companies to find jobs for them, and when they find them, they pick and choose.

Huo Ge is good, hey, people can find work by themselves, and they are all tall and tall, so they can't rely on it.

Thinking of this, Lao Zhang couldn't help but feel a little relieved. As the saying goes, there is no happiness without comparison. I am afraid of making a comparison in everything, isn't it?
"Brother Huo, what's going on in Hollywood? Do you know?"

The salary of Wu Zhi is an insider. If it is not related to related work, it is not very clear, let alone Hollywood on the other side of the ocean, and I have never been in contact with it.

That was a blind man crying to the sky - his eyes were blackened.

How much does this cost?How is the salary settled?What grade is their Huo family class?One question and three questions.

Don't say that you don't understand anything, show timidity, and let others take advantage of you.

"I don't know, I never worked in Hollywood." Huo Yunting thought for a while, "I'll call and ask Mr. Yuan."

If you talk about Wu Zhi who has been in Hollywood, the first thing Huo Yunting thinks of is Yuan Heping.

"The Matrix" cost 100 million US dollars for a film, which was nearly ten years ago, and this price is one of the best in the world.

When he was about to hang up the phone, Zhang Debang hurriedly asked, "Brother Huo, who are you sending?"

"Who do you send? Go all."

"This is a big job. It's okay to open up the international market directly if you don't pay attention. Let all three of them go, and one more person will have more protection."

"Among the thirty boys, let the three of them choose a few promising seedlings and take them with them when the time comes. When I come back, I will find some skilled ones, and fill in the vacancies at the grassroots level for the time being."

"Come on Brother Huo, just wait." Zhang Debang's chest thumped.

He just hung up Zhang Debang's phone, and quickly called Yuan Heping.

"Mr. Yuan, hello, I have something I want to ask you. What do you think my Huo family class is going to be a martial artist in Hollywood?"

In any case, he is also a veteran-level figure, so it is not easy for Zhang Debang to contact him.

Yuan Heping was not too surprised when he heard that Huo Yunting was invited to Hollywood to be a martial artist.From the moment he saw Chun Wan's move to kick the sword, he knew that it was a matter of time.

It was an unarmed kicking sword, and it would explode no matter where it was placed.

After asking Mr. Yuan about the price in the Hollywood market, Huo Yunting called Zhang Debang again.

The subsequent bargaining and bargaining matters were left to him to negotiate with others.

It was already 11:30 p.m., which was late, but Huo Yunting still didn't rest.In a hurry, he made three phone calls again and called his three capable officers.

It's almost twelve o'clock the hell, and they were suddenly startled by a deadly phone call from their boss. The three of them were full of anger. If Huo Yunting was in front of them, these few people might revolt on the spot.

Later, I heard Huo Yunting explain in detail that he made the phone call for the matter of Hollywood martial arts, and was instantly moved to tears.The boss used his sleep time to plan a great future for them, so he didn't follow the wrong person.

The three of them took turns talking, and this talk lasted until almost one o'clock in the morning, but none of them complained.

They are not stupid in their hearts, going to Hollywood to become a martial artist, this is a step up to the sky, directly standing in the center of the international stage.

As long as this reputation is established, he will be a permanent guest on this big stage in the future.Even if Huo Yunting said last night, they have no objection.

After finishing speaking at almost two o'clock, Huo Yunting also said that his mouth was dry, and he poured a large glass of water without leaving a drop, and finally went to bed and fell asleep.

Huo Yunting got up late this time, and when he got to the set, everyone was almost ready.Huo Yunting took the initiative to find Ye Weixin and proposed to reshoot the scene where the cotton factories confronted each other yesterday.

"Director Ye, I feel that I have realized the feeling you want, let's try again?"

Ye Weixin didn't make any sense about it. Anyway, today he was filming a cotton factory scene, so we solved it all along the way.

Therefore, I temporarily ordered the staff to temporarily change the scene, and first shot the part of the confrontation in the cotton factory yesterday.

This time it was very smooth, and it went smoothly after one pass. Ye Weixin played it back on the monitor, and it was very comfortable to watch. This time it felt right.

It's just that he also wondered, this Huo Yunting is really a natural actor, I don't know what's wrong, but he figured it out in a day?

Unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, he pulled Huo Yunting aside to ask. Huo Yunting didn't hide anything, and briefly told him about the superhero version of Ip Man he was thinking about.

These words really clarified Ye Weixin's words, and he figured it out when he clicked in confusion before.

It's not like that, what I want to shoot is just a biographical movie.Ip Man is already invincible all over the world, except for a realistic prototype, what other point has anything to do with the word biography and documentary?

"Director Ye, you have to let go of my current opinion. When we made publicity, we gave up the word biography."

Ye Weixin nodded, "It's possible."

After finding out where the reason is, the next shooting schedule is changing rapidly.extremely fast.

More than 90 shots were shot in one day, and many people, young and old, went through it all at once.If it weren't for his partner Xiong Dailin's occasional small mistakes, Huang Baiming felt that today he could shoot 30 more shots today.

I originally thought that the cotton factory would stay here for about a month, but now it seems that I can leave in half a month.

Today's shooting was very good, Boss Huang was very happy, everyone added a chicken leg to dinner, everyone was smiling, except Huo Yunting.

Holding the lunch box, he sat alone, frowning.

It's not that I feel that there are too few chicken legs, it's mainly because I'm reading the script of "Wolverine".This should I put it?

In the afternoon, Zhang Debang called him back and told him that everything had been settled.And he inquired about why the "Wolverine" crew was willing to recruit a Huo family team without Huo Yunting.

To be honest, even if he is Huo Yunting's manager, he still thinks this remote guidance is a bit weird, but the film crew agreed to it.

Don't fucking go to Hollywood at that time, cut off our kidneys, and perform a fairy dance.

Zhang Debang had scruples in his heart, so he inquired around and figured out the reason.

Who is the investor behind "Wolverine"?Fox, one of the six largest companies in the United States, is not short of your money.

But not short of money, it doesn't mean he is a big fool, he has to spend the money wisely.

The investment amount exceeds 1 million U.S. dollars, and most of the shooting scenes are in Australia.In other words, "The Wolverine" would be a loss if the box office didn't reach [-] million yuan in the end. This is also Fox's big investment movie.

After the negotiation was settled, I asked when the film would be shot, okay, in May.It's still a month away.

Anyway, there was still plenty of time, so Huo Yunting simply asked the other party for the line book and storyboard of "Wolverine".

His long-distance guidance is not just talking, he knows the level of the three pieces of material in his heart, and it is still a little bit worse.He is not sure if he is qualified to direct this "Wolverine", but it is definitely not as good as his own design.

A new task was assigned to the three pieces of material, and he first took a rough look at the story of the film.

A body that heals quickly, steel claws that stretch out at will, teleportation, and a hundred shots... Huo Yunting secretly thought to himself, this is what Chen Weitao is good at.

Except for these fighting scenes that test the imagination, what is left is some real swords and guns, fighting with blood and flesh.

Huo Yunting thought for a while, then nodded slightly.Yes, these two happened to be what Li Cai and Shi Xingyu were good at.

He sent all three of them there by himself, not to mention, it was just right.

Li Cai is still staying from Xiamen, and he and Ning Hao are filming "Crazy Racing", Huo Yunting called to ask, and the film crew will probably wait until around October.

However, there are not many action scenes in the play. Li Cai can leave in early April at the earliest, and there will be another month to squeeze out time.

"Mr. Huo, what are you studying?"

Huo Yunting found a corner by himself, didn't eat, just stared at the stack of papers in his hand in a daze.

Xiong Dailin went across to him with the meal, with a curious smile on her face, "Mr. Huo, what are you looking at?"

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, pointed to the script in his hand, "This one."

"Yes, I see you have been staring at it for a long time."

Huo Yunting smiled, "Secret."

"If you say that, then forget it." Xiong Dailin shrugged and stopped asking questions.

The days of the pure text drama passed very slowly, Huo Yunting counted the days and watched Sammo Hung sitting there in a daze every day, not knowing where he was planning the actions.

Until March 3, Huo Yunting, who was eating tofu, saw Sammo Hung looking for Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming.

After less than 10 minutes, he saw Huang Baiming greeted him vigorously, "Master Huo! Please come here!"

All the bean curd in the bowl was picked up into his mouth, and the last piece of fried dough stick was held up to cover his mouth, Huo Yunting trotted all the way.

Sure enough, the martial arts scene was designed.

And it is all the martial arts scenes in the whole play, which is indeed a lot of work.

It's just that Huo Yunting is still a little puzzled, so it won't take more than 20 days to design, right?
I didn't give him time to think about other things, and changed his clothes to prepare for filming.

The first filmed was a fight between cotton factory workers and Jinshan's subordinates, and then went to Huo Yunting and Jinshan to find others.

"Come on, come on, all the tricks are highlighted. The one fighting with you is Ren Qiu Chuanwu Huo Yunting, a famous star, understand?"

The drama manager and the cast members gave instructions, and then made an OK gesture with Ye Weixin.

The extras looked at each other, and subconsciously touched the ax pinned to their waists.

"Brother, what does this mean? Do you want us to go all out?"

"You idiot, you, I told you about big stars, what are you going all out for?"

"Let you take it easy, don't make people suffer and lose face."

The man suddenly realized, "I have been arguing for a long time, and the name of his Ren Qiu Chuanwu is all blown out."

"You idiot! Cheng Long and Li Lianjie said the same here!"

While several people were whispering, Ye Wen, who was dressed in a plain black robe, was standing at position C.

"Come, come, all departments pay attention, 3, 2, 1, action!"

"Why are you standing still? Give it to me!"

Jin Shan yelled, and the younger brothers pulled out their axes and rushed forward.

A man with an ax rushed over, Huo Yunting kicked the door, but just wiped the tip of his nose.The little brother was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses, kicked his legs hard, and flew out by himself.

Another one rushed over, hitting his chest with a series of punches, making him back again and again.

Three or four machines circled around him, Huo Yunting kept his hand and foot skills, there were no close-ups in this scene, it was all panoramic shots, Huo Yunting fought for one pass.

It's a pity that the last part was filmed three times, even the part where he beat Jin Shan with a long stick to find it, but Fan Shaohuang was so depressed.

After Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming watched it, they felt that there was nothing serious, so they waved their hands, indicating that the plot of the cotton factory was completely over, and they changed to another place.

Everyone happily went back to clean up, only Huo Yunting stood where he was, thoughtful.

ps: I was helpless for being late today, I still had a fever, and the homestay I stayed in was terrible.There are all kinds of mosquitoes and small bugs in the house. Today, a super-sized cicada flew in, buzzing, and it was so annoying that I wanted to kill someone.

If I hadn't paid a week's worth of money, I'd really be leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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