The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 206 The Confused Hiroyuki Ikeuchi

Chapter 206 The Confused Hiroyuki Ikeuchi
Fighting the same villain boss twice, it is difficult to find such a movie in the history of world series movies.

Huo Yunting thought that any normal person would not do this, but he didn't expect that when he said this to Wang Zhongjun, he was so happy that he slapped his thigh.

"Oh, Yunting, your artistic vision is indeed not bad."

Huo Yunting grinned.

Wang Zhongjun's idea is very simple, "The King of Kung Fu" did well at the box office, as long as the follow-up growth can keep up, he will be able to make a second film, which will be a bad money.

Moreover, "The King of Kung Fu" except Cheng Long and Li Lianjie's ability to drive the box office, Huo Yunting has also shown his prominence in this regard and has begun to show his edge.

Leaving aside other places, South Korea alone, relying on the signatures of Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei, has attracted at least [-] to [-] moviegoers.

And I heard that Huo Yunting is currently making a new film called "Ip Man", and the investment is not small.If he also becomes popular like "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and "Crazy Stone", then he will really be in the sky.

With such achievements in front of him, how could Wang Zhongjun not be moved?

For the olive branch thrown out by Wang Zhongjun, Huo Yunting did not reach out to take it.

"The King of Kung Fu" has only been released for half a month, and there is not even a script for the second film, so what can we say?

Wang Zhongjun is not in a hurry. He doesn't have this cooperation intention now, but it doesn't mean he won't have it in the future.

It's just that I feel a little bit regretful in my heart, why did I let him go in the first place?

What can I do if I am a little troublesome?The income brought by this is also much higher than others.

"Hehe, Yun Ting, since this is the case, let's wait until the box office of "The King of Kung Fu" is fully released."

"Okay, Mr. Wang, then I won't talk for now, I'm still a little busy here."

"Oh? What have you been up to lately?" Wang Zhongjun asked casually, and then laughed, "Ip Man? I've heard that the picture in this film is huge..."

"That's not true. Recently, my subordinates are busy filming "Wolverine", so I have to watch it."

After saying this, the atmosphere was silent for a while.

"No, Yunting, are you talking about the "Wolverine" filmed by Fox, one of the six major Hollywood companies?"

Wang Zhongjun quickly reviewed all kinds of memories about "Wolverine" in his mind. He has never heard of any domestic actors participating in this film.

Could it be that his news is outdated?
"Which domestic actor played the role? Which role?
Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what he said was ambiguous, and quickly explained, "No, Mr. Wang, I set up a martial arts team to make fingers for others."

Wang Zhongjun suddenly realized, and he let go of his hanging heart.

"In this case, I wish your Huo family class a smooth journey, a good start in Hollywood, and a good start."

"Mr. Wang, I have a good word from you."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting nodded, not to mention, Mr. Wang is very polite.

Wang Zhongjun rubbed his temples and let out a long sigh of relief.It was right not to renew the contract with Xiao Xiao.

His grandma's, how long has he been working alone, even Huo's family has come out, and they are all recruited by Hollywood, who can stand it?
"Are the golden scales a thing in the pool..."

On May 5th, Master Liao and Jin Shan had almost finished filming the scenes they were looking for. Several photographers cried bitterly, and all they had to do was sing a song on the spot.

After another week or so of filming, the Dongmen Market scene will be completely over, and then I will go to the ancient building that Huang Baiming found in advance to shoot ten times.

Huo Yunting also saw a group of unfamiliar faces appearing on the set during dinner that night.

Just wondering who this group of people are, a stocky man with a crew cut strode towards him.

With a strange look on his face and shortness of breath, Huo Yunting narrowed his eyes slightly, and clamped the chopsticks tightly with two fingers.

When the stocky man came in front of him, Huo Yunting's muscles tensed up, ready to explode at any moment.

He suddenly bowed at 90 degrees and almost knocked his head on the table. Huo Yunting instantly understood who these people were.

"Mr. Huo, I wonder if you still remember me?"

It's not Mandarin, it's Cantonese, which sounds weird.

Huo Yunting took another mouthful of rice, nodded, "Yamazaki Yoichi."

Raising his head, Yang Yamazaki smiled, "You remember me."

"No, the director told me in advance that you were coming."

It was a little embarrassing now, Yoichi Yamazaki quietly turned his head and glanced at the teammates behind him, all of them looked dazed, but felt relieved that they didn't understand Chinese.

"Master Huo, I greeted all your opponents in the next scene." Huo Maiming appeared out of nowhere, patted Yang Yi on the shoulder of Yamazaki and took him away, "Eat first. Eat first, later Days give you opportunities to communicate.

Yang Yamazaki pursed his lips, feeling a little unwilling, and turned to look at Huo Yunting again, "Mr. Huo, I found a better way this time."

Huo Yunting only stared at his own food, "Then do you think karate is good?"

Yamazaki Yoichi was silent for a long time, and finally said stiffly, "Not good."

"Okay, let's eat first, talk back, talk back."

Listening to the two talking, Huang Baiming's forehead broke out in cold sweat, and without any explanation, he took Yamazaki Yoichi and hurried away from this place of right and wrong.

Master Huo is not evil, he is an old acquaintance, is this an old acquaintance?This is clearly the meeting of enemies, and they are extremely jealous.

Now he somewhat regretted listening to Huo Yunting's words and invited this Yamazaki Yoichi in.

Don't suddenly let Huo Yunting be killed in his crew one day.

Hearing the sound of their footsteps gradually moving away, Qu Huo Yunting curled his lips.

I just love to fix these vain things, what's the ability to see the real tricks in the field, and let him play Mawei with him?I really thought he, Huo, was scared.

Chewing the celery in his mouth, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right. Looking up, the people around quickly lowered their heads.


In his spare time, Huo Yunting had a chat with these karate masters and had a brief chat.

All of them are very polite on the surface, but they are full of guns and sticks in their words, and they seem to be arrogant.

Don't say anything else, just look at the Japanese translator's tangled face and you can guess one, two, three.

Huo Yunting was not annoyed, he only said a word to this group of people, and saw the real trick on the field.Then I went to Ikeuchi Hiroyuki to communicate.

Yamazaki Yoichi wanted to say a few more words to him, but Huo Yunting ignored his complaints, what else could he say?

Now that you think you have found a better way, it's over if you make a gesture.

Unlike these judo masters, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi is an amateur judo and an actor.Speaking respectfully and politely, Huo Yunting felt that his mentality at this time might be like that of Zhang Debang and others who were working on the "Wolverine" crew.

This dozen-of-ten scene will have to go back and forth again, and wait for the filming of the Dongmen Market scene to finish.The fight scene between him and Miura is about to be filmed, and the location is tentatively set on Hong Kong and Macau Street.

It is said that a ring has been set up.

He and Ikeuchi Hiroyuki only found an open space to make gestures a few times, and found that his skills were indeed amateur.A little too weak, and it's really difficult to pretend to be evenly matched with him.

"Yes, Mr. Chiuchi, let's do this first, and then we will make gestures in the ring."

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi nodded, suddenly a little confident in his heart.

The two gestures between myself and Huo Yunting just now can be said to be evenly matched.It seems that Ren Qiu Chuanwu's strength is not as high as he imagined.

Chen Zhihui noticed that Huo Yunting didn't get along with these little days, and he always felt that this was not good.

"Master Huo, we are in the crew, and we still need to coexist peacefully."

"Director Chen, it's not that I can't fight. What are you afraid of?" Huo Yunting didn't care too much. rational."

After thinking about it, Chen Zhihui felt that it made sense, so he said twice, "It's Deputy Director Chen."

"Oh, sooner or later."

At the end of May, the scenes in the Dongmen Market were completely over, and the next step was to go to Hong Kong and Macao Street to shoot the life and death arena.

Before going, Hong Jinbao also told Chi Nei Hiroshi that Huo Yunting's martial arts scenes are different from others.

He doesn't need others to design too many routines for him, he will try to fight a few times with the opponent first, and then enrich it according to the most suitable one.

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi heard it inconceivable, he had been in the entertainment industry for these years, and it was the first time he heard that he was filming a martial arts scene like this.

But he didn't say much, after all, he was the protagonist.It's just that I muttered to myself, there are quite a lot of tricks.

Ye Weixin went into battle lightly, only bringing relevant personnel with him.

The place was not far away, and after a few 10 minutes' journey, Ye Weixin asked the casting director to find some extra performers.

After giving the order, he went to the toilet to smoke a cigarette, and when he came back, he saw that the bottom of the ring had been surrounded by a huge crowd.

"Good guy, did you find the money so quickly?"

Ye Weixin stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that there were men, women, children, big and small bags, everything you need.

Looking at a young man wearing a small blue hat and holding a small flag in his hand, it suddenly dawned on him, what the hell is a group performer, which tour group is here to play in Nanhai Film and Television City.

"Director, I heard that Huo Yunting is in your crew, is it true?"

"Director, can I make a guest appearance? No money."

"I heard you're going to beat up the little devil in a while?"

A group of old men and women, boys and girls, surrounded him chattering in various dialects, which made his head hurt.

"Stop, stop, speak slowly, come one by one!"

In the end, it was the tour guide of the tour group who laughed and explained the ins and outs to Ye Weixin clearly.

Originally, their tour group was just wandering around the film and television city, but suddenly found that there was an extra stage here.

It's not unreasonable for those old men and aunts to be nicknamed the strongest intelligence network in the East. In just a few words, they found out that there was a scene of beating a little devil here, and it was Huo Yunting who performed sword kicking on the Spring Festival Gala.

These tourists are all interested and want to see it with their own eyes, even if they don't need a paycheck.

Ye Weixin grinned when he heard that, so where can I do it?It's not that the crew is short of money, even if it's a group performance, it's better to find a professional.

But Huang Baiming, who had been listening in, disagreed and held the opposite opinion with him.

"One is for acting, and the other is for revealing your true feelings. Which one do you think is better?"

Ye Weixin was not to be outdone, "What if Master Huo loses?"

Huang Baiming was stunned for a moment, and also hesitated, yes, what should I do if I lose, it will not embarrass my compatriots.

After thinking twice, he called Huo Yunting and told him about it, and Huo Yunting was shocked when he heard it.

Then he looked at Huang Baiming and Ye Weixin sincerely, "Director Huang, Director Ye, I'm serious, if you fight Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, it's hard for me to pretend to lose."

Huang Baiming and Ye Weixin looked at each other, and then made a decision to invite these tourists to act as onlookers.

But I didn't treat this group of tourists badly, they were all paid according to the price of normal group performances.

Regardless of whether you want it or not, you have to force it anyway.

Looking at the mess below, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi was still curious about what was going on, so he asked Ye Weixin.

"I came to see you get beaten up", this must not be said, Ye Weixin racked his brains, and finally said, "It's the enthusiastic people who came to help."

Hirozhi Chiuchi was thoughtful, and was about to ask what kind of help he was helping, but Ye Weixin slipped away.

Seeing this, he could only shake his head, and went backstage with Huo Yunting to change clothes.

Huo Yunting changed into a black bunt gown, and Hiroyuki Ikeuchi changed into a plain white karate uniform; the two stepped onto the ring, one on the right and one on the left;

With the director's action, Miura moved instantly.

Even kicking and running towards the door, Ye Wen blocked it with his hand, and then leaned close to his body, and the two began to fight close to each other.

He slashed his neck with a backhand knife and was dodged, followed by all kinds of punches and punches at the door. Ye Wen also went into battle with both hands, dialing, blocking, parrying, and pushing, all of which were blocked from the outside.

For a while, only the shadows of fists were seen in the audience, the sounds of fists continued, and expressions of horror appeared on their faces.

"Oh, I'll go, this little devil beats you really hard."

"Huo Yunting won't lose, right?"

"How could it be possible to lose? They have real kung fu."

"Damn, this little devil, treat him to hob meat later."

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers below the stage, and under Ye Weixin's greeting with a wave of his arms, several photographers on the elevated rushed to point their cameras at it.

This acting skill, no, this is the expression of true feelings, it is simply a must.

Look at that look of worry and hatred, it's written all over his face.

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi's Chinese is half-baked, just at the level of "Ni Hao" and "Have you eaten".The discussion in the audience can be heard, but I don't know what it is talking about.

But all in all, he knew that the people in the audience were not group performers, but tourists.He didn't want to lose too badly.

Raising his knee suddenly, Ye Man threw his elbow to block and avoid Miura's kick, and then punched straight to the forehead.

The distance between the two was no more than half a meter, and he rushed forward with this punch very quickly.

I thought Ye Wen couldn't avoid it, but he didn't expect his hands to be faster, he clapped his hands down, and pushed his jaw with his horizontal palm.

The upper and lower jaws collided together, and there were stars in the eyes.

Hirozhi Chiuchi backed away again and again, and it took him a long time to slow down, and he looked at Huo Yunting with a dazed expression.

Why are you so strong?Wasn't that the case in sparring a few days ago?Isn't it evenly matched?
(End of this chapter)

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