The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 207 Master Huo, what do you think?

Chapter 207 Master Huo, what do you think?

No, how did I get beaten just now?
What a quick fist.

Is it that others are too strong, or is this kung fu too strong?
Various thoughts and thoughts flashed through Ikeuchi Hiroyuki's mind, and in the end, only one sentence echoed in his heart.

The kung fu of this close-fitting bunt cannot be underestimated.

There was sharpness between the brows and eyes, and he didn't dare to get close again.Feint a shot with the front leg, and quickly sweep the waist with the back leg

It's a kick.

This is the name in karate. In plain language, it is an interrupted horizontal kick.

His feet are fast, but Huo Yunting's hands are even faster.


Seeing that he missed a hit, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi quickly changed his line to an upper horizontal kick.


was blocked again.

Although these two kicks were all blocked, even Huo Yunting had to praise that this two-handed double kick was really beautiful.

Seeing that the two consecutive horizontal kicks were blocked, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi quickly sank his legs and chopped down, followed by another sweep in the air.

His legs are open and closed, quite like Shaolin legs.

The fight was not bad, but it was a pity that he met Huo Yunting, who belonged to Guan Gong who was playing a big sword in front of Lu Ban and who was playing a big ax in front of Lu Ban.

Huo Yunting calmed down after doing this, but he was exhausted and out of breath anyway.

I can't beat you at close quarters, but is it impossible to do anything with this kick?

Although the audience in the audience are all laymen, they can see who is winning and who is losing when one is panting and the other is calm, and they all clap their hands and applaud.

Now Hiroyuki Ikeuchi understood that this is not a warm-hearted crowd, it is obvious that he came here to see him being beaten.

But after thinking about it, it's not bad, I can't find any faults, if they don't applaud Huo Yunting, could it be possible to applaud him?
Gritting his teeth, he rushed up again with his fists waved, Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly.

Karate is open and closed, moves in a straight line, often uses lunges and horses, and pays attention to the use of legs. It is a model of vigorous Kung Fu.

He knew that Wing Chun was good at close-fitting bunt, so why did he want to stick to himself?

As the saying goes, there must be a demon in every event, dodging Hiroyuki Ikeuchi's fist, Huo Yunting's clapping hands passed under his armpit, and he changed the armrest to touch his neck, and the foot underneath also passed through his legs, intending to trip him Throw him down with one blow.

Ikeuchi Hiroyuki's reaction was not slow, seeing that his body was a little out of balance, he quickly turned his fist into a claw and grabbed his collar, and tied his arm with the other hand.

With such a pull, he stabilized his figure again, and then a back throw was about to throw Huo Yunting on his back.

This kind of shoulder throw is also quite common in Tang's hands. It is a violent throw that requires the muscles of the whole body to work together.Once someone grabs your arm, you have to be careful next time.

Clasping Huo Yunting with both hands together, Chiuchi Hiroyuki was overjoyed, this combination was a decisive victory.

I was just wondering if I should give him a bit of a slack, after all, he is a big name, and this is his home field, so it's not good to let him go too much——

My thoughts froze, and my brain got stuck.

Why can't you pull it?
The muscles all over the body tensed again, and they grabbed Huo Yunting's two arms with all their strength, only to feel that what was being held was not a person, but a boulder weighing more than a hundred kilograms.

Looking back, the expression on Huo Yunting's face seemed to be a smile but not a smile.All of a sudden, I felt a gust of wind blowing over the chin, and looking down, Huo Yunting pushed a palm over at some point, and the tiger's mouth was facing the chin.

Let go of your hands, take a few steps back, and bow slightly.


"it is good!"

"That's the way to fight!"

"Good fight!"


When Huo Yunting got off the stage, he saw Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming looking at the monitor and nodding frequently.

At first he thought he was discussing his martial arts scene, but after taking a closer look, he realized that he was watching the performance of the crowd under the stands.

"I heard you right. You can pass this acting skill once, and you don't even need to change it. Every frame can be used as a feature film."

"It's all a show of true feelings."

"Master Huo."

Chen Zhihui sneaked behind him at some point, looked at him curiously, and compared himself with him on tiptoe.

"I said Director Chen, what are you doing?"

"Master Huo, the last song of Ikeuchi Hiroshi just now was a back shot, right? Doesn't it affect you at all?"

Chen Zhihui was really curious about this.

That Ikeuchi Hiroshi is not short, although he is an amateur judo, but he can tell by his body shape that he has been exercising all year round.

The back throw is also very standard, even if Huo Yunting's weight is a bit higher, he still won't be motionless.

Not to mention, even Hong Jinbao and Fan Shaohuang came up to listen.

At the last time, he was considered to be half of the martial arts circle. This point was clear, and they were also curious.

Huo Yunting smiled, "Thousand catty pendant, a kind of plum blossom pile technique."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, if they knew something about the Qianjin Pendant in Tai Chi, what is this plum blossom pile skill?
Seeing their half-understanding expressions on their faces, Huo Yunting also heaved a long sigh.

There are fewer and fewer people who understand martial arts.

The familiar ones include Taiji, Baji, Bagua, etc., and most of the rest are half-baked, such as Shaobei, Tongbi, etc.

As for the Plum Blossom Pile Kung Fu, it can be said that it is a minority and can no longer be a minority.

It is divided into two types, one is a small pile drop type, and the other is a flat lying type.

The method of this heavy pendant is a summary of the coordination and combination of the inner and outer body, mind, qi, and strength.

The small-style pile drop is a primary heavy drop. Use a small-style pile to stretch out one hand, and someone else will lift it up forcefully. The hard-working body will not leave the ground.

This flat-lying style is like an advanced version, which refers to the great achievement of this heavy drop.

According to legend, Zhang Keyun, a veteran of Huohong, Zhili Pingxiang, was 61 years old, but four young and strong boys failed to lift him off the ground.It can be seen that the skill of this thousand catty fall is not empty.

Hearing his explanation, everyone suddenly realized that it is really strange that there is such a skill.

Otherwise, how dare to upload the title of 5 alone, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a second person in China who is proficient in various martial arts routines like him.

Everyone was thinking about it, when Huo Yunting suddenly looked at Hong Jinbao, "Brother, how is it? Is this part okay?"

Hong Jinbao froze for a moment, broke away from thinking, and quickly entered the state.

"It's beautiful, but it's not good."

Huo Yunting frowned and said nothing.He understood what Hong Jinbao meant, and he wanted him to exaggerate even more.

But as far as he is concerned, he still prefers the style of martial arts that tends to fight to the death.

Hong Jinbao ignored it, and continued, "It's like Hiroyuki Ikeuchi's back throw at the end. If you let him throw it up, lose the wind and gradually gain the upper hand, the effect of this scene must be much better than it is now."

Dun Dun Hong Jinbao continued to add, "As you said, this is our superhero."

Huo Yunting smiled helplessly, "At the beginning, the third master told me that this is a movie about martial arts."

"Why isn't it Chuanwu? The kung fu in this movie isn't exquisite." Ye Zhun said suddenly, "Master Huo, you are young, but I always feel like you are a master who is over fifty years old."

"Master Ye, what do you say?"

Ye Zhun hesitated for a while, "I'm always worried that this authentic tradition of martial arts will be broken."

"But what's the use of this authentic martial arts now?"

He patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder persuadingly, "It's the 21st century, the era of hot weapons, a peaceful society, and a society ruled by law. Why do you keep thinking about these murderous tricks?"

Although Chen Zhihui is the image ambassador of Shaobeiquan, he quite agrees with Ye Zhun's statement.

"Grandpa Ye is right. If you fight before school, your nose will be bruised and your face will be swollen. Just go to the hospital and apply some medicine. After school, one will be buried in the ground and the other will go to the execution ground."

In the end, he sighed for a long time, looked at Huo Yunting, but the words were more like saying to himself, "In a few years, these skills that can kill people should be crushed into the soil along with the wheels of the times."

All of you present are martial arts practitioners. After saying this, everyone fell silent, and suddenly there was a sense of sorrow.

Huo Yunting felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, so he quickly changed the topic, "I said, everyone, we're getting off topic. Shouldn't we discuss the arrangement of this martial arts scene?"

"That's true, old man, I won't say much."

"I'm going to call Hiroyuki Ikeuchi over."

"Master Huo, let's study how to play this scene."

Everyone got up one after another, and after a while, Hong Jinbao pulled Chi Nei Hiroshi and Huo Yunting to start discussing the scene.

During the three-person meeting, Hiroshi Chiuchi couldn't help asking Huo Yunting, why was he completely crushed in the arena when he was evenly matched before?

Where did he lose?
"Because you are a master in terms of identity setting, I have to show a feeling of being evenly matched with you."

The translator told Hiroyuki Ikeuchi this, he was stunned for a few seconds, and his mood became depressed.

He was still thinking about where the problem lies in asking others for advice and making progress together. Looking at it now, he doesn't even have the qualifications to make progress together with others.

Although Huo Yunting himself prefers real life-and-death martial arts, he is still not a problem with various routine performances.Close your eyes and think about it for a while, your brain can cut out this piece by itself, and you can see at a glance whether the action is good or bad.

If it weren't for his ability and ability, he wouldn't be able to teach Chen Weitao, who has a powerful and unconstrained thinking.

In addition to adding a few scenes of fighting back after being thrown, Huo Yunting himself added a scene.

Miura kicked Ye Wen to the edge of the ring, Ye Wen supported the ring with both hands, and directly smashed his legs.

Seeing that Hong Jinbao and Chi Nei Hiroshi were a little confused, Huo Yunting directly called them into the ring to perform a live demonstration.

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi kicked lightly, and Huo Yunting jumped back into the air, and then supported the edge of the ring with both hands.

Chi Nei Hiroshi was about to kick him down, then Huo Yunting's legs hit his knees from top to bottom, and he grinned in pain.

A kite turned over, Huo Yunting looked at Hong Jinbao, "Brother, how is this part?"

Hong Jinbao gave a thumbs up, "A must."

Then it took five days to shoot the martial arts scene where Ye Wen fought Miura. Not to mention, Huo Yunting is really dedicated.

In the past five days, I hardly ate much. On average, I had two or three steamed buns a day, so I drank a lot of water.The whole person's face seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

According to the script, Ye Wen had been hungry for a long time when he beat Miura, and Huo Yunting also starved himself for five days in order to show the most authentic feeling.

Every time before filming, Huang Baiming asked someone to watch him, and if he fainted or something, he would rush to give him glucose.

Fortunately, these five days have not been reduced to drinking glucose water, but Hiroyuki Ikeuchi has been completely depressed.

In the past five days, in order not to lose the chain, I have a balanced diet, a combination of meat and vegetables, and exercise in the morning and evening, not bad every day.

What about Huo Yunting?In five days, I ate less than 20 steamed buns, and I still couldn't beat them.

Where did my judo practice all these years go?

Seeing him not thinking about food and drink, Ye Zhun couldn't help but kindly remind him in the end, "Young man, is it possible that you are not too weak, but others are too strong."

At this point, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi suddenly realized.This is a dead end for myself.

After filming the last scene against Miura, Huang Baiming hurriedly asked someone to get some food. He had been hungry for five days and needed to make up for it.

I didn't dare to cook too many oily meat dishes, for fear that he would have a stomachache if he had a stomach bug for too long.At that time, when you get into a fight with someone and suddenly have diarrhea, if it gets out, your reputation will be ruined.

Huo Yunting inside, have you heard of the one who played Ye Wen, yes, it was him, and someone beat the shit out.

If this happens, Master Huo must not die with him.

Huo Yunting rested for a while, and the crew drove towards the ancient building dozens of miles away.

The eaves are upturned and the tiles are bedding. It looks like a temple, but Huo Yunting didn't take a closer look at it.

Once inside, a large area of ​​tatami mats has been spread on the floor, and many surrounding windows have been blocked, leaving only a few with light, and the overall look is gloomy.

Huo Yunting, Chen Zhihui and others went to change their clothes, and this time their faces were covered with soot.

When I returned to the venue again, I found a group of people in karate uniforms sitting kneeling around the venue.Coupled with this gloomy environment, a gloomy atmosphere spread from the inside out.

Huo Yunting took advantage of the few lights to look at the faces around him, and as expected, he saw a familiar face, it was Yamazaki Yoichi.

Although the remaining faces are all unfamiliar, it may be obvious that some of them are very hostile.

Huang Baiming is discussing with Hong Jinbao how to shoot the scene here, there are three sections in total.

One section is Wu Chilin being beaten to death, one section is Master Liao being beaten to death, and the last section is Ye Wen beating them to death.

As for which part to shoot first, both Huang Baiming and Hong Jinbao felt that they should start from the beginning, first shoot Wu Chi Lin, then shoot Master Liao, and finally Ip Man.

As soon as the result of this discussion came out, Yoichi Yamazaki couldn't sit still at first.

After joining the crew, he has been sitting on the bench all the time, and he didn't watch the fight between Huo Yunting and Hiroyuki Ikeuchi.

The director said, go into battle lightly, and there is no one to wait for idle miscellaneous things.

After sitting for such a long time, he finally saw hope, and told him to wait, he couldn't sit still.

Standing up and trotting all the way to Huang Baiming, I made a suggestion to him, can I shoot Huo Yunting's scene first.

Huang Baiming really wanted to give him a kick and then ask who you fucked.

But he couldn't bear it, he bowed again, and it was Simi Masai again, so he almost knelt down and kowtowed, and the polite Huang Baiming felt embarrassed.

"Master Huo, what do you think?"

ps: Bug fix, actor Miura knows judo in reality, but what he shows in the movie is karate.

(End of this chapter)

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