Chapter 212

Huo Yunting went back to his room and smoked a cigarette when the familiar number called again.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Huo, I'm White Enbis."

"Oh, it's Mr. White, what do you want from me?"

"I hope you can come back to the "Wolverine" crew. I apologize for my previous reckless behavior. Seriously, Mr. Huo, action scenes without you are like losing your soul. Can't let you go."

Good guy, how did this attitude become so sincere.

Although he had never dealt with this Mr. White, or even met him face to face, he didn't even know what kind of person he was.But in any case, this attitude is a bit too modest.

Doesn't sound like a guy who could do anything to remove him from the motion director category.

Now I want to make things difficult for him, but I don't know where to start.

Seeing that Huo Yunting remained silent, White also felt a little drumming in his heart.The pressure on him to call this time is not small.

That Pluto really didn't live up to expectations, the movements he designed were not as good as Huo Yunting's, and even the actors taught him that his limbs became uncoordinated.

Hugh Jackman has a lot of complaints about him. It is said that he has been yelling at the crew about what would happen if Mr. Huo was there.

After a long time, the action scenes couldn't go on, and the rest of the producers started to attack him, and Gavin Hood also made sarcastic remarks from time to time, but now the pressure is all on him.

Whoever caused the trouble will invite Mr. Huo back to the crew. This is the unanimous agreement of other producers.

Especially Hugh Jackman, he was the one who called for Huo Yunting back the most.

He made "Wolverine" because he lowered his salary, and the film also has his investment and shares, so his right to speak is not weaker than others.

"Mr. Huo, I have to sincerely apologize to you again. What I did before was really inappropriate. I thought you had never paid attention to the action scenes of the crew..."

After rambling on and on about a lot of scenes about apologizing, I finally got to the point.Move your fingers to add Huo Yunting's name, and he is the only one, that Bruto has been kicked out of the group.

Huo Yunting felt comfortable when he heard White say sorry all the time.

But things can't just be left alone, if he wants to be so talkative, will Huo Jiaban be able to hang out in Hollywood in the future?Isn't that what comes and goes as soon as it is called?

"Mr White, I accept your apology."

White breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Huo, when do you plan to return to the crew?"

"Back to the crew?"

Huo Yunting raised his tone slightly, "Mr. White doesn't know that I have returned to China?"

People say that they have returned to China, so they must have returned to China.White smiled dryly, "I thought you were still in New Zealand."

"Mr. White misunderstood. I went abroad and returned home. There are more than 30 people who adjust their schedules and are tired day and night."

Soon White heard a dull exhalation from the other end of the phone, "I need to pay more."

After a pause, he added, "And I won't go to the set again."

When White heard this, he became anxious, "Mr. Huo, how could you not be there?"

"Just a few days after I returned to China, I have already accepted another play."

"Things are unpredictable, Mr. White. People came to me when I was on the crew, but I was the finger of the crew at that time, so I refused. But now people don't give up and come to me again. I have already I have no responsibility, so why not accept it?"

White really has a big head now, and he can understand and accept the extra money.Even if Huo Yunting's price is doubled, it is only 30 million US dollars.

But other people don't go to the crew, this is the biggest problem.

"Mr. Huo, can we discuss it again?"

"Sorry, there is no discussion."

No matter how White said in different ways, Huo Yunting only said one word, and there was no need to discuss it.

In the end, it was up to Zhang Debang to deal with the crew.

Huo Yunting went back to China first.

After he and Shen Teng got off the airport, they parted ways, and Huo Yunting gave him a long vacation.After wandering by his side for about half a year, it's time for him to go home and have a look.

The first thing I did when I returned to China was to take a look at the martial arts gym. The three pillars stayed in New Zealand. During this time, Liu Yifei took the rest of the children.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the martial arts hall, I heard a burst of shouting inside.It was also mixed with Liu Yifei's severe reprimand.

"Raise your legs higher."

"Why is the punch so soft? You don't even have the strength to hit someone."

"Wait for your master to come back and see how they deal with you!"

Going further inside, I saw Liu Yifei with her long hair coiled up, wearing a plain white exercise suit with sleeves rolled up to her elbows, holding a slender bamboo pole with her hands behind her back, with a serious expression on her face.

Seeing Huo Yunting, her eyes were a little bright, and the corners of her mouth were raised. She was about to laugh, but suddenly she stopped, and walked in front of him pretending to be serious, "Yunting, you are back."

A group of half-sized children watched eagerly, and Huo Yunting pinched her face when he couldn't get up, and just coughed twice, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Why are you looking at me? Keep practicing!"

Liu Yifei scolded again, and the group of middle-aged and young people started to move, and then they went to the second floor side by side.

Without so many eyes watching her around, she instantly relaxed, her body went limp, and she collapsed into Huo Yunting's arms.

"You're back. Looking at these kids every day, I don't know how to teach them anymore."

Huo Yunting rubbed her tender cheeks with some amusement, "Didn't Shi Xingyu leave you this teaching before they left?"

"I'm not a professional. I'm going to sharpen my guns before the battle. I will relay to you the questions these children ask me every night."

Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, "But I pretended to be quite similar, these kids haven't realized that I don't know martial arts yet."

Huo Yunting gave a thumbs up, "As expected of the Goddess of the Golden Eagle. This acting skill is beyond words."

Liu Yifei pursed her lips, didn't speak, and rubbed against his arms again. When she said it, the two hadn't seen each other for almost half a year.

After being warm for a few seconds, an untimely call came in, and Hu Yuting blindly guessed that it was Lao Zhang.

He took out his phone and looked, sure enough.

"Brother Huo, I've done both of these things for you, and you've performed exceptionally well! My mission has been completed."

"Talk about the point."

"What's the matter? Let me hear it too."

Liu Yifei leaned close to his ear and chewed softly with him, Huo Yunting rubbed her head and turned on the speakerphone.

"The "Wolverine" crew has negotiated. The other producers of the crew have put pressure on that White, and he can't bear it. Your request is fully agreed, and the director's fee has been raised to 18 dollars."

Huo Yunting nodded, "This can be regarded as regaining face."

"The film crew of Immortal Sword III, the salary is 15 per episode. And I also negotiated the crew's finger work, and I'm also in our Huo family's class."

Huo Yunting let out a "huh", good guy, you really performed supernormally.

"Aren't Chen Weitao and the three of them already on the set of "Wolverine"? Can the set of Immortal Sword III shift the time?" Liu Yifei couldn't help but ask.

"Yo, Miss Liu is here too. It doesn't matter if the time is different, brother Huo is here."

Liu Yifei thought about it, this is true.It's not the first time for Brother Yun to work as a martial artist and an actor. He used to take on several roles in the filming of Immortal Sword.

"Thank you, Lao Zhang, I'll treat you to a drink when I return home."

On the crew of "Wolverine", regarding the question of moving his fingers, it is self-inflicted, so he gritted his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach.

Right now, what he values ​​the most is Fairy Sword III.

The circle in Hollywood is deeper, not to mention that he is a Chinese.Let's dig deep into the country.

It wasn't until she hung up the phone that Liu Yifei asked curiously, "Is there any conflict between you and the "Wolverine" crew?"

"The motion director doesn't write my name."

Liu Yifei looked surprised, "So wicked."

"But fortunately, this face has been earned back."

Liu Yifei thought about it carefully, and finally couldn't help feeling, "It's really wicked."

Huo Yunting scratched his chin and clicked his lips, "But if this Immortal Sword III invites us to the Huo family class, if it doesn't work well, we will have to ask Master Wu to borrow someone."

As soon as this was mentioned, Liu Yifei suddenly slapped her hands, "No, if the two of us leave too, who will take the kids from the martial arts hall?"

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, and his expression became strange.

Although there are some teaching assistants in the martial arts hall to help, none of them understand martial arts. Strictly speaking, it should be said that they are part-time dormitory supervisors in the logistics department.

"Yes, who will take care of the children after we leave?"

These words were somewhat ambiguous, Liu Yifei blushed slightly, and gave him a little push, "The child of someone else's family."

Huo Yunting coughed twice, "Why don't I ask my dad again to see if I can invite him over to watch for me for a while."

He had already told his father about coming to the martial arts hall to take care of the child, because his mother was nostalgic for the past and didn't want to leave Huojiazhuang, so he didn't mention it again in the end.

Hearing that he was going to invite his father over, Liu Yifei instantly became a little flustered, "Huh? Is uncle coming?"

"Maybe." Huo Yunting thought for a moment and shook his head, "I'll ask my father if he wants to come."

He originally planned to talk about it tomorrow, but Liu Yifei was nervous and kept urging.Huo Yunting couldn't resist her, so he simply called him in front of her.

Huo Gang was quite happy to receive a call from his son, but when he learned that he wanted him to help him see the children in the martial arts gym, he was a little silent.

"Yunting, it's not that I don't want to come, but I really can't say no to your mother."

"Father, I really can't come here this time. Sissy and I are going to film a movie. My subordinates are all working on other crews. No one is taking care of their children."

"Children? What kind of children? Do you have children?"

Suddenly, Chen Caiping's pleasantly surprised voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yunting, what did you just say? Take the child?"

"...Mom, it's those kids from my martial arts gym."

"oh, I see."

With just four words, the sadness and allusion in the words almost overflowed the phone.Huo Yunting even felt that his mother was standing in front of him and kept asking where the child was.

He was so frightened that he shivered, and quickly shook his head to shake off this weird thought.

"Mom, it's still early, Sissy is just in her early twenties."

"Then where are you two?" Chen Caiping didn't give up, "We've been together for almost two years, and you're still just holding hands?"

Huo Yunting's scalp was numb when he said this, and some of them dared not look directly at Liu Yifei who was beside him, so he didn't dare to talk further.

"Mom, you'd better give the phone to my dad."

"No need, isn't it just to go to the martial arts school to help you take care of the children, your father will go. I will go with your father, and I will also go to see my future daughter-in-law."

This time Huo Yunting's head got dizzy, and before he could finish speaking, his mother interrupted him.

"Okay, needless to say, the matter is settled like this." Then there was only a beeping voice on the phone.

The arm holding the phone was a little stiff, and Liu Yifei shrank her head subconsciously, poking his waist lightly with her fingers, "Has your mother always been so tough? It's like my mother..."

"My mother is actually...very gentle..." Huo Yunting's face twitched a few times, "It's about this topic, she gets more and more excited every year..."

The two looked at each other, looked at each other, and finally spoke at the same time.

"Should we be ready?"

"Should we be ready?"

It made people mutter in a low voice whether they should prepare something, but they couldn't think of a reason, and finally gave up, just let it go, you can't take the two apart.

After finally returning home, Huo Yunting didn't want to spend all his time in the martial arts gym, so he simply gave the children a holiday.

The two sneaked out to watch a movie, which was the recent popular movie "Red Cliff".

It is directed by Wu Yusen, the godfather of violent aesthetics, starring Jin Chengwu and Liang Chaowei.

Huo Yunting was quite emotional when he saw Liang Chaowei. Tang Wei is said to have gone abroad after finishing "Lust, Caution".

He talked about this with Huang Baiming when he was filming "Ip Man", but Huang Baiming's opinion was different from his.

"Li An and Liang Chaowei, how capable are these two? Isn't it easy to win a newcomer?"

"Then what did she pay for?"

"Being with one is better than being with countless?"

Huo Yunting was speechless.

Black, so fucking black.

The more so, the more he cherishes the relationship between himself and Liu Yifei.

When he came back to his senses, the most exciting scene of the movie with the straw boat borrowing arrows had passed. Cao Cao, who realized that he had been deceived, immediately ordered his sword and axe to drag the general of the navy down and cut him down.

"Wait, Prime Minister, if you kill them, what will our navy do?"


Before he finished shouting, there was only a click, and the head had fallen to the ground.

Huo Yunting clicked his tongue twice, "Cao Cao is really efficient."

Liu Yifei let out a "puchi", almost laughing out loud.

It was already dusk after watching the movie, and the two of them put on hats to cover their faces in the dark, and played around in the night market for a while, and it was already past ten o'clock in the evening when they returned home.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Yunting suddenly felt his whole body relax.

"Go home."

"Well, go home."

After a simple wash, the two of them went to bed. It was strange to say, maybe it was because they had been traveling outside for too long, but as soon as they lay down on this bed, with Qianqian in their arms, he went to see Duke Zhou within two seconds.

This sleep was very deep, and it was rare that I didn't fall asleep one night.At five o'clock, he fumbled to turn off the alarm watch, then tightened his slender waist in his arms, buried his head on her shoulder and continued to sleep.

When he fully woke up, the sun was already shining, and Qianqian in her arms was facing him, as if she had slept more deeply than him.

Huo Yunting thought about it, then he might as well go back to sleep, and finally take a vacation, he also has to indulge.

Nephrite Ningzhi, who was in her arms, tightened again, but suddenly heard her slightly flustered voice.

"do not…"

"Huh? Are you awake? What's wrong?"

"Stop poking me..."

(End of this chapter)

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