The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 213 1 has not changed

Chapter 213 Has not changed

Huo Yunting yawned, still a little confused, not knowing what Liu Yifei was talking about, "What poked you?"

Then he regained his strength, and felt the qi and blood rushing to his head in his dantian, and his body became a little stiff for a moment.

At this moment, he understood what it meant to be an upright man.

He wanted to get up quickly, but he was caught between his legs, and when he stood up, he felt soft.


The two of them lived together for so long, and it was not surprising.It can be said that it skipped the stage of passionate love for young couples and directly entered the life of middle-aged old couples.

Although he was not yet able to be honest with each other, he didn't wear much, only wrapped in a light silk pajamas.

To be honest, it doesn't make much difference whether this pajamas feel or not.

Huo Yunting stopped the movement of getting up, and slowly moved back.Moved out and was about to get off the bed, Liu Yifei turned around slowly, her face was flushed, and her eyes sparkled slightly.

"Yun, Brother Yun, why don't you keep poking..."

The humming like mosquitoes rang in Huo Yunting's ears like thunder.

The button of the silk pajamas was unbuttoned, revealing half of the fragrant shoulders, which was white and tender.Huo Yunting's eyes turned red.

But how can someone who has practiced martial arts for more than ten years not even have this little concentration?Gold-rimmed glasses, words from a psychiatrist, etc. flashed through his mind, and he took a deep breath——

"Sissy, you're still young."

Liu Yifei lowered her head subconsciously, "How small is it?"

Then he realized that he was talking about age.

Liu Yifei suddenly lost her temper, "That's what you said three years ago! Three years and three years, how many more years do I have to wait?"

When the two first met, Huo Yunting called her a child, and even said she was a child when they were together.Now she is 21, still say she is a child!

Does she have to wait until she is eighty to say she is an adult?
Speaking of excitement, he got up with his hands on his hips and glared, "Do you have a problem with me?"

"What can I say to you?"

"No opinion, no opinion why do you—disagree?"

Huo Yunting's face twitched, what could he say, tell her that I am mentally ill?
When the two were entangled, the phone rang.

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

Huo Yunting has never felt that the ringing of his mobile phone is so clear and sweet, and he is so moved that he wants to cry, it is like a life-saving straw.

After answering the phone, a thick and mellow voice rang out.

"Brother Huo, how have you been lately? I heard you finished filming "Ip Man"?"

"Old Guo, I miss you so much."

Such a sentence came out of nowhere, and Guo Degang couldn't fix it.Why do you miss him all of a sudden? This kid has learned how to be sensational.

I couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd, so I sorted out my thoughts, "Brother Huo, is there anything wrong recently? Come to rub at noon, I have something to tell you, after all, you are still a shareholder of my Deyun Society no."

Huo Yunting clasped Liu Yifei who was rambling on him with one hand, and poked her head with his fingertips.

"Did you hear that, I have business to do, stop making trouble, Ang."

"Are you free, where are you? I'll be here in a while."

"Let's go to Brother Qian'er's house. Our reputation is getting bigger and bigger now. If we go outside and rub it, I'm afraid people will watch it, hahaha."

"Okay, then go to Brother Qian'er's house."

After hanging up the phone, looking at Liu Yifei curled up in his arms, he poked helplessly, "Don't be angry.

Liu Yifei pretended to be angry and didn't speak.

The two have been dating for almost two years. Although their relationship has been getting closer step by step, Huo Yunting has always maintained a polite and distant attitude when it comes to physical contact.

It's been almost two years, and the most outrageous thing they've ever done is just touching their lips lightly.

It's not that she longs for it, it's just——whose boyfriend is like this?

She didn't find a partner, she obviously found an old monk!
Seeing that she was not moved at all, Huo Yunting gently leaned into her ear, "The matchmaker is getting married. Save the most important time for the most important day."

These words are like a loosening spell, once said, the knot loosened up a little.

His face was still flushed, and he pretended to be fierce, "You said it."

"Well, I said that."

The flow of qi and blood in Dantian has subsided, Huo Yunting changed his clothes and prepared to go out, "Do you want to go with me? Go have a meal at noon."

Liu Yifei thought about who Yu Qian and Guo Degang were, then waved her hand, "Forget it, I won't interfere with your old men's gatherings."

At some point, Huo Yunting had already been classified as an old man by her.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

The door closed tightly with a "click", and Liu Yifei suddenly realized, no, she was too busy listening to him draw a big cake for herself, and didn't ask him when the most important day will be settled.

When Huo Yunting arrived downstairs, the driver Laohou had been waiting for a long time, he picked him up and drove to Yu Qian's house.

As the so-called first time is born and second time is familiar, this time he didn't need Lao Guo to guide him, he walked all the way by himself.

"clang clang"

"Yo, brother Huo is here, it's really early enough."

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a dark fat man, that was a kind person.

"Old Guo, you are getting darker and darker."

"What do you mean, this is called a healthy complexion."

"Hey, then you are a bit too healthy. If you leave this at night, you will see two rows of small teeth floating around."

Huo Yunting was not in good shape, they were used to teasing in private, Guo Degang didn't get angry, he laughed and patted him on the shoulder to invite him in.

As soon as he entered the room, he could smell the fragrance of the kitchen, presumably it was Brother Qian'er and his wife who were busy working in the kitchen.Huo Yunting nodded secretly, this is a lucky day.

Looking down, I saw a little doll stumbling around in the living room, it was brother Qian's son Yu Yunting, he seemed to be two years old this year, right?

Glance around again, isn't it right, where is Brother Qian'er?
I had to open my mouth to ask, Yu Qian came out of the kitchen, holding a big bowl of hot soup.

"Brother Huo, I'm looking forward to you. You said that my dish is not good at dinner last time. During this period of hard work, I came up with a small dish. Appetizer hot soup, try it."

Huo Yunting turned pale with fright, he was using me to test the poison.

I sniffed it with my nose, and there was a smell of seafood.

Yu Qian put his hands behind his back and shyly stuffed his belly, it was a well-thought-out plan.

"This is a bowl of high soup, sprinkled with dried shrimp skins, minced green onion, minced garlic and seaweed segments, soy sauce and sesame oil Longmen rice vinegar, this is combined, you can taste it, the taste is amazing."

Huo Yunting glanced suspiciously, took a symbolic mouthful and took a sip.

So salty.

He babbled twice, "Brother Qian'er, isn't this wonton soup?"

He took another sip, "It's still salty and fishy."

"Huh? Really? It's so similar." Yu Qian'er scratched her head, "The ingenious ideas have come together."

After pouring half a glass of water in one breath, Huo Yunting finally recovered, "Brother Qian'er, don't think about your food. Just feed your soup to the fish, and the fish will have to jump up and scold you for being salty."

"What is this called?"

Yu Qian blew his beard and stared, picked up the bowl of hot soup and drank it down in one gulp, his facial features were almost wrinkled into an old chrysanthemum, and he gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious!"

Huo Yunting looked at it and grinned, "You will have diarrhea in a while."

Yu Qian pursed her lips and walked into the kitchen in a hurry.

At this moment, he saw a woman with short hair coming out of the back room, hugged Yu Yunting for a while, and came to say hello to Huo Yunting, he was dumbfounded.

It's Brother Qian'er who co-authored the cooking.

After several people were seated, Huo Yunting picked up a piece of elbow meat, which was fat but not greasy, and it melted in the mouth, even if it was made by this time-honored restaurant.

"Brother Qian'er, this is called food. Let's follow the tradition and stop inventing."

Bai Huiming pursed her lips and smiled.

After drinking for three rounds, Guo Degang also got down to business, "Brother Huo, I plan to open a branch of Deyun Club in Tianjin."

When Huo Yunting heard it, it was amazing, Tianjin is famous for its cross talk scene, and there are countless small theaters of all kinds.

A few years ago, Guo Degang had a good start in Tianjin. He thought that there would be nothing more to say about it, but he didn't expect that the branch would be finalized now.

Opening a cross talk club in this cross talk capital, Lao Guo has a lot of ambitions.

"Old Guo, standing firm and going through the process are not the same thing. You should think about it when you make this decision."

"I've figured it out a long time ago. Now that the limelight is in full swing, there was a show from the gymnasium earlier, and the 300-person seat was squeezed by 700 people. Now is a good opportunity for expansion. If we don't expand at this time, we will wait. when."

Then he had another drink with Huo Yunting, "You are also one of the shareholders of my Deyunshe Culture Co., Ltd., so I have to tell you something."

Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Old Guo, I took advantage of you in this matter. I bought your shares at the beginning and now I have already paid back the original value. I don't give advice on anything else, just follow your heart."

These words are really not nonsense. Lao Guo's Deyun Club has been in the limelight in recent years, and there are many scolding and boasting.

For example, the mainstream circles in the cross talk circle have been criticizing him for engaging in the three vulgarities, and Lao Guo didn't say much, and directly produced a new cross talk "I want to fight against the three vulgarities".

Black and red are also red, two waves of people scold each other, no matter who wins or loses, anyway, the popularity of Lao Guo's Deyun Club is coming up.

Coupled with the fact that his cross talk itself has burdens and jokes, the past two years can be described as flourishing.There is a special show here in Peking, and there are no seats left.

If it becomes popular, he can make money, and if he makes money, he can share the money. In the past two years, Deyun Club's profit share has been at least hundreds of thousands.

"Hey, by the way, where do you plan to open this branch? When will it be done?"

Seeing Huo Yunting's support for him, Lao Guo was also quite moved, "August 8 Auditorium, go to the branch office at [-] o'clock tonight to cut the ribbon, and have a performance by the way. Brother Huo, you are also a shareholder after all, and you are indispensable for this ribbon-cutting."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, and soon a smile appeared on his face, "Then we must go."

It's just that there are only four words left in my heart, and I will cut it first and then play it.

Seeing that Huo Yunting's expression was not right for a second, Guo Degang toasted again and again.

"Brother Huo, it's not that my brother wants to hide this from you. I heard that you are filming "Ip Man", and it's about your martial arts scene. I'm afraid that my phone call will disturb your mind. "

"Old Guo, look at what you said, can I blame you? As I said just now, this Deyun Club belongs to you, and I don't get involved."

Lao Guo was so moved that he burst into tears and held up his wine glass, "Not much to say, it's all in the wine."

The guests enjoyed this meal.

Old Guo cheerfully took the first step, going to train the actors.

This time, we learned from the experience of encountering heavy fog from Tianjin last time, and set off ahead of time, and set off at three o'clock.

Yu Qian is staying at home to clean up the dishes with his wife, and will come later in the evening.

After saying goodbye to several people, Guo Degang left drunk.

Standing in the kitchen, staring at the back of Lao Guo leaving downstairs for a long time through the window, Huo Yunting suddenly said, "Brother Qian'er, do you think Lao Guo has changed?"

"What changed? His original intention was for money." Yu Qian replied without raising his head while cleaning the bowl and chopsticks, "It has never changed."

Huo Yunting stood there in a daze, and asked after a while, "What about me? Brother Qian'er, do you think I've changed?"

The sound of rushing water stopped abruptly, Yu Qian stared at Huo Yunting for a long time, then shook her head, "You haven't changed."

"Why? I feel like I've changed a lot."

"Brother Huo, I actually want to ask you this question too. When I first met you, I realized that your ambition is not in the entertainment industry, neither for money nor for fame."

"I'm really curious. A person entered the entertainment circle, and he didn't do it for money or fame. What is it for?"

The two looked at each other, the room was quiet, only Yu Yunting was giggling inappropriately in the living room.

Huo Yunting suddenly laughed too, "Actually, it's just to chase Liu Yifei, brother Qian'er, you don't even know how much I miss her."

Yu Qian also laughed, "I believe this, I really believe that you care about that little girl."

After a brief chat, Huo Yunting also left.

Call his mother first to inquire about it, and it will probably arrive the day after tomorrow, and the time can be staggered.

Then he called Liu Yifei and asked if she would like to go to Tianjin to cut the ribbon with him.

Liu Yifei was very puzzled, why did she go out for a meal at noon, and she was going to Tianjin to cut the ribbon this evening?
After careful inquiry, he said bluntly within two seconds, "Why do I feel that this is trying to rub your fame?"

After a long silence, Huo Yunting smiled briskly, "I have been friends with Lao Guo for many years, I don't know what kind of person he is."

Liu Yifei just sighed softly, "Don't wrong yourself, with your current status, few people can make you feel wronged."

"With you here, I won't be wronged."

The sudden nasty little love words made her unable to react for a while, she hummed a few times, and hung up the phone hastily.

Huo Yunting went to the Deyun club in a hurry, and as soon as he entered the door, a little fat man rushed towards him like a meatball, and rushed into his arms.

"Brother Huo, I want to kill you!"

"Little Fatty, Little Fatty, I have to fucking call you Fatty now."

He patted Yue Yunpeng's head and continued to walk in, where Lao Guo was explaining the sequence to the group of apprentices.

"The first match, Yunpeng and Yunping, the second match, Yunjin Yunlong, the third match..."

Listening to Guo Degang's arrangement, the more Huo Yunting listened to it, the more it felt wrong. None of the first four games were famous?

(End of this chapter)

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