The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 214 Here Comes the Godson

Chapter 214 The godson is here (Dragon Boat Festival plus update)
The guests who are willing to come to support his branch are all for Guo Degang's reputation, how many of them are for this group of people whose names Huo Yunting can't pronounce?

He wanted to ask a question, but the words came to his throat and he swallowed them. In the end, he just patted Lao Guo on the shoulder with a teasing smile.

"I said, Lao Guo, your opening four scenes are all newcomers, and this order of appearance is rare."

Guo Degang laughed, "I can't do it alone in this team, and the other pillars have to be raised. Bringing this group of newcomers also allows them to see the world and learn a lot."

Huo Yunting couldn't deny it.

But four games is still a bit too much, and these words were not said after all.

The bus departed on time at 3:[-] p.m., and everyone boarded the bus and walked towards downtown TJ.

Although it is called a bus, it is also very luxurious. Although it does not look very good on the outside, it is a different scene inside.

Huo Yunting and Guo Degang were sitting at the front, and here they saw a new face named Gao Feng. It was said that he and Guo Degang were brothers.

After six o'clock, everyone arrived at the Bayi Auditorium. Huo Yunting glanced out through the bus window, and saw that the outside was crowded with people.

Hey guys, these are hardcore fans.

After getting off the bus, everyone sneaked in from the backstage to change clothes. Huo Yunting also tried to dress neatly, and changed into a robe specially for cross talk.

Then under the leadership of the staff to the front.

Seeing Guo Degang and Yu Qian, the two golden partners, came out together, the audience immediately applauded.Whistling, teasing, signing autographs, the voices were full of people, coupled with the unique dialect accent of Tianjin people, it was very interesting.

Then came Huo Yunting.

This time it became even more lively, with a lot of screaming mixed in.

Guo Degang's reputation is well-known among cross talk lovers, but Huo Yunting has already broken the circle, and his fans are everywhere.

Guo Degang stood at the front of the Deyun Society, and thanked the Tianjin audience who came and went, "Thank you parents for coming..."

Huo Yunting didn't listen to what was said later, and glanced around. Except for the people from Deyun Club, these famous figures in Tianjin basically didn't come.

Two people were present, one was Li Yi, and the other was Shao Ma Ye.

Huo Yunting didn't know why these two came, but the attitude of Tianjin's mainstream cross talk is very clear. Your Deyun Club is not recognized by our mainstream circle.

But it doesn't matter if they don't admit it, the audience in the audience would all recognize it, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people here.

When it was almost finished, Guo Degang stopped talking, and two hostesses in red cheongsams held the ribbons in front of them.Guo Degang, Yu Qian, and Huo Yunting each took a pair of pure gold scissors, and with a click, the Tianjin branch of Deyun Society kicked off.

After bowing his hands to the audience, he went to the backstage, and the audience also filed in, and the audience could be said to be full.

At 8:[-] p.m., the show officially began, and the first group to appear was Yue Yunpeng and Luan Yunping.

The audience was very respectful, and although the performance of the trembling burden was relatively average, they all applauded.

The actual performance of this cross talk is different, there are more booing and arguing.Not to mention Tianjin, a place where cross talk is popular, there are always these people in the audience to torture and torture you.

I don't know if someone instigated it, but there was a child below who was yelling.

"Sing a song! Sing a song!"

Everything has a beginning. When the kid yelled, the audience in the audience started yelling too.

Seeing this, Yue Yunpeng met Luan Yunping's eyes, "Since this is the case, then I will also sing a song for everyone."

"Good! Sing one!"

"Come one, come one!"

Yue Yunpeng cleared his throat, "Ah~ fifth ring, you have one more ring than fourth ring~"


Huo Yunting, who was drinking tea in the background, barely choked, and Guo Degang and Yu Qian didn't have any expressions on their faces, one was twitching, the other was laughing loudly.

"This little fat man is really good, he dares to sing any song."

After the song "Song of the Five Rings" was sung, there was silence on the stage, Yue Yunpeng felt a little nervous, don't let yourself mess up the performance.

When this heart was about to fall to the bottom, suddenly there was a burst of applause from the audience and it became lively again. This heart that was about to fall to the bottom immediately rose back.

Bow and thank you, followed by the second group, the third group, the fourth group...

They are all new actors who have never even heard of them. If the audience is willing to show face in the first scene, but after the end, they are still unfamiliar faces, and the audience will not buy it.

From the whisper at the beginning to the loud yelling at the end, until the audience got up and left the seat yelling for a refund, Guo Degang couldn't sit still.

Yu Qian couldn't sit still anymore.

"No, why does my stomach feel uncomfortable? Don't eat the bowl of soup at noon and eat it up. I'm going to the toilet."

Huo Yunting didn't miss this opportunity, "Brother Qian'er, let me just say, you cook this little dish, after eating, it's going to school for school, work for work unit, and trouser pocket for not going anywhere."

In the past, Guo Degang must have joked a few times, but now he is not in the mood, frowning, and waving to He Yunwei, "Go up and help save the scene."

He Yunwei slapped his chest resoundingly, with a confident expression on his face, "Don't worry, Master, I'll leave this matter to me." Then he strode onto the stage in a magnificent stride.

It was also at this moment that Yu Qianer's call hit Huo Yunting's cell phone.

"Brother Huo, help the world, it's a very serious question, I didn't bring any paper."

Huo Yunting grinned when he heard it, "Brother Qian'er, I can't get away here. Lao Guo said that I will have a special performance in a while, what if I miss the time? You really can't pick and choose. "

"Fuck you! Can you still want his mother's hand?"

Huo Yunting played Tai Chi with him slowly, and finally Gao Feng couldn't stand it anymore, "Mr. Huo, let me give it to Mr. Yu."

"Oh, Mr. Gao, you are too polite, so I will trouble you."

Gao Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, where is your politeness?Then he took a roll of paper and went to the rivers and lakes for emergency treatment.

He Yunwei is also considered to be a little famous. After taking the stage, the voices of the audience became quieter, and those who walked out also stopped in their tracks.

Seeing this, Guo Degang was relieved, he was half settled.

He Yunwei, who was dressed in a black coat, rubbed his hands cheerfully after taking the stage, "Hey, there are quite a few godsons here today, I said today I brought love to boo, godson is here, I hit it off."

With a few simple words, Huo Yunting took another sip of tea and looked at He Yunwei who was smiling wantonly on the stage in shock.

"Old Guo, is this your apprentice? Is it really not an undercover agent sent by the mainstream cross talk circle?"

Looking at Guo Degang's face, it was already black and green, as if he had been poisoned by a corpse.

The audience in the audience exploded and cursed everywhere.

"Fuck your uncle!"

"Goodbye to you! Son!"

"It's a thing, not a thing."

Guo Degang really burned his ass this time - he couldn't sit still.He had to go out and save it himself.

Looking for a partner, I looked around and saw that the two good assistants were stuck in the toilet and couldn't extricate themselves.Looking at his group of apprentices, they were all a little timid, this is not going to save them.

If he went up with the master and couldn't be rescued, then who is to blame?
Guo Degang gritted his teeth and grabbed Huo Yunting's wrist, "Brother Huo, I beg you to do this one more favor."

When Huo Yunting heard this, it was okay, so it was okay to ask him to recite the words in advance, but it is really impossible to accept orders in the face of danger.

Hastily waving his hand to refuse, Guo Degang also grabbed his wrist with the other hand.

"Brother Huo, just use the energy you usually have to tease me. I don't ask you to speak well, as long as you can handle it."

Looking at Lao Guo's eyeballs are red, it's worth it if you don't.

Huo Yunting took a deep breath, "Success, then I will try my best."

The two stepped onto the stage one after the other, before Guo Degang could speak, Huo Yunting pointed at He Yunwei and shouted, "Get down!"

The sudden voice made Guo Degang tremble in fright, and also made the chaotic scene quiet for a while.

"While Brother Qian'er is running away and running loose, run to the stage, get down!"

He yelled again, seeing his master winking at him, He Yunwei came to his senses, lowered his head and hurried off the stage.

Huo Yunting walked up to the teasing position and laughed.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, this kid, He Yunwei, hasn't had a good mouth since he was a child, and he was beaten every day in the Deyun Club. Look at his face today, he doesn't have any injuries, because he kicked his ass."

As soon as this was said, there was a burst of haha ​​below, and everyone became happy.

Guo Degang also couldn't react, how could this rescue scene be staged?

"Because of this kid's mouth, the Deyun Club is divided into conservatives and radicals."

Guo Degang saw the needle, "Oh? What do these two factions say?"

"The radicals beat, kicked and cursed him every day, and the beatings made him go to the emergency room eight times a day."

"What about the conservatives?"

“Conservatives scold radicals for being too conservative.”

"Hey! Well, it's such a conservative law!"

With a few simple words, the audience laughed like thunder, echoing endlessly.

The audience who had gone out were also greeted back. They didn't want to do anything else, but Huo Yunting, a big star, came on stage to talk about cross talk, so they had to watch it.

How fresh, it's the first time a martial arts star talks about cross talk!No, this is the second time.

Seeing that the audience in the audience was almost seated, Guo Degang felt relieved, and looked at the audience with a simple and honest smile, "Our audience in Tianjin has always been right about things and wrong about people."

After saying this, there was a lot less talk about refunding the money from the audience.

Huo Yunting glanced to the side of the stage, and found that Gao Feng had returned, and was busy waving to him: I can play.

It was okay for him to say a few words, but he couldn't say a few words, so he found an excuse, Huo Yunting suddenly trotted off the stage clutching his stomach.

"Hey, Brother Huo, where are you going?"

"I can't do it either. After eating Teacher Yu's food, I can't help it."

"Huh? Is Teacher Yu's dish so powerful?"

"His dishes have three characteristics, simple, convenient, and unpalatable."

ps: Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone

(End of this chapter)

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