The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 225 Old Wang Lost in a Mess

Chapter 225

His original purpose as an actor was to cure his illness.If he went to film "The Grandmaster" with Wang Jiawei, he would be sent to a mental hospital again before the filming of the film was finished for two or three years.

Zhang Debang didn't know about Huo Yunting's personal affairs. Quan assumed that he thought the filming took too long, and wanted to persuade him again, "Brother Huo, take it easy, but slow work produces meticulous work. Wang Jiawei's film will not suffer."

Huo Yunting pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head, "You can't have both, push it."

Seeing his attitude, Zhang Debang didn't say any more, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

He can see the bear's paw in "The Grandmaster", but which fish is it?

After discussing with Zhang Debang, Huo Yunting called Wang Jiawei and declined his invitation to "The Great Master", but still recommended Liu Yifei to him.

He can't act, but Liu Yifei can act.

"Master Huo, let me confirm with you again, you refused to appear in "The Great Master"?"

When he heard the news of Huo Yunting's polite refusal, Wang Jiawei was stunned.

It doesn't make sense, why did he reject me?

Could it be that someone said bad things about me to him?Oh, yes, he seems to have a very good relationship with Liu Dehua.

Wang Jiawei's filmmaking is indeed top-notch, but his skills in offending people are also top-notch.

For example, when filming "Happy Together", even though Liang Chaowei publicly declared that he would never play a gay role, he was still fooled by him to Argentina with a fake script.

For "Days of Being Wild", he asked Lau Tak Hua to shoot in Kowloon Walled City, where there are the most rats, and Lau Tak Hua is most afraid of rats.Even so, Brother Hua's professionalism as an actor allowed him to continue filming there for three months, but when the movie was finally released, none of the Kowloon Walled City scenes were left, and all of them were cut out.

There is even Gong Li, who is full of complaints about Wang Jiawei.

When filming "2046", he asked Gong Li and Liang Chaowei to film a one-minute kiss scene, but Gong Li almost kissed his bald skin, and he was still not satisfied.But Gong Li was so angry.

It can be said that almost none of the actors who worked with him did not dislike him.

"Master Huo, I've always been easy-going and nice to speak. You can't trust other people's small talk."

Huo Yunting looked puzzled, "What are you talking about? Who told me?"

oh?It seems that no one is speaking ill of me behind my back.

But Wang Jiawei also wondered why he rejected me for my past deeds. Is it possible that I have already become notorious all over the mainland?

"Master Huo, someone has already made an appointment with you? Am I a step late?"

"That's not true, I just think you're too slow in filming." Huo Yunting was very sincere.

Wang Jiawei's blood pressure went up after saying these words, and he was silent for a long time before opening his mouth, "Two years. I will finish filming in two years."

Huo Yunting curled his lips, two years is enough for me to make two or three more films.

"I'll take it after half a year."

Wang Jiawei gritted his teeth, "One year, no less."

If it is said that before seeing Ye Weixin's "Ip Man", his first choice for the hero of "The Great Master" was Liang Chaowei, after all, this is one of the few people who can accept him after cooperating with him.

But after watching "Ip Man", the image of Ip Man in his mind was fixed as Huo Yunting's face, and he couldn't forget it.

It wasn't that Huo Yunting became Ip Man, but Ye Wen became Huo Yunting, and he brought this role to life.

Huo Yunting thought about it, one year seemed acceptable.

Wang Jiawei sensed that something was going on, and hurriedly said, "Master Huo, are you in Beiping? I'm going to find you now, let's have an interview."

Then without giving him a chance to speak, he hung up the phone directly.

Huo Yunting curled his lips, well, let's talk in detail when he comes.

It has to be said that Wang Jiawei was good at missing appointments. After making that phone call, he seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news after two or three days.

Huo Yunting was still wondering if something happened on the road, should he make a phone call to ask, just as he took out his phone, Huang Bo came to find him first.

"Boss, can I come in?"


Huang Bo pushed open the door of his office and poked his head around.Huo Yunting's straight waist softened again.

"I said, Lao Huang, can you not fix this up for me, and scare me."

Huang Bo closed the door quietly, and sat down swaggeringly, "Old Huo, do you want to come to the premiere ceremony of "Crazy Racing" on the 18th?"

"Yo, it's about to be released. You must go and see it."

Wang Jiawei didn't reply all the time, and he has nothing to do these days, so why not go to the premiere ceremony to see how the filming of "Crazy Racing" is going.

Ning Hao and Huang Bo are old friends, and Huang Bo is still an artist in his studio, so he should go and have a look.

On January 1, "Crazy Racing" kicked off its premiere ceremony in Peking.The host invited Jiu Kong and Rong Xiang, who are also the leading actors of "Crazy Racing".

Rong Xiang played the gangster boss, and Jiu Kong played Li Fala.

The job of the host is a test of the ability to perform on the spot, but these two are both variety show hosts, and there were constant jokes at the press conference.

The venue of the press conference was arranged like a track, with several bicycles hanging behind it.

At the end of the press conference, Huang Bo and Ning Hao respectively rode their racing cars, using the virtual sprint mode to break through hundreds of millions of box office.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, Ning Hao's ambition is really big.

After the press conference was over, everyone went to watch the film in the screening hall, and Huo Yunting was arranged in the first row, next to Ning Hao.

"I said Director Ning, your ambition is really not small. The cost of 1000 million is worth 1 million at the box office. If you really succeed, it will skyrocket."

This is true. At present, there are only three directors with a box office of over [-] million in the mainland, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Feng Xiaogang.

If Ning Hao's box office can also exceed [-] million, tsk tsk, then the future is really bright.

Ning Hao folded his arms around his chest, looking at the big screen with confidence, "Old Huo, just watch it."

"Actors don't need to be as handsome as you, little people can play a big role."

"Yes, then I will wait for the good news, and wait for your box office to exceed [-] million."

The movie was very good, the audience was laughing almost non-stop, especially the part where Xu Zheng cosplays Wang Han, Huo Yunting couldn't hear the lines in the movie clearly, his ears were full of laughter.

Of course, he laughed too.

After the movie ended, the credits were lit up on the big screen, and the entire audience began to applaud and applaud.

"Yunting, what do you think of this film?"

Suddenly there was a voice next to his ear, Huo Yunting looked sideways, only to realize that it was actually Han Sanping.

"Oh, Sanye, I just found out that you are next to me. When I entered the arena, the lights were all off, so I didn't see clearly."

Han Sanping laughed, "It's okay, it's okay, what do you think of this movie?"

"Good movie." Huo Yunting didn't think about it, "I think there should be more movies like Director Ning's. When the big screen is full of handsome men and women, hey, I think that's the end."

Han Sanping showed praise on his face, nodded, and shook his head again.

"I'm not afraid that there are many handsome men and beautiful women, but I'm afraid that this group of handsome men and beautiful women can't do anything."

"Why can't you be an actor?" Huo Yunting looked at Han Sanping with some amusement, "Master, don't worry too much. There are people like this who have been eliminated in the entertainment circle long ago."

This time Han Sanping didn't speak.

Two days later, "Crazy Racing" will be officially released, and Ning Hao still has a lot of work to do, otherwise Huo Yunting will have to drag him, Huang Bo, and Xu Zheng to have a meal together.

After attending the premiere ceremony, Huo Yunting returned home, and saw a figure strolling by the gate of his house from a long distance away.

Huo Yunting's heart tightened, what are the security guards in this villa doing, they can let thieves in in broad daylight.

After a few hundred meters, Huo Yunting got out of the car and told Lao Hou to go back first.

Lao Hou didn't hesitate, just said something to the boss and left.As far as Huo Yunting's level is concerned, even if this thief has two guns on him, it's useless, he still has to give up.

He touched it quietly, and when the thief was looking through the window, he kicked it over.

"What are you doing!"

There was only an "oops", and then a pair of sunglasses fell first.

"Ouch! Old Wang, look at your style, I thought you were a thief."

Wang Jiawei was thrown down by him, and his tailbone was almost broken by him.

Grinning his teeth, he got up and was about to scold his mother, but found that Huo Yunting had already opened the door and slipped in.

"Old Wang, come in and do it, don't wait outside. Today, Qianqian has returned to her mother's house, and there is no one at home."

"Damn it." He muttered something, patted the dirt on his buttocks, and Wang Jiawei also entered the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, before Huo Yunting could speak, Wang Jiawei took out a script from his bag.

It slapped on the table with a "pop", with an elated look.

"Master Huo, the script is out, can you take a look?"

The expression on Huo Yunting's face was a little horrified, "Are you writing a script these days?"

"Yeah, I—what's your expression?"

"It's okay, I'll take a look first."

Wang Jiawei suffocated a script in a week or so, just like Da Vinci said he would give up painting, Chopin said he would stop creating music, and Pushkin announced that he was about to close his pen...

In a word, the sky has changed.

After reading the script he had taken over, his frown finally relaxed.

What is written here, I don't understand.

But don't worry if you don't understand him, if Wang Jiawei really gives him a serious script in a week, he will have to hesitate.

After Huo Yunting finished it hastily, Wang Jiawei hurriedly stuffed the script back into his bag like a baby.

"How is it? Master Huo, do you think it will work this time?"

Huo Yunting ignored him, but asked back, "I just have one question, how long will this film take?"

To be honest, this script is not much different from nothing. Wang Jiawei just expanded the sentence he said to him earlier.

He believed in Wang Jiawei's level and strength, but he couldn't agree with his shooting speed.

"One year." Wang Jiawei raised a finger solemnly, "I guarantee that the filming will be finished in one year at the latest."

"When will filming start?"

"Well... at the end of this year, around September and October—"

"Old Wang, if it's this time period, let's hire someone else." After finishing speaking, Huo Yunting was about to get up to see off the guests.

Filming starts in September and October?Then it's probably not enough to take on another drama in these few months, so what did he do in [-]?
Take a break?
Can this rest?

In a sense, Huo Yun can be called a model worker in the entertainment industry, either filming or on the way to pick up jobs.

If you ask him to wait half a year for a movie that needs to be filmed for a year, then he would rather choose not to film it.

Wang Jiawei became impatient when he heard this, "Why don't you shoot again?"

"When you get to the end of this year, it's not a year of shooting, it's a year and a half."

Wang Jiawei pondered for a long time, then stretched out his thumb and index finger, "The filming will start in August."

"Wait until the end of February at the latest."

"I invite Huo Jiaban to be the martial arts finger, in July."

"At most March."

"Damn it! The number one woman invites your wife, June!"

Seeing that Wang Jiawei was a little anxious, Huo Yunting made a final offer, "May."

"make a deal!"

After some bargaining, Wang Jiawei was very depressed.

I have been a director for so many years, but I never thought that I would pretend to be a grandson again. Damn, who can be a good person who hangs out with Huang Baiming.

But fortunately, at least Huo Yunting was fooled.

Gathering your mind, "By the way, the ugly words are up front, I still have to meet Ms. Liu."

"I have no objection to this, you just need to contact her."

After saying a few more hasty words, Wang Jiawei stomped away.

Huo Yunting sent him all the way out of the house, "Old Wang, it's so late, why don't you stay with me at night."

"No need!"

Wang Jiawei left full of anger, while Huo Yunting was satisfied.

My Huo family class finally got another awesome job.

It's hard to show the awesomeness of their Huo family class if they don't accept some great films and win some awards.

After seeing off Wang Jiawei, Huo Yunting started to prepare for this year's festival.

His parents are both in Peiping, so he might as well invite the old man and the old lady over here.

After living most of my life, I also came to the capital to take a look at the red flags waving, and let the old man meet Liu Yifei by the way.

Huo Zhongde and his wife have no objection to this. The old man and the old lady are both in good health. Now they go to the fields to do farm work every day when they have nothing to do. It is not difficult to come to the capital.

Then Huo Yunting asked Liu Yifei for her opinion, and she was quite happy about it.

"Brother Yun, I think...we've been together for two years, and it's time to meet our parents."

Why doesn't that feel right?

Before he could speak, Liu Yifei hesitated, crossing her hands together, "My mother also said that she wanted to meet my uncle and aunt."

Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat, this is the rhythm of getting engaged.

After engagement comes marriage, and after marriage comes having children—how dare he have children before he recovers from his illness?

But looking at Liu Yifei's gaze at Ai Ai, he couldn't say anything to refuse.

After pondering for a long time, he sighed, "How about on New Year's Eve, bring the old people from the two families over and get together from our house."

 Reborn as a coal boss, the sand sculpture coal boss tosses film and television investment and the story of a female star in the entertainment circle...

(End of this chapter)

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