The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 226 Telegram from the Armed Police Corps

Chapter 226 The Phone of the Armed Police Corps

At seven o'clock in the evening on January 25th, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei were busy in the kitchen.

The dumplings can be put aside for a while, this New Year's Eve dinner can't be bad.

Huo Yunting fried, fried, stewed, squatted and fried everything was complete, which made Liu Yifei, who could only stare blankly, envious.

If he had known that she would have learned how to cook seriously, he wouldn't have had nothing to do while seeing Brother Yun so busy during the Chinese New Year.

"Ding dong~"

"Sissy, go and open the door, there must be someone coming."

"it is good."

I trotted all the way out of the kitchen full of oily smoke, ran to the living room and opened the door, it was Liu Xiaoli.

"Mom, you're here."

Welcoming Liu Xiaoli in, I looked behind her again, and found that there was no one there, so I felt inexplicable, "Where are my grandma and them?"

"Bring your grandparents and grandpa, and leave your aunt alone for the New Year?" Liu Xiaoli took off the frosty scarf and rubbed her hands. "Your aunt has something to do. They won't come here. We'll talk about it later. It's not urgent."

Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, some time ago when she went back to her natal home to see two old people, her grandparents happily said that she liked Huo Yunting, and often watched his TV dramas——

Suddenly not coming today, I thought the old man had other ideas.

While talking, Huo Yunting came out of the kitchen with a plate of squirrel mandarin fish, "Auntie, you are here."

"Hey, Yunting still has such a good craftsmanship?"

"Hehe, when I was a child, I got a lot of help from home, so I'm pretty good at it."

It is true that he often helped at home when he was a child, but it is far from being able to cook a big dish at will. After all, when he was a child, there were only a few home-cooked dishes at home.

This is to cope with the sudden study of the New Year's Eve dinner, and I found a lot of cooking methods from the Internet.

After all, he is different from ordinary people. Once he closes his eyes and opens them, he learns things.

Liu Xiaoli nodded appreciatively, and poked her daughter's forehead, "Look at her, and then at you, you're all used to it."

Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue without saying a word.

Not long after the mother and daughter sat down, that is, when Huo Yunting finished cooking the meal, the doorbell rang again, and Huo Yunting's whole family came.

Parents, grandparents, and a family of five were all present, and Liu Xiaoli was quite surprised.

One was that he was surprised that his mother-to-be was an orphan, and the other was that Mr. Huo could only give birth to one under such a big environment.

Yunting's family is not ordinary.

The old lady saw Liu Yifei for the first time, she looked cute and cute, and she liked it very much.He pulled her to sit down and spoke softly.

Liu Xiaoli greeted Huo Gang, and then the old man went to watch TV in silence.

What is the old saying?Children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

He is getting old, and he is very unfamiliar with the entertainment industry. It cannot be said that he is completely out of touch with this society, but he has fallen behind for a while, and the child will be able to walk the path of Yunting by himself.

What kind of opinion can he, an old guy who is half buried in the ground, have to offer.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the 2009 Spring Festival Gala officially began.

The theme of this year's Spring Festival Gala is "China's Great Gala", with major events such as the Olympic Games and the launch of Shenzhou [-] as the key content.

The hosts Zhu Jun, Dong Qing, Bai Yansong and others appeared in this way. These are also evergreen trees of the Spring Festival Gala, but Huo Yunting watched the few people on TV laughing and opening and closing, and his buttocks were indeed on pins and needles.

What the hell are you going to say to Liu Xiaoli?

I vaguely heard words such as "family situation", "income" and "status".

He felt that he was not far behind the last two, so how can he be regarded as a middle-to-upper?

As for the family situation, is he considered a martial arts family?
Huo Yunting saw that the time was almost up, got up and went to the kitchen, "I'll serve the dishes."

"Brother Yun, I'll get it for you."

The two young men went to the kitchen together. Serving food is not very important, the most important thing is to get this confession right first.

"What did my mother say?"

"I don't know. What did my grandma tell you?"

Speaking of this, Liu Yifei blushed, and her voice became much softer, "Ask me when I will have a baby."

Huo Yunting slapped his forehead, "The old lady is confused."

The two muttered to each other, and Huo Zhongde's greeting came from outside, "Yunting, are you still okay?"


"Grandma, let me make this kind of meat."

Plates of steaming food were served on the table, five meat and five vegetables and one soup, and it took two trips to finish.

Just about to open two more bottles of Moutai, Huo Zhongde stopped him.

"Yunting, sit down first, I have something to talk to your Auntie Liu."

"Then I'll go get the wine." Liu Yifei was about to run away, but was grabbed by Liu Xiaoli.

"Sissy, you sit too, and you have to listen too."

The two young men looked at each other and sat down obediently.

"Dad, aunt, what are you going to say?"

Huo Zhongde pondered a little, "When do you plan to get engaged?"

Huo Yunting's heart stopped for a second, why did he suddenly talk about engagement.

"Yunting, I had a chat with your father. We have no complaints about you young couple. Our two families can be regarded as a good match."

Liu Xiaoli patted him on the shoulder lightly, with a cheerful face, "You two have been together for two or three years, and you have to think about getting married."

Huo Yunting didn't say a word, although the words were so reasonable, but it was a bit hasty, did they settle the matter within two hours of chatting together?
"You and Sissy have been living together for so long, and our two families must have agreed to it. Talking to your father is also about what will happen in the future."

Liu Yifei was also a little restless, "I... can do it anytime, I will listen to the cloud and the arrangement of the elders."

As soon as Huo Yunting heard that this was impossible, the most he could do now was to ask when he was going to get married. If he really got married, he should have a baby.

"Dad, Mom, Auntie, I personally think that the date of engagement should be postponed." After a pause for a few seconds, the brain was racing and he came up with an excuse, "Cissy and I are still on the rise in our careers."

Huo Zhongde didn't understand anything about the entertainment industry, so he looked at Liu Xiaoli, "Mother-in-law, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Liu Xiaoli nodded with a smile, "That's true. Yun Ting's filming of "Ip Man" is amazing. I asked my friends, and I hope to win the Golden Award."

Huo Yunting hurriedly nodded in agreement, "I had a contact with Wang Jiawei some time ago, and he asked me to make "The Great Master". You all know Wang Jiawei, the filming is very slow, and his film will take at least a year. This is the result of my negotiation with him, otherwise he would have to shoot for three to five years."

Seeing the silence of several elders, Huo Yunting continued, "Why don't you book it in [-] years."

The living room was silent for a while, only Sun Tao and others were talking on TV. If Huo Yunting remembered correctly, this skit was called "Three Auspicious Treasures".

Suddenly, Chen Caiping laughed, "Let the young people do their own thing, there is always a generation gap between us and the young people."

"What my mother-in-law said is indeed that the two children are already big figures in the entertainment industry, so we won't mix it up."

Soon, the atmosphere became harmonious again.

Huo Yunting also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, thanks to his parents and Liu Xiaoli are enlightened people, it would be really painful to catch up with that kind of stubborn elders.

The engagement has been finalized for the time being, next year.

However, there is still about a year to go, and the specific time can be discussed at that time, and a good date can be chosen.

After discussing the children's affairs properly, the next step is to chat about some trivial matters among the parents, Huo Yunting felt relieved a lot.

"Huh? Yunting, you weren't invited to the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

While watching the cross talk "New Talk of the Five Senses" with relish, wondering if Lao Guo would have the chance to appear on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Huo Gang suddenly asked.

When he said this, Liu Xiaoli also got better.

"Yeah, Yunting, you were not invited to the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

Some people are the ones who must be invited to the Spring Festival Gala every year. Without him, the taste of the year feels a lot less, just like Uncle Benshan.

Although it was Huo Yunting's first time attending the Spring Festival Gala last year, his sword kick really made him popular all over the country. When the program list for this year's Spring Festival Gala came out, many people wondered why there was no Huo Yunting.

"I don't know." Huo Yunting was also puzzled by this.

To put it bluntly, he thought that his kicking sword was definitely the most entertaining martial arts performance in the previous Spring Festival Gala, and it was the first time he participated in the Spring Festival Gala, which can be said to be a good start.

When the Spring Festival Gala just ended last year, Zhang Debang told him that we would not have to worry about food and drink in the future, and that this would definitely become one of the Ivy League Spring Festival Gala, but I didn’t expect there was no news this year.

While talking, the host Dong Qing has already started broadcasting the next program.

"The next program is a martial arts performance, "Kung Fu Family"!"

"Kung Fu Family" is starring Chen Guokun.

Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums, a group of people in different costumes tumbling into the arena, Huo Yunting searched for a long time before he found where Chen Guokun was.

This is a group portrait.

After watching for a while, Huo Gang smacked his lips, "I understand why this martial arts show didn't come to you."

Huo Yunting also nodded deeply.

This "Kung Fu Family" is not so much a martial arts performance, but more like a witty and humorous mime.

Fitness guys fight against square dance aunts, company white-collar workers fight against teachers...

This kind of hodgepodge program is really not suitable for Huo Yunting as Qiu Chuanwu.

The show is good, but compared to last year's "Golden Age", Liu Xiaoli thinks Huo Yunting should be invited back next year.

You speak to me, the Spring Festival Gala of this family carnival is coming to an end.

Jay Chou is also there this year, singing "Compendium of Materia Medica", and Uncle Benshan, this time he also brought his Zhao family class up. Huo Yunting's deepest impression is Uncle Benshan's apprentice.

"Close your eyes, open them, one day has passed, ram~"

It really makes people laugh.

Apart from these two resident guests, this year's Spring Festival Gala also has a freshman named Liu Qian.He is a handsome young man who performs magic tricks, and his fringe is really bohemian.

The transformation of Dong Qing's ring into the egg also amazed the audience. Compared with previous years, this magic show is really a qualitative change.

At 12 o'clock, the song engraved in the bones of all Chinese people sounded. Huo Yunting felt that even after another 50 years, the song would still remain the same.

"Unforgettable ~ tonight, unforgettable tonight ~"

"No matter ~end of the world~ and ~cape of sea"

"Shenzhou~Wanli~Same embrace~"

"Together wish ~ the motherland is good ~ the motherland is good ~"

People, the older you get, the more nostalgic you become.

While the elders were keeping time, Huo Yunting quietly went to the kitchen to put the dumplings that had been made earlier into the pot.

When the Spring Festival Gala officially ended, the steaming dumplings were also out of the pot.

Outside the window, the lights are bright and colorful, and the roar is constant.

"Haha, the dumplings are here."

He came to the living room with a large plate of dumplings, and vaguely heard Liu Xiaoli talking to Liu Yifei from the crackling sound.

"...the fireworks are so beautiful...there is a child...look..."

Huo Yunting subconsciously shivered, and a dumpling fell to the ground with a "click".

I can't delay this disease any longer, I must give him a complete cure in the past two years!
Early the next morning, the elders of the family went back to their respective homes.Huo Yunting also started visiting relatives to pay New Year's greetings.

This time, he carried a lot of red envelopes with him, among other things, he must give one to Yu Yunting when he sees him.

This year's Spring Festival Gala has also been praised by netizens, especially magic, and now many decryption bloggers on the Internet have begun to analyze it.

The second thing is that this Spring Festival Gala has a fly in the ointment, this martial arts performance is not very good.

"If it weren't for the martial arts performance in the name, I almost thought it was Errenzhuan."

"It can be said to be the largest mime show in modern times."

"Why don't you invite Huo Yunting back, even if you let him kick the sword again like that in [-]."

This comment was affirmed by many netizens, and the number of likes exceeded [-] in less than half a day.

When Shen Teng told him these things, Huo Yunting just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.What he is most concerned about now is Wang Jiawei's "The Great Master".

The contract hadn't been signed yet, Liu Yifei's interview was silent, and she disappeared again.

Huo Yunting called him twice every day to ask questions.

"Old Wang, happy new year, haha, I wish you a new year, by the way, did you get any investment?"

"Old Wang, when will you face the heroine?"

"Old Wang, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you had been filming "The Great Master" for three years, and you lied to me. Oh, I'm flustered."

"Old King..."

The phone calls almost drove Wang Jiawei into a panic.

"Huo Yunting! If you do this again, I will block you!"

At this point, Huo Yunting reluctantly gave up.

In this way, until February, there was no call from Wang Jiawei, but there was a call starting with 0573, and Huo Yunting was very curious.

Since he opened his studio, there have been very few calls from unfamiliar numbers for private calls, and they usually come from Lao Zhang's work number.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, are you Mr. Huo Yunting Huo?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hello, hello, our side is the ZJ Provincial Armed Police Corps. I want to talk to you about something. When do you have time?"

These words are not difficult to understand, but Huo Yunting thought for a while.

What did you do to pursue him across provinces?

(End of this chapter)

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