Chapter 227 Typed Approval (Updated)
Huo Yunting thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that old Zhang Ganqun has done some shameless deeds in those years?

But Lao Zhang doesn't seem to be from the south, does he?
"Mr. Huo? Mr. Huo?"

"Oh, I'm here." Huo Yunting conceived his words and asked, "May I ask why you are looking for me?"

"We came to you on the recommendation of Instructor Chen Hegao. We would like to ask you to be the instructor of anti-terrorist special combat combat..."

Huo Yunting didn't finish listening to the following words, so he temporarily stopped the clear male voice, "Chen Hegao?"


"The one who practiced mad dog boxing in Hangzhou?"


Huo Yunting frowned and repeated, "You were recommended by Chen Hegao, and asked me to be an instructor for the armed police?"


"I'll go. Please leave me the address."

"Okay, Mr. Huo..."

He took out the paper and wrote down the address and the name of the other party. Without saying a word, Huo Yunting called Shen Teng, "Shen Teng, pack your things and come with me to Zhejiang."


When boarding the flight to Zhejiang, Shen Teng asked curiously, "Brother Huo, what's the matter? It's so urgent. Is this "The Grandmaster" about to start filming?"

"Go to Hangzhou, Fengqi East Road."

"Where is this?"

"ZJ Provincial Armed Police Corps."

Shen Teng had to admit that when Brother Huo said where to go, his heart stopped slightly for a few seconds.

At first he thought he was going to Hengdian.

After a long time, he asked weakly, "Brother Huo, what are we doing there?"

"I was asked to be an instructor. I don't know the situation, go and have a look."

"Oh, that's it." Shen Teng breathed a sigh of relief, but soon his voice rose again, "As an instructor?"

Huo Yunting looked sideways out of the window, ignoring Shen Teng's words.

Since the other party made such an invitation, he would go over to have a look no matter what.

He has been stuck in the choreography of his self-created martial arts for a long time. He has actual combat experience with people, but he has no actual combat experience with gangsters, soldiers, killers, etc.

This time I go back to the Armed Police Force, so I can learn from others.

After getting off the plane, Shen Teng rented a car and went to No. 68, Fengqi East Road, Hangzhou. The driver kept looking at them after navigating.

"Brother, is this surrender?"

It has to be said that this driver is one of the few people Huo Yunting has ever met who can't speak.

When he arrived at the place, Huo Yunting saw the goalkeeper standing guard there from a long distance away.

"Master, just get down here."

After getting off the car, Huo Yunting dialed the invitation number and told the other party that he had arrived.Someone has been sent to answer the call from over there, so let them wait.

After hanging up the phone, he strode towards the guard post, but the armed policeman remained motionless.

Huo Yunting stood at attention opposite him, stared at him for a while, and then saluted him.

Shen Teng beside him also straightened his back, saluted solemnly and solemnly.

The armed policeman standing guard also saluted the two of them.

"Your posture is quite standard." Huo Yunting looked at Shen Teng in surprise.

"Hey, Brother Huo, you forgot, I came from military arts."

"Oh, yes."

While the two of them were squatting on the steps and chatting, a thin figure rushed over.

"Master Huo, long time no see!"

The visitor was wearing a dark green military uniform, with a lean body but well-defined muscles, a pair of glasses and slightly thinning hair made Huo Yunting more and more familiar.

"Master Chen, it's really you."

Chen Hegao laughed, greeted the armed police on guard, and led Huo Yunting and Shen Teng inside.

On the way, Huo Yunting briefly introduced the two of them.

"Shen Teng, my assistant."

"Chen Hegao, the founder of Unlimited Fighting, commonly known as Mad Dog Boxing."

Shen Teng shook hands with Chen Hegao with a little fear.

If you want to talk about No Limit Fighting, he has never heard of it, but if you want to talk about the founder of Mad Dog Boxing, he will know it.

The bullet killer is famous all over the country, many so-called Chuanwu masters have suffered at his feet.

Walking with legs spread open, Shen Teng shrank subconsciously just hearing the story.

"Master Huo, I watched you perform sword kicking in the Spring Festival Gala last year. You must have improved a lot in your skills."

"Haha, slightly improved, slightly."

Chen Hegao clicked his tongue, "Back then you were able to beat half of my martial arts gym by yourself, but now you may not be able to beat a group of people."

The two were talking and laughing in front, but Shen Teng was surprised to hear it behind him.

Brother Huo still has such cruel deeds?

He can still win under the hand of this bullet killer who is half a martial artist, so ruthless?
How does one win a fight against a group of old women?

Shen Teng was brainstorming in the back, while the two in front chatted while strolling.

Chen Hegao's martial arts gym has closed down, and he himself is quite happy about it.

"Social security is getting better and better now, and the big guys don't need to come to me to learn self-defense skills, so they just close down."

Huo Yunting gave a thumbs up, "Master Chen, you are much better than some messy martial arts masters. But what will you do in the future? Just stay in the army?"

"That's not necessarily true. If no one hires me in the future, then I will start a security company."

Speaking of which, it was not the first time for Chen Hegao to cooperate with an official. As early as [-], he was invited by the HZ City Public Security Bureau to appear on a program, explaining to the traffic police and taxi drivers the anti-robbery special fighting skills when encountering gangsters in the car. He even used his teeth during the demonstration.

In [-], he was hired as a police skills instructor by a prison riot brigade in Zhejiang. In [-], he taught Unrestricted Kung Fu to a security force of a group army.

No, two years later, I came to the Armed Police Corps as an instructor.

Huo Yunting smacked his tongue when he heard that, this life experience is really rich and colorful.

At the beginning, I only thought that Master Chen was an expert among the people, but I didn't expect that he would be favored by the government.

"Master Chen, these things should have been done by our group of martial arts practitioners."

"So you're here, aren't you?" Chen Hegao had a kind smile on his face.

Huo Yunting shook his head as if laughing, "Master Chen, why did you recommend me?"

"Master Huo, you are more capable than me." Chen Hegao suddenly became serious.

Huo Yunting discovered this problem when he sent his disciples to learn scriptures from him.

That kid named Li Cai came aggressively on the first day because he suffered from group exercises. After studying for a few days later, he never lost in single exercises.

In private, he asked Li Cai, how long have you studied with Master Huo?Li Cai's answer surprised him, less than a month.

Damn, this kind of ruthless person can be taught in a month, this is a natural ruthless person making machine.If he didn't come to the army, he would be sorry for his talent.

"Master Huo, I am Ye Luzi, and you are a regular army. You are different from those vain people. You are really going to kill people. This kind of thing can't be spread among the people, but it can be in the army."

"Master Chen, if you are Ye Luzi, no one will dare to say that you are a regular army."

Chen Hegao shook his head, "The current mainstream of the martial arts circle is just like the mainstream of their cross talk circle." Then he suddenly looked at Huo Yunting, "You are Guo Degang."

Huo Yunting couldn't stop laughing when he said this, it was really the first time to compare him with Lao Guo.

"Yo, here we are."

He took him into the building, came to an office, knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Pushing the door open, a middle-aged man with glasses sat at the desk.

After performing a military salute, Chen Hegao said, "Commander Liu, I have invited you here."

Huo Yunting and Shen Teng also gave a military salute, "Hello, Staff Officer Liu."

"Hello, hello." Staff Liu stood up with a smile, and shook hands with Huo Yunting, "Mr. Huo, you are a big star. I have watched you on TV for several years, and today I finally saw you in real life."

"Oh, it's my honor that Staff Officer Liu likes my film."

After a few words of politeness between the two, Staff Officer Liu proposed to take Huo Yunting for a stroll around the headquarters, and Huo Yunting readily agreed.

"Our Armed Police Brigade in Zhejiang, as early as in [-], three companies of the Seventh Corps Special Service Regiment were handed over to Hangzhou and formed the Municipal Public Security Brigade."

"Later, we drew two battalions from the Seventh Corps to form our Armed Police Brigade..."

Walking around the armed police headquarters with Staff Liu, watching the rows of armed police drill, the cold air couldn't resist the shouts that resounded through the sky.

Huo Yunting took a deep breath of cool air into his lungs, and gushed out wrapped in hot air, his blood was boiling hot.

If it weren't for his illness, he would probably be training in a certain army at this time.

This kind of training ground belongs to the military management area, if it weren't for Staff Liu leading the ordinary people, they really wouldn't be able to enter.

Of course, his steps are limited to these areas, and it is impossible to go deeper.

But even so, Huo Yunting can be regarded as a feast for the eyes.

After shopping around, Huo Yunting also asked, "Staff Liu, if I were to be the instructor, what would I teach?"

"Same as Instructor Chen, the anti-terrorist special warfare combat instructor." Staff Officer Liu patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder with a smile, "Instructor Chen wants to praise you like a flower."

"Then can the big guy convince me?" Huo Yunting asked the most critical question.

If you ask him to come to the condolence performance and sing two songs, the armed police will applaud and welcome him, but if you want him to be an instructor, it may be a fight.

"Yes, to be honest, I have also been under a lot of pressure to invite a star to be an instructor. The reason why I invited Mr. Huo is not just that instructor Chen forced it. I searched some public records of Mr. Huo, tsk tsk."

"It's hard to hit fifty people in a wheel battle, even if it's fifty ordinary people. If I hadn't talked about this with a few old friends from the art troupe, and there were many witnesses, I'm afraid I wouldn't have believed that there would be such a person in this life."

It's hard for Staff Liu to know these things in a high position, so the brothers below probably don't know even more.

"So most people think I'm a star?"

Staff Officer Liu didn't speak.

"Then I can recognize it and type it out." Huo Yunting narrowed his eyes.

ps: I started to make up for it today, and I really haven’t forgotten about adding monthly tickets, so I will definitely make up for it
(End of this chapter)

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