The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 228 I heard that everyone is practicing peeling eggs with bare hands?

Chapter 228 I heard that everyone is practicing peeling eggs with bare hands?
Staff Officer Liu smiled and shouted towards the training ground, "Xiao Liang!"


Soon, a strong armed policeman ran towards this side.

"Staff Liu! Instructor Chen!"

He bowed to the two of them in turn, then looked at Huo Yunting and grinned.

"Mr. Huo, I've watched you on TV for so many years, and I finally saw you alive today."

"It's a real person." Staff Officer Liu reprimanded angrily, "Mr. Huo, this kid is not smart, don't mind."

"Haha, no way no way."

Huo Yunting and Xiao Liang were also looking at him when they were joking. His chest and back were thick and his neck was thick. This figure was perfect for fighting.

"Staff Liu, do you want me to make gestures with Mr. Huo?"

"I'm asking for advice," Staff Officer Liu corrected.

"It's all the same, it's all the same." Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Staff Liu, where are we then? The training ground?"

I came here to establish my prestige, who would I tell if I won in private?
Staff Officer Liu stretched out his hand, "Please."

Not long after, the training ground was cleared out.A group of vigorous young people formed a circle.

Staff Liu briefly explained the matter, and the crowd exploded in an instant.

It's a bit of a fantasy for a star to be their instructor.

Chen He was able to accept it. They had heard of the name of the Bakugan killer for a long time, and they were also deeply impressed by it in actual combat.

But Huo Yunting, even if he is a martial arts star, after all, he is a star after all, he came from acting.

However, due to his Guinness World Record of thirteen punches per second some time ago, this group of people shut up after a while of yelling.

They have also tried it, and it is already very powerful to be able to punch eight punches, but this actual combat is not based on speed, in the end it still needs to be practiced.

Huo Yunting and Xiao Liang stood in the middle of the field, took off their coats, one was wearing a dark green military uniform with short sleeves, and the other was showing a close-fitting bunt shirt.

Staff Liu strode between the two, "As for me, I will be the referee. Also, this competition is just to learn from each other, so let's go to the end."

"Damn it, just fight Ryoko when you come up?"

"He doesn't know that Brother Liang was the runner-up in the regional martial arts competition last year?"

"Hasn't this Huo Yunting also won several karate championships?"

"Is killing and subduing the same concept?"

Everyone was discussing, and the words were blown into Huo Yunting's ears along with the cold wind, allowing him to get a rough idea.

Don't look at Staff Liu smiling cheerfully like an old man, his thoughts are very serious, so he invited such an opponent when he came up.

Thinking in my heart, a few snowflakes fell on the tip of my nose, a little cold, very familiar feeling.

It was also such a snowy day when I received the two-handed mantis sword passed down by the old man.

"call out!"

With Staff Liu's sharp whistle, Xiao Liang moved first.

With a leaping step, he kicked straight to Huo Yunting's lower abdomen, with Xiaoliang's physique, if this kick hits the opponent, he will fly at least two or three meters away.

It's just that Huo Yunting didn't dodge or dodge, watching the soles of a small number of military boots approaching quickly, and then suddenly raised his toes to poke his crotch.

Damn it, this guy is worse than Instructor Chen!

This is a star?

But fortunately, the toes rubbed against his buttocks, even so, Xiao Liang still had goose bumps all over his body, and then the foot landed on Huo Yunting's chest.

I was overjoyed, but suddenly felt that my ankle was being held by two pliers.

It was Huo Yunting's hand.

The clamp was so tight that both of them fell to the ground by inertia.

Xiaoliang lost.

Staff Officer Liu shook his head.

This Huo Yunting is also really ruthless, he can hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.That kick was definitely for face, a person who has practiced martial arts for more than ten years, how can his accuracy be so bad, even poking his buttocks is more reasonable than wiping it in the past.

Both of them fell to the ground, Staff Liu put his whistle in his mouth and was about to blow it——

Almost at the same second, snowflakes splattered, and the two got up quickly. Xiao Liang quickly rushed over with his head butt, clasping Huo Yunting's waist tightly with both hands.

Huo Yunting tried to break free, but couldn't.

Damn, this kid is like a calf.


With a loud shout, the veins on Xiaoliang's forehead popped up, pulling Huo Yunting up by the roots, and there was an instant exclamation from around.

This head-on fall will hit the head on the ground. If the condition is better, you can go to the ICU for rescue. If the condition is not good, you will go straight to the crematorium.

Staff Liu's heart tightened, and he said that he should learn from each other, so why did he still have a real job?

Just as he was about to pull the two of them apart, Huo Yunting, who was lying on his back, suddenly clamped Xiao Liang's neck with his legs.

There was a sensation in the field.

"Oh shit! What kind of kick is this?"

"Can you still pinch people like this?"

"Ryoko, this is the right rhythm!"

The shouts from the audience were getting louder and louder, the howling wind was getting colder and colder, and Liang Zi's mentality was also very bursting.

It felt like someone had sealed his mouth with tape, and coincidentally caught a cold, and his nose and eyes were blocked.

Take a deep breath, only a little breath.

"Ryoko, it's gone!"

"Admit defeat, Ryoko."

The crowd around watched the excitement and booed, Liangzi was angry and anxious, and then she opened her mouth and bit her calf that was clamping her neck.

As soon as the teeth touched Huo Yunting's pants, Staff Liu's sharp whistle sounded again.

"Stop! What are you doing? You can't hear what I said about learning from each other?!"

As soon as Staff Liu showed his power, everyone in the audience became kittens.

Except Huo Yunting.

Feeling that the two iron arms around his waist were loosened, Huo Yunting's legs also loosened a little.

With a "plop", both of them fell to the ground, but one got up quickly, and the other gasped for breath.

Staff Liu's face was gloomy, "Sun Daliang, Sun Daliang, you are really good, you even use your teeth? It seems that our armed police force is really armed to the teeth?"

Huo Yunting didn't know much about the affairs of the army, but judging from Staff Liu's posture, he would be punished by confinement in a small black room if he didn't do well, so he hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Hey, Staff Officer Liu, I think Liang Zi is very good. When you really face gangsters, you should be omnipotent."

"What a shame, shabby is not shabby, whoever stands up and speaks is the one who is stubborn, and the one who fell down will fall down no matter how beautiful he is."

Staff Officer Liu held Huo Yunting's hand sincerely, "Mr. Huo, I'm really sorry."

Fortunately, Huo Yunting is a good talker, if he is a narrow-minded person who goes back and says a few sarcastic remarks on the Internet, their brigade will be criticized by thousands of people.

Xiao Liang got up from the ground, ignored the snow slag on his body, and directly bowed his head to Huo Yunting to apologize, "Instructor Huo! I apologize for my recklessness! Please forgive me!"

"It's easy to talk about, Staff Liu, just don't punish me."

Staff Liu stared at Liangzi with a dark face for a long time before nodding sullenly.

After Liangzi returned to the team, Staff Officer Liu led Huo Yunting back, and the training ground became lively again.

"Instructor Huo, what do you think of Liangzi's skills?"

Huo Yunting pondered for a moment, "Sanshou and grappling styles, open and close fists, agile legs."

"Of course, these are just some of my personal opinions. I don't have much contact with Liangzi, so I can only get a general idea."

Staff Liu gave a thumbs up, "Instructor Huo hit the nail on the head."

Then the chatterbox opened up, and he talked to Huo Yunting about various things about teaching.

Huo Yunting also knew in his heart that he was accepted.

The term of office was more than two months, and until the Labor Day of May, he was paid 3000 yuan a month. Huo Yunting didn't know whether it was too much or too little for the profession of instructor.

But he doesn't care about this salary, it is enough to pass on the things of martial arts.

The longer the days, the more he could understand the sorry old man said to him on that snowy day.

"Pass it on, at least it can't end with me, Mr. Huo."

In the following days, Huo Yunting stayed in the Armed Police Force and began to teach anti-terrorist special warfare combat guidance. Shen Teng stayed here with nothing to do, and was sent back by Huo Yunting.

With the previous battle with Xiaoliang, no one in the entire army dissatisfied with the instructor Huo Yunting.

As Chen Hegao said, in the army, this prestige is earned.You see, there are a few boys who are running away with their legs crossed when they see him.

The army is a place where martial arts are favored. If you are not afraid of being strong, you are afraid of being cowardly.

A murderous person like Huo Yunting is naturally popular, not to mention he is a star.

In the two days since he came here to teach, no less than ten people have come to him to ask gossip about various celebrities in the circle.

He wanted to know too, but who told him?No one took him to play.

Stationed at the armed police headquarters, Huo Yunting discussed training with the armed police when he had nothing to do.

The end of the paper is so shallow that I know that this matter must be carried out.

As Huo Yunting gradually got to know more about their training and special direction, his fighting instructor also made fine adjustments every day, but no one noticed it.

Apart from the training of the armed police, Huo Yunting occasionally asked about the military affairs.

Don't look at the fact that it's not from the same unit, but when it comes to the inside, it's clear.

"Lu Bing, they pay more attention to team combat..."

"However, if it is a special soldier, the requirement for individual combat capability is stronger."

"Yes, yes, there is still something to learn about spy infiltration."

Huo Yunting, who was eating, asked casually, "Which one of your armed policemen and marines is more capable in individual combat?"

This sentence was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and a group of people around immediately started arguing.

"That must be our armed police."

"Don't say that, Lu Bing."

Some people graduated from the Armed Police School, and a few people retired from the army to join the army for the second time. Now the noise in the restaurant is getting louder and louder.

"Hey, stop, stop!"

Huo Yunting saw that persuasion was useless, some of them stood up when they were excited, and then waved their arms lightly, "slumped" a few times, and some belts came loose.

Everyone is busy tying their belts now, and no one has time to argue which is stronger, the armed police or the land soldiers.

"Fuck, Instructor Huo, what's your hand speed?"

"No, I caught an old pickpocket who has been working for more than 20 years, and his hand speed is not half as fast as that of Instructor Huo."

Everyone stared at Huo Yunting with curiosity.

Huo Yunting chuckled, and picked up a boiled egg, and soon, there was a close and rhythmic clicking sound, and the surrounding armed policemen stared wide-eyed, and could stuff two cucumbers into their mouths.

"Fuck! What kind of hand is this?"

"Oh, I'm going! Isn't this the trick in "A World Without Thieves"? It can really be done!"

"Huh? I remember that Instructor Huo was the action director for that movie?"

Huo Yunting stopped them with both hands, "Stop arguing about the individual combat ability, I will teach you when I have time."

Everyone nodded one after another, holding Huo Yunting's freshly peeled eggs and gathered around to look around.Peeling eggs with fingernails is such a powerful and useless skill, who the hell doesn't want to learn it.

Around the end of March, Zhang Debang paid a sudden visit in person, and Wang Jiawei finally got the contract out.

Huo Yunting looked at the contract carefully, and became puzzled, "Hiss, Lao Zhang, that's not right, what do you mean? Shoot for one year?"

Zhang Debang nodded, "Yes, the filming is only for one year, and the post-production will be counted separately."

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth. People said that it takes one year to shoot, which includes the pre-production and post-production until the release time. He is good here, and it takes a year to shoot.

"Okay, no problem."

Let's shoot for one year, and he will decide when it will be released.

"By the way, Brother Huo, the Golden Statue Awards will be on the [-]th of April."

Zhang Debang suddenly said this, and Huo Yunting narrowed his glasses, "Is this a joke?"

"There must be a show! In addition to the Academy Awards, there is also the Peking University Film Festival. These two festivals are very close, Brother Huo, you have to prepare in advance."

Huo Yunting was thoughtful.

"Ip Man" can be regarded as a dark horse. At that time, many people estimated that the box office was only more than 9000 million, and it was still in the air.

But no one expected that Huo Yunting would suddenly break the Guinness World Record, who would have thought of this.

This year, I might go back with a few awards.

Huo Yunting calculated the time, and there were only 20 more days left. He felt that he had to make a report with Staff Liu.

Huo Yunting sent Zhang Debang away as soon as he said it, and Huo Yunting left for Staff Liu's office.

"clang clang"

"Please come in."


"Staff Liu, good afternoon."

"Yo, Instructor Huo is here, sit down quickly."

"Hehe, Staff Liu, that's it. April No.19, the Hong Kong Film Awards, I might have to go there. There's also the Peking University Student Film Festival, so I'm probably going too..."

"Oh, it's okay to ask for leave, no problem!" Staff Officer Liu waved his hand, "Special circumstances are treated specially, Instructor Huo, your situation is completely understandable."

"Hey, I'm sorry for the trouble, Staff Officer Liu."

The two exchanged some polite words, Huo Yunting got up to leave, but was stopped by Staff Officer Liu again.

"Instructor Huo, you just came today, and I have something to ask you."

"Oh?" Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows, "Training results?"


"Are you satisfied with our brigade?"

"Not at all."

"What's the matter?" Huo Yunting really couldn't figure it out now.

Staff Officer Liu frowned, as if he was thinking of something that a man over fifty years old couldn't understand.

"I heard...everyone is practicing peeling eggs with bare hands recently?"

ps: Going back to school today, the suitcase is missing, I searched for a long time, only one change, I will continue to make up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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