The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 229 The Golden Image Award

Chapter 229 The Golden Image Award

Seeing Staff Liu's hesitant look, Huo Yunting also frowned, "Yeah, what's going on, could it be that the price of eggs is going to increase?"

Staff Officer Liu twitched the corners of his mouth and tapped his fingers on the table, "Instructor Huo, I heard that the idea of ​​peeling eggs with bare hands was first heard from you? Now you still teach them privately?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Huo Yunting had no choice but to cup his fists, "Accept, accept."

"What's the deal? The eggs in the cafeteria are almost sold out these days."

Staff Officer Liu scolded angrily, and then looked at him curiously, "How do you peel eggs so that they are so interested?"

Huo Yunting didn't mind showing it to Staff Officer Liu, but he didn't have any eggs around him, so he shrugged, "It's just some pickpocket's dirty way, knocking eggs with his nails, like in "A World Without Thieves."

While talking, he took out a cigarette from his inner pocket, waved it in front of Staff Liu, and put it in his mouth.

He took out the lighter, and with a "click", the flame ignited, and the cigarette holder in his mouth turned into a cigarette butt.


Before Staff Liu was surprised, Huo Yunting changed the direction of the cigarette and put it in his mouth again. When he was about to light the fire, Staff Liu found that he was holding the cigarette butt again.

He repeated this many times, and even demonstrated it in slow motion in front of Staff Officer Liu, but he still couldn't understand how Huo Yunting turned the cigarette over.

Staff Liu became interested, "Instructor Huo, where did you learn this?"

"Learned it from an old pickpocket many years ago."

"Instructor Huo has a wide network of people." Staff Officer Liu nodded, and asked curiously, "Is there anything else?"

Hearing what he said, Huo Yunting nodded quickly, "It's very unique."

Back then on the train, he could be said to have learned all about the pickpocket's mantle, but in fact, except for the job of cracking eggs with his nails, he hadn't even met anyone face to face.

When Chief Liu spoke today, he couldn't bear it anymore.The old pickpocket's efforts to press the bottom of the box have accumulated dust for so long, and it's time to show up.

Hugging the door, approaching close to the body, using pincers, cutting with blades, flying like crossing a river...

Eighteen kinds of martial arts in the pickpocket industry were on display, and Staff Officer Liu was dumbfounded.

His grandma's, today is really a knife in the ass, opened his eyes.

If they had known Huo Yunting a few years earlier, the theft rate in Hangzhou would have been infinitely close to zero.

The demonstration of these [-] martial arts is not over yet, Huo Yunting continued to talk to Staff Liu about some black words in the pickpocket business.

Staff Liu listened very carefully. If he hadn't found out the file of the person in front of him, he couldn't help but copy him.

In this way, after Huo Yunting finished introducing them one by one, Staff Officer Liu rubbed his chin with emotion, "Master Huo, it's a bit overkill for you to teach the armed police. You should teach the special forces."

"As far as your penetrating ability is concerned, it is top-notch in the world."

Huo Yunting rubbed the tip of his nose, not knowing what to say.

"Comrades, I'm leaving, don't miss me."

April NO.15, Huo Yunting bid farewell to many students, packed his luggage and prepared to go to Xiangjiang to participate in the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards in four days.

The students were very reluctant to part with him, especially Liangzi, who pinched his arm with two bear claws, his eyes were tearful and full of emotion, Huo Yunting got goose bumps all over his body when he saw it.

"Instructor Huo, I haven't learned the hard work of peeling eggs with my nails. Why are we leaving? Why don't we contact each other on QQ in the future? Step on each other."

Huo Yunting's face was full of black lines, "It's not like I won't come back, it's like seeing me off."

"Instructor Huo, I wish you the best actor." Staff Officer Liu stood beside him and patted him on the shoulder.

Staff Liu doesn't understand the entertainment industry, so it's enough if the meaning is in place.

"Staff Liu, I will lend you a good word."

Looking at Staff Officer Liu with his usual expression, Huo Yunting suddenly wanted to ask about the special forces that he had talked about that day, but after thinking about it, he suppressed the words again.

After more than half a month, I didn't say anything, so I guess I didn't say anything. If someone said it casually, how could I take it seriously.

Taking a deep breath, he waved to everyone, "There will be a period later."

"Instructor, there will be a period later."

"Instructor Huo, I'm waiting for you to come back!"

After getting into the car, Zhang Debang, who had been waiting for a long time, patted the driver on the shoulder, "Let's go. 8
The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car started.Zhang Debang looked at Huo Yunting in the rearview mirror in surprise, "Brother Huo, you are so popular."

Don't look at Brother Huo's mediocre connections in the entertainment industry, he seems to be very popular in this armed police brigade.

"Why am I not popular?" Huo Yunting asked back.

Zhang Debang was speechless.

When they arrived in Xiangjiang, they walked to the hotel according to the address left by Huang Baiming. When they went up to the third floor, they saw Ye Weixin smoking a cigarette.

There are art directors, editors, photographers, and directors...the principals are basically there, but after looking around, Huo Yunting found out why the heroine is not there.

"Director Ye, Xiong Dailin has no chance?"

Ye Weixin also answered very simply, shaking his head, "No chance."

The nominations for this year's Golden Statue Awards were announced in February, and the word Xiong Dailin couldn't be found at all, so it was useless to come.

However, there are many nominations for "Ip Man", such as Best Director, Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction...

"Ip Man" has been nominated for countless best, but only in terms of heroines or newcomers, "Ip Man" has nothing to do with them.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, "It's a pity."

Ye Weixin patted him on the shoulder, "Master Huo, get ready, you have a chance for the best actor."

Huo Yunting nodded with a serious face.

On April NO.19, Huo Yunting, Huang Baiming and others went to the Grand Theater of Xiangjiang Cultural Center, where the 28th Golden Statue Awards will be held.

This grand theater is very interesting. It is sandwiched between the Space Museum and the Art Museum.

The place is in Sha Tsim Tsui, and Huo Yunting saw the towering clock tower from a long distance away.

This year's Hong Kong Film Awards just coincided with the "100 Years of Hong Kong Movies". The organizing committee specially allocated 200 million Hong Kong dollars for the red carpet, which is gorgeous and long.

Huo Yunting watched the group of actors in front of him chattering on the red carpet for a long time.

If it’s an actress, they have different hairstyles and clothes, and the poses can deepen the impression. The male actors are basically all suits and ties. At first glance, I thought they were gangsters.

There were some unnamed people in front of him who were chattering on the red carpet, and the photographer took two hasty photos before being coaxed to leave quickly.

Huo Yunting took a look, good guy, he doesn't show any sympathy, is it because these security guards are too good, or are the stars in front of him not so good?
When he arrived, Huo Yunting put his hands in his pockets and walked over with a smile on his face. After taking two steps, countless cameras suddenly focused on him.

"Teacher Huo, may I ask what grades you think you will achieve this year!"

"Mr. Huo, is it true that you hit eighteen punches per second?"

"Mr. Huo Yunting, some people say that being nominated for Best Actor is the greatest achievement in your life. What do you think?"

Countless long guns and short cannons were aimed at him, white light and "click" sounded continuously, and there were waves of screaming outside the warning line.At that moment, Huo Yunting had the feeling of being pointed at by countless guns.

You don't need to be interviewed to walk the red carpet, let alone these people still shout from the outside.

Just as he was about to finish the red carpet with strides, several staff members with signs hurriedly stood in front of him and whispered, "Teacher Huo, walk slowly, walk slowly..."

Huo Yunting still had a decent smile on his face, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

"Brother Ji, what a coincidence, what are you doing?"

A big hand suddenly patted on the shoulder, Huo Yunting looked back, he had a chubby face, a big oily hair, and a big belly.

"I'll go! Fatty is in a hurry, long time no see." Seeing the old acquaintance Huo Yunting also seemed a little friendly, "What movie are you acting in?"

"I'm the master of ceremonies."

Lin Zizhu laughed loudly, and patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder, "Brother Ji, I'm leaving first."

Saying goodbye to Lin Zicong, Huo Yunting continued to walk slowly accompanied by several staff members, and it took a long time to complete the process.

After finally walking the red carpet, Huo Yunting let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking around, Huo Yunting couldn't help smacking his lips, there were quite a few big names from the Hong Kong circle.

Wu Yusen, Ren Dahua, Gu Tianle, Xu Anhua...these are all the best of the best.

Unlike the previous film festival in Cannes, which was held for several consecutive days, this year's Academy Awards ended in one night.

After walking the red carpet, Huo Yunting took the pen from the staff, signed his name in the middle, and hurriedly found his seat to sit down.

In the fourth row, it's fairly forward.

Not long after Huo Yunting sat down, the other directors and actors were almost all present and took their seats one after another.

Several photographers around were filming the whole process. Huo Yunting remembered that Ye Weixin said that this year's Golden Image Awards would be a live broadcast?It's just a two hour delay.

Almost everyone was present, and the hosts also appeared, Gu Tianle and Ye Weixin, the hosts of the unveiling ceremony of the special issue of the Academy Awards.

Before the official opening of this year's Hong Kong Film Awards, the Hong Kong Film Awards Association remade Hong Kong's first film "Stealing the Roasted Duck" especially for the "[-]-year Hong Kong film".

Afterwards, four popular Hong Kong films were selected from the Hong Kong film history, and the wonderful plots were adapted into four units, namely "Hero Ben Duck", "A Fei Zheng Duck", "No Duck Road", and "Meet the Duck".

Huo Yunting, who read the characters one by one, thought of an old movie called "Chicken and Duck Talk".

The short film is not too long, and it will be finished soon. When the emcee Zeng Zhiwei came to the stage to announce the official start of the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards, Huo Yunting, who had been listless, finally regained his spirits.

The foreplay has been fully prepared, and the next step is finally to get to the point.

The previous ones are less important awards, such as best art direction, best costume design, best sound effects, best visual effects, etc...

Huo Yunting listened to the announcement of the list one by one, and found that the three most contending films for this year's Academy Awards were "Ip Man", "Painted Skin", and "Red Cliff".

No, strictly speaking, perhaps it should be said that there are only two films, only "Painted Skin" and "Red Cliff".

"Ip Man" did have enough nominations, but apart from the fact that Hong Jinbao won the best action design, the rest of the awards were basically divided between "Painted Skin" and "Red Cliff".

"Hello everyone, I am Hong Jinbao, the action director of "Ip Man", but strictly speaking, I am not the only action director, like the lead actor Huo Yunting..."

Huo Yunting squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin. According to his years of experience in the industry, he has given so many nominations but failed to win an award. Either this year's "Ip Man" will accompany you throughout the run and give you some nominations as a consolation, or there will be awards waiting for them later.

"Teacher Huo? Teacher Huo?"

Someone greeted him, and Huo Yunting, who came back to his senses, looked sideways, and saw a woman with long hair and shawls sitting next to her.


The woman smiled slightly, and pointed to the stage, "You are in the stands, I am calling you."

It was only now that Huo Yunting realized that the eldest brother was praising him on the stage just now, and hurriedly got up and clasped his fists in return.

The rest of the audience applauded inappropriately and insincerely.

Sitting down again, Huo Yunting stretched out his hand towards the woman, "Thank you, who are you?"

"Lin Zhiling."

"Oh..." Huo Yunting was thoughtful, how did I remember that Lin Zhiling was a man?
Some miscellaneous awards have finally been awarded, and the process is about to enter the climax stage, to the actor awards.

The nominations for the best new actor include Xu Jiao from "Yangtze River No. 7", Lin Zhiling who starred in "Red Cliff" by his side, Zhang Yuqi from "Women Are Not Bad", and another name that surprised him.

""Half sea and half flame", Mo Xiaoqi."

When Huo Yunting heard the name, he was stunned for a long time, followed everyone's gaze and looked back to the back row, saw that slightly familiar face, and realized that he was right.

Looking at Mo Xiaoqi's smiling face that was no longer flexible, but generous and decent, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"I will protect you when my sister enters the entertainment industry."

Tsk-tsk twice, Huo Yunting turned around.

When meeting an old friend again, it is already a long time ago.

He entered the industry not much earlier than Mo Xiaoqi, and now he has begun to consider the best actor, but Mo Xiaoqi is still competing with others for the best newcomer, the drama is really strong.

It's a pity that the best newcomer fell into the hands of "Yangtze River No. 7" Xu Jiao in the end.

Huo Yunting cheered up again, he was getting closer and closer to the climax.

The new director went to Guo Zijian, the best supporting actress went to Chen Liyun, the male supporting role was Liao Qizhi, and the female lead was Bao Qijing.

Huo Yunting's fingers tensed unconsciously, watching Wu Junru on the stage announce the best actor.

"The best actor nominations are Zhang Jiahui, "The Witness."

"Gu Tianle, "A Good Dad"."

"Ren Dahua, "The Sparrow".

"Liang Chaowei, "Red Cliff."

"Huo Yunting, "Ip Man"."

Every time Wu Junru said a name on the stage, Huo Yunting's heart sank again. He was a little bit on the hook for the best actor with these wrists.

But watching the excerpts, Huo Yunting felt that he was by no means weaker than them.

"Wow, they are all very powerful."

Wu Junru opened the nomination booklet, and her partner Gu Dezhao also went over to read it, "Let's see who the winner is."

"Best Actor Is..."

(End of this chapter)

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