The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 230 Accidentally Injured Him

Chapter 230 Accidentally Injured Him
"Huo Yunting."

The venue was silent for a few seconds, and then thunderous applause rang out one after another, almost breaking the ceiling.

Huo Yunting breathed a sigh of relief, pinching the white fingertips was finally covered with blood again, a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"Huo Yunting! You are the best male lead!"

The applause and the music were mixed together, and the whistle sounded louder and louder, but it couldn't stop Huang Baiming's shouting in front of him.

After six years, I finally got it.

Huo Yunting got up and tidied his clothes, and strode towards Wu Junru and Gu Dezhao on the podium.

"Mr. Huo, congratulations."

He shook hands with the two, and then a statuette of the Hong Kong Film Awards was placed in Huo Yunting's hands.

It looks like a woman, the key parts of her body are wrapped in film, and she holds a ball of light high in her hands.

Huo Yunting had already heard about the origin of this Golden Statue Award.

This was copied by the committee in the 1990s based on the image of Miss Xiangjiang Zheng Wenya, and it was named "Starlight Glory".

From the original metal portrait, to the man holding the light ball, to the blue crystal cube and the "two-headed monster" that Xiangjiang people jokingly called, the 1990 statuette "Glory of the Stars" can be described as completely reborn, and the trophy of the Hong Kong Film Awards can be regarded as It was settled.

Holding the golden statue award trophy in their hands, Wu Junru and Gu Dezhao retreated to both sides in a timely manner, leaving room for Huo Yunting to speak.

Looking at the countless faces in the audience, Huo Yunting held the trophy in his hand and opened his mouth, feeling an inexplicable surge in his heart, but he was a little stuck.

"Clap clap clap..."

At this moment, Gu Tianle in the audience suddenly applauded, and soon, thunderous applause sounded again.

Huo Yunting smiled and nodded to Gu Tianle to thank him, "Thank you, Teacher Gu Tianle, and thank you for your tolerance."

"To be honest, I was a little surprised to win the award of Best Actor."

"Because the opponents I want to compete with are some of my childhood idols."

Soon there were bursts of good-natured laughter from the audience.

"I am very grateful to Big Brother and his team for their help in the film, as well as the staff behind the scenes of "Ip Man", because they accompanied me through difficult days one after another."

"Of course, I also want to thank you in front of the screen."

When he said this, Huo Yunting's eyes suddenly stared at the camera in front of him.

"Whether it's applause or empty voice, I accept both, because it's better than silence. Thank you."

He bowed, and there was thunderous applause.

Under the envy, astonishment, admiration, and jealousy of countless people, Huo Yunting, the best actor in the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards, stepped off the stage holding the trophy.

Sitting back in his seat, countless pairs of eyes moved away from him and stared at the podium again, because there are still several major events about to be released.

This year's Best Director is Xu Anhua, for his film "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai".

At the end, the announcement of the Best Picture nominees began.

There are five: "Yangtze River No. 7", "Painted Skin", "Ip Man", "Red Cliff", "Day and Night in Tianshuiwei".

Looking at the five nominated films, Huo Yunting groaned in his heart. It was hard enough for him to compete with the film stars, "Ip Man" and these blockbuster films.

The best film every year is the top priority. The two award presenters waited for a while before looking at the small cards in their hands, which whetted the appetite of everyone present.

"...The best film is - "Ip Man"."

After the award presenter read those two words, Ye Weixin stood up gracefully, seemingly calm, but the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Huo Yunting smiled and gave Ye Weixin the most sincere applause, best actor, best film, best action design, "Ip Man" is worth it.

Different from Huo Yunting's short speech, Ye Weixin's speech was long and lengthy, and he looked like he would talk for half an hour at least.

"First of all, I would like to thank Times Classic Media and Oriental Film Distribution Company. Without you, there would be no film. Then my partner and our producer Huang Baiming..."

Huo Yunting didn't listen to the further words, he was already thinking about the Peking University Student Film Festival a week later.

The 16th BJ College Student Film Festival will also participate, because he is still nominated for Best Actor.But he is very open now, he has won the Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards, even if he is a running companion at the College Student Film Festival, he is acceptable.

"...Finally, I would like to thank our leading actor, Huo Yunting."

Lin Zhiling beside him yelled softly, "Mr. Huo, I'm calling you again."

Ye Weixin propped his hands on the table, staring at Huo Yunting, "When I first started filming, I kept yelling, because Yunting always couldn't act well. It wasn't until Yunting woke me up that I realized that it wasn't him who had the problem, it was Huo Yunting. I."

When he was talking about this, staff members had already started gesturing to him in places where the camera could not cover: "It's almost over, don't say so much, it's time to time out."

I want you to say a few more words for the sake of being the director of the best film, but you can't talk for more than ten minutes alone, can you?Talk about cross talk?

Ye Weixin nodded calmly, swallowing the rest of the words.

"For this film, my initial positioning was a biography, until that day when Yun Ting said a word to me, at that time it really... suddenly became clear. Yun Ting is a very good actor, but I also think he is very Has the potential to be a director or screenwriter..."

The hand gestures of the staff member under the stage became more and more violent, and the hand speed was so fast that afterimages appeared.

I said a few words and said a few words, why is this not over?

"……thank you all."

Ye Weixin finally finished speaking, and the director of the ceremony hurriedly directed the next session from the walkie-talkie.

Lin Zhiling clapped his hands, looking at Huo Yunting beside him, his eyes could not help showing curiosity.

The action director praised him, and the director also praised him.If "Ip Man" also won awards in other awards, would those winners still praise him?

What did he contribute to the film?
Because Ye Weixin's words were vague and stopped abruptly, many people present were full of question marks.

What did he say that made him suddenly see the light?

"What did Huo Yunting say?"

Less than five hours after the ceremony ended, news of such a headline became a hot topic across the country.

No matter what "New Best Actor of the Hong Kong Film Awards", "The Surprising Best Film", "Overwhelming Old Actor, New Actor Appears" and so on, they are not as popular as that one.

"Is there something wrong with this surname Ye? You just finish talking, who do you mean by half of it?"

"Ye Weixin mentioned biography earlier, so Huo Yunting must have put forward a contrary point of view, so what is the antonym of biography?"

"There are two things I hate the most in my life. One is half-talking."

"I'm a **** upstairs, and you are a **** too"

"Director Ye, I see that the public opinion on the Internet scolded you a bit fiercely." While waiting for the plane, Huo Yunting, who was looking at the computer, smacked his lips, "Why don't you come out and explain?"

"Is there any explanation for this, let them guess."

Ye Weixin put his arms around his chest and his legs were wide apart, looking like "whatever he is doing".

After participating in the Hong Kong Film Awards yesterday, I am going to Beiping to participate in the College Student Film Festival today. The schedule is very tight.

But there were far fewer people going back this time, only him and Ye Weixin.

"Master Huo, you are the main character in the College Student Film Festival this time, and you are the only one in the film "Ip Man" who is expected to win."

"Best Actor?"


Huo Yunting put his hands behind his head, squinted his eyes thoughtfully, "Forget it, didn't it mean that Uncle Ge was also selected because of "If You Are the One", how can I compete with Uncle Ge?"

"You can't say that. If you look at your previous qualifications, you won't be able to win the best actor at this Academy Award."

Leaving aside Gu Tianle and Ren Dahua for the time being, Zhang Jiahui and Liang Chaowei are the best movie stars among movie stars. Which one hasn't won a golden horse or a golden statue?
If the selection of the best actor was really based on qualifications, Huo Yunting would not even be nominated.

"Two veteran movie kings have been killed by you, what can a little Ge You do to you?"

After saying this, Ye Weixin hurriedly looked around. There was no paparazzi, and he didn't see any recorder, so he retracted his head.

Huo Yunting was also quite emotional, "Touching that statuette last night felt like a dream."

Ye Weixin approached quietly, "To be honest, your Guinness World Records played a big role in winning this best actor."

Ye Weixin is the host of the unveiling ceremony of the special issue of the Academy Awards, and he also participated in some of the whole ceremony. It can be said that he knows a lot of inside information.

In fact, the best male lead should have been chosen between Zhang Jiahui and Liang Chaowei, but Huo Yunting's qualifications are still a bit inferior.

But when Huo Yunting's world record of thirteen punches per second came out, the organizing committee also reconsidered.

In order to play a good Wing Chun master, he forcibly honed his martial arts to break the world record, thirteen punches per second.

Is it not suitable for him to be given the best male lead?

Of course, not everyone thinks this way, and some people hold opposing views.

"This kid himself is a martial arts practitioner, can this number of punches be used as the evaluation standard?"

"There are so many martial arts practitioners in the world, how come he is the only one who broke this world record? And it was thirteen punches per second, four punches more than the previous world record!"

Ye Weixin babbled to him about some inside stories that seemed to be true or not, and Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched when he heard it, "Is it because of my skill?"

"You can't say that, isn't skill a part of you? What's more, using this as a judging standard is also based on the fact that your acting skills are at the same level as the other movie kings."

Huo Yunting shook his head, "Come on, let's watch this college student film festival next."

When getting off the plane, Huo Yunting's mobile phone was bombarded by countless incoming calls. Huo Yunting had a headache watching it, but he couldn't do it if he didn't answer it.

In fact, after the Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony last night, there have been a wave of phone calls, and today is the second wave.

On the way home, he called and replied one by one, and when he finally dialed to Li Guoli, he finally didn't say "Congratulations" or "The Best Actor" in the same way.

"Yunting, when will you come to Zhejiang to sing a song? Oh, this time you have to call Yifei to join us."

"Yo, what song is this time?"

"Interlude, "This Life Is Not Changed". Do you still remember the last scene we filmed in Jiuzhaigou? It was the scene of heavy snowfall. The soundtrack I'm talking about is this song."

Even without looking at the content, Huo Yunting could guess from the title of the song that it was written for Xu Changqing and Zixuan.

"Yeah, I'll go there after I finish attending the Peking University Student Film Festival."

"Oh, the Academy Award winner is not enough for you to splurge? You don't want to miss this college student film festival, do you?"

"What do you mean don't let it go? If someone nominates me, can I not go?"

"Which one was nominated?"

"Best Actor."

A sucking voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "My good fellow, are you running for the double actor?"

"Hey, keep a low profile, it's just a nomination."

"Hehe, Yun Ting, you won such an awesome award as Best Actor in the Academy Awards, and I think it is unlikely that you will win a double at this university student film festival."

Huo Yunting himself actually felt that he was hanging, but when he heard what Lao Li said, he always wanted to slap him.

"Old Li, look down on me, don't you? Zhang Jiahui and Liang Chaowei have already let me down. I can't win a college student film festival?"

"Hey, don't you believe it. Although I haven't made a movie in the years since I entered the industry, I have seen pigs run without eating pigs. If you can also win the best actor of this university student film festival, I will eat a machine for you." look."

"That's what you said, pick up the most expensive one for me to eat."

The two chatted for a while, and the car arrived at the villa.

The Beiping College Student Film Festival is held in the Olympic Sports Center, not too far from their place, and the College Student Film Festival officially starts on the 26th, and there are still four or five days to prepare, which is more than enough time.

Ye Weixin originally wanted to stay in a hotel, but due to the warm invitation of Huo Yunting and his wife, it was really difficult to refuse the kindness, so he stayed at their house for the time being.

It was still the room where Wang Jiawei lived before.

"Brother Yun, show me the little golden man."

Ye Weixin went back to the room to pack his luggage, and Liu Yifei took Huo Yunting back to their room on the third floor, clamoring curiously on the way to see the statuette.

Huo Yunting took out the statuette from his bag and handed it to Liu Yifei, who looked enviously at her.

"That's great, I can win a best actress anytime."

Huo Yunting patted her on the head, "Wait for "The Great Master"—hey, by the way, did Wang Jiawei interview you?"

When I signed the contract, I forgot to ask Zhang Debang, is there anything to say about the heroine?

Speaking of this, Liu Yifei's face became a little strange, "I've passed the interview, and I've passed it, that's right, this process may not be so beautiful."

Huo Yunting was full of doubts, "Why didn't the interview process go well?" Soon he thought of Wang Jiawei's past outrageous deeds, so he frowned again, "Is he making things difficult for you?"

"No, I seem to have injured him..."

Huo Yunting:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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