Chapter 231 Double Actor
The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Huo Yunting spoke after a long time, "Where is Lao Wang from the hospital now?"

Liu Yifei shrank her head shyly, "It's not that serious."

Wang Jiawei came here about a week ago, and he looked slack with his dark glasses that have not changed for thousands of years.

"Yifei, I heard from Master Huo that you have studied Baguazhang with him for half a year?"

Liu Yifei said weakly, "I can do it a little bit."

Learning comes back to learning, practice comes back to practice, but it was the first time she had ever gesticulated with someone, even if she tried this nature, she was a little scared.

After all, Huo Yunting was out of town when she was practicing Baguazhang, and the teaching was only passed on by word of mouth.

Wang Jiawei was different from her. He visited all over the country, north and south, and visited countless masters. He was full of confidence, "Let me see how far you have practiced in Baguazhang."

"That, Director Wang, let me prepare—"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Jiawei had already lightly punched Liu Yifei.

She was already nervous in her heart, Wang Jiawei directly attacked without saying hello, and she fought back almost like a conditioned reflex.

Stretch out the left palm across the left leg, bend the left palm to stop, pull Wang Jiawei's fist upwards, and turn the right hand into a palm knife to stab the abdomen.

Liu Yifei has a foundation in dancing, and her moves are nimble and quick, and she can hit a hit.

In an instant, Wang Jiawei felt that he had eaten two mutton pancakes and mutton soup in his throat in the morning.

Clenching his teeth, pursing his lips, he swallowed again with a "gudong".

Before he could open his mouth to stop, Liu Yifei passed his right leg across him.The tip of the toe poked the popliteal between the two legs, and with a "click", Wang Jiawei knelt down.

"Ah! Director Wang, are you okay?"

Liu Yifei hastily helped Wang Jiawei, who was grinning, to apologize repeatedly.

The other party just waved his hand, and quickly found a stool to sit down, "... Zixu passed the test?"

"Well, it seems to be called this name."

Then fell into a long silence.

One stood with a guilty face, and the other sat grinning.

"...I was careless just now, I didn't flash..."

"Yeah, I understand."

Looking at Liu Yifei who was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, Wang Jiawei pinched the bridge of his nose, "Don't tell me, God knows, you know and I know—at most add Huo Yunting."

Fortunately, he is visiting in private today, and there is no one around him, otherwise he will be ashamed.

Wang Jiawei left after resting for a while without mentioning the interview. It was three days after he called again and told Liu Yifei that the hostess was hers.

After hearing Liu Yifei finished speaking, Huo Yunting couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Old Wang, I still haven't figured it out. Theory is theory, and practice is practice. These are two things."

Liu Yifei didn't care much about this, she just told Huo Yunting not to say anything.

"Don't worry, I'm not a big mouth." After thinking for a while, Huo Yunting added, "At most, I will laugh at him in private."

The weather is just right in this season, it is slightly cool, and there are not many mosquitoes.

There were two rocking chairs on the balcony on the third floor, and the two of them sat on them and chatted with each other, watching the sunset in the distance, and the green plants and trees reflected in it were dyed a rosy red.

The two also saw a figure wearing glasses looking around from downstairs. It was Ye Weixin.

"Director Ye, where are you going?"

"Wander around!"

After waving hands with him, Ye Weixin's figure disappeared into the woods.

The two people on the rocking chair on the third floor went around and around, and finally talked about Huayi.

"Sissy, sometimes I regret it a bit. Should I have had a deal with Wang Zhongjun when I was filming "The King of Kung Fu"?"

"Zhou Xuan what?" Liu Yifei looked at him sideways, a little curious.

"Don't sign Huayi."

The contract between Qianqian and Huayi was also for three years. Originally, Wang Zhongjun wanted to sign a longer one, but he couldn't hold back Liu Xiaoli, and because of Huo Yunting's face, he didn't say anything.

After the filming of "The Grandmaster" is finished, the three-year contract will almost come to an end. To be honest, signing Huayi is a bit of a waste.

"You can't say that, "The King of Kung Fu" has already finished, you can't go whoring for nothing, or they should block me."

Then she couldn't help laughing again, "But to be honest, Brother Yun, who would have thought that there would always be dramas that would take the initiative to come to you. Some actors have to wait a year or two in order to get resources. You are lucky, One after another, they are still being chased by others."


Huo Yunting let out a short sigh, filled with countless regrets.

"Do you want to expand my studio in the future?"

Liu Yifei was a little surprised, "Open your own company?"

Huo Yunting was about to speak when suddenly a dazzling white light flashed in his eyes.

He looked in the direction of the light source and saw two figures walking slowly, one wearing glasses and the other with a shiny bald head.

"Oh, isn't this Uncle Ge?"

When Huo Yunting looked down, Ge You also happened to raise his head, and then, a lazy smile appeared on his thin face.

Ge You waved his hand, "Yunting, long time no see."

About half an hour later, Ge You started drinking tea in the living room of Huo Yunting's home.

"Yunting, you boy have changed a lot. I remember the last time we met... it must have been 5 years?"

Looking at the thin Ge You, Huo Yunting was really startled.

Ye Weixin went out for a walk, and kidnapped someone back.

This question was a big deal, Ye Weixin accidentally bumped into someone fishing by the river when he was walking, stood by the side and looked at him, the more he looked, the more familiar he became.

"Are you Teacher Ge You?"

"Ah, it's me."

After a long time of trouble, Uncle Ge also lived in this villa, and lived half a year earlier than them.

"Uncle Ge, don't leave tonight, eat from my place."

Ge You laughed, "No, no, go back tonight and stew fish with my wife, another day, another day for sure."

Then he put his eyes on Liu Yifei who was sitting upright, "Tsk tsk, Yunting, you are a lucky person. I won't bother you young couple."

After finishing speaking, Ge You turned and left.

Ge You's house is not far from here, Huo Yunting sent him all the way there, the journey took less than 10 minutes.

When I went back, I looked at Liu Yifei with emotion, "We have stayed here for so long, but we didn't realize that the next door is Uncle Ge."

Liu Yifei also nodded in deep agreement, "However, we are not always at home. Teacher Ge You probably goes out to film movies all year round. It's normal if we don't meet."

While talking, Ye Weixin suddenly slapped his hands, "By the way, I suddenly remembered that Ge You was nominated for Best Actor in the College Student Film Festival."

By the time Huo Yunting met Ge You again, it was already April 26th at the Beiping Olympic Sports Center.

The 16th Peking University Student Film Festival officially started this evening.

The gold content of the Peking University Student Film Festival is not high, and it probably belongs to the second- and third-rate awards. After all, the region is very restrictive, and most of the judges are students.

But awards are better than nothing, even if they are second- and third-tier awards, who would want to go to an award whose name they have never even heard of?

Huo Yunting reckoned that Zhang Debang had already stopped him a lot of low-level awards.

There are only more than 30 films selected for the College Student Film Festival, and the scale is small.However, the visiting guests should not be underestimated.

Chen Kaige, Zhou Xun, Ge You, Ye Weixin, Fan Wei, and myself...

Seeing Chen Kaige's wanton eyebrows, Huo Yunting felt a pity inexplicably. It would be great if he could bring a guest, anyway, he had to bring Qianqian to see it.

"Uncle Ge, we finally meet again."

Seeing Ge You, Huo Yunting cheerfully stepped forward to say hello, and then found a man with a long face standing beside him.

Seeing that he is no younger than Ge You, he is probably a senior with qualifications, but he doesn't know what he does?

"Who is this……"

"Ouch, Mr. Huo, I finally met you. My name is Wang Xueqi."

This person spoke very politely, and Huo Yunting immediately remembered who this was when his name was mentioned, the lead actor of Chen Kaige's "Yellow Earth".

"Don't, Mr. Wang, I'm just a kid, how can I be a teacher."

"Hey, you can't say that. Being an actor depends on acting skills. How can you judge a teacher by age."

Wang Xueqi looked at Huo Yunting with envy.

He won the Academy Award for Best Actor at a young age of less than [-]. This is really young and promising.

I am already in my early [-]s. Although my qualifications are not low, I have only won the Best Actor in the Peking University Student Film Festival.

In terms of achievements, I really can't compare to the young man in his 20s in front of me. I have lived in vain for more than [-] years.

Looking at Ge You and Wang Xueqi, the two old actors, Huo Yunting guessed roughly, "Mr. Wang, are you also nominated for best actor?"

"Yeah, you too?"

The three looked at each other and laughed.

Well, this year's best actor nominees are all here, but I don't know if there will be a fourth one.

"Three teachers, the ceremony is about to begin." A staff member ran over and shouted.

Huo Yunting bid farewell to the two competitors, "Mr. Wang, Uncle Ge, let's chat when we have time."

After being seated, around seven or eight o'clock, the ceremony officially began.

I have to say that those who study art are different, more or less a bit of a young man.

Huo Yunting, a film from the Peking University Student Film Festival, had never heard of it.

The commercial films shortlisted are probably only "Ip Man", "Painted Skin" and "If You Are the One", and there are a few others, but their popularity is much lower than these three.

There are three nominations for the Best Viewing Effect Award: "Ip Man", "Painted Skin", "Summer, The Wind Blows".

Huo Yunting automatically ignored the later "Summer, There's a Wind Blowing". This viewing effect award is probably a choice between "Ip Man" and "Painted Skin".

"Master Huo, do you think our "Ip Man" has a chance?"

Ye Weixin beside him suddenly asked a question, Huo Yunting pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "Hanging."

How much is the investment in "Ip Man", and how much is the investment in "Painted Skin"?That's hundreds of millions.

Moreover, the martial arts scenes in "Ip Man" are all supported by his punching speed, and "Painted Skin" is a big deal.

Sure enough, the final award presenter announced that the winner was "Painted Skin".

The College Student Film Festival is different from those official film festivals. There is an extra most popular award, and the most popular director is won by Ye Weixin.

When he came to the stage to give a speech, countless students in the audience suddenly shouted together, which shocked Huo Yunting.

"Director Ye, can you finish what you didn't finish at the Hong Kong Film Awards a while ago!"

"You can't say half of what you say!"

"What the hell did Huo Yunting tell you!"

The students in the audience were excited, and Ye Weixin on the stage laughed.

Hey, the more curious you are, the less I will say anything.

Coughing twice, Quan pretended not to hear these words, and began to speak according to the manuscript.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips watching from the audience. It has to be said that Director Ye is a bit rebellious.

When the most popular award is over, it will be the best. The best actress is given to Zhou Xun, relying on "Li Mi's Conjecture", and then it will be the best actor.

The three nominees were him, Ge You, and Wang Xueqi.

Ge You supported his head with his hands, but he didn't care much. He won many international awards, and he didn't care so much about this kind of camp.

Huo Yunting also crossed his legs and crossed his hands.He won the best actor of the Academy Award, but he doesn't seem so eager for the best actor of this college student film festival.

He had just finished a meal of braised pork knuckles, and now he brought up two pig's trotters.

Only Wang Xueqi looked a little expectant, and his posture was a little dignified.

"Oh my god, this Best Actor is really beyond my expectation. Because a week ago, he just won another best actor in Xiangjiang."

"The best actor winner is Huo Yunting!"

Ge You happily clapped his hands, his disappointment was swept across Wang Xueqi's face, and he was soon filled with appreciation and praise.

As for Huo Yunting, he straightened his clothes and walked onto the stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm Huo Yunting."

Soon, the audience applauded thunderously and overflowed with passion.

Different from the group of veterans in the entertainment industry, this group of young students is really full of energy.

"Good evening, brother fierce!"

"Congratulations Director Huo!"

"Ren Qiu Chuanwu, awesome!"

After the voices in the audience gradually quieted down, Huo Yunting continued to speak.

"It would be great if the Peking University Student Film Festival can be held a week earlier, so that when people introduce me, they will say that the first actor I won is the Peking University Student Film Festival's best actor."

The audience soon burst into laughter.

"I think this trophy not only belongs to me, but also belongs to all the staff behind the scenes of "Ip Man". Without their help, I would not have achieved such a high achievement."

"Mr. Huo! I want to ask if it's true that you hit ten?"

Suddenly someone in the audience yelled and asked questions, Huo Yunting didn't take it seriously, and nodded, "It's a real fight. The main reason is that Ye Weixin's recruitment is too hateful, and those people want to kill me. Fortunately, I have a better skill."

The audience laughed again.

After a pause, he continued, "Then, I would also like to thank my lover, Liu Yifei."

Speaking of this, the tone of the audience became strange.

"I often have a feeling that I am Dayu. It's not because I have achieved so much, but because I have passed through the house three times and can't enter."

"I'm also very grateful that she has been by my side without any complaints—seriously, I think my boyfriend is really a bit negligent..."

With a few simple words, the appetite of the college students in the audience was whetted.

It's love and passionate achievements, which teenager has never had a dream in his heart?And how many of them didn't think about hugging a beauty when they were sitting and dreaming?

Many male students in the audience slapped their thighs excitedly, as a man should do so!

(End of this chapter)

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