The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 233 The director personally performed the kissing scene

Chapter 233 The director personally performed the kissing scene

Huo Yunting frowned, feeling that things were a bit difficult.

In the years since he entered the industry, he really hasn't carefully studied what the definition of a heroine is.

Is it the heroine who has outstanding development of the plot?Or is the heroine's wife the heroine?

Regardless of the conclusion, it can be clearly seen that Wang Jiawei is the latter.

Looking at the pensive Huo Yunting, Wang Jiawei patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay, it's the same now, she hasn't read the script anyway."

The corners of Huo Yunting's eyes twitched, "You're so proud, you wrote the script a long time ago, so there's no such thing as such a nonsense."

"Obviously you didn't ask yourself, why are you still blaming me now?"

The two fought each other fiercely, until Liu Yifei tiptoed behind them, "Well, Director Wang, what role am I playing?"

The opening ceremony held in the afternoon was very brief, without much fanfare, and very low-key.

At first Huo Yunting thought that he was keeping a low profile, until later when he saw a special car escorting his script, and even pulling up the cordon, his facial features were wrinkled together.

"Your script is just a one-sentence thing. Don't you just memorize it in your head and write those few words on paper?"

"I'm also perfecting it, okay?" Wang Jiawei gave him an annoyed look, but no one could see the look under the cover of the sunglasses.

"If you are willing to wait for me for another half a year, the script will definitely come out when filming starts at the end of this year."

"You fucking know that your sentence is not a script. Back then you told me it was a script with a shy face."

"That's the script outline!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the producer Wu Siyuan hurriedly persuaded them to leave.

The opening experience of the meal at night was also very simple, and everyone gathered around and had a meal.

What impressed Huo Yunting during this meal was a man named Xu Haofeng in the editing team—to be honest, he was very curious about the writing team, as for Wang Jiawei's script, did he need to find a writing team?

This person was wearing black-rimmed glasses, looked gentle, but was very interested in Chuanwu. During the dinner, he kept chasing Huo Yunting to ask questions, and occasionally asked Huo Yunting to comment on his own opinions.

Huo Yunting just smiled and didn't speak.

His opinion of Xu Haofeng is that there is something, but not much.

Like Wang Jiawei, he is a theoretical school, but his theoretical ability is worse than Wang Jiawei's.

After the meal, everyone dispersed, and Huo Yunting walked around the Chikan market with the bulging cheeks Liu Yifei.

Her mood today is like a roller coaster, going up and down.

Seeing her keeping her hands behind her back and not speaking, Huo Yunting gently scratched her chin, "Don't frown, this is not a good thing, from Zhang Yongcheng to Gong Er, from female number two to female number one."

"Well, I'm not bothered by this."

The cheeks that had been bulging all night finally deflated, and he let out a foul breath, "I just feel that Wang Jiawei seems to be a little unreliable..."

Huo Yunting also nodded in deep agreement, "There's no rush, we'll see the situation tomorrow."

The two shared a room, and Liu Yifei went to take a shower after returning to the hotel, listening to the sound of splashing water, Huo Yunting was somewhat distracted.

Just about to go out to smoke a cigarette to calm down his restless heart, Zhang Debang called.

"Brother Huo, our team has sent people over. Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao led the team, bringing No. 30 people, and ten younger ones. Follow along and learn."

The martial arts team of "The Grandmaster" used the Huo family class. It is reasonable to say that Huo Yunting and the others should have come together, but the air ticket is not enough, and Huo Yunting is not at ease letting them go in batches.

No, I just booked the ticket today.

"Just give me a call about it."

"There is indeed something else, Huo Ge, the issue of Huang Bo's we have to think about it?"

When the studio was founded back then, Huang Bo signed Huang Bo purely because he and Huo Ge were friends.

But no one thought that relying on the crazy two-part series, they already vaguely had the meaning of good luck.

"Continued with him." Huo Yunting did not hesitate.

There has never been a shortage of handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment industry, but there are not many truly capable and special actors like Huang Bo.

Now that Huang Bo has come to the fore with his crazy two-part series, he won't do too badly even if he stays the same in the future.

"Okay, I understand."

"Don't press the share too hard, let it go appropriately." After thinking for a while, Huo Yunting added, "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, to recruit some new people to the studio."

Zhang Debang was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Brother Huo, are we... wanting to expand the studio?"

"If you have such an idea, find someone first, and come back and report to me."

Now Zhang Debang became excited, "Come on Brother Huo! Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of for you!"

Seeing Brother Huo, the studio can no longer satisfy him. This is the rhythm of starting a company.

If the company succeeds, its status will definitely rise. Zhang, who is 50 or [-] years old, feels inexplicably excited. Is it possible that we are going to become a rich generation?

"Whose phone is it?"

As soon as she hung up the phone, Liu Yifei came out wrapped in a bath towel, accompanied by white mist and mist, like a goddess descending to earth.The jet-black hair sticks tenderly to the white and rosy collarbone.

The first time Huo Yunting looked back, he was stunned, and suddenly thought of the 86 edition of "Journey to the West".

"What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'll take a shower too." Huo Yunting hurried into the bathroom.

Huo Yunting still held her in his arms when he was sleeping, but this time Liu Yifei jumped up instead of leaning on his chest, but stuck to his neck.

She likes being hugged and slept by Huo Yunting, but that doesn't mean she likes being pointed at with a gun.

It's a bit uncomfortable just holding it up and down.

Thinking about it, my face turned red.Fortunately, now that the lights are turned off, Huo Yunting can't see her hot ears, otherwise she would really be ashamed to face others.

Early the next morning, everyone went to Dixi Road in Chikan Ancient Town.

People come and go on both sides of the road in Chikan Ancient Town, and there is an endless stream, which can be regarded as a cultural heritage.

A group of people walked on the street carrying the machine, but no one was staring at it, as if they were not surprised.

There is an arcade street that stretches for more than 300 meters and more than 600 well-preserved ancient arcades on this embankment west road, which is favored by people in the film and television industry.

It is recognized that this place has the charm of old Guangzhou and old Xiangjiang in the 30s and [-]s, and it is known as "Movie Street".

Here, Wang Jiawei directed the staff to set up the scene, and called several leading actors to start speaking.Since the first scene was filmed with Ip Man and Gong Er, he focused on Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei.

He spoke very carefully, and Huo Yunting listened carefully, but to be honest, he didn't understand much.

Inadvertently glanced back, and found that Xu Haofeng and another editor, Zou Jingzhi, were writing the script not far away.

Huo Yunting was shocked. Damn, this is really the style of an old Hong Kong film director. Lao Wang put it here to engage in a renaissance.

The saliva was flying all over the place, his mouth was dry, Wang Jiawei gulped down half a bottle of water, looked at the leading actors, "Do you understand?"




Wang Jiawei nodded in satisfaction, "OK, let's fight for one." Then he turned and left.

Huo Yunting looked at Liu Yifei, she shrugged, obviously she didn't quite understand.

So I turned to look at Zhang Zhen and Song Huiqiao again, "Do you understand? Can you explain it to me? I don't quite understand it."

The two were taken aback for a moment, and then both heaved a sigh of relief, "Actually, I didn't quite understand it."

The first scene was filming the parting between Ip Man and Miss Gong Er at night.Gong Er gave up Wu and Ye Wen, and there was a farewell kiss in the final scene.

The scene is there, and the play is clear. Is this the line?

Soon Wang Jiawei rushed over with two pages.

[My father often said that martial arts practitioners have three stages, seeing themselves, seeing the world, and seeing all beings. 】

I won't read much about it, just this one sentence, a line of Wang Jiawei's style came to my nose, and Huo Yunting subconsciously rubbed his nose in choking.

As for the street, it is this Dixi Road, but Huo Yunting has a question, "Old Wang, isn't this a night scene? Why do you shoot during the day?"

"Let's try it first."

"You shoot the scene at night in broad daylight. Is the lighting suitable for it?"

"Don't worry, this is easy to handle."

Seeing this, Huo Yunting didn't say any more, and made an OK gesture to him.

His clothes have not changed for a hundred years. It is the same as when he was filming "Ip Man", a plain black gown.

Liu Yifei's style can be described as ever-changing. She puts her hair up and wears a slim black woolen sweater with ink style floral tassels on the neckline.

Dignified and majestic.

This was Huo Yunting's first reaction when he saw her outfit.

Wang Jiawei on the side was also full of praise, and circled around Liu Yifei several times.

"Miss Liu, you really are the second palace in my heart."

Liu Yifei smiled shyly, "A man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle."

Wang Jiawei shook his head, "The clothes are only part of it, the most important thing is your face, which is amazing."

It's useless, no matter how ugly the face is, it can't stand up to an honest gentleman.

Seeing Liu Yifei who suddenly looked sad, Wang Jiawei even gave a thumbs up, "This expression is even more correct, it is the feeling I want! Ms. Liu is very perceptive."

Liu Yifei smiled and said nothing.

"Come, come, all departments are in place."

"Photography OK."

"Recording OK..."

"Three, two, one, action!"

"My father often said that martial arts practitioners have three stages, seeing themselves, seeing the world, and seeing all beings."

"I've seen myself, and I've seen the world, but I can't see sentient beings..."

Most of this is Liu Yifei's personal monologue, Huo Yunting doesn't talk much.

It's not difficult to cut back and forth with just a few fixed shots.

When Liu Yifei was reading the lines, Huo Yunting had such a thought in his mind, but soon he understood why the night scene had to be filmed during the day.

"Really, Lao Wang, I'm so stupid. I only know that you are a demanding director, but my own acting skills are never up to par. If it doesn't work, let's get together and break up."

Hearing Huo Yunting's resentful remarks, Wang Jiawei curled his lips angrily, "Master Huo, you are also a veteran actor who has been in the industry for almost ten years. You just couldn't stand it after filming for a whole morning? Ms. Liu didn't say anything Woolen cloth."

"Miss Liu, do you think so?"

Seeing Wang Jiawei looking at her, Liu Yifei slightly pursed her lips, and outlined a polite yet awkward smile.

Under the sunshine, her lips were rosy and plump, extremely tender, like freshly watered flowers.

"Why can't I accept filming for a whole morning? When I was filming "Green Red", there was a strong wind and a mouthful of sand, and I didn't say a word of complaint until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening."

Huo Yunting knocked heavily on the table, "But the problem is that you've been filming a fucking scene all morning, and I don't even know what the problem is!"

He can accept the difficult conditions, and he can accept a scene countless times, but the fucking director has to explain where the problem is?
This scene lasted about 1 minute and was filmed dozens of times in the morning, and he and Liu Yifei were numb to each other.

At the beginning, I felt a little shy, and that Song Huiqiao smiled while watching, with a kind and gratified look.

The two of them didn't care when the number of times increased later, the kiss scene this morning almost caught up with the sum of the kiss scenes between him and Liu Yifei in the filming of Xianjian III.

"What's wrong with this? You do this first, then this, and then this..."

When Huo Yunting heard this, the veins on his forehead popped up, and it took him a long time to resist the urge to kick him.

Scolding is scolding, and dramas should be acted out.

In the afternoon, I continued to shoot this one-minute scene until after three o'clock, and my dear Huo Yunting's mouth was numb.

"Crack! This kiss scene is not right..."

Huo Yunting gritted his teeth, "Old Wang, can you show me how to perform this kissing scene?"

Without further ado, Wang Jiawei stretched out his hand and greeted the assistant director, a bearded Westerner.

Before the deputy director could speak, Wang Jiawei held his face and kissed him.

I won't say much about the details, anyway, I saw Liu Yifei's three views collapsed.

The Westerner's eyes were wide open, and his body was struggling to move out. It's just that Wang Jiawei clasped his hands tightly, and with the name of the director here, he didn't dare to use too much force for a while.

At this moment, the crew was silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Jiawei let go of the panic-stricken assistant director and looked at Huo Yunting.

"Do you understand now? Just act according to the feeling I just said."

In fact, this is not the first time he has done this. When he was filming "2046", Gong Li hated him very much, because she and Liang Chaowei had a kiss scene that never failed.

A passionate kiss scene, which took a whole day to film, failed.

It's hard to say what Liang Chaowei's reaction was, but she was indeed very angry. Her lips were almost broken during the filming of this scene. What exactly does Wang Jiawei want?
Afterwards, he was also like today, without saying a word, pulling up the assistant director was a deep kiss, which directly shocked Gong Li.

Since then, I have never complained to him again.

"Master Huo, do you know how to act now?"

Huo Yunting pondered for a moment, then raised his hand, "Damn, can you do it again? I feel like I didn't read very carefully just now."

ps: I was banned by the review, I was so scared that I wet my pants, I don’t know what went wrong

(End of this chapter)

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