Chapter 234
Huo Yunting looked sincere, Wang Jiawei looked suspicious, and the assistant director looked terrified.

After a long silence, Wang Jiawei finally spoke, "I really don't understand?"

"You speak so fast, you kissed me before I could react."

Wang Jiawei twitched his lips and turned to look for the figure of the deputy director, only to find that he had already retreated ten meters away.

"Why hide so far? Come here."

In the end, under Wang Jiawei's coercion and lure, the deputy director finally gave in and dedicated himself to art again in front of the whole crew.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Huo Yunting would definitely applaud him, this is dedicating himself to art.

However, even though Wang Jiawei demonstrated many times, the filming of this scene did not end until around [-]pm.

When the director yelled "click", Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei both heaved a long sigh of relief. It was obviously just a child's play, and it just gave them a feeling of finishing.

When Shi Xingyu and the others arrived at noon the next day, Huo Yunting sent Shen Teng to meet them, but he ran back in less than 2 minutes, panting.

"What's the matter? It's in a hurry."

"Huo, brother Huo, uncle is here too."

"Uncle? Which uncle?" Just after finishing speaking, Huo Yunting also realized that he stood up suddenly, "My dad is here?"


"Oh, uncle, slow down, we're at the place."

"Don't hold me, I'm not an old man."

"Uncle, look, Brother Huo is here."

When Huo Yunting arrived, he saw Huo Zhongde walking on the street with his hands behind his back.

Followed by Wu Yang Yang San No. 40 people, a very strong build, not like a leader inspecting, more like a gangster to collect protection fees.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Seeing his son Huo Zhongde felt guilty for some reason, he coughed lightly, "I am also one of the coaches in our martial arts gym. I am worried about the two children, Xiaoyu and Xiaotao, so I also come to have a look."

Huo Yunting's brows twitched, when these two entered the business, you were still working from the factory.

"Where do I mean that, if you want to say something, I'm ready."

"I just came up on a whim, so I came here to keep an eye on it."

Huo Yunting nodded, no wonder Zhang Debang didn't say that his father would come here too, co-authoring this was an emergency.

Call Shen Teng over to settle the three No. 40 people, then stop Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao, and put their arms around their necks.

"My father... what's going on?"

"Brother Huo, where do I know about this kind of thing, maybe the old man just wants to take a look."

Obviously, none of the three of them took Huo Zhongde's so-called "worried" words seriously.

"Did something happen in the martial arts hall during this time?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Huo Yunting smacked his lips a few times, "Okay, let's just take a look."

My father and my son understand that his father has been cautious all his life, and he can't do anything out of the ordinary.

I just don't know why such an idea popped up all of a sudden?
After thinking and thinking, he slapped his hands and turned to look for Wang Jiawei.

"Old Wang, the martial arts team has arrived."

At this time, Wang Jiawei was kicking his legs, holding a pen, looking at a stack of blank paper in his hand that was suspected to be a script, and replied without raising his head, "Oh, I see."

Huo Yunting moved a stool and sat down, "Three leaders, one of them is my father."

Now, the script in front of his eyes moved down slightly, revealing a pair of black sunglasses, "Why is your dad here?"

"My dad is also the instructor of my Huo family class."

"Oh, father and son in battle." After finishing speaking, the white paper covered the pair of sunglasses again.

"So old Wang, do I still have a kissing scene later?"

He can accept the kissing scene, but who can stand it in front of his father.

This is like writing an online article to tell relatives and friends your pen name; watching a movie starring yourself with your parents, just thinking about your toes can dig a big hole in the floor.

If there was a kissing scene later on, he would rather sell his kidneys to pay liquidated damages than act.

Wang Jiawei shook his head, "Don't worry, there is no kissing scene, and I don't want the part that was filmed yesterday."

"Oh, that's good, then—huh? What do you mean no more?" Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately raised his voice again.

"I thought about it carefully today, and I feel that this kiss scene is a bit abrupt. The relationship between Ye Wen and Gong Er has not reached the point of kissing..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Jiawei heard a creaking sound.

He took off his sunglasses and looked, only to see Huo Yunting's murderous look, gnashing his teeth.

"Old Wang, old Wang, I understand why most of the actors you have worked with are one-timers."

"Ahem, trial and error. Don't worry, it's just this time."

Wang Jiawei realized that something was wrong, so he slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Huo Yunting lit a cigarette with a dark face, comforting himself in his heart.

Brother Hua had been filming in the Kowloon Walled City for a month and he deleted it, so what's the rush because he was only deleted for a day?

Damn, the more you think about it, the more angry you are!
When filming in the afternoon, Liu Yifei was shocked when she saw Huo Zhongde, why did uncle come?

Letting my future father-in-law watch me acting is a bit stressful.

Seeing Huo Zhongde, who was smoking a cigarette, squatting beside Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao listening carefully, Huo Yunting smacked his lips.

"I think what my father means is that he wants to be a martial artist."

Now he understood a little bit why his father was still in the martial arts school and refused to leave after Li Cai and the others came back. He had other ideas.

"Tsk tsk, let's go." Huo Yunting patted Liu Yifei on the head, "Let's go filming."

In the afternoon, the freshly released script was handed over to Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei.

There was only a scene and a few words on the A4 paper, which made Huo Yunting's eyelids twitch.

The scenes in the script are staged stage by stage. Looking around the world, can you find a second filming like this?

And Huo Yunting seriously suspected that if he hadn't been putting pressure on Wang Jiawei before starting the machine, he wouldn't even have these few lines.

"Come, come, all departments are in place."

"Three, two, one, Action!"

"...What is a dream called?"

"Merry dream."

"Merry is just a dream..."

This scene was no accident, and it took a whole night to shoot.

On the way back, Huo Zhongde looked at Wang Jiawei's distant figure with admiration, "This is a good director, he is so serious about everything, the film will definitely not be bad."

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei looked at each other, smiled wearily, and didn't speak.

The next morning, continue to shoot.

"...What is a dream called?"

"Merry dream."

"Merry is just a dream..."

Huo Zhongde praised, "It's really striving for perfection."

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day...

A week later, Huo Zhongdeman whispered to his son during lunch, "Is there something wrong with the director's mind?"

Liu Yifei let out a "puchi" laugh.

As for this scene, Huo Zhongde, who was watching, was about to throw up, let alone the two leading actors.

Huo Yunting just shrugged helplessly, what can he do.

Catch up, no move.

For this short scene, it was filmed until the end of Children's Day. This scene was not over yet, and Liu Yifei was almost dumbfounded.

If she didn't know that Zhang Ziyi, Liu Dehua and other international superstars are also such a waste of time, she would have wondered if her acting skills were too bad and she planned to quit the circle.

This less than a month has been mental torture for the two leading actors, especially Liu Yifei, who has started to have nightmares in the past few nights.

"Brother Yun, I had a nightmare again last night."

"Merry dream?"

"Merry is just a dream."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two fell into a long silence.

Liu Yifei tugged at her hair a little frantically, and pulled out a few strands, "Brother Yun, I feel like I'm not far from going to a mental hospital after this filming is finished."

"It's so easy to get in. You need a medical certificate to enter a mental hospital, and most of them are schizophrenic, emotional and paranoid mental illnesses. They don't endanger others or social security. No one twists you into a nursing home."

"Brother Yun, have you ever gone crazy? It feels like you are very familiar with mental illness."

"Hearsay, hearsay."

Liu Yifei sighed, and Huo Yunting also had a dark face.He already had the idea of ​​ordering Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao to bring someone to put Lao Wang's sack in the middle of the night.

It's just that the mouth is still comforting, "Since it's here, it will be safe."

"That's how I comforted Song Huiqiao back then." Liu Yifei curled her lips.

During the nearly one month, apart from filming the scenes of the two of them, some scenes of Song Huiqiao were interspersed.

After a week, she couldn't take it anymore, and felt nauseous and dizzy.

She didn't understand why a scene had to be filmed dozens of times back and forth, and she couldn't understand why the crew didn't have a script.

"Yifei, does Director Wang have any objections to me? Or is it like this when you shoot movies here?"

Liu Yifei thought about it at the time, and patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, "Since it's here, it's safe."

After listening to Liu Yifei complaining, Huo Yunting rubbed his temples lightly, "At most, bear with him for another week, if he still shoots this one, I'm going to slap him hard."

I don't know if it's because Wang Jiawei felt that he was a little bit dark during this time, and after three days of filming, this one finally passed.

Liu Yifei was so excited that she almost didn't cry.

Just when Huo Yunting thought he could continue filming, Wang Jiawei suddenly stopped moving.

For three or two days in a row, apart from occasionally seeing a few staff members go to scout the scene, the rest of the time was just sitting on the bench.

Huo Yunting looked for Wang Jiawei with a puzzled face, "I said, Lao Wang, why didn't you take pictures?"

"Isn't this a scene survey?"

"Isn't that fucking work for watching the scenery?"

Wang Jiawei pondered for a moment, "I'm thinking about my lines."

Huo Yunting gritted his teeth, "Isn't this also the work of the early stage?"

Now Wang Jiawei couldn't find a reason, and he paralyzed, looking like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "Master Huo, I can't help it, lines are very important."

"Then when will you be able to get the lines out?"

Wang Jiawei thought for a while, then tentatively replied, "Half a month?"

Huo Yunting's blood pressure soared.

I can bear shooting a scene for a month, and I don’t say anything if you keep improving, but now because there is no script, the shooting schedule has to be put on hold for half a month. Can the filming be completed in a year with this progress?

This old boy is determined, what if I go with him to make up the shoot?

Taking a deep breath, "Old Wang, I want to take a leave of absence."

"What fake?"

"No.15 Iron Elephant Award, I have to go there."

"Huang Baiming's "Ip Man"?"


Wang Jiawei curled his lips, "It's okay, fuck you."

Seeing Wang Jiawei's appearance, Huo Yunting frowned slightly.

During these years of terminal illness, Huo Yunting has not learned anything else, but he is proficient in micro-expression observation.

Even if Wang Jiawei is wearing sunglasses, he can't hide the jealous look under the lenses.

People who are almost five, still hold grudges.

"I said, Lao Wang, do you think that "The Grandmaster" will compare with "Ip Man"?"

"Who said that? I don't think so, don't guess."

He blocked three moves in a row, and then Wang Jiawei began to see off the guests.

"Master Huo, it's okay for you to leave a few days earlier, don't worry about the crew, I've always been magnanimous."

Huo Yunting smiled, "Okay, then I'll leave a few days earlier and try to come back sooner."

When they learned that Huo Yunting was leaving the crew to participate in the Iron Elephant Awards, everyone in the crew showed envious looks, making Huo Yunting almost think that he was leaving the prison.

Before leaving, Liu Yifei still reluctantly tugged at the hem of his clothes, "Brother Yun, can you take me with you?"

"I want it too."

Liu Yifei sighed tacitly, "I just thought about it."

Afterwards, Huo Yunting waved to everyone and strode towards freedom.

The Iron Elephant Awards are held in Shanghai, not far from the crew.

It stands to reason that "Ip Man" was selected for another award. There should be some discussion on the Internet about whether Huo Yunting can win the voice of the three-material actor, but the popularity of the Iron Elephant Award is very low, and most netizens may have never heard of this award.

After all, the Iron Elephant Award has only been held for the second time.

If it weren't for the fact that this film festival is officially held, Huo Yunting feels that no one would like to come.

The people are still those old people, and the films are still those few.

"Red Cliff", "Ip Man", "Painted Skin", "Crazy Racing", "Mei Lanfang"...

This time Ning Hao was really elated when he saw Huo Yunting.

The crazy two-part movie has established his status as a black humorist in China, even if he is facing Huo Yunting, a double actor, he is worthy.

"Hey, isn't this the double actor?"

"Hey, isn't this the fourth mainland director with over [-] million yuan?"

The two laughed, and made an appointment to take Xu Zheng and the others to have a massage after the awards ceremony.

When Xu Zheng heard it, it's ok, let's get closer to Huo Yunting, the double actor.

It didn't take long for Huo Yunting to become the best actor of three materials.

"The second best actor of the year is Huo Yunting!"

"Oh, I'm so stupid! It's the actor again!"

"How many fucking people are there? Three!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, Wang Xueqi, the best supporting actor of the year, clapped with a complex expression, but Huo Yunting didn't feel anything anymore.

There is no other reason, this Iron Elephant actor is a little bit broken.

After the show was over, Huo Yunting called Wang Jiawei, "Old Wang, I got the Best Actor again."

"Pfft—damn, is this the third one? Is it so outrageous? There won't be a fourth one, right?"

"Hey, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Huo Yunting chuckled, "After a while, it's the Huabiao Award, and I have to take a leave of absence."

Wang Jiawei: ...

 With more and more fish biting the hook, Zhao Xianzhong Linjiang turned his back and sighed helplessly:

  "My buddies are fishing for 'fish', not 'mermaids'..."


  This book is also called "What should I do if there are no real fish in my pond?" ", "Sister Fairy, let me go! "

  ([Happy Direction], [Mouth Escape], [Daily], [Slightly Weird])
(End of this chapter)

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