The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 235 Nolan's Invitation

Chapter 235 Nolan's Invitation

Wang Jiawei was silent for a while before asking, "What is the number of the Huabiao Award?"

"Two months later."

Wang Jiawei almost dropped his sunglasses when he said this, "Take two months off? We've only been filming for a year. Are you embarrassed?"

"You, a person who doesn't even have a script for filming, still have the nerve to say me?"

"Then it is impossible for me to agree to your invitation for two consecutive months."

"Then when will your script book be available?"

"Well... wait for the Huabiao Award a week before you leave."

Seeing Wang Jiawei so concerned about him, Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth when he evaded answering when he would come up with the line, because he just couldn't come up with the subtext.

"That's fine, don't ask for leave for the Huabiao Award, I will first ask for a leave for the early stage promotion of Xianjian III."

Wang Jiawei's mind was full of question marks, "What is Xianjian III?"

"A TV series I filmed before will start broadcasting on the 28th. And I will take Liu Yifei with me, he is the second female lead."

Wang Jiawei thought about it, can he get the lines of the script out on the 28th?cannot.

It's not bad for Huo Yunting to go far away, so that I don't have to live with his face every day, and this person chokes with me when he has nothing to do. What's the majesty of his director?
"Master Huo, I've always been a generous person, you can just do what you want."

"Okay, Old Wang, I feel relieved with your words, and see you in July."

"Wait a minute, it's not the 28th—beep, beep, beep..."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting went to find Ning Hao and the others to go out for dinner.

There are not many people, only four, Ning Hao and Xu Zheng, myself and Lao Huang, these are old friends from the filming of "Crazy Stone".

The Iron Elephant Award ended relatively late, and many nearby restaurants were closed. It took me nearly half an hour to find a barbecue restaurant that was still lit.

Ning Hao went in first and asked for a private room, and then several people covered their faces and walked in quietly, but they were still spotted by the yawning proprietress in front of the counter.

"Hey! Is it Huo Yunting?"

"Can I ask Nong Yi to sign my name?"

"I'm so happy."

Huo Yunting doesn't understand Shanghai dialect very well, but seeing the proprietress holding a pen and paper expectantly, she can guess that she wants to sign.

He quickly signed his name, and then made a booing gesture with the proprietress, "Don't make any noise."

"I know I know."

After receiving the signature, the proprietress happily looked around in front of the counter, and the two people beside Huo Yunting were selectively ignored.

Xu Zheng and Huang Bo stared at each other for a while, then Xu Zheng said depressedly, "Let's go, people don't think much of us."

Thinking of the two brothers covering their faces as if they were guarding against thieves before, they both felt a little ashamed and flustered, and they didn't care about them at all.

Looking at the embarrassing faces of Huang Bo and Xu Zheng, Ning Hao felt extremely lucky, thanks to him being behind the scenes, otherwise he would have been humiliated today.

Looking at these old friends around him, Xu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little depressed.When filming "Crazy Stone", Ning Hao and Huang Bo were pure rookies, and only Huo Yunting could overwhelm him.

Now Huo Yunting has become the most successful among them. One movie has won three Best Actors. In the future, even if he eats and drinks, he can earn a lot of money just by accepting endorsements.

Ning Hao is now the fourth mainland director with a box office of over [-] million. Compared with those three old guys, he is very young, and the future is promising.

As for Huang Bo, although he has not achieved much, he can ride the wind with his back against a big tree.Being an artist under Huo Yunting, coupled with their old friendship, they will not die of hunger no matter what.

Thinking about it carefully, this circle seems to be the worst mess.

Xu Zheng's mood suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Both Ning Hao and Huang Bo became popular with double bangs, and Huo Yunting has never had a bad movie.

He has taken more films than these two combined, but his current achievements are not high, just short of being on par with Huang Bo.

At this moment, it suddenly occurred to Wang Xueqi that when the host presented the best actor award to Huo Yunting at the awards ceremony, Wang Xueqi clapped with a complicated face, and he couldn't help feeling a bit of sadness in his heart.

"Zhengzi, what are you thinking about? Drinking."

When he came back to his senses, the skewers had already been served, and Huo Yunting and the others were pouring wine.

"Haha, I'm so happy."

Xu Zheng forced a smile on his face, and also poured a glass and touched a few people.

"Dangdang" several clear collisions, the four drank in one gulp.

Huo Yunting glanced at Xu Zheng indiscriminately. He just clinked glasses with the lowest rim.

This old boy also learns from Huang Bo.

When old friends gather for a dinner, it is inevitable to recall the turbulent years of the past, so I talked about the days of filming "Crazy Stone".

"Huang Bo, do you still remember the sewer scene? At that moment, I felt, hiccup, you, your last sentence you *made* came from the bottom of your heart."

"Don't tell me, Lao Huang, I felt at that moment that your kid's acting skills suddenly took a big step up, and the co-authoring showed his true feelings."

"Damn, Lao Huo, do you believe this? We have been having sex for so many years, am I that person?"

"Aren't you that person?"

Several people were talking and laughing, and Xu Zheng was also sipping his wine one after another.

"Zhengzi, you have started to gain momentum with this crazy two-part book."

Huo Yunting said suddenly, and cheerfully poured him a glass, "I'll catch an awesome film later, and it'll skyrocket."

Xu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and found that what Huo Yunting said was really reasonable.

Compared with the three around him, his steps are indeed slower, but looking at the entire entertainment industry, his steps are indeed not slow.

People are more popular than people.Turning the corner, I feel inexplicably relieved.

"There are many good movies, and there are many awesome ones, but the ones that suit me may not be so easy to find." Xu Zheng rubbed his shiny head, "It's hard to find a good movie."

"A good show still needs to find a good agent."

Huo Yunting's words were very meaningful, and Xu Zheng hesitated for a while.

But in the end, he sipped the wine in one gulp, "My current contract hasn't expired yet."

"Don't worry, Zhengzi, your level of director and screenwriter is no worse than your level of actor."

What Huo Yunting said was sincere. Xu Zheng had already shown this sign when he was filming "Crazy Stone", otherwise he would not have offered an olive branch.

"Old Huo, I am satisfied with your words." Xu Zhengman stepped forward, holding the wine glass with both hands, "Not much to say, it's all in the wine."

After finishing the meal, Huo Yunting found a nearby hotel to stay in, and when Immortal Sword III started broadcasting on the 28th, Li Guoli would definitely come to see him again, so he decided to stay first.

In the morning of the next day, the news about Huo Yunting's Triple-Crown Best Actor was circulated in a small area, but the discussion was limited. After all, no one knew about the Iron Elephant Award, and the gold content was not too high.

The popularity is small, but one film has won three best actor, and the name Triple Crown Best Actor sounds nice.

"One Film Won Three Actors! "

"Who is the person who wins the most movie stars with one film"

"Triple Crown Actor! "

Looking at all kinds of discussions on the Internet, Huo Yunting couldn't help but regret joining the crew of "The Grandmaster" in such a hurry.

If the start time of "The Grandmaster" is moved to July, just relying on the title of the triple-crowned actor, at least 500 million more can be extorted from Wang Jiawei.

But after thinking about it again, it's not very suitable to be stuck at this point in July, so we should follow Lao Wang's wishes and shoot at the end of this year.

At that time, the popularity of Xianjian III will also rise, let alone add 500 million, let alone add 800 million. "

The more Hu Yunting thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense, Tnd herself was in a bloodbath.

My heart was hurting, when a call came from my cell phone, and it was Li Guoli, as expected.

Huo Yunting took it cheerfully, and cut straight to the point, "Lao Li, have you eaten that machine yet?"

"Ah? I can't even remember what the camera is or isn't."

"Hey, are you pretending to be stupid?"

Li Guoli hurriedly changed the topic, "We will eat next time we meet, and we will eat next time."

"On the 23rd, some of you leading actors will participate in a column variety show to promote it. I have already greeted your agent, and I guess I should talk to you about it in a while."

Huo Yunting nodded, "Then are you coming?"

"I'm not coming, the signal is not good, hang up first."

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the hurried Shen Teng came to Huo Yunting with Zhang Debang's highest order, and reported to him about participating in the variety show on the 23rd.

"Brother Huo, the scripts are all here, take a look. Just follow the shell, as long as you don't say it's crooked."

Huo Yunting looked at the script, while Shen Teng babbled at the side. In addition to this online variety show promotion, he also had to travel around the country a few times offline.

"...By the way, Brother Huo, there is one more thing. This year's Bazaar Star Charity Night invites you, and the theme is caring for seriously ill children—"

"No, push."

Shen Teng was stunned for a while, "Brother Huo, this charity night eye is getting bigger and bigger every time, let's—"

"In the future, I will push all about this Bazaar Star Charity Night."

Hearing the words Charity Night, he would think of the day when he went to Wuqiao County to help the poor. He stuffed money and Zhang Debang took pictures behind him.

The old man holding the money was at a loss, and the ashen-faced child beside him was biting his fingers blankly...

"...It's almost called Bazaar Star Night."

Huo Yunting rubbed his frowning brows, this was the most against his will in his life.

Seeing the boss's attitude, Shen Teng didn't say much, and nodded in response, feeling much less yearning for this Bazaar Star Charity Night in his heart.

Nine out of ten people or places Huo doesn't like have something wrong with them.

Just as he was about to leave, Huo Yunting stopped him again, "By the way, tell Lao Zhang to get ready and send some money to the children in poor mountainous areas in a few days, and I will transfer it to him from the account."

"Brother Huo, are you preparing a speech?"

"Let him prepare to leave for the mountains."

Seeing Shen Teng's bewildered expression, Huo Yunting sighed, "I told him to send the money, in cash."

"That, that's not it, there's Ci—"

"Like a middleman, you can't believe it."

Shen Teng left in a daze, and his understanding of his boss went up to a new level.

"Wild enough."

Two days later, Liu Yifei came and almost cried when she saw Huo Yunting.

The days in Chikan Ancient Town were too tormented.

After the two met, they went to Hu Ge and they began to review the script, and when they were facing each other——

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

Huo Yunting got up and went outside, when he saw the caller, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, this is a rare visitor among rare visitors.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Huo."

"Long time no see, doctor."

The caller was none other than Tom Cruise's psychiatrist, whom he hadn't contacted since Shadow became paralyzed in his dream.

The sudden call today, could it be that there is something new about his disease?

Before Huo Yunting could speak, the doctor asked, "Have Mr. Huo heard of a British director? Christopher Nolan."

Huo Yunting thought for a while, "The one about Batman."

"Yes, Mr. Nolan wishes to meet with you."

Now Huo Yunting is confused, what is the big director looking for him for?The two can't fight each other.

After careful questioning, I found that the whole story was still related to his illness.

Huo Yunting publicized to the doctor that it was just one of his scripts, and also hoped that the doctor would discuss with others more about what inspired him, so the doctor told him a friend.

And his friend happened to be one of the professionals Nolan hired for his new film.

Nolan's film in the works is called Inception.

Huo Yunting rubbed his chin, "When will this Inception start up?"

"About July or August, I'm not in the crew hiring team, so I don't know some of the details very well."

Having said this, Huo Yunting understood everything.

"It's because I'm afraid that creativity will crash."

The doctor on the other end of the phone sighed, "Not only that, because when the script first came out, some people thought that the script was borrowed from a Japanese anime called "Red Pepper". So Mr. Nolan is a little sensitive about this kind of thing."

Huo Yunting tapped the table with his fingertips, "It's understandable, when will he come?"

"Mr. Nolan means that he hopes you can go to England to find him."

"Then let him go."

The doctor hesitated for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Huo Yunting to keep any face, "Mr. Huo, the reason why Mr. Nolan wants to invite you to England is because he really can't get away—"

"Then let him roll a little further."

He was extremely upset, who asked whom to do something, and even asked himself to go to England to find him, this buddy is quite embarrassing.

Does he have no mobile phone or doesn't know how to use electronic products? Is he sincere?
"Let him talk about things by himself." Before the doctor could speak again, Huo Yunting hung up the phone and continued talking.

Not half an hour later, an unfamiliar international call came into Huo Yunting's mobile phone.

"Hi, Mr. Hohu, I'm Christopher Nolan."

Nolan made a long story short, briefly explaining the reasons for inviting Huo Yunting to the UK. He is preparing for the crew, and there are some detailed issues that cannot be explained.

"Mr. Huo, I apologize to you for my previous recklessness. I really hope to invite you to England for a detailed discussion, and I am willing to bear all the expenses on your way."

This attitude is more or less the same.

But he agreed, and there is someone who may not be able to agree.

"Mr. Nolan, you go to find someone, and if you persuade him, I will go to England."

Later, Huo Yunting left Wang Jiawei's mobile phone number.

(End of this chapter)

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