The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 236 British Kung Fu Association

Chapter 236 British Kung Fu Association

Before receiving this international call across the ocean, Wang Jiawei’s mind was in a state of diarrhea, and he kept writing with the tip of the pen on the paper. When he answered the phone and had a brief chat, the inspiration disappeared without a trace.

"Excuse me, let me confirm again. You are Mr. Christopher Nolan, the British director?"

"Yes, I am. The reason why I made this call is to hope that you will allow Mr. Huo to come to England."

Wang Jiawei wondered, when did Huo Yunting mix with the British?

"Sorry, Mr. Nolan, Huo Yunting is currently filming with my crew, so..."

"But Mr. Huo told me that he is shelving the filming plan now."

Wang Jiawei raised his eyebrows, why are you talking to foreigners about such trivial matters?
"Director Wang, Mr. Huo has a script, which is of great help to the new film I am preparing. I really hope to meet with him and discuss it in detail. Don't worry, it won't take too long."

Wang Jiawei rubbed the center of his brows, but the frown couldn't be untied, "How long will it take?"

"Up to five days."

After pondering for a while, Wang Jiawei responded, "Then I have no objection."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wang. Then I wish you a big box office success in advance."

"I also wish you a smooth start."

Even if it is counted in ten days, he may not be able to produce the script on July [-]th, and the time is still more than enough.

It's just that Huo Yunting asked for more and more leave, one after another, which made him feel a little flustered. This kid won't keep asking for leave until he finishes participating in the Huabiao Awards in August and then come back?

After hanging up the phone and thinking about it, he let out a long sigh, forget it, let's continue writing the script.

Looking down, the ink soaked from the tip of the pen has already spotted a big black hole.


It was already noon the next day when Huo Yunting received Nolan's call again, and Wang Jiawei agreed to his request for leave.Huo Yunting also made an appointment with Nolan. On June 30, he set off for the UK. Nolan patted his chest and assured Huo Yunting that when he arrived, he would sweep the couch and welcome him.

The four words "sweep the couch and greet each other" are spoken in Chinese.Although the words are awkward, it can be seen that snacks are indeed used.

On June 23rd, Huo Yunting went to participate in the promotional variety show of Immortal Sword III. He, Liu Yifei, Hu Ge, Yang Mi, and Liu Shishi were all present.

There was nothing too special about this variety show promotion, it just showed some interesting feature film clips, which left enough thoughts for the audience, and every soul was ticked off.

For example, the scene where Jing Tian fell off the cliff with Xu Changqing on his back, and was finally caught by Fei Jian, the audience screamed again and again.

"Mr. Huo, what do you think is the relationship between Xu Changqing and Jing Tian in the play?"

Facing the host's question, Huo Yunting had a decent smile on his face, "I think they are good brothers. Although the stories of Jing Tian and Xu Changqing are two lines, they have always been intertwined."

These words were corrected in the script in advance.

"The simplest notation of the three loves, family, friendship, and love are all difficult to act."

"It's okay." Hu Ge also added, "We are also good brothers in reality."

It's not in the script.

Huo Yunting also happily patted Hu Ge's shoulder, "That's right, good brother."

Soon, there was a burst of strange booing from the audience.

Huo Yunting looked down the stage, and the faces of many girls holding support signs in the front row revealed the expressions of Song Huiqiao when he watched him and Liu Yifei filming the kiss scene that day.It made him a little uncomfortable and got goosebumps all over his body.

What kind of eyes are there, and it's a little weird.

After participating in the promotional variety show, Huo Yunting and several leading actors began to run around the country, doing broadcast opening ceremonies everywhere, and each opening ceremony has a large number of fans.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the fans of the five of them occupy half of the entertainment industry.Most of this half of the country was brought down by Huo Yunting.

Just like today's event in Ningbo, some fans held a support card and asked Huo Yunting to sign it.

It didn't matter to him to sign it, but the name of him and Hu Ge was written on the sign, and a heart was drawn in the middle, so he hesitated a little now.

Looking at Lao Hu beside him, his face was half green.

But soon Shen Teng, who was watching behind the scenes, sent staff to remove the sign.

The little girl's sign was taken away by the staff with a persistent face, but was finally put out by the staff in a gentle voice.

The two looked at each other, their faces full of absurdity.

What the little girl is thinking about now is too scary, not worse than the illegitimate meal of Brother Hua back then.

After going through this episode, Huo Yunting was even more convinced that he should get rid of his illness as soon as possible and marry Qian Qian as soon as possible.

He felt that if this went on like this, someone would spread the rumor that he was Old Glass.

On June 28th, on Taizhou's three public wealth channels, Xianjian III premiered nationwide.

NO.30 Jiaxing TV station's news variety show channel started broadcasting; from the beginning of July, Ningbo, Hubei, Wenzhou and other stations also began to broadcast Immortal Sword III one after another.One after another continued until August, involving more than a dozen stations.

These ten or so stations are all prime time at night, which shows how optimistic the higher-ups are about this drama.

However, since there was only one station in Taizhou broadcasting on the 28th, and most of the other stations started in July, Huo Yunting didn't pay much attention to the ratings on the first day.

A local station doesn't mean much, you still have to watch satellite TV stations.

So he bid farewell to the retention of Hu Ge and others for dinner, and boarded the plane to England.When leaving, Liu Yifei still wanted to go with him reluctantly, but it was a pity that Wang Jiawei seriously dismissed it.

"Yifei, there must be a legitimate reason to leave, otherwise this team will be difficult to lead."

It's fine to take away the male lead, but is it still possible to shoot the scene where the female lead is also abducted?Anyway, he has to keep a hostage here.

The more Wang Jiawei thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, he couldn't really let this kid like Huo Yunting take hold of him.

After making an appointment with Nolan to pick him up from the airport, Huo Yunting embarked on a journey to London alone.

I didn't bring Shen Teng, because this kid's English is not good, so it's not sure who will be the assistant for whom when he goes abroad.

No.30 in the afternoon, Huo Yunting got off the plane in London, and was looking around when he heard an awkward greeting calling his name.

"Huo Yunqing?"

Looking in the direction of the source of the sound, a Westerner with a little back on his sideburns was smiling at him.

"Mr. Nolan?"

"Is it Mr. Huo?"

Huo Yunting nodded and stretched out his hand, "How did Mr. Nolan recognize me?"

Holding that broad palm, Nolan said with a smile, "Oriental face, tall and handsome, Mr. Huo is the one who fits these three characteristics."

Huo Yunting couldn't help but burst out laughing, don't tell me, this flatterer is really good at it.

After getting into the car, the two walked towards the crew. The crew of "Inception" is in Cardington, North London, which is a converted hangar.

It was used to shoot the most complicated "weightless fight" scene in the movie.For this reason, the crew also specially built a hotel corridor that can rotate 360 ​​degrees to complete the shooting of related shots.

Huo Yunting wandered around the corridors of the hotel for a long time, and he had already sketched out what the whole piece would look like in his mind. He was a little shocked in his heart, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "The visual effect of the shooting must be first-class."

Another sentence is hidden in the bottom of my heart, we are short of some awesome science fiction movies now.

I don't know when the first year of science fiction films will start in China?
The two of them were not overly polite, and went to a nearby cafe after strolling around Cardington. It could be seen that Nolan was indeed a little anxious about Huo Yunting's script.

After taking his seat, Nolan cut straight to the point, "Mr. Huo, can I read your script?"

Huo Yunting shrugged, "I'm sorry, Mr. Nolan, I only have an electronic version of my script, and I didn't bring my computer with me."

Nolan showed a suddenly realized expression, "It's okay, I didn't bring the script either."

The oriental man felt much more at ease when he was so wary of him.

I'm not afraid that my idea will crash, but I'm afraid that I will sue him for plagiarism after the famous Dou movie is released.

There are many insidious methods used by major film and television companies to grab a good script. He and Huo Yunting met for the first time by chance. How could they show him the script?I was too impatient.

"Mr. Huo, let's have a brief dictation today, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

Nolan briefly described the content of his script, and Huo Yunting also briefly explained his illness.

Nolan gave a detailed account of the specific content of the dream episode, and Huo Yunting also described his treatment method in more detail.

Soon, the cup of coffee bottomed out, and Nolan's heart became cold.

He felt that something was wrong just by dictating. These two settings are very similar to each other.This cannot be said to be a crash of creativity. These two settings are simply half-brothers.

The book of "Inception" had a similar idea about 10 years ago when "Trailer" was filmed, but it was many years after the script was initially approved.

According to the psychiatrist, this oriental script has been honed for many years, not much later than his own. If it is really pursued, it is indeed difficult to define.

Now Nolan was in a dilemma, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?The two were clearly separated on the other side of the ocean, and they had never met face to face, but they wrote two very similar settings, and the oriental settings seemed to be more professional and reasonable.

Seeing Nolan gently rubbing between his brows, Huo Yunting drank his coffee, "Mr. Nolan, to be honest, I'm not a director, I just wrote this script for fun."

"Oh? What does Mr. Huo mean?"

"Just shoot your film, I won't take my notebook and accuse you of plagiarism and other low-level things."

The reason why Huo Yunting was willing to come to England was to give Wang Jiawei some eye drops.

The two of them can't match each other, and they don't have a so-called script, so he can shoot this film as he should.

"If Mr. Nolan is still worried, we can sign a contract, and I promise not to—"

"No, no, Mr. Huo, what a shame."

Huo Yunting's simple words made Nolan feel guilty, and even dared not look him in the eyes.

After polishing the script for many years, if you say no, then you don’t want it. If it’s changed, he can’t accept it.

But thinking about what he said before that he was an actor and didn't know much about screenwriting, he felt quite reasonable.

But in any case, this is also someone's painstaking efforts for many years, because I have a collision with my new film, and I am willing to let it become a pile of electronic waste. This kind of favor is a bit big.

Then how can I repay this favor?give money?No, he also has some influence internationally...

Huo Yunting looked at the ticking watch on the wall, "Mr. Nolan, do you have any other questions?"

Nolan crossed his hands and thought for a long time, "Mr. Huo, please give me some time, we can talk tomorrow, is that okay?"

"Okay, no problem."

Afterwards, under the leadership of Nolan's assistant, Huo Yunting moved into a nearby hotel with luxurious private rooms, and there was nothing to say about the accommodation.

It was the food that made Huo Yunting quite unacceptable.

He can still vividly recall the shock on the waiter's face when he told him to order some real British food.

He understood why Britain was called a gourmet desert.

Looking at the steaming Kung Pao Chicken on the table, Huo Yunting fell into deep thought.

No matter which country's food it is, it must be better than British food anyway.

Early the next morning, Nolan knocked on Huo Yunting's door.

He did bring a contract, but it was not a guarantee agreement, but invited Huo Yunting to be the screenwriter of "Inception".

Huo Yunting does have some research on dreams, and it is extremely meticulous and logical. He must admit that he is better than himself.

Since people don't care about their own scripts, why not ask him to be the screenwriter.

The price he offered was $[-].

It is not necessary for Huo Yunting to give any insights into the content, his work is mainly aimed at the meticulous perfection of the dream.

Huo Yunting didn't have any objections, but he couldn't stay on the set all the time, after all, "The Grandmaster" still needs to be filmed for more than half a year.

Nolan didn't care about this, "Mr. Huo, I'm with the crew, you just need to improve the part about falling asleep in the script."

The two reached an agreement, and Nolan warmly invited him to have a good time in London for a few days, and Huo Yunting readily agreed.

Nolan did what he said, and after signing the contract, he said that he would take Huo Yunting to a place, he must like it.

Seeing Nolan's mysterious look, Huo Yunting became interested, "Mr. Nolan, where are we going?"

"I heard Mr. Huo practiced kung fu?"


"Then we are going to this place, Mr. Huo must be very interested. It is the largest Kung Fu Association in the UK."

Huo Yunting was shocked, "Is it Hong Quan? The head's surname is Zhao?"

"Zhao? No, the surname is Ma. It's Tai Chi."

Huo Yunting thought for a long time, but he didn't expect that there was a Tai Chi master named Ma.

Just thinking about it, the car stopped and arrived at the place.

Huo Yunting rolled down the car window and looked, and there was a huge plaque: Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan.

(End of this chapter)

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