Chapter 237 Fighting Fakes
He knows Xingyiquan, he also understands Taijiquan, but what the hell is this Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan?Why does it sound so much like those liars?

The line of characters on the plaque is written in Chinese, and it is not a vulgar product.It's just that the English version is attached below, which is somewhat lowered.

"Huo, Mr. Ma Baoguo is a veritable kung fu king in England."

"Oh? So powerful?"

"There was a British boxing champion named Pete Owen who lost to Ma Baoguo in a no-rule ring."

Huo Yunting's eyes widened slightly. To be able to win the boxing champion in an irregular arena, this strength should not be underestimated.

Seeing Huo Yunting's expression, Nolan also heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't know much about kung fu, he just knew that Huo Yunting was a kung fu master, so he went to study it carefully.

Then he was shocked by Huo Yunting's various championships and videos of breaking world records.

So I did what I liked and asked my assistant to find some things about kung fu. Unexpectedly, I found a kung fu master in the UK.

It has to be said that Nolan's pursuit of his interests was very successful. Huo Yunting was indeed interested in this Master Ma and his Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan.

The two walked into the martial arts hall and saw many foreigners wearing traditional exercise clothes and practicing breathing in horse stance.

The wind chime on the door rang slightly, and soon, a young guy at the front desk approached, "Are you two here to learn Kung Fu?"

Nolan waved his hand, "I don't want to learn."

Huo Yunting also waved his hand, "I don't want to learn, I just want to get to know you, the master."

The apprentice soon showed an inscrutable expression, "I'm sorry, the track of the master is not fixed, he is not usually in the martial arts gym, but you can go to Hyde Park to try your luck, sometimes the master will be there Practice over there and guide some lucky ones."

Huo Yunting nodded slightly, "Thank you."

The two walked out of the gate of the martial arts hall, and Huo Yunting asked, "Where is this Hyde Park?"

"The city center is not far away." Nolan scratched his chin thoughtfully. The mysterious oriental kung fu master really fits his stereotype.

"Huo, do you want to take a look?"

"Go, have a look."

Driving to Hyde Park, the two found an open place to go shopping.It is very different from domestic parks. There are no grandparents dancing in the square, practicing martial arts and playing swords, and more young people.

Walk the cat, walk the dog, walk the children, run and feed the pigeons.

The two chatted about the script, and Nolan said that he would send him the script of "Inception" after returning home.

After signing the contract, you are not afraid of him leaking the secret, not to mention he is still a screenwriter, how can you not read the script?
Talking and chatting like this, most of the park was visited, and finally I saw a neat row of people near a small garden.

The movements are neat and uniform, and what I practice is Tai Chi Push Hands.

This look is not something that Westerners can do. Huo Yunting looked at the leader, and as expected, he was an oriental face, and he looked about 50 to [-] years old.

Wearing a practice suit, with his hands behind his back, he has the atmosphere of a master.

"Chris, your push hands practice is still not right. Taijiquan's rules are to guide the combination of breath, energy, form and spirit, and the spiral winding silk to guide blood circulation..."

Huo Yunting frowned frequently as he listened from the sidelines. What is he talking about? Is it because his theoretical knowledge is not rich enough, or does it mean that this master has entered a new realm on the road of martial arts?

Ma Baoguo was talking eloquently, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw two strange faces.

Not a student of your own association, come here just because of the name?

He glanced at Huo Yunting, then turned to Nolan, "Are you here to learn Kung Fu?"

Nolan didn't speak, and stepped back slightly, indicating that Huo Yunting was the protagonist.

Ma Baoguo looked over, and Huo Yunting cupped his hands, "I will be the next Qiu Chuanwu, Huo Yunting."

Ma Baoguo's eyes widened slightly, ouch, this is meeting a fellow villager.

So he responded in Chinese with a clasped fist, "I am the head of the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association, Ma Baoguo."

The middle-aged man spoke in short pauses, and he couldn't speak Mandarin well. He sounded a bit like a chubby man.

"Master Ma is from Henan?"

"Oh, yes."

Now the words are much smoother.

"Brother Huo, is it possible that I am from the same town as me?"

"Haha, that's not true. My hometown is Cangzhou, Hebei, and I have a friend who is from Henan."

"Oh, I thought I met a fellow villager." Ma Baoguo had a regretful expression on his face, "I have been in the UK for four or five years and haven't been back. The domestic news has been out of touch."

Huo Yunting nodded, no wonder he didn't react at all to his name and this face, after a long time he hadn't been in the country for many years.

Soon Ma Baoguo narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "I just heard Brother Huo say... nicknamed Renqiu Chuanwu? It's a big name."

"Hehe, it's just a false name given by friends."

With a smile in his eyes, Ma Baoguo said, "Without any real strength, how could I give you such a name."

Having said that, he already felt in his heart that this is a colleague.

Although he only learned some superficial aspects of Xingyi from Master Hong when he was in the Communication Department, he knew a lot about the martial arts in the martial arts circle.

Not everyone can afford the word Chuanwu.

"Brother Huo, you are still too young."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"The martial arts masters I have met are at least 30 years old. You look like you are only in your 20s, right? In my opinion, it is almost enough to call an ancient martial arts master."

Both of them spoke Chinese, and he was not afraid that the group of foreigners around him could understand.

Huo Yunting nodded, and the doubts in his heart were resolved. After a long time of trouble, this person is just pretending to be a fake.

"I said Master Ma, let's have a try?"

When Ma Baoguo heard this, he nodded repeatedly, praising him for his experience.

"Come on, give it a try."

Then he explained loudly to this group of foreigner apprentices who were stupid and rich, "This is a disciple of an old friend of mine, and he is the fourth generation of Mizong Phihangquan No. 20. Next, I will fight with him and do it. Demonstration, you learn from..."

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked at Nolan with a half-smile, "Mr. Nolan, is this the Kung Fu King recognized by all of you in the UK?"

When Huo Yunting said this, Nolan felt a little nervous, seeing his expression didn't seem very satisfied.

He frantically recalled the information that his assistant gave him, and then nodded with confidence, "That's right, it's him, Kung Fu King Ma Baoguo."

"This is the Kung Fu King recognized by our British Tai Chi Association. He has been in the leadership of the Tai Chi Association not long after joining."

Huo Yunting thought and thought, finally heaved a long sigh, "Then you people from the Tai Chi Association are really a bunch of poor people."

The boxing art of Tai Chi is still relatively popular in the UK, as can be seen from the associations created by the British for Tai Chi.

British German Indian Tai Chi Academy, British Tai Chi Federation, British Health Qigong Association...

People in China are now criticizing these messy qigong masters, but these foreigners still believe them.

It's just that this Master Ma is lucky, he was not born in Hangzhou, otherwise he would go to the Red Sun Square to compete with Master Chen, and if he smashed one of his eggs, he would not dare to bluff around under the banner of Chuanwu.

Ma Baoguo has experience in mutual praise, first let this group of apprentices make a fuss, which attracted a lot of attention from around, and even a street photographer volunteered to record this wonderful martial arts competition.

Master Ma was even happier.

Those apprentices and the onlookers formed a circle and set up a simple arena, and Master Ma walked into the arena calmly.

He cupped his hands towards Huo Yunting, "Brother Huo, come on."

Huo Yunting didn't bother to arch his hands, he just nodded, and then his left fist rushed straight to his face, which is the classic move of Huo Jiaquan, Huo's door-to-door hammer.

The punch came quickly, and before Ma Baoguo could react, he felt a soreness in his nose, which then spread to his brain.

Rely on Aunt Nen!Ye make that great effort!
As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Huo Yunting's three-ring ring surrounded the moon, and a draped palm chopped off at his shoulder and neck.

Half of his shoulders were numb from this palm strike, and he wanted to call out to stop, but his chest felt tight after being punched by a series of cannons, and he couldn't breathe. Hit the jaw straight.

But this last punch withdrew, and he just pushed it up gently.

Even so, after Huo Yunting withdrew his fist, Ma Baoguo fell to the ground.

Four tricks, using four kung fu.

This group of foreigners couldn't tell, but Ma Baoguo, a master of martial arts, had a clear vision in his heart.

Bad, this is the real guy.

Just when his eyes were full of stars and he couldn't breathe, the crowd around him suddenly roared.

"Wang Defa!"

"Isn't that old man a kung fu king?"

"This oriental guy is so handsome."

"I remembered! He is the record breaker for the most punches in one second!"

In this way, Huo Yunting was surrounded by countless people, scrambling to learn from him and ask for his autograph.

Nolan on the side didn't even close his jaw in shock. Is this the famous Kung Fu king in the UK losing like this?

Huo Yunting squeezed out of the crowd, pulled Master Ma by his collar and lifted him up, "Master Ma, I am more and more curious now, how did you win a boxing champion in an irregular ring."

Various thoughts turned in his mind, and soon, his face was full of anger.

"Young people, you don't talk about martial arts! I am an old comrade in his 50s, come and cheat! Come and attack!"

Then he wanted to break free from Huo Yunting's hand, but found that it was like pulling a piece of soldering iron, nothing moved.

Looking at Huo Yunting's half-smiling eyes, the aura he had just put on was suppressed by half again.

"Everyone has seen it, I just said it, just to learn from each other. According to the etiquette of traditional martial arts—"

Before he finished speaking, he was already suppressed by the voices of the crowd.

Few people paid attention to him, the head of Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji. Everyone's eyes were on Huo Yunting, including his disciples.

This group of foreigners' fantasy about oriental martial arts is like Jeet Kune Do, neat and deadly.

Handsome, and really useful.

Naturally, the image of a kung fu master that they admire more is also that of Bruce Lee, with a strong figure and firm eyebrows.

The reason why he is willing to believe in this Master Ma is simply because he has won a serious boxing champion.

But judging from the current situation, Huo Yunting felt that the so-called boxing champion had a high probability of punching fake punches.

Dealing with these onlookers who were eager to eat him, Master Na Ma disappeared without paying attention.

Huo Yunting cursed bad luck, found an excuse, and went back to the hotel with Nolan.

His grandma's can't be deceived at home, so he started to deceive foreign countries.This group of foreigners is also a gang of idiots, can you believe this?

He was very upset, but Nolan was very excited.

If you only look at the appearance, it is a young man who beat a middle-aged man, but if you pursue it deeply, this middle-aged man is the king of kung fu.

He had to admit that he really had the idea of ​​learning kung fu with Huo Yunting.

It's just that Huo Yunting is not in a good mood now, so he can only resign first and talk about it another day.

After Nolan left, he made a phone call to Wu Bin.

"Master Huo, you are a rare guest. Have you finished the martial arts paper I want?"

After saying this, Huo Yunting's already unhappy mood became even worse.

"I'm writing, there's something I want to tell you..."

Then Huo Yunting told Wu Bin about the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association.

The other side pondered for a moment, "Master Huo, I can't control it, I can only let him go."

"Because you are abroad?"

"More than that. If people say that what he teaches is only for self-cultivation, what can you do?"

"And it's all abroad, beyond the reach of the whip."

Huo Yunting was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Damn, it's bad luck. Chuanwu's reputation was ruined by these people."

Wu Bin sighed slightly, but didn't speak, this kind of thing is difficult.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting turned on the computer, and Nolan had already sent the script of "Inception".

While watching halfway through, a hurried phone call came over.

"Mr. Nolan—"

"Huo, do you read Twitter? You're hot."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, and then had a bad feeling, "It's today—"

"That's right, it was the fight between you and Master Ma."

Huo Yunting twitched his lips, hung up the phone, and with Liu Yifei's remote help, it took more than an hour to finally log on to Twitter.

I simply searched for keywords, and sure enough, a video has already had 10,000+ views.

It's only been a few fucking hours.

"Oriental Martial Arts Star and British Tai Chi Kung Fu King"

This is the title.

Huo Yunting flipped through the comments and found that many foreign netizens were commenting on his and that Master Ma's identities.

Most people asked how to worship Huo Yunting as a teacher, after all, his combo of moves is really handsome.

Huo Yunting was not interested in these, and continued to scroll down, and soon found a video.

It belongs to Master Ma.

"...According to traditional martial arts, before the competition, he should bow his hands and salute, but he came to attack and cheat... I once fought against a British boxing champion who weighed more than 200 pounds...he may not be able to beat this boxing champion ..."

Under this video, countless people are asking who knows Huo Yunting's Twitter account, and there are also countless people who follow a boxing teaching blogger named "Coach Pete".

Huo Yunting watched his blood pressure soar, and was about to register an account to be real with each other, when the boxing blogger nicknamed "Boxing King Pete" sent a message.

"I want to say sorry to all the fans, Ma Baoguo and I fought fake punches..."

(End of this chapter)

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