The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 238 Martial Arts Hall

Chapter 238 Martial Arts Hall

Foreigners don't pay much attention to Huo Yunting's identity as a martial arts actor, after all, his popularity abroad is limited.In the eyes of foreigners, he is more often regarded as the Guinness World Record holder.

Thirteen punches per second, ordinary people can go out and blow for a lifetime if they can reach half of him.

Such an easy-to-understand truth, Owen Peet will not understand.

A ruthless man who can punch thirteen punches in one second, how bad can his real strength be?

That's why Pete Owen quickly fell in love after checking Huo Yunting's personal information.

Kicking the sword, the champion of two competitions, the world record holder, a martial arts star, one dozen ten in the sideshow of "Ip Man"...

There are already so many information that can be found, how many achievements can't be found?Is face more important than life?

Without thinking too much, Owen Peet quickly made a choice.

Just after he posted this tweet, the comments below quickly became one-sided. It can be said that Master Ma was scolded by international friends.

But no matter how much scolding, what's the use of pretending to be dead for a while, and when this incident is forgotten, and come back with a different name, you can continue to deceive fools under the name of Chuanwu.

Huo Yunting frowned and thought, this matter can't just be left alone.He quickly made up his mind, first registered all the social media software commonly used by foreigners, and then called Nolan.

"Mr. Nolan, I wonder if you can help me find a shop in London? The closer the martial arts gym of the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association is, the better."

Nolan froze for a moment, then quickly realized, "Huo, you want to compete with him? This is likely to be a thankless job."

"Mr. Nolan, if after your "Inception" became popular, I announced to the media that I was the main screenwriter of this script, how would you feel?"

Huo, leave the storefront to me. Nolan no longer had any doubts, "This Master Ma really kicked the iron plate." "

"Auntie Ye, you really hit the iron plate."

In the office on the second floor of the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association, Ma Baoguo searched for Huo Yunting's personal information, his face turned pale.

His identity as the head of Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan is fake, but Huo Yunting's nickname as Qiu Chuanwu is real.

I casually asked my relatives in China, good guy, so this is a big star.

But these problems are still secondary, as long as these apprentices under him don't run away, and they can continue to pay him tuition fees.

Originally, due to language restrictions, not many of these foreigners could figure out what was going on, but the fake puncher was really immoral!

You haven't met anyone before, what are you afraid of?Even if I really went to you to find an excuse not to go, wouldn't that be fine?At the beginning, you were given so much money without even after-sales service?
Master Ma sighed for a while, but soon regained his confidence.It doesn't matter if some smart people are lost, but those who stay are really bad-witted people.

With such self-deceiving thoughts, Master Ma fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Master Ma, who never did morning exercises, was awakened by the noise downstairs.

Pushing open the window and looking, I found that the store next door that was originally to be rented has been replaced with a new brand: Chuanwutang.

And there are already a lot of people gathered below.

He leaned out with most of his body, and as expected, Huo Yunting was surrounded by the group of veterans.

My heart skipped a beat, it's broken, is this here to steal business?

Quickly put on your clothes and go down to see, Wu Yangyang's group of people has poured into the Shangwu Hall next door, and there are not many left in his Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association.

This fool is a little pitiful.

But it's no wonder that the only thing I can do is fake punches with that Pete Owen, who has a lot of resumes.

Among other things, he waved the Guinness certificate to the door, thirteen punches per second, and he wanted to go up and learn it.

He didn't dare to go in with the cheek, but just wandered around the doorway, which was full of people.

This first day of opening is as good as the results of his one or two years of operation.

My own Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association.The flow of people won't let him eat up, right?But it seems that he is also asking for money?
Master Ma was hesitating in his heart, should he go in and take a look boldly, and found some people with long guns and short cannons coming towards this side, and hurriedly retreated.


Wang Jiawei had to admit that during the period when he didn't see Huo Yunting, inspirations sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Looking at the script book in his hand, he was very satisfied. Counting the time, one day his leading actor would be back, and the filming just started.

I was in a good mood, made a cup of tea, turned on the computer and looked at the news, and saw hot topics at a glance.

"British martial arts master was exposed as a liar"

Well, they all went to England, Wang Jiawei shook his head, the reputation of Chuanwu was ruined by this kind of people.

It doesn't count if it's bad at home, but it's still going abroad.

Mouse wheel down.

"Huo Yunting opens a martial arts gym in England"

"British Martial Arts Hall"

"The British People's Love for Kung Fu"


Hurriedly read the hot search news one by one, and figured out what happened, Wang Jiawei couldn't feel better now.

This kid Huo Yunting is simply a walking accident maker, where things happen wherever he goes.

After watching the news, he only felt the blood vessels on his forehead throbbing, and he called Huo Yunting with trembling hands.

"Old Wang, do you fucking know about jet lag? Call me at two o'clock in the morning while I'm sleeping."

The voice sounded very tired, but he didn't care too much, "Leave the jet lag aside, tell me what you are doing in England first?"

"That's a long story. I can't finish it at 1:30. Let's talk about it after I wake up."

"Hey. Huo-beep, beep, beep..."

Listening to the notification sound of hanging up, Wang Jiawei took a deep breath. At this moment, he somewhat understood the psychological feelings of Liu Dehua, Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, Zhang Guorong, Liang Chaowei and others when they were filming.

However, he felt that he was nothing compared to Huo Yunting.

At six or seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Jiawei, who was pinching the time, couldn't help calling Huo Yunting again, this time his voice sounded very energetic.

"Hey, Lao Wang, call early in the morning, it's quite early."

Wang Jiawei was really not in the mood to be polite, "Didn't you go to England to discuss cooperation with that Nolan? What is this Martial Arts Hall?"

"Old Wang, you have to be considerate and considerate of me. This just happened to happen, and we are from a Lian family. We can't ignore it when something happens."

Wang Jiawei's whole face twitched when he heard it, so why did you meet him by such a coincidence?
"Just tell me something accurate, when can you go back to the crew?"

"Let's live a happy life. You don't need to worry anyway, after all, you are an open-minded and generous person."

At this moment, Wang Jiawei wanted to give himself two bad words, "I have already written the script, come back quickly, we will start filming when we come back."

"Is the whole child's play still a child's play?"

This question was on point, Wang Jiawei didn't say anything.

Huo Yunting chuckled, "It's okay, Lao Wang, I understand how open-minded and generous you are, you write slowly, it won't be too late when the whole script is written."

Huo Yunting was in a good mood when he said this.

Lao Wang is either chasing faults in the crew, or just doing nothing, putting mental pressure on the actors every day, depending on whether you are in a hurry today.

Listening to Huo Yunting's leisurely words, Wang Jiawei gritted his teeth with hatred.

But what can he do, the number one female is his wife, and the martial arts team is his subordinate.If he really pulls this group of people to do foreign work, the whole crew will be half paralyzed, and he won't be able to finish filming in five years.

What can be done?Pinch your nose and admit it.

Damn it, after the filming of "The Grandmaster" is finished, this kid will be blacklisted and never cooperate with him again.

"Master Huo, go early and come back early. I will write the script as soon as possible."

"Old Wang, I feel at ease with your words."

The two exchanged some meaningless words, Huo Yunting hung up the phone, feeling very relieved.

He was the one who was in a hurry before, but now it is finally Lao Wang's turn to be in a hurry.

"Master, what is the unity of waist and horse?"

Hearing someone calling him, Huo Yunting strode over to teach him carefully.

Seeing the dozen or so people in the Martial Arts Hall, Nolan was shocked.

That is to say, there is only Huo Yunting alone, and this place does not occupy a large area, otherwise there would be at least hundreds of people who signed up today.

After dealing with these dozens of people, Huo Yunting took a big sip of water and came to Nolan with a smile, "Mr. Nolan, thanks to you for helping me find such a good place."

Nolan chuckled and didn't say anything, but felt a little regretful in his heart. He shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place. A well-known director of his own was working as a real estate agency.

It's all because the atmosphere was so good at that time.

"Huo, if your martial arts school can really be done, the income will not be a small sum."

This is really not nonsense. Ma Baoguo charges 800 pounds for a class, which translates to [-] yuan.

With such a high price, there are still countless people rushing to learn it, and the income in this month is tens of thousands.I don't know how much money this old guy made in the name of Chuanwu.

However, what Nolan said is true. He started this Martial Arts Hall in the first place just to squeeze out this fake master, but he found that the effect was surprisingly good.

If he can really make this Martial Arts Hall bigger and stronger in England, it will kill three birds with one stone.

Cultural output, enhance the influence of martial arts, and you can still make money.

Opening this martial arts gym can earn at least tens of thousands of pounds a month. If every city opens one, the profits will be huge. It's a pity that Huo Yunting only has one, and he also has no skills.

While the two were talking, a few reporters with long guns and short cannons came in and made a detailed report on yesterday's battle between him and Kung Fu king Ma Baoguo.

Huo Yunting spoke bluntly, severely criticized Master Ma's behavior of trying to gain fame, and also despised that Pete Owen's despicable behavior of fake punches, and finally mentioned the martial arts movie "The Grandmaster" he is currently filming.

"To be honest, I should have returned to Guangzhou to film "The Great Master" at this time, but because of the appearance of people who smear the image of Kung Fu, I can only stay temporarily."

"Mr. Huo, are you shooting a new film?"

"That's right, this is a martial arts movie. The movie has very strict requirements from the script to the actual shooting..."

Huo Yunting talked eloquently, the reporter nodded frequently at first, but soon realized something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped.

They came for interviews, not to promote his new film, so why are they turning against customers?

Other innocuous questions were asked, and the reporters left satisfied.

Huo Yunting walked and chatted with the leading editor-in-chief, walked them all the way to the gate, waved and watched them drive away.

Just about to go back to the martial arts hall, an untimely voice suddenly came, "Master Huo?"

"Don't, Master Ma, I can't bear the word master."

Master Ma, who was hiding in the corner, smiled awkwardly, "Master Huo, come and say something?"

Huo Yunting didn't think much about it, and Fang Fang surpassed him and walked over.

If the person who greeted him was Chen Hegao, then he would have to hesitate.But Ma Baoguo, forget it, the only thing he can do is the Tai Chi push hands, and the teaching is not very standardized.

After going to the office on the second floor of his Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association, Master Ma made him a cup of tea, "Master Huo, are you here for money... or for fame?"

Huo Yunting shook his head, "Not at all."

Now Master Ma was stumped, he didn't ask for money or fame, so why did he come to England for no reason?You can't mess with me just because I ruined the reputation of Chuanwu, right?
"Master Huo, I'm also in distress." Rubbing my hands lightly on my face, a wave of sadness came over me, "My son can come to England to study, but there is no money for the tuition. With my job, it only takes a month Some money, relatives, friends, colleagues and leaders have all been borrowed, and they all avoid me when they see me."

"What is your job?"

"Being a worker in a nitrogen fertilizer factory." Ma Baoguo sighed, "I have no choice but to come to England with my son to see if I can find a job and earn some money. It turns out that these foreigners are very interested in traditional kung fu. I Well, that is to do what you like..."

Huo Yunting played with the lighter in his hand and listened silently, and couldn't help but sigh again in his heart, foreigners are really stupid people with a lot of money.

He is a person who can't speak English very well, so he relies on street performances to perform tricks and Tai Chi, and distributes leaflets to recruit students everywhere to set up his Mixed Yuan Xingyi Tai Chi Association.

After getting rich, he invited the British MMA fighting champion Pete and the unlimited fighting champion Tony to make a promotional video, relying on this so-called pusher.

Now, Kung Fu King Ma Baoguo became a real hit in the UK and became a recognized Kung Fu master.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, this guy has used his kung fu in the wrong place, if he came to the entertainment industry to be a manager, there would be no such thing as Wang Jinghua.

Seeing that Huo Yunting's attitude was a little relaxed, Master Ma also struck while the iron was hot, "Although mine is not real kung fu, it is also for self-cultivation..."

After talking dryly, he looked at Huo Yunting, "Master Huo, what do you think?"

"Don't worry about my business."

(End of this chapter)

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