The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 239 Nolan's Gift

Chapter 239 Nolan's Gift
"It's none of my business."

Ma Baoguo froze for a moment, the smile on his face gradually froze.

"What does it matter to me that you earn your son's tuition, and what does it have to do with me when you fight fake punches with others?" Huo Yunting took a sip of tea, "Come on Huo Huo Chuanwu."

After saying this, he got up and strode away.

Master Ma asked him to talk nonsense to him just to neutralize it. The popularity of his newly opened Martial Arts Hall is obvious to the naked eye. The Guinness World Record holder personally teaches, who wouldn't be interested?

When Shangwutang really practiced it, his Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan would not have a foothold in the whole of Britain, not to mention closing its doors.

According to his idea, if he can continue to open his Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association, even if he pays some money, it's a pity that his attitude is very clear and he won't bother you.

There is no other way but to stare blankly at Shangwutang cannibalizing his students bit by bit and wait for the door to close down.

After returning to Martial Arts Hall, Huo Yunting asked Nolan to help him register the permits and licenses related to this Martial Arts Hall.He had already made up his mind in his heart to get this Chuanwu Hall going.

Nolan was full of helplessness.Ever since Huo Yunting came to the UK, his crew's preparations have been suspended, and it hasn't been completed yet.

And now he has to help him with these licenses and other things. He is just a filmmaker. Where can he help him with these things?

But when I thought of Huo Yunting's generous abandonment of the script he had prepared for many years, I finally sighed, forget it, let him take care of it.

Looking for someone through the relationship, and soon, the permit for the Martial Arts Hall was put on the agenda.

Huo Yunting was not idle either, a public account called Shangwutang appeared on Twitter, Facebook, ins and other software.

This martial arts school seems to be very powerful, but in fact there is only one.

Because Huo Yunting couldn't find any extra people to be coaches, his Huo family class was simple and refined, with not many people.So far, there are only those three pillars who can stand alone.

But he still pointed to the three pillars to pick up the work, how could he be sent to be a martial arts coach to do this kind of old-age work?
As for how much this group of British people love kung fu, if he has the right people under his command, he will open a family in every city no matter what.

Looking at the students who were still practicing against the wooden stakes in the hall, Huo Yunting couldn't help smacking his lips, these foreigners are really rare.

While feeling emotional, a call came to Huo Yunting's cell phone, it was Zhang Debang.

"Brother Huo—"

"Old Zhang, it's my fault. I forgot to tell you about this. I apologize to you and promise I won't do it again."

Before Zhang Debang could say anything, Huo Yunting's string of cannonballs knocked him out of his throat, making him speechless.

With such a good attitude, wouldn't it be inappropriate for him to say something else?

"Brother Huo, I have no objection to you opening a martial arts gym abroad, but where do you go to find a master?"

"Isn't Li just idle? Let him come over and be a front for a while, this kid will teach me to be at ease."

"He is idle now, but you can't let him be a martial arts coach for a lifetime, right? Who will replace this coach in the future?"

Huo Yunting pondered for a moment, "Why don't I come back and ask my father if he's interested..."

Zhang Debang's eyelids twitched when he heard this, if he could make something happen, he was so cruel that even his father would not let him go.

"I guessed that you were going to say that. I also asked Brother De. He is not interested in coming here to teach foreigners, and his sister-in-law is also afraid of strangers, so he is even more reluctant to come here."

Huo Yunting nodded, "That's alright—hey, wait a moment, you fucking, do you call my father brother?"

"Then we are not much different in age, and I don't like being called uncle." Zhang Debang said comfortingly, "Brother Huo, it's okay, let's talk about our own. I call you both brother, you two I will definitely not show up when everyone is present, so this is the end."

Huo Yunting resisted the urge to go back to Beiping and kick him, and cursed, "Tell Li Cai to come here quickly." Then he hung up the phone.

This Martial Arts Hall became very popular, and in just one day, there was already a thick stack of registration materials.

It can be said that it has formed a crushing victory over the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association next door.

There is no other reason why it became so popular. The two largest newspapers in the UK, the Daily Mail and The Times, published their interview with Huo Yunting that day.

The reason why they were able to appear in these two newspapers was because after interviewing Huo Yunting, the group of reporters also found Nolan Kristoff.

After the interview with Huo Yunting that day, I took it back and edited it, and found Nolan by accident.Although it was blurry, it was still Nolan's face that could be vaguely recognized.

So after they interviewed Huo Yunting, they called Nolan again and asked him why he appeared in Huo Yunting's Martial Arts Hall.

This is a serious question, Huo Yunting is actually one of the editors of his new film, the reason why he will appear in England is because Nolan invited him here.

In the interview, Nolan also disclosed some new news about "Inception", which can be said to draw a lot of attention.

The popularity of Martial Arts Hall suddenly exploded, so there were naturally people who would rub off on it.

Just two days after the opening of Huo Yunting's new martial arts gym, five or six boxing champions and fighting champions of various kinds have come intermittently.

When it comes to names, there are all kinds of names, all of which are loud and scary.

Strong fighters, defensive and counter technical fighters, explosive fighters, basically all these types of boxers are assembled.

No matter how tall or heavy, or what honors and achievements they have won, they all suffered defeats under Huo Yunting's hands, and most of them didn't survive 30 seconds.

But in just a day or two, so many boxing champions came looking for him, Huo Yunting can guess, nine out of ten people are called by the poor horse master next door.

But should I say it or not, this group of people is indeed powerful.

If they lose, they will be convinced, and when they go back, they will boast about Huo Yunting, a kung fu master, on social software. In addition, their assistants will shoot videos and post them on the Internet. The blogger checks in.

There are people of all colors, and there are all kinds of occupations, from plumbers to zoologists, but Huo Yunting is an eye-opener.

If it takes another year or two, perhaps Huo Yunting will understand that the most suitable word to describe this group of people is Internet Red.

What impressed Huo Yunting the most was a Maozi who came to England for tourism. He heard that many people were challenging a kung fu master, so he also came to join in the fun.

With a strong figure and sharp eyes, he is not the way of Sanda fighting, because this move is all about killing people.

His skills are obviously regular, not blind practice, if you insist, Huo Yunting thinks this is a bit like a fucking variant of Tai Chi.

Make good use of force when attacking, and use force when defending. Pay attention to using the least energy consumption to produce the greatest attack effect. Isn't this the way of Taijiquan?
However, this set of moves he used is completely irrelevant to Taijiquan, only the core is relatively similar.

The two entangled for nearly a minute and a half, and finally Huo Yunting stabbed the boy in the throat with his palm, and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

The surrounding onlookers were hooked and applauded, while Huo Yunting invited the boy to the back room.

Although he doesn't understand Russian, that Maozi understands English, so there is no big obstacle for the two to communicate.

From him, Huo Yunting learned that this guy was from a veteran, and the trick he just used was military martial arts, Sistema.

Huo Yunting was stunned.

This Sistema is a martial art with a huge and complete system, including two parts: unarmed combat and weapon combat.

Before it disintegrated, this Sistema was absorbed by the special forces, and developed assassination and anti-assassination techniques on the basis of the original.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, his idea was really good, the ultimate destination of the real guy is the army.

"Mr. Peter Glevsky, can the things you tell me be made public?"

"Of course, unlike decades ago, Sisterma can be passed on to the outside world now."

"Can you teach me?"

Faced with a person who can humbly ask for advice after winning the battle, the enthusiastic Peter Glevsky readily agreed.

However, in the process of his teaching, Huo Yunting also keenly found that his teaching was not complete, so he kept a hand.

He wasn't too surprised. Peter Glevsky was enthusiastic, but it didn't mean he was a fool. He would definitely not be able to teach some unique skills that could kill people.

But Huo Yunting didn't care too much, he just tried again and again for the missing part from his dream.

Originally, Peter Glevsky had already prepared to stay in the UK for ten days and a half months, but unexpectedly, Huo Yunting just asked him to demonstrate all the moves.

After three or four hours, Huo Yunting cupped his fists and thanked him emotionally, "No wonder you can call it one of the national arts, it is indeed proficient."

Don't talk about bare hands, just talk about fighting with equipment, and pay attention to the point of making the best use of everything, which can be said to complement Chen Hegao's unlimited fighting skills.

It's just that this Sistema is more ruthless than Chen Hegao, but it's understandable, after all, Chen Hegao still has to consider the criminal law, but the soldiers don't need it.

Although Peter Glevsky felt a little strange that Huo Yunting had only watched his demonstration once and said that he had learned it, but he didn't say much.

If people say it will be done, then it will be done, why is he arguing about it.

Not long after seeing off Peter Grevski, the travel-worn Li Cai finally arrived at the gate of the martial arts hall.

Seeing Huo Yunting, without further ado, he gave a thumbs up, "Boss, you are really awesome, you have opened such a popular martial arts gym in England."

Huo Yunting happily patted him on the shoulder, "You come to be the head coach. In addition to your salary, I will give you an extra [-]% of your income every month as a commission."

Now Li Cai swallowed all the words that he had been brewing for a long time.

He had asked before he came, and if he charged fifty pounds for a class, it would be bloody money.

But after thinking about it, I still mumbled a few words from my stomach, "Boss, you know me well, and I still want to be in the entertainment industry."

"I understand. If you find the right person, I will replace you."

Now Li Cai nodded reassuringly, but soon asked another question, "Boss, what do we teach in the martial arts school?"

Every martial arts school has to have its own signature kung fu and unique methods, otherwise how can it be distinguished from others.

For example, Master Zhao Zhiling's Hongquan Association only teaches Hongquan, so what do they want to teach in this Martial Arts Hall?
I can't teach all kinds of kung fu, even if he really knows so many kung fu, it's too complicated, and these foreigners can't learn it.

Huo Yunting thought about it carefully, and there was indeed some truth in these words.

During his time in Martial Arts Hall, he just learned some basic kung fu, mixed with relatively quick traditional kung fu, and the results were quick.

But the signboard of the Martial Arts Hall has been played out, and what to teach is really a problem.

Although he knows a lot, he can't stay here for a lifetime. The three pillars under him also have their own special training. After thinking for a long time, he finally said, "You can teach whatever you are good at."

Li Cai scratched his head, what am I good at?
"Then I have to look through the Encyclopedia of British Criminal Law first."

"Li Cai, don't care what you do, I just ask for it."

"Boss, say it."

"One, don't break the law." Then Huo Yunting pointed to the sparse Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association next door, "Second, get rid of this fake shop next door."

Li Cai nodded heavily, "Boss, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

After taking care of Shangwutang's problems, Huo Yunting is ready to go back to Guangzhou to continue filming "The Great Master".

During these days in the UK, Wang Jiawei called him from time to time to ask him about his health.

According to the gossip from Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao, it can be said that Lao Wang has been lighting up the lamp late at night to catch up on the script these days, staying up for several days.

The hairline can be said to be visible to the naked eye and lean back.

Huo Yunting nodded heavily, that's right, you have to do this as a director, what kind of film do you make if you can't even write the script.

Didn't the actor stare blankly?

Nolan booked a plane for him to return home, and then printed out the script revised by Huo Yunting and handed it to him.

The two of them conducted in-depth analysis of their dreams based on science fiction during this period. The more they communicated, the more Nolan respected Huo Yunting from the bottom of his heart.

For example, Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams", Matthew Walker's "The Science of Dreams" and other works about dreams, he speaks clearly and logically. Sometimes Nolan wonders whether Huo Yunting has memorized the whole book down.

"Huo, this is the final version of the script."

Huo Yunting took the script, and was stunned as soon as he turned the first page.

"Mr. Nolan, if I remember correctly, isn't this Japanese style at the beginning? Why is it changed to Chinese style now?"

Nolan smiled, "These are some of my personal thoughts, um... I think you don't seem to have a good sense of them..."

Nolan babbled a lot, then patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder heavily, "Huo, how about you play this villain role?"

(End of this chapter)

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