Chapter 240 Pangong Lake

Huo Yunting frowned slightly, looking a little surprised, "Is this appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Nolan seemed very stubborn, "Just take it as some compensation for me to destroy the script for you."

"As for the salary, let's calculate it at 75 pounds, what do you think?"

Huo Yunting gave him a thumbs up in his heart, Mr. Nolan's EQ is not low, this salary is also part of the compensation.

The original villain named Saito has become Tang Ke.

Tang Ke didn't have many scenes, and it took a few days to finish filming.The price of 75 pounds is indeed very face-saving.

Huo Yunting agreed without thinking.

I have to say that "Inception" is a good script. Although this is the first sci-fi film directed by Nolan, Huo Yunting chose to believe him.

If you can write an excellent script, you must be able to present it perfectly on the screen.

But since he wants to use the Chinese style, then he has to give good advice on the representative elements of the Chinese style.

The stereotype of this group of foreigners is really infuriating. In the end, if there is a narrow-eyed man wearing a bucket hat and mustache, he will choose to die with Nolan.

Nolan did not object to Huo Yunting's request to personally advise on the character design of the scenes. He really didn't know much about Chinese style.

After reaching an agreement with Nolan, Huo Yunting set off for Guangdong.

When he saw the familiar pair of big sunglasses again, his heart was no longer impatient, but full of intimacy.

"Old Wang, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Wang Jiawei smiled forcedly, but still nodded, really thinking about it.I just don't know whether to think for the good or the bad.

Today is July [-]th. After careful calculation, he has been gone for nearly a month.

Wang Jiawei really wasn't in the mood to talk to him about anything else, he didn't even bother with the matter of him going to England to discuss the script and become a screenwriter, he just told him to change his clothes and get ready to start filming.

This time, when I asked him for the script again, Wang Jiawei readily took it out.

Huo Yunting took it and squeezed it with his fingertips, he was startled, "So thick? At least four or five pages."

Seeing his shocked appearance, Wang Jiawei felt elated, "By July, I had only written one and a half pages. In about a week in July, I wrote four pages."

I felt complacent for just two seconds, and soon came to my senses, no, how could I be happy when I let him force me to write the script.

Before he could react, Huo Yunting nodded heavily and patted him on the shoulder, "Then you hurry up and write out the rest of the script, so that everyone can shoot it. By the way, let's do the storyboard as well. "

"You're the director and I'm the director? Actors have to look like actors, so there are so many things."

After cursing angrily, Wang Jiawei stretched out his hand to greet him, "Take him down to change clothes."

With the example of Huo Yunting asking for leave for nearly a month at one time, Wang Jiawei didn't dare to go too far during the filming process. Basically, it was over after a dozen or so filmings.

After all, he was also afraid that one day Huo Yunting would be really impatient, and he ordered the heroine and the martial arts team to quit.

Unless the scene was really unacceptable and had to be re-shooted, Huo Yunting turned a blind eye to this situation.

Although the shooting speed of the crew is still very slow, it can be said that it has made rapid progress compared with before.

Except for Wang Jiawei, everyone in the crew is grateful to Huo Yunting, he can be said to have saved the entire crew by himself.

In their view, Wang Jiawei is simply a magic stick, he doesn't know what to ask, and he talks like a god.

How to shoot is to be determined, the shooting time is to be determined, how to act is to be determined, the crew is full of confusion from top to bottom, from front to back, from actors to photographers.

Perhaps the only thing that is not confused is the logistics. After all, the time for eating is the same.

Since Huo Yunting has put pressure on the director every day, the shooting schedule has sped up, the script has been prepared, and storyboards are said to be rushing to production.

Everyone in the production team can feel that the good times are coming, and Huo Yunting is no exception, because the Three Swords exploded.

Now all David TV stations have already aired Legend III, and the rest is in foreign markets, and the launch date is even more distant, the earliest being Singapore in August.

In China alone, the current Fairy Sword III has reached the No. [-] ratings of four provincial satellite TVs.

Speaking of Shandong alone, the program ratings of the same period ranked first, with an average rating of 10.3% for a single episode, the highest rating for a single episode was 12.34%, and the ratings share accounted for nearly 26.37% of the entire market.

There is also the data for the first broadcast in Hangzhou on July 6.6th, with an average rating of [-]%, which is close to the current highest TV series of all channels in ZJ Province, and the ratings share has always been among the best.

And this is the data at the beginning of the broadcast. When the show reaches the middle and late stages, plus the bonus of summer vacation, Huo Yunting feels that Sword Three can become a generation of classics just like Sword One.

Although a sad ending will cause some insults from the production team, the name of this show will definitely be remembered by the audience for a lifetime.

The first three sets of Taizhou, which started broadcasting, have already broadcast No.20 episode two, and have already entered the middle and late stages. Other TV stations are still adding more episodes three or four a day, which leads to inconsistent discussions among netizens.

Although they are discussing in the third section of Xianjian, most people are talking about their own opinions. Here they are still talking about how to solve the problem of poisonous people, and they have already talked about the wedding of Xu Changqing and Zixuan.

Over time, the smell of gunpowder will become stronger. The root cause lies in the two words, spoiler.

I just watched the beginning here, and I found it quite interesting, but the finale was told directly over there, who can bear it?In fact, this situation affects the ratings.

But these problems are for the Tang people to deal with. Huo Yunting and other actors only need to pay more attention to how the audience praises them.

The voices of praise are mostly the same, Huo Yunting plays whoever he looks like, unknowingly, he has become the dream lover of thousands of girls.

In addition to discussing how much Huo Yunting has contributed in Immortal Sword III, so much so that the director, screenwriter, cinematographer, and action director all signed his name.

Could it be that he is really an all-around genius?
The days passed unhurriedly, every time Huo Yunting got tired of acting, he would go to remind Wang Jiawei of the script, which made him a little mentally weak.

However, the effect was immediate, and the script of "The Grandmaster" was forced out of the full version at the end of August.

It's just a draft, but it's better than nothing.

Looking at the script in his hand, Wang Jiawei was very proud. Although the script had some minor flaws, overall he was very satisfied.

After being forced by Huo for so long, I can finally take a break.

"Old Wang, although there is a script, there is no storyboard."

"Get lost..." Wang Jiawei was weak, he had already exhausted everything for this script, "I just finished writing the script, can't you let me rest for a while?"

"How can you rest at this age? And the storyboarding of the script is originally the work of the early stage..."

"Okay, okay! I got it!" Wang Jiawei hurriedly interrupted him to change the topic, "Are you going to get the Huabiao Award in a few days? Do you want to take a leave of absence?"

"What am I going to do? I'm not nominated."

Wang Jiawei was stunned for a moment, "That's not what you said two months ago."

"Let's have fun with you. Old Wang, take your time and rest. I'll go first, don't bother me."

Without giving Wang Jiawei a chance to speak, Huo Yunting's figure disappeared in a flash.

"I'll give you a lung..."

The Huabiao Award really had nothing to do with Huo Yunting, it was more political. In the end, "Ip Man" won the best co-production film, basically no one cared about it.

The only function may be to appear in the "wait and so on" when referring to the achievements of the film "Ip Man" in the future.

After sneaking back to his room, Huo Yunting continued to choose the scene.

The beginning of "Inception" is his role, and it must not be bad.

And the time is tight. I talked with Nolan on the phone a few days ago, and "Inception" has already started. As for the role of the villain Huo Yunting, I can spare time to solve it around the end of December, or I can only wait until the end of December. After the other scenes have been filmed, this one will be filmed at the end.

But no matter whether it is to shoot at the end of this year or at the end, the location has to be settled quickly. After all, Nolan is the one who talks about the crew, and he has to check it out.

Lizi, he has already entrusted Zhang Debang to find a professional for him, an old set designer in Hengdian, who specializes in costume dramas.Huo Yunting was very relieved.

After he hands over the layout plan, he will discuss with Nolan.

But this face is a bit difficult to choose, and I can't find a suitable place.

Or follow the trend of the Hollywood gang?Huo Yunting thought for a while, then shook his head again.There are not only places like Beiping, Shanghai, and Xiangjiang in China. Moreover, these places are too prosperous, which is different from what he and Nolan expected.

While thinking about it, the phone rang, and it was Li Cai.

There was a hint of lightness in the voice, "Boss, my task has been completed. The Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association next door has completely closed down."

With the renovation of Shangwutang, the number of students that can accommodate is also increasing, and the students of the Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan Association are basically squeezed out.

The second is that his association was sealed up by the British government.

Huo Yunting nodded, it seems that not all the British are free-spirited.

"When did this happen?"

"Just today."

"Just today?"

"That's right, I called you just after I was seized. Boss, do we want to take down the next door?"

"Take down the next door too? Isn't the two-story building in Shangwu Hall not enough?"

"not enough."

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, and frowned.The two-storey building can accommodate hundreds of people at least, is it not enough?How rare is this skill for the British?

After thinking about it, no, that's not the problem, Li Cai's skill is just average.

"What do you teach on weekdays?"

"Teach them self-defense skills, and study the Fa with them in the rest of the time. Hey, boss, my English has improved during this time—"

"Stop it first." Huo Yunting hurriedly stopped, "I understand that you teach self-defense. What do you mean by studying the Fa together?"

"Boss, the UK legally owns guns. Although the number of gun owners is lower than that of the US, and it is difficult to obtain a gun license, there are still a lot of shotguns and air rifles, and they are also afraid of this."

Li Cai on the other end of the phone talked eloquently, "What would you do if someone pointed a gun at you? You must run, and if you can't run away, try to kill him, but this is not over, you can't let yourself Because self-defense got into the game..."

The more Huo Yunting listened, the bigger his head became. Why is this kid Li Cai getting more and more fucking wild? He looks like a little Chen Hegao.

And this kid is better than blue, Chen Hegao's unlimited fighting skills are at most famous in Hangzhou, Li Cai directly hit the British heart and drove a nail.

Huo Yunting sucked his teeth for a long time, "Let's forget it. You just take care of the one-acre three-point land in Shangwutang, and you don't have to think about dividing the hall."

If Li Cai taught some normal things, he wouldn't mind opening another branch and spreading the Martial Arts Hall all over England.

But the problem is that what he teaches is too wild. If it spreads and all London is full of London residents carrying wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers, he feels that he will be classified as a terrorist.

"It's really not worth it, Brother Huo." Li Cai's voice sounded a little regretful, "Our Martial Arts Hall now earns several thousand pounds a day. If we open another branch hall, the income can be quadrupled."

"Money is more important than life?" Huo Yunting replied angrily, "Just listen to me."

Li Cai's voice was full of regret, "Oh, that's fine."

"Since the liar's den next door has been taken, you can come back if you have nothing to do. There are quite a few crews looking for work in our Huo family class these days."

Huo Yunting thought that Li would respond immediately, but unexpectedly he hesitated, "Boss, I'll wait for a while."

"Yo, didn't you always want to come back? Why don't you leave now?"

"There is always a beginning and an end to everything. I will go back after I finish teaching this group of people."

"Okay, as you please."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting rubbed his temples, his Huo's class is still short of people.

The grassroots is enough now, what is lacking is someone who can take the lead.

"What are you thinking?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and then Liu Yifei fell on his back.

"I'm wondering if there is any good scenery in China."

"Pretty scene?" Liu Yifei tilted her head and thought for a while, "It depends on what type you want."

"I want that kind of illusory, like... a dream, blurred, unreal, at the junction of reality and falsehood?"

Liu Yifei's two willow-leaf eyebrows frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, she hesitated to ask, "Is it just as good-looking as a fake?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Liu Yifei curled her lips, "It's so profound, I almost didn't understand it."

Then he tapped his head, "If you want to say that, I really know that there is a very suitable place, Pangong Lake, have you heard of it?"

 One day

  I had a face-to-face meeting with an online game boss I've known for two and a half years


  Why is she such a socially phobic beautiful girl!

(End of this chapter)

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