The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 241 Water Gun, Sunglasses, Pants

Chapter 241 Water Gun, Sunglasses, Pants
"Pangong Lake? Where is it?"

"Over the XZ plateau, at the border." Li Yifei said, two slender arms passed under his armpit, and typed out the words Pangong Lake on the keyboard, "Here, see for yourself."

This Pangong Lake, Tianchi Lake and Xingkai Lake are also known as the Three Great Realm Lakes.It's just that the identity of the Pangong Lake section is more sensitive, and it is at the junction of the Sino-Indian border.

The big head of Pangong Lake belongs to the country, and the small head goes to Ah San next door.

As for distinguishing the boundary line, it is also very easy. Wherever the water and grass are lush and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, it is the country; where there is no grass and is desolate, it is the next door.

The reason why this kind of spectacle can be created is that this Pangong Lake coexists with fresh water and salt water.

Huo Yunting searched for related photos again, and couldn't help being a little moved, just like what Liu Yifei said, the beautiful ones seem fake.

The place is really beautiful, but he is a little worried that Pangong Lake is located in the border area, and idlers cannot enter it casually.

"Don't worry, Brother Yun, I've seen it in advance. This is a tourist area, so you can go there. I still have a lot of photos."

Hearing what Liu Yifei said, Huo Yunting made up his mind and set the filming location at Pangong Lake for the time being. This place really touched his heart.

There was another thing that weighed on his heart, Huo Yunting let out a long sigh of relief, and scratched the tip of Liu Yifei's upturned nose, "I underestimated you, I know such a place."

Liu Yifei snorted proudly, "Of course, I've been looking at this place for a long time. I've even visited the place."

"What are you looking at here?"

"I think we're going there on our honeymoon." The voice was much quieter this time.

As soon as the words came out, Huo Yunting's body became a little stiff.

The matter of engagement hadn't even been mentioned yet, and this girl had already started thinking about where to spend her honeymoon after getting married.

Soon, her stiff body softened again, and she gently scratched her chin, "Let's discuss it with the old people in the new year next year, the day of engagement and marriage."

Seeing that the year [-] is getting closer and closer, the matter of the two of them should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, and there is no longer any delay.

The same goes for his illness.

"Yeah!" Liu Yifei nodded heavily.

Liu Yifei took a lot of pictures when she visited Pangong Lake, and her camera happened to be in the suitcase. Huo Yunting looked at each one, and felt that this place was deeply in his heart.

So I sent a message to Nolan, telling him that he had already chosen the location for the opening scene, which was at Pangong Lake.

Then I sent these photos taken by Liu Yifei, as well as the exterior and interior drawings of the previously designed Chinese-style buildings.

Within three to five days, Nolan came back with news that he had no objection to the filming location of Pangong Lake.The same goes for architecture.

Now Huo Yunting was completely relieved.

"Mr. Nolan, I will trouble you for the rest. If you have any questions, please send me a message."

"Of course."

Then the two agreed on a shooting time, which will be on January [-] next year.

Huo Yunting has already greeted Wang Jiawei in advance, and he may have to ask for another leave during the New Year's Eve.

Wang Jiawei didn't say much, because he waited until the end of this year according to his mind to give everyone in the crew a New Year's Eve holiday.

I can't stand it anymore.

After writing the script and writing the storyboard, his mind was constantly spinning every day. He felt that billions of brain cells had died if he said less in the past few months.

He also had to rest, and he suspected that he would die suddenly if he went on like this.

On December 29, the crew of "The Great Master" finished filming all the scenes in Chikan Ancient Town, and it was time to go to Harbin, where the snow was falling heavily.

Wong Kar Wai revealed that he also invited Zhao Binshan to play one of the roles.

Going back, but not now, everyone in the crew needs to take a good rest.

When the filming of the last scene in Chikan Ancient Town was over, Wang Jiawei loudly announced that the crew would be given a ten-day vacation, which made everyone very happy.

I took ten days off today, and after two months to catch up with the New Year, I can take another ten days and a half a month. I can't find anything more beautiful than this in the world.

Huo Yunting asked Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao to take good care of his father, and then took Liu Yifei to Pangong Lake, preparing to film "Inception".

Although there is no role of Liu Yifei in the script, it is still possible to follow the past, otherwise it would be somewhat unreasonable to throw her into the ancient town and run away.

Huo Yunting only gave a general direction. In Pangong Lake, the specific shooting location and other issues were arranged by Nolan himself.

Huo Yunting's eyes lit up when he arrived at the place.

The white sand on the ground and the clear water of the lake are clearly separated, and the sky is blue, full of pure colors.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Huo Yunting couldn't help but sigh, "The autumn waters are as long as the sky..."

The water of this lake is very clear, and the depth of about four or five meters down can be seen at a glance.

Not far away, there is a small building with cornices and corners. It was originally a nearby B&B hotel, but the roof and walls have been repainted, and now it looks antique.

When Huo Yunting arrived, Nolan and the others had been waiting here for a long time. He looked sideways and found that there were still people rowing boats on the lake.

"Long time no see, Huo! I have to say, the place you chose is really great." Seeing Huo Yunting, Nolan smiled all over his face, opened his arms and gave him a big hug, then looked at Liu Yifei beside him, "Who is this?"

"My fiancee, Liu Yifei."

Liu Yifei froze for a moment, then the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

Nolan was also taken aback for a while before reacting.

To be honest, he thinks that Huo Yunting is the oriental version of Leonardo, and he thought that he would be as unrestrained as Leonardo in private life, but he didn't expect to be engaged at such a young age.

"Hi, Miss Liu."

"Hello, Mr. Nolan."

"Please allow me to ask one more question, Miss Liu, how long have you been with Huo?"

"Three or four years." Liu Yifei smiled warmly, and then added, "He and I are each other's first love."

Now Nolan was completely startled, he really called Leonardo over to let him hear how people talk about their relationship.

After saying hello, Nolan began to introduce the rest of the crew.

Nolan introduced the names one by one, and Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei also shook hands and said hello to each other.

Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy...

Liu Yifei murmured the names of these people silently in her heart, her eyes slightly opened, the cast was too luxurious.

One Oscar winner and one Oscar queen, and five nominees for Oscar winner and queen, this is indeed a full lineup.

However, Huo Yunting didn't react too much, because he had never heard of any of these names, and only when Leonardo was introduced, his eyelids trembled a few times.

"Huo, this is Leonardo DiCaprio."

He knows this guy, and his domestic nickname is Xiao Lizi. He has seen many Leonardo movies, and the one that impressed him the most is "Titanic", which has to be said to be so fucking handsome.

However, when his gaze focused on Leonardo, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

A middle-aged uncle with a slightly fat body stretched out his hand to him with a bright smile on his face, "Hello, Mr. Huo, I know you. The Guinness record holder who punched thirteen times in one second."

Huo Yunting squinted his eyes to recognize for a long time, and finally saw some similarities with Leonardo from the middle-aged man in front of him.

Although Westerners have a relatively short flowering period, Leonardo's is a bit too short.

After introducing everyone, Nolan began to prepare to give a play, but before the play, Huo Yunting dragged Nolan to whisper a few words.

"Mr. Nolan, was that Leonardo just now?"

Nolan nodded, "Is there a problem?"

"Why don't I remember it looking like this? This one is much wider."

Nolan was at a loss for words when he said this, and after thinking for a long time, he could hold back a sentence, "Men always change..."

Huo Yunting nodded in agreement. Fortunately, he has been exercising all the time, and his figure has not lost shape for so many years.

After finishing the whisper, Nolan called Leonardo over and began to tell the play to the two of them.

In this scene, the two of them are the protagonists. Huo Yunting has already memorized the script by heart, and Nolan is a little bit more transparent, understanding what he wants to feel.

Just because he was able to clarify the requirements, he was eight blocks better than Wang Jiawei.

Leonardo is also worthy of being a man who has passed by the Oscar winner many times. His comprehension ability is no less than that of Huo Yunting, and he quickly gestured OK to Nolan.

After the play, Huo Yunting went to change clothes.

Nolan and Leonardo on the side looked at each other and rubbed their shoulders and necks in unison.

"This time is a troublesome scene." Leonardo whispered, "How long do you think it will take?" "

"One morning?"

"Is Ken Watanabe alright?"

Nolan sighed helplessly, "I owe him a big favor, Leonardo, please forgive me this time."

Huo Yunting's roles are somewhat difficult, with few lines and no expression. It is not easy to perform the sharpness from confusion to insight in just a few seconds.

I have to admit that Huo Yunting was nominated for best actor in Cannes as a rookie, but it was several years ago.

A few years have passed, who knows whether his acting skills have improved or regressed?

"Well, I just hope that this kung fu master is half as good at acting as he is."

Nolan shrugged, undeniable.

Looking at the clothes in the changing room, Huo Yunting frowned. It was either Tang suit or Hanfu, but Huo Yunting thought it was strange how he wore it, and finally changed into a Chinese tunic suit at his strong request.

The screens, tea tables, wooden chopsticks, and flower porcelain in the house all have a strong flavor at first glance.

Everything was arranged, and with Nolan's action, the official start began.

The part of the main character Cobb waking up on the beach was filmed last, because it was a bit troublesome to get wet here.

The first scene I filmed was between Cobb and Tang Ke.

"What is the most tenacious parasite in your body? Is it a virus? Is it a bacterium? Or is it an intestinal worm?"

"What Mr. Cobb wants to say is—"

"An idea."

A character with fewer lines and fewer expressions is more difficult to play.Because you have very few opportunities to highlight the character and characteristics of the characters, most of them rely on your eyes to act.

Huo Yunting ate the food on the table in silence, listening to Leonardo sitting beside him talking.

It is worth mentioning that this meal is a standard state banquet, Huaiyang cuisine.I have to say that Nolan really worked hard.

Listening to Leonardo talking about the Dream Stealer, listening to him saying that he can protect his own dreams... and talking about Datong, the only response Huo Yunting made was to glance at him.

Then he buried his head and continued to eat.

"OK! cat!"

Accompanied by Nolan's excited shout, Huo Yunting swallowed the last piece of shrimp in his mouth, and turned his head to look at him at the same time as Leonardo.

"Over and over again! Huo, I don't think your acting skills are too much for an actor. What do the judges in Cannes think?"

This scene can be said to be the most difficult one. The only scene left for Huo Yunting to play is the short one or two seconds of sideways glance.

There are no lines, and there are not many expressions, just a simple look, but Nolan feels an indescribable power from it.

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just smiled lightly.This kind of look, he learned from the patient next door, Lao Wang, when he was in the mental hospital.

After all, Lao Wang has always thought that he is Qin Shihuang, and everyone is inferior to him.I vaguely remember that Lao Wang once offered to exchange the Tiger Talisman of the founding general for half an apple.

Huo Yunting smiled lightly, while Leonardo at the side seemed a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, one of them passed.

Without giving Leonardo a chance to react, Nolan went all out and continued to take another shot.

Most of the scenes at the beginning can be solved in this homestay in Pangong Lake. As for the remaining scenes that need to be shot together, we can wait until the later stage of the film to make up.

In less than a day, that is, around four o'clock in the afternoon, Huo Yunting finished the project.

Originally, according to Nolan's expectation, the filming would take at least two days, but no one expected that Huo Yunting's strength would be so strong.

"You underestimate him." Looking at Huo Yunting's back, Leonardo couldn't help but sigh.

"Just take the time wasted on women's bellies and hone your acting skills."

Ignoring Nolan's ridicule, Leonardo picked up the water gun and started a water fight with the others.

Pangong Lake is indeed unbelievably beautiful. It is so beautiful that these foreigners can't help but play. The only flaw is that it is winter and the water is too cold.

Seeing Leonardo wearing sunglasses and holding a water gun, Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched.

He was already quite handsome, how could he become like this now.

Just as I was feeling sorry, my phone vibrated.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"Mr. Huo, it's me, Gavin Hood!"

"Gavin Hood? Which one of you—oh, long time no see, Mr. Gavin. What's the matter?" Huo Yunting slapped his forehead, recalling who this is, the director of "Wolverine".

As the old saying goes, go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.Gavin Hood suddenly called today, and I don't know if it's good or bad.

"Of course, and a good thing."

good thing?

Huo Yunting thought for a while, could it be that some boss in Hollywood thinks that their Huojiaban has a good foundation, and wants to ask them to move their fingers?

"Mr. Gavin, don't be so secretive, just speak directly."

"The 19th MTV Television Awards, "Wolverine" was nominated for the Best Fight Scene Award."

 "What about the new book?"

  "Still in preparation."

  "Has the heroine been decided?!"

  "Uh...not yet."

  "Then why don't you write about me!"

  “You are my girlfriend and you asked me to write about you!?”

  "I will double the manuscript fee for you!"

  "What style of hero do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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