The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 242 Jiang Wen is Invited

Chapter 242 Jiang Wen is Invited
Gavin Hood was very excited, but Huo Yunting didn't react too much. He had never even heard of the MTV TV Awards.

He only paid attention to the movie "Wolverine" for a while when it was released, and read the audience's evaluation of the action scenes.

If no one scolded him, it meant it wasn't bad, so he calmed down and went to filming, but he never expected that the action scene of "Wolverine" would win the best fighting award.

But then again, this award is somewhat strange.

"Mr. Gavin, what kind of award is this MTV Television Award?"

Gavin Hood thought for a moment. "Above average."

This award was originally an award specially used to evaluate movies in the United States, but it was later integrated into TV, and eventually evolved into the current MTV.

The gold content is not bad, but compared with other film awards of the same type, MTV's awards are somewhat different.

This award for the best fight is quite normal in the MTV awards, and there are other awards for the best kiss, the most dumbfounding scene and so on.

MTV has even awarded a career achievement award similar to the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award three times to sci-fi characters: Godzilla, Jason, and Chewbacca.

However, these are stories from the early days of MTV. After entering the 21st century, it has become more formal, and this kind of award has not been issued for a long time.

Many spoof parts are missing, but these funny awards are still retained.

Huo Yunting nodded with great interest, this MTV TV award sounds pretty good, very interesting.

There are even achievement awards for non-existent virtual characters. The Golden Broom Awards that appeared in China at the beginning of December last year are similar to this MTV TV Award.

This Golden Broom Award is as its name suggests, selecting the worst film, director, and actor.

Huo Yunting was very impressed by this award. On December [-]th, the first Golden Broom Award was held at Beibeiping SOHO Fashion Fair. He also watched the live broadcast.

The reason why he was so impressed was that the awards ceremony at a film festival was already on-site, because none of the winners were present.

There are no guests, only the audience and the host.

The most disappointing film, the most disappointing director, and the most disappointing actor, Zhang Yimou's "Three Shots Surprise" won three consecutive awards.In the end, an enthusiastic audience member took the initiative to stand up and accept the award instead of Zhang Yimou.

Sun Honglei and Zhao Jiaban starred with all their strength, under the guidance of the national teacher, but what was finally filmed is really hard to describe.

It's not too bad, but it can't be said to be good either. It's mostly tasteless, tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to throw it away.

"Three Shots Surprise" can win three consecutive awards in this Golden Broom Award, Huo Yunting really wants to applaud this award.

Nowadays, there are quite a few public figures who dare to speak out, but few public figures who dare to speak the truth.

As soon as his thoughts drifted away, his thoughts drifted away. Gavin Hood greeted Huo Yunting several times before calling back Huo Yunting's spirit.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Gavin, I just lost my mind. When will this award start?"

"There is still half a year left, probably in early June of this year."

"It doesn't sound like you're in a hurry, there's still half a year left."

"There is really no need to rush the issue of awards, but the news of the nomination of "Wolverine" is basically known to Hollywood." Gavin Hood's voice was quite mysterious, and Huo Yunting also vaguely guessed his meaning .

"In a few days, many Hollywood crews will invite you to be their action director."

Huo Yunting smiled slightly, "Then they have to offer a good price that satisfies me."

As Gavin Hood said, the gold content of the MTV TV Awards is indeed not low.

On the next day, when Huo Yunting bid farewell to Nolan and others, and made an appointment to make up the rest of the shots after a while, the excited Zhang Debang called.

"Brother Huo, Hollywood invited us to be action directors!"

It's a good thing, but Huo Yunting has some difficulties here.

There are a total of three pillars in his team, two of which must follow him, and one is in London, and it is impossible to take any of them away.

Just when he was about to send Chen Weitao to Hollywood in tears, news came from Li Cai that everything about Shangwutang had been settled.

All the things that should be taught have been taught, and the two best apprentices are left as coaches.

It's just that Huo Yunting was still a little worried. This group of foreigners came here for their kung fu, but in the end they left two British people there as coaches, and they didn't have a single oriental face.

Seeing that Huo Yunting was worried about this, Li Cai smiled and assured him, "Boss, don't worry, your reputation won't be dismantled so easily. Besides, those two British guys learned the essence from me. Localization of kung fu is definitely better."

When Huo Yunting saw this, he didn't say anything more, and he took it as a tacit consent to the matter, and then issued a written order, and allocated No. 15 people to send him to Hollywood together.

In fact, there is one more thing that Li Cai didn’t say. Due to the various champions and boxing champions who fell under Huo Yunting’s hands, and the students of Shangwutang’s own teachings have enriched martial arts, some hooligans in London It's around Butterworth Road.

The crime rate in this street has also been greatly reduced.

Of course, there weren't too many obvious grabs in the first place. After all, this is the capital, so we can't be too hip.

After sending Li Cai away, Huo Yunting made up his mind that he still had to cultivate a few more pillars.Three is not enough.

After the holiday, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei headed straight to the northeast. They had originally agreed to go to Harbin, but Wang Jiawei temporarily changed the place and changed it to a folk museum in Liaoning, which is a relatively representative courtyard complex.

As soon as Huo Yunting heard the words "siheyuan", Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat. She regretted that she didn't buy one when the courtyard house was cheap. Now the house price is rising faster than the rocket.

In the northeast of China in January, it can be said that the sky is full of snow and frost. Even if the heater is turned on in the taxi, Liu Yifei is still shivering from the cold, and her eyes are exposed all over her body.

Seeing her like this, Huo Yunting held her cold hands calmly, took off the scarf, put it to his mouth and let out a breath.

The driver in front glanced at the rearview mirror, twitched the corners of his mouth, and silently turned up the heater by another gear.

The two originally planned to go directly to the Liaoyang Folklore Museum, but they were stopped by a call from Wang Jiawei on the way, asking the two of them not to come directly, but to go around to No. 2 Zhongxin Road, and walk in through the back door.

Huo Yunting wanted to scold his mother when he heard it, and made a film that looked like Infernal Affairs.How shameful is this?
After getting off the bus on Zhongzhong Road, the two of them, who were completely covered except for a pair of eyes, walked towards the museum holding hands.

There are very few pedestrians on the road, only a few huge snowmen standing on both sides of the road, the smiling faces of the small stones show their teeth and claws, and there is a carrot nose that someone gnawed.

The two came to the back door and knocked on the door. Soon, Zhang Zhen's face flushed with cold poked his head out, "Brother Ji, Yi Fei, you are here."


The first thing Huo Yunting did when he entered the room was to look for Wang Jiawei, and when he found it, he slapped him on the back of the head, "Damn it, I said Lao Wang, our film is not shameful, why are you acting like a thief?"

"What do you know? This is called secrecy work." Wang Jiawei rolled his eyes at him angrily, and directed the two staff around him to carry a safe to the back room.

Huo Yunting looked at it and wondered, "What the hell is a special safe to lug around, don't tell me it's your script."

Wang Jiawei: ...

Huo Yunting turned pale with shock, "Damn it! Is it really your script?"

But after thinking about it, before the script was only one page with dozens of words, he could send a special car to escort him. Now that the complete script has been written, let alone locked in a safe, Huo Yunting is not surprised even if he puts an insurance on the script. .

"Old Wang, you might as well put an insurance policy on this script."

Wang Jiawei scratched his nose and shouted to the two staff members who were carrying the safe in front, "Carry it carefully, go inside, I'll take you there."

Soon, under the cover of heavy snow, Wang Jiawei's figure gradually faded away, and Huo Yunting was stunned for a long time.

"I love your uncle's... I really bought it."

There are many important night scene scenes in the winter scene. During this period in the Northeast, the crew almost turned day and night upside down.

I rest during the day and start working at night, and I shoot until three or four in the morning.

Leaving aside the disturbance of the biological clock, the freezing cold in the middle of the night is also a little hard to endure. For the time being, people can endure it, but I am afraid that this machine will not be able to endure it.

During the time in the Folk Museum, Wang Jiawei also invited the two special guests, Zhao Benshan and his apprentice Xiao Shenyang.

Seeing Zhao Benshan, Wang Jiawei was very polite, a big show is a big show, and this folk museum was only rented out for the help of others.

The rest of the crew were not fools, they yelled at Mr. Zhao one by one.

Wearing a coat, Zhao Binshan smiled cheerfully, pinched a cigarette in his hand, and shook hands one by one in response.

Finally, he raised his head abruptly and saw Huo Yunting, subconsciously flicked his fingers, and the cigarette butt plunged into the snow.Holding Huo Yunting's wrist with both hands, the expression on his face became serious.

"Mr. Huo, long time no see."

The seriousness on Huo Yunting's face was no less serious than his, "Long time no see, Uncle Zhao."

Wang Jiawei watched from the side, his eyebrows were about to form a knot.

When did these two meet? It doesn't make sense at all?Could it be that it was introduced by Liu Dehua, a middleman?But this attitude is also a bit respectful——

hiss!Could it be that Huo Yunting has fought with others before?
Now he feels that he has to buy an insurance policy for himself.

For dinner, I had a special dish, stewed pork with vermicelli, and warmed it with a pot of white wine. The taste was indescribably delicious.

Halfway through the meal, Wang Jiawei carefully took out his copy of the script, which surprised Zhao Binshan.

Not only is there a script, but it is complete.

It wasn't until I finished watching all of my scenes that I slapped my head, "I've been arguing for a long time, am I not Liu Yifei's father in this role?"

Wang Jiawei smiled awkwardly, and Huo Yunting who was beside him patted him heavily on the shoulder.

On the [-]th day or so of February, the crew's role has come to an end for the time being, and then they will go back to their respective homes to celebrate the new year.

This time when he returned to his hometown, Huo Yunting, he led Liu Yifei back to Huo's Village in an open and aboveboard manner.

Chen Caiping accidentally mentioned to an old lady at the entrance of the village that her son and his future daughter-in-law were coming back. Within two hours, the whole village knew that the celebrity daughter-in-law of Huo Zhongde's family was coming.

As soon as I heard that Liu Yifei was coming, half the village was in a commotion, and all the young and old swarmed out.

The other half of the village was also a sensation, because Huo Yunting was coming, and the little girls and wives also went out, and the entrance of the small village was very lively for a while.

The boxing boxers, the martial arts practitioners, the snow on the ground was swept away, and no one admitted that they came to see Liu Yifei.

After Huo Yunting and the others got off the car at the entrance of the village, looking at so many people, they were stunned for a while before realizing that they were here to watch celebrities.

He almost thought it was a gang of hooligans.

However, looking at the eager eyes of these people, Huo Yunting felt somewhat apprehensive, his grandma, so many people miss my wife?

The same is true in Liu Yifei's heart, there are so many people thinking about my man?
"Brother Zhuangzi, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I, I punch!"

Just when the atmosphere was gradually becoming strange, Huo Zhongde behind him stood up first, and cast a look at his son behind him, then Huo Yunting nodded, and dragged Liu Yifei all the way home.

"Mom, I'm back." Huo Yunting pushed the door open and entered, making two cups of hot tea first.

"Sissy is back?"

Chen Caiping, who was cooking in the kitchen, turned off the fire, and walked out with a happy face. When she saw Liu Yifei again, she was so happy that she pulled her to greet her.

How satisfied is she with her future daughter-in-law?

Huo Yunting clicked his tongue twice, did he have no status at all?

"Cissy, drink two sips of hot water to warm up your body."

Huo Yunting was holding his cup to warm his hands, the phone under his coat vibrated, Huo Yunting picked it up and took a look, this is a rare visitor, the two of them haven't been in touch for several years.

"Hehe, brother Huo, happy new year, I wish you an early year."

The voice was thick and hoarse, with a smoky voice, a feeling of vicissitudes.The voice is so recognizable.

"Teacher Jiang Wen'er, happy new year, I wish you a prosperous year of the tiger and a prosperous year of the tiger."

The relationship between the two is mediocre, at most they are familiar strangers. Apart from the routine congratulations during the New Year and holidays, the last time they had a serious conversation was that they and Sissi were slandered.

The two were chatting one after another, and Liu Yifei, who was looking at the side, couldn't hold back his mother's cold and warm, and was looking at him for help, Huo Yunting repeatedly signaled with his eyes: I'll come right away.

"Okay, Teacher Jiang Wen, let's not talk for now, I will treat you to a drink sometime when I am free."

"Okay, then on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I'll call Ge You, and the three of us have a drink together?"

The hand that was about to hang up the phone paused for a moment, and Huo Yunting showed an expression of interest on his face.

There is something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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