The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 247 Deep Cooperation

Chapter 247 Deep Cooperation
Huo Yunting rubbed his chin, "I have a little impression of this little girl. This is not the one who interacted with me on stage when I participated in the Peking University Student Film Festival."

"Yes, that's her." Zhang Debang nodded, "I'm a semi-amateur, I think her performance in "The Years of Beacon Fire" was quite remarkable, so I stayed."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, and continued to turn the page backwards.

This is a draft list, just to record some people who Zhang Debang looks good. The reason why there are Huang Bo and others' names is to adjust the content of the contract in detail and let Huo Yunting have a look.

Most of these half-familiar names belong to newcomers who "gamble", and there have never been a few who can support their appearance.

As he was turning over, Huo Yunting's hand suddenly paused, "Hey, there's Wang Baoqiang?"

When he went to direct "A World Without Thieves", Wang Baoqiang was already well-known.In [-], he starred in "Soldiers Assault" and "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", and the popularity has been out of control ever since.

These days there are quite a few actors from grassroots backgrounds, but with grassroots backgrounds and a bad image, Wang Baoqiang may be the only one who can still become a big hit.

If he remembered correctly, Wang Baoqiang has been under Huayi's staff since he filmed "A World Without Thieves". When his martial arts gym opened, Wang Zhongjun had brought him over for a visit.

"Wang Baoqiang's contract has expired?"

"Yes, it wasn't long after the expiration date. I was wondering if I could poach him here."

"It's fine for him to fly solo now, but why should he depend on others?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Debang couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Brother Huo, you must be attractive."

"I've asked you this too. Guess what they said? They said that if you can praise Huang Bo, you will definitely be able to praise him even more. What's more, you can do more if you are by your side. Learn kung fu."

Huo Yunting was speechless.

His impression of Wang Baoqiang still stays in the summer on the Ningbo prairie, with a dark face and big white teeth bared, he rushed to him to ask for advice.

At that time, the rest of the crew probably thought of him as Grandma Liu who had just come back to the Grand View Garden. No one thought that he would really be able to make a splash one day.

This list of people is very long, and each person has a brief introduction attached to it, densely packed with small characters, which made Huo Yunting feel a little narrow-minded.

"Brother Huo, I have a detailed resume file. It's in my locker. Bring it for you?"

"no need."

Huo Yunting took out a pen, ticked off some familiar or powerful names, and then threw the list back into Zhang Debang's hands.

"Let's keep the ones that are ticked, and forget about the rest. It's a small company, so there's so much spare money to support these people."

"Come on Brother Huo, I'll make arrangements when I get back."

The company's formalities are still on the way, and it will take about a month to wait for them to be completed.By that time, he would probably already be filming "Let the Bullets Fly", so he could only entrust Liu Yifei to collect evidence.

If it happens that she doesn't take the show.

Originally, Huo Yunting had already planned to pack up and go to Kaiping, Guangdong to participate, but after Shen Teng reminded him, he remembered that he would go to the United States to participate in the MTV TV Awards in early June.

Time was short, so I greeted Jiang Wen and told him that I was going to participate in the MTV TV Awards, and I might arrive later in the group, Jiang Wen readily agreed.

After getting off the plane in the United States, the person who came to pick him up was Gavin Hood.

Meeting this thick-browed and big-eyed South African again, there are more wrinkles on his face, Huo Yunting is still as young as two years ago.

"Oh, God, Huo, you really haven't changed at all."

"Please, it's just that we haven't seen each other for more than a year, and it's not that we haven't seen each other for many years."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yunting thought of Leonardo who was wearing sunglasses and holding a water gun on Pangong Lake that day.

Then he hugged Gavin Hood, "Mr. Gavin, long time no see."

The venue of the 19th MTV Television Awards was Madison Square Garden in New York. The two went to see it in advance, and it was blocked and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

A long red carpet was laid outside, and there was a drama hall not far away, which was temporarily requisitioned as an awards hall.

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, "It's really quite formal."

The two walked around, and then Gavin Hood took Huo Yunting to a nearby hotel to buy a suit.

"Speaking of which, Huo, do you want to change into more oriental clothes?"

"Forget it, to add to the stereotype, I brought a suit myself."

Gavin Hood didn't say any more, shrugged, bid farewell and left.

Wait until June 19th, the No.[-] MTV Television Awards will officially begin.

Countless photographers on both sides of the red carpet clicked their cameras, and couples of men and women beside Huo Yunting stopped in front of the photographers hand in hand.

The clothing of male stars is mostly the same, but the clothing of female stars shines.However, compared with the one in Cannes in [-], it was still slightly inferior.

Huo Yunting didn't bring a female companion, he walked by like the wind.

At 19 pm the next day, the [-]th MTV Television Awards ceremony officially began.

Huo Yunting found his own seat, the one in the middle.

Listening to the opening introduction made by the host in front, Huo Yunting found that there were no judges among the thank you staff.

Which award does not invite some famous directors and actors to sit on the judges, usually the names of these people appear in the thank you list, but why didn't the host say it?

Huo Yunting was curious, and when he asked around, he couldn't help but stare slightly.There are no judges for the MTV Television Awards, it's all voted by the audience.

But what was even more astonishing was yet to come. When the award was actually presented, Huo Yunting took a closer look and found that the trophy was actually in the shape of a popcorn.

Yes, the MTV Television Awards are also known as the Golden Popcorn Awards.

Huo Yunting couldn't help nodding. Although the popcorn-shaped trophy is indeed a bit weird, it is indeed quite innovative to rely solely on the audience's selection.

The best action star is a Korean, whose face is reflected under the light; the best villain is Tom Felton, Huo Yunting has never heard of the name, but he can recognize it by looking at the face. This is "Harry Felton" The villain Malfoy in Potter.

After that, several awards were presented one after another, and finally the best fighting scene came.Among the three selected films: "Twilight", "Obsessed", and "Wolverine", "Wolverine" finally stood out.

Huo Yunting is still very happy with this result, because this MTV TV Award is all judged by the audience, which means that Huo Jiaban's fighting drama has conquered the vast majority of American audiences.That means he's on the right track.

This best fighting scene is different from the best action director, whoever plays the scene will go up to receive the award.

Naturally, Hugh Jackman in a suit went on stage.

After the voice of the audience gradually decreased, Hugh Jackman held up the Golden Popcorn Award in his hand, "I am very happy that I can get this award, but I don't think it belongs to me alone."

Afterwards, he spread out his palms and faced Huo Yunting's direction, and the lighting engineer also focused the lights in a timely manner. For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Huo Yunting.

"I have to thank the action director in the crew, Mr. Huo Yunting Huo. He is my teacher, and I learned a lot of kung fu from him when I was in the crew."

Having reached this point, Huo Yunting straightened his clothes and stood up, just in time for a staff member to pass the microphone over.

"Hugh, my guidance is only part of it. Without your own efforts, no matter how much I do, it will be useless."

The two chatted about their business for a while, and then Huo Yunting did it again.

Now, those around who were staring at Huo Yunting with curiosity at first became more and more fiery.

After the awards ceremony was over, Huo Yunting was going to pack up and go to Guangdong overnight, but Gavin Hood dragged me back before I even got out of the gate.

"Huo, someone is looking for you."

"Who is looking for me?"

"You'll know when you go."

Huo Yunting followed Gavin Hood out of the backstage and came to a side corridor, where a middle-aged man was standing with a cigar in his mouth.

Seeing Huo Yunting, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Good evening, Mr. Huo, my name is Jeffreys."

"Good evening, Mr. Jagfries."

Huo Yunting didn't know what Jaeger Fries wanted him for, he only knew that he should be one of Marvel's executives.

"...Mr. Huo, I have to say that the top management of the company made their stupidest decision, and they actually want to replace you..."

The more Huo Yunting listened, the more outrageous he became, so he hurriedly stopped him, "Mr. Jeffreys, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Mr. Huo, I was wondering if we could have an in-depth cooperation with your Huo family class?"

Now, Huo Yunting, who originally planned to rush to Guangzhou overnight, fearing that he would not be able to book a flight ticket, felt relieved.

Don't worry this time, you won't be able to leave in two days.

He asked Jiang Wen for a vacation again, and then called Lao Zhang who was far away in Beiping to discuss the contract. He had to be a professional to do this kind of thing.

According to that Mr. Jaeger Fries, if they produce new movies in the future, they hope that each of them can come to carry out in-depth cooperation.

Unless they offered not to.

Huo Yunting was very curious about what he said. The fact that an American film company is tied to a martial arts team is really something new.

And if it is said that Marvel wants to cooperate with them because "Wolverine" won the MTV TV Award for Best Fight, Huo Yunting would not believe it.

There are so many people who have won the best fighting scene. If this reason is really counted, Yuan Jiaban, Cheng Jiaban, Hong Jiaban, etc. would have been snatched up by them.

Jeffreys smiled, "Mr. Huo, how do you know there is no cooperation between us?"

When Huo Yunting heard this, he couldn't help becoming interested. It seems that there has been cooperation between them.

But Geoffreys didn't want to talk too much about this topic, so he went around and talked about why they wanted to cooperate with Huo Yunting.

The MTV TV Awards are only a small part, the main reason is that they watched the previous movies directed by Huo Jiaban.

Although they are all in Chinese and I don't understand it well, the language of the pictures is obviously easy to see.

So fucking handsome.

And he is handsome in various aspects.

Isn't what superheroes want to be handsome?
Just as Huo Yunting was about to speak, he was interrupted by Lao Zhang and the translator who were watching the contract together.

"Sorry, Mr. Jaeger Fries, if I read correctly, this contract is not signed by Huo Jiaban, but Huo Yunting, right?"

"We just hope that Mr. Huo can be present as a guide, and we don't expect him to stay on the set all the time."

After a pause, he added, "It's like when we were filming Wolverine."

Huo Yunting and Zhang Debang looked at each other, then stood up and patted Lao Zhang on the shoulder, "We can talk, but if we can't, I'll leave first."

If it is said that it is cooperation with Huo Jiaban, then he has nothing to say, but now it has become an individual with him, even if he agrees with Zhang Debang, he is not willing.

Seeing Huo Yunting's back suddenly turning away, Jaeger Fries hurriedly stood up and called someone, "Mr. Huo, our contract—"

"Ahem!" Zhang Debang coughed twice, attracting Jaeger Fries' attention, and then patted the interpreter beside him.

"Tell him that Brother Huo is not very happy. After we have settled with me, go talk to Brother Huo."

After resigning from Jaeger Fries, Huo Yunting hurried to the watchtower in Kaiping, Guangdong.

The watchtower is surrounded by lush greenery, a piece of green grass, scattered with several Western-style buildings.

The two had just walked around a lotus pond when they heard a roar.Afterwards, Jiang Wen in a jeep moved from far to near.

"Brother Huo, I'm finally looking forward to you, come up quickly. If you don't come again, Brother Fa, you should quit."

"I'm really sorry, I was forced to stay there for a few days after I won the popcorn award."

Jiang Wen clapped the back of his hands pretending to be angry, "Tell me about these Yankees, they are just looking for trouble."

The two got into Jiang Wen's jeep and walked all the way back. Huo Yunting looked at these watchtowers and couldn't help admiring, "This is also an antique."

Jiang Wen, who was driving with one hand, had a cigarette in his mouth, with a reckless expression on his face.

"Kaiping in the Pearl River Delta, during the heyday of the watchtowers in the Republic of China. Floods and bandits harassed people, and copper walls and iron walls were suitable for protection."

"Brother Huo, don't underestimate this watchtower. It was successfully applied for World Heritage in 30. It is our No. [-] five world heritage sites in China, and it is also the first overseas Chinese cultural world heritage site."

Huo Yunting laughed, "I found out that you directors like to go to some places of interest."

"Wang Jiawei wants to find the folk museum, and Ye Weixin also has to find a thousand-year-old temple. Are you really afraid that if you bump into each other, you will lose half of the crew's funds?"

"I would like to pay compensation, but that would only be possible with people's consent. Just taking an exterior scene here, if the watchtower is really going to be blown up, our entire crew will have to get involved."

The two talked and laughed along the way, and when they walked around the two watchtowers, they saw many people walking up and down on the grass behind them.

The person in the middle is Zhou Runfa, with an assistant holding an umbrella for him.

 The social elite, Su Che, who had a successful career, was unexpectedly reborn. When he woke up, he became a senior high school graduate, and came to the fork in the road again.

  "Study hard in high school to get into the university of your choice."

  "I don't know what to say about dating until after college, I have no idea."

  "If you repeat your studies and can be admitted to my university, I will consider you first if you confess your love!"

  Facing the school belle's PUA, Su Che directly cut himself off from the past.

  This is so reborn, you still treat your buddy as a pout?
(End of this chapter)

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