Chapter 248
"Brother Fa, look who is here?" Jiang Wen in the car raised his arms and shouted from a long distance away, "How is it? After waiting for so long, someone brought you here today."

Huo Yunting pushed open the car door, and Zhou Runfa hurried towards him with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Fa, you are my childhood idol. I have been watching your movies since I was a child, and today I finally saw a real person."

The two held hands tightly, and Zhou Runfa smiled humbly, "I'm an old guy now, the future depends on you young people, I think you must be better than me."

The two had just exchanged a few polite words, and Huo Yunting was rushed by Jiang Wen to put on makeup. The price of the Kaiping Diaolou private room is very expensive, so he didn't dare to waste time.

In order to play the role of Zhang Mazi, Huo Yunting's long hair was shaved into stubble again, just like the original "Crazy Stone".Moreover, under Jiang Wen's strong request, a circle of beard was stuck to the corner of his mouth.

Putting on his military uniform and smoking a cigarette, a wild masculinity came over his face, making Jiang Wen's eyes shine.

"Look at this body, it's really beautiful! As long as I change it, I won't have such a good effect."

Jiang Wen's eyes were too hot, as if he could see his body through the clothes, which made Huo Yunting feel like ants were crawling on his body.Subconsciously shivering, he couldn't help but think of Jiang Wen's "love letter".

"Brother Huo, take off your shirt and look at your figure."

Now Huo Yunting's eyes became sharp, and his finger bones creaked, "Brother Wen, it's broad daylight, and it's still a public place, so it's not appropriate?"

Jiang Wen took two steps back calmly, "What are you thinking about, just to see how you look."

Huo Yunting chuckled, "Come to my room at night, I'll show you all in private." Then he looked around and found a few horses near the crew.

"Is there an equestrian teacher? I don't know how to ride a horse." Huo Yunting shouted around.

"Hey, you can't ride a horse?"

"I used to ride pigs, cows, and sheep when I was a child, and I really didn't have such a thing as a horse."

Now Jiang Wen frowned.

I was also careless, I didn't ask Huo Yunting if he could ride a horse before the filming started.It's good now, he doesn't understand at all, what about the horseback scene in the future?Is it too late to learn temporarily?
Seeing this, Huo Yunting comforted, "It's okay, brother Wen, I'm a quick learner."

Jiang Wen sighed, didn't say much, and invited two equestrian teachers to guide him.

The equestrian teacher took Huo Yunting to train horses. Since it was the first time for Huo Yunting to ride a horse, he taught them very carefully, and he practiced in every place to demonstrate.

After teaching for more than half an hour, Huo Yunting was able to ride a horse and go around slowly when the equestrian teacher felt that he could proceed to the next step.

"Mr. Wang, thank you. Don't say it, this horse riding is really a bit awkward."

The equestrian teacher's eyes were about to pop out.

It's not that he was so big that he panicked, but that he learned so quickly.

"Mr. Huo, did you have a foundation in horse riding before?"

"Hmm... When I was young, I rode some pigs, cows, sheep, etc. There may be something in common."

The equestrian teacher is scratching his face, is there any?

At this moment, Ge You and Zhou Runfa had also finished their makeup, one with big gold teeth covered in jagged mouths, and the other with long hair parted in the middle.

Huo Yunting, who was riding a horse, circled back, and the three of them stood together, how strange it was.

Jiang Wen couldn't stop smacking his lips, this image is really amazing.

"Okay! Let's shoot!"

Although the Kaiping Diaolou is for the location, Huo Yunting also has some roles to solve here.

The scene to be solved is the part of moving things after capturing Huang Silang's house at the end of the film.

"Come, come, all departments are in place!"

"Three, two, one!"

A group of lean group performers moved luxurious furniture, gold and silver jewelry.The martial artist with hairy hair and thorns raised his arms and shouted.

"Folks! Huang Silang is dead, but the death is too cheap! Kacha, he was chopped off by that stupid county magistrate..."

Huo Yunting looked at it with great interest, not to mention, this energy is really right.The actor of Wu Juren is Jiang Wu, Jiang Wen's younger brother.

The two brothers are also worthy of their names, and one article and one martial arts are indeed in line with their temperament.

The executive director gestured, and Huo Yunting, dressed in military uniform, white gloves, and black boots, entered the arena.

"Which dog day?"

"You want to be punished again, don't you?"

"Master, do I hate it? If I hate it, I will disappear immediately! If I don't hate it, I will continue to bully him!"

This scene is Jiang Wu Biao's play, Huo Yunting and Zhou Runfa couldn't help shouting hello.

When this scene is over, it will be his rivalry with Zhou Runfa.

The filming of this episode can be said to be a grind, for no other reason than Jiang Wen's script has not been polished yet.

This version of the lines has just been memorized, and the next version of the new lines has been delivered to the hand.

After repeating it four or five times, the expression on Zhou Runfa's face became unsightly.But when he glanced sideways, Huo Yunting beside him looked normal.

He couldn't help being surprised, he had been in the entertainment industry for decades, and his energy-raising skills were considered top-notch, but he didn't expect that he couldn't compare to Huo Yunting, who had just entered the industry for four or five years.

"Master Huo, your skill in nourishing Qi is first-rate."

Huo Yunting just smiled lightly, telling the truth, "I guess Brother Fa must have never worked with Wang Jiawei before."

"Indeed." Zhou Runfa nodded, "But what does it matter?"

"Have you heard of "The Grandmaster"?"

"I know, it's said that Wang Jiawei has been working on a film for ten years, and you are the leading role." He smacked his lips as he spoke, "It's a pity, but I would like to cooperate with him once. A film has been in development for many years, and the script should not even move." There is no need to move."

"The Grandmaster doesn't have a script."

Zhou Run was stunned for a moment, and then he was taken aback, "After ten years of working, there is still no script?"

"And it took a month to shoot one scene."

This time Zhou Runfa stopped talking, and Jiang Wen didn't seem to be unacceptable to such a comparison.

It took about a week or so, and the location of the Kaiping Diaolou was finished, and the crew went to the Mei Family Courtyard. This is the location of the goose city, and only the location was taken.

There are more things to be photographed here, such as throwing guns with loose money, and beheading and riding horses. The photos are more beautiful.

This time Chen Weitao came in handy in the action design.

Lao Chen's mind is unconstrained, reminiscent of Fourth Master Yuan.Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" is also a combination of artistry and commercial nature, full of stream of consciousness.It was just right for them to meet together.

Jiang Wen is also a person who relies on inspiration, otherwise he would only write half of the script, and then use inspiration to polish the other half after filming starts.

He and Chen Weitao really had a chat, and the more they talked, the more energetic they were, and they almost wished they could fall asleep on their feet.

"Brother Chen, when I was filming "The Devil Is Coming", it would be great if you were the action director. No, I will let you be the assistant director!"

Huo Yunting twitched at the corners of his mouth, what is it about pulling Lao Chen to seal him for five or ten years?

I also stayed in the Mei Family Courtyard for more than a week, and then hurried to Chikan Ancient Town, which is where "The Great Master" was filmed before.

The two films are all about the warlord period of the Republic of China, so it is not surprising that the locations are chosen in the same place.

The exterior scenes are almost done, and then the interior scenes are the big ones, and it's here that the scenes gradually increase.

In the evening, I started filming the previous scale scene.Huang Silang's men pretended to be horse bandits and ruined his woman in front of the people of Goose City.

The content of this section of the script was not very clear before, and it was not until Jiang Wen said that the filming would start tonight that this section was added.

"Brother Huo, what do you think of tonight's scene?" In the corridor, Jiang Wen was smoking a cigarette, looking at Huo Yunting who was holding the script.

"Zhang Mazi asked everyone to rob the rich and help the poor, while Huang Silang asked his subordinates to pretend to be gangsters and rob houses." Huo Yunting let out a puff of smoke, "Brother Wen, you danced in shackles in this film."

Jiang Wen also lit a cigarette without hesitation, "There is nothing that can't be shackled, it's not like this, it can't be done overnight."

"Tsk tsk, if this movie of yours becomes popular, you'll really make money standing up."

Before Jiang Wen could speak, the door of the back room was pushed open with a "bang", and a female assistant suddenly rushed out.

"Director Jiang, there is a problem. The actress can't come due to something."

Jiang Wen was stunned first, then raised his eyebrows, "Can't come? There are so many people waiting for her from here, so why not come?"

The assistant also seemed very embarrassed, "I called and asked her, and told her the same way, but she just couldn't tell her."

The exact reason is unclear, but there are not many people who dare to release Jiang Wen's pigeons with such great fanfare.

While Jiang Wen was talking to his assistant, Huo Yunting also read the script to finish the scene to be filmed tonight, "This scene is simple, just find someone."

Jiang Wen frowned, "How can you find it casually, this scene is very important."

Huo Yunting grinned, but didn't speak.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether this insulting scene is added or not, but this group of people who are engaged in art are different.

What did that sentence say?Once nudity becomes art, it is the most holy, and once morality becomes hypocrisy, it is the most indecent.

He couldn't figure out these things, as long as Jiang Wen didn't play the live ammunition like Li An.

Jiangmen also called the actress, but couldn't get through.Now I'm so anxious that I'm sweating.Time is money. A large number of people in the crew were crowded together waiting to shoot this scene, and the female lead was gone.

When he was going around in circles, he suddenly glanced at the female assistant.

The appearance is not bad, the figure is really not to be picked, the twigs bear fruit.

"Xiao Ming, take two steps and let me see."

The female assistant, Zhao Ming, was not sure what he meant, but she went around twice as he asked, and Jiang Wen's eyes became brighter the further he walked.

Well, trembling and trembling.As soon as she walks on the street, all the young and old men in half the street will be hooked by her.

"Cough, that's it, Xiao Ming, look at the role of this actress, how about you play it?"

Zhao Ming was stunned for a moment, then a burst of ecstasy suddenly rose in his heart, and then he was quickly suppressed, "Director Jiang, don't be joking, I have never learned acting, how can I understand these things."

"The Italian neo-realism school likes to use vegans, and they have made many good films." Jiang Wen put his arm around her shoulders, and taught him from the side, "We can learn acting skills, but we can't learn such a suitable image. This is a natural thing. Xiao Ming, if you say you have this opportunity, don't miss it if you catch up."

What Jiang Wen said was like abducting a child, and Zhao Ming also looked hesitant.

Huo Yunting pinched the cigarette butt in his hand, coughed twice, "Well, Zhao Ming, right? If you want to act, act, if you don't want to act, just say it openly. If Director Jiang runs on you because of this matter, you tell me, I will slap him .”

Jiang Wen's face twitched, and he wanted to say a few words but didn't know what to say. Finally, he looked at Zhao Ming, "I won't force you either. If you want to act, we will act. If you don't want to, I won't force you. Just head back home."

Zhao Ming was beating drums in his heart, and vaguely felt that he was standing at a fork in the road of life.

Jiang Wen stared at her seriously, with hopeful eyes, while Huo Yunting, who was squatting beside him, lit another cigarette out of boredom.

Listening to her beating heart, she took a deep breath and calmed down after an unknown amount of time, "Director Jiang, I'll act."

Now Jiang Wen laughed again, pulling her to discuss in detail how to perform this play.

I don't know, but I was startled when I said it. At first, Zhao Ming thought it was just a show, but what did Director Jiang say just now?Did she hear wrong?
"Well, Director Jiang, can you say it again?" Zhao Ming hesitated, "It's the Zhentuo you just said..."

"Yes, you are wearing a bellyband on your upper body, and there is a vacuum inside. You must really take it off when the time comes."

Zhao Ming was stunned, opened his mouth wide, and after a while he continued to speak intermittently, "Just, just want to, all, take off in front of them?"

Jiang Wen nodded seriously, "Yes, take off."

"Miss Zhao, I still say the same thing. If you don't want to act, you can just say it directly. If anyone finds trouble with you, just tell me."

Huo Yunting said such a sentence abruptly, and then the atmosphere in the corridor fell into a strange dead silence.

"Director Jiang, are we going to shoot this movie tonight—"

The door inside the room was suddenly pushed open, and a cameraman poked his head, scanned the situation outside, and then quickly retracted his head.

"Old Hu, what is Director Jiang doing? Can't we still shoot tonight?"

"Hush! Don't talk, there might be a show tonight."

"Ah? What show? Let me see."

Just when Huo Yunting pinched out the second cigarette, Zhao Ming said softly, "I will act."

Although the words are soft and weak, they are as powerful as a thousand pounds.

Jiang Wen smiled again, patted her on the shoulder and entered the room.

"It's okay, acting, dedicated to art. I assure you, no one will be there except the actors and photographers, and the actors will all wear mahjong hoods, invisible..."

With a "click", the door was closed tightly, and only Huo Yunting was left in the corridor.

He leaned cross-legged against the corner of the wall, pondered for a while, and finally shook his head with a sigh, "I can't stop the way I'm walking."

(End of this chapter)

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