Chapter 249
In fact, Huo Yunting couldn't figure it out, is the entertainment industry so attractive?It attracted countless people to rush inside one after another, even if it was to shoot a nude scene, they had to act.

Although all the flowers here are playing behind his back and not with him, but he, a marginal person, can also get a glimpse of it.

He felt dirty to say the least.

Even a marginal person thinks it's dirty, if he really goes deep into it, what's the point?

And her situation is different. Although Tang Wei is also dedicated to art, and the dedication is deeper, but she is the heroine.

What is this?Just show your face and you'll be gone, at most it's a trick.

Huo Yunting felt Jiang Wen.I won't add a few scenes to her because of this.

While thinking wildly in his mind, the door was pushed open, and many people came out from inside, seeing Huo Yunting squatting in the corner, he hurriedly nodded and said hello.

"Hello, Mr. Huo."

"Brother Xie hasn't left yet?"

"I remember that there is no role for Mr. Huo tonight, right?"

Huo Yunting smiled, "Why don't you just be idle, come and have a look."

Originally, I only planned to take a look, but I didn't expect such a incident to happen.Even if I want to go back now, it's too late. I can't get a taxi, so I can only wait for the crew's car to go with me.

"Do you know why we gave you money?"

"Because Mr. Ma Bandit is kind to us."

"It's not clear yet!"

The gang of gangsters wore hoods, so they couldn't see the outside clearly, they could only make out a rough outline.Even so, he could still vaguely see the two big ones jumping around wildly, as if they were natural.

For a while, I couldn't help but feel a little dry mouth.

There were bursts of sharp shouts in the room, which lasted for so long that Huo Yunting couldn't help but look at Jiang Wen.

"I said Brother Wen, why doesn't that sound right to me?"

"It means that girls with good acting skills are born to eat this bowl of rice."

After the sound subsided, after a while, the photographer opened the door, "Director Jiang, take a look."

Jiangmen has always had high requirements and high standards for films. Tonight, this scene was filmed seven or eight times, and work was not finished until around 12:30 in the middle of the night.

"Everyone has worked hard tonight, let's go back early and go to bed early."

Jiang Wen yelled with the horn, and the others responded one after another, and then got into the car one by one.

When Zhao Ming came out after changing his clothes, Huo Yunting cast a glance, different from the shyness before, he already looked calm.

"That, Mr. Huo?"

"Huh? There's something wrong."

Zhao Ming bowed slightly to him, "Mr. Huo, thank you very much for speaking for me earlier."

"It's not a big deal." Huo Yunting waved his hand, "It's your choice, so you have to think it over."

Zhao Ming pursed her lips and smiled shyly, "I will work hard."

"How are you trying?"

She froze for a moment, "Improve your acting skills?"

This time Huo Yunting didn't speak, turned around and got into the car with his hands behind his back.

effort?Then you have to have this qualification too.

If you only miss a few seconds in the film, and you lose your part later, this is called vulgarity, pornography.

But if you have more scenes in the film and you miss more, this is called art.

Of course, tertiary films are excluded.

In the case of Zhao Ming, Huo Yunting felt that if "Let the Bullets Fly" really set her on fire, the dramas she could take on in the future would probably be large-scale.

"First impressions matter."

The scene last night was considered a small episode, and when the large-scale interior scenes started to be filmed the next day, the lines gradually increased.

It's just that Jiang Wen's script writing is incomplete, usually filming stops and stops, tinkering, which makes Zhou Runfa very angry.

In fact, Jiang Wen's changes are not too much. Compared with Wang Jiawei, he can be regarded as a kind person. However, the reason why Zhou Runfa is really angry is not because Jiang Wen keeps changing the script, but because his Mandarin is not good.

Zhou Runfa specially invited a teacher who taught him Mandarin for this purpose, but he memorized the script for a long time, and gave him a new one when he was about to shoot.

Yes, we have to start all over again.

It wasn't over from the beginning, he was memorizing the new script, but Jiang Wen was still urging him to memorize it quickly.

The conflict between the two during this period has been getting deeper and deeper. Basically, every time a scene is filmed, the two have to quarrel, which also leads to an extremely slow progress in filming.

From early morning to midnight, there are only a few scenes in a day.

But Huo Yunting felt that he could accept it. Compared with Wang Jiawei, it wasn't much stronger.

No, the lower limit of the standard cannot be placed on the level of Wang Jiawei.

"Teacher Huo, there will be a rivalry between you and Brother Fa."

While thinking wildly in my heart, a staff member came over and shouted.

Huo Yunting just gave a faint "Oh", and still squatted on the steps smoking his cigarette.

Generally speaking, according to this process, Fa Ge should have read the script again, and then Jiang Wen will hand him the new script, and then the two will quarrel for half an hour before he can consider entering the scene.

Sure enough, there was an intensified noise from the crew soon, and then a little assistant ran all the way over to deliver the script to Huo Yunting.

"Brother Ji, this is a new script, take a look."

"Did the director change the script again?"

The little assistant didn't speak, but his face was full of helplessness.

In this way, the days passed with the quarrel between Jiang Wen and Zhou Runfa, until July.

For more than a month, if he can't listen to the scolding in Cantonese and Beijing accent one day, he will still feel a little uncomfortable.

In the beginning, both of them greeted each other sincerely, but after a long time, their attitude gradually became more harmonious.Since this reality cannot be changed, we can only learn to accept it.

It's just that the crew will be permanently stationed in the Mei family compound.

Huo Yunting thought it didn't matter, the streets of the Mei family compound were spacious and long, just suitable for morning jogging.

Moreover, the crew covered the entire street, so there was no need to worry about outsiders.

This morning Huo Yunting went out for a morning run, and the phone rang within two steps.

It's Liu Yifei.

"Hello? What's the matter, Sissy?"

"Brother Yun, the certificate is confirmed."

"What certificate?" As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yunting realized instantly, "Has the company been registered?"

"No. Do you want to come back and have a banquet or something?"

Huo Yunting thought for a while, "Forget it, we didn't even hold a banquet for our engagement, so there is nothing we can do to start a company."

"Then let's keep a low profile?"

"low profile."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting called Zhang Debang.

At five o'clock in the morning, Zhang Debang was still in bed with the cat.In addition, he and his wife had a fierce battle last night, and now they are talking in a murmur, and those who don't know think he has a big tongue.

"What's wrong, Huo Guo..."

"Old Zhang, the company's certificate has come down, the people I hooked up before should sign it as soon as possible."

The words sounded like thunder on the ground, and Zhang Debang jumped up from the bed, his mind was completely clear now.


Zhang Debang turned on the speakerphone, threw the phone aside, grabbed the toilet paper on the bed and wiped it carelessly, then rushed to the bathroom to wash his face.

"Brother Huo, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely handle it properly for you."

"I don't worry about your work." Member Ting looked around, found a pleasing step and sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it, "How did you think about what I told you before?"

"Ah? What's the matter?"


These words were like the second thunder on the ground, making Zhang Debang on the other end of the phone silent for a long time.

This question really made him think about it for a long time.

He wanted to ask Huo Yunting from the sidelines what the upper limit he accepted, he had already gone to the United States to participate in that popcorn award.

So I had no choice but to sidestep Liu Yifei's side, and didn't ask anything...

"Hello? Old Zhang? What's wrong with the bad signal? Why don't you say anything?"

"Ahem! It seems not very good... Brother Huo, what do you think of five points?"

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, then asked back, "Five points?"

Hearing his tone, Zhang Debang's heart sank, something bad happened, and he still wanted more.

Damn it, who would have thought that when he called early in the morning, his mind was still in a daze!
"Brother Huo, I mean—"

"Old Zhang, do you think that for things like shares, people should get as much as they have?"

These words are really German, and the cold sweat is about to break down, "Yes, yes, Brother Huo, I understand what you mean."

"What's your name? Technical investment, no, business investment, right?"

"Indeed, I can—"

"So you just take five points?"

This was the third thunder on the flat ground, and the speed of the reversal was a bit too fast, Zhang Debang didn't react for a while.

"Brother Huo, what do you mean..."

"Old Zhang, if your ability is only worth five points, I won't mention it to you at all. At most, I will give you some profit shares in the future."

He knows Zhang Debang's ability. He has been his partner for almost ten years, so he knows everything in his heart.

No matter whether he is famous or not, and no matter who the partner is, he can always come up with a satisfactory result.In the past ten years, Zhang Debang has never been dissatisfied with the contract handed by him.

"Old Zhang, I'll give you another five points, which can be regarded as a thank-you fee for the two of us living with the buddy all these years."

Zhang Debang's eyes were a little red when he said this, thinking about it, how many years have passed.

The two met in [-] and became partners in [-]. I watched him step by step from a group performer to a big star.

He rubbed his sore nose, "Brother Huo, don't worry, I will definitely continue to shine as a manager when I get to the company!"

"Stop the manager, find me a new one. You're the manager."

Huo Yunting's legs and feet were a little numb when squatting on the steps, and he ordered some precautions. As for the company's site selection, logo, or corporate slogan, etc., all were handled by Liu Yifei, after all, she was still the second in the company. What about major shareholders?

If she can't handle these things, she will come to herself again.

"Hey, by the way, how did the talk about that brother Jie in the United States end up?"

"If you don't agree, they will just stare at you. But it won't be a fight, and there will still be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Okay, remember to find me a new agent, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting put away the phone and ran with big strides.

Zhang Debang lit a cigarette tremblingly, he had to take his time.

After experiencing too many ups and downs this morning, I couldn't calm down for a while.

"Oh, why are you smoking in the house again, go out and smoke!"


"Oh! What are you doing—oh, I'm so energetic today, I still don't go down early in the morning."

"It's a big step forward."

"What cross, take it easy, oops!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Mengmeng should wake up soon."

"Hmm~ You're going to make a quick decision, I have to make a meal later... What's a big step?"

"I'm going to be the general manager."

It was only two days since Liu Yifei called, and basically the entire entertainment circle knew that Huo Yunting had started a company.

The company did not advertise with much fanfare, but simply mentioned it.Netizens don't care much about this kind of thing. After all, there are too many celebrities who start companies, and there are every year. He is not the only one, but everyone in the circle pays attention.

As soon as I heard that Huo Yunting started a company, the news spread quickly, and Huo Yunting received many calls.

Most of them came to Hexi, but there were also job seekers.

These people, Huo Yunting, were basically hasty and perfunctory, except for Wang Zhongjun.

"Congratulations, Yunting, I heard that you started a company, why didn't you hold a banquet?"

"Hehehe, I'm filming in Guangdong, I can't spare time, so let's keep everything simple."

"Let's keep it simple, but don't forget about etiquette. I'll send someone to send you a big gift when I come back."

"Hahaha, Mr. Wang is too polite, the big gift will not be enough, just let my fiancée spend more time with me on weekdays."

Hearing this, Wang Zhongjun's heart skipped a beat, which meant that Liu Yifei was going to leave Huayi.

Before he could speak, Huo Yunting continued to add, "Also, Mr. Wang, Sissy may be busy these days, so please bear with me. After all, she is also the second largest shareholder of the company, and I'm filming outside again. She has a lot to worry about."

Wang Zhongjun sighed slightly, which meant that he would not be able to come back.

He wanted to refuse stubbornly, but when he thought of the paper full of red handprints many years ago, he felt a little weak, and the third master seemed to treat him a little special... A man can bend and stretch.

"Hehe, it's fine for Yifei to go and get busy. I remember that Yifei's contract is about to expire, or let her go to the company's business with peace of mind in the future."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Wang."

Then he and Wang Zhongjun chatted warmly and warmed up for a while before hanging up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Jiang Wen's greeting came, "Brother Huo, there is going to be a big show coming up!"

Both Zhou Runfa and Ge You were there, and they were sitting together facing the lines.Behind it is the setting staff, who set up a table full of dishes.

Huo Yunting squinted his eyes and thought about the script, "Is this the scene where Huang Silang entertained the county magistrate?"

Ge You urged from the side, "County Ma, hurry up, you are the only one missing now."

Huo Yunting took out the script, and just as he sat down, Jiang Wen shouted again.

"Who got this Moutai?"

(End of this chapter)

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