Chapter 250
"Who got this Moutai?"

The staff on the left and right looked at each other and shook their heads.

Seeing that no one admitted it, Jiang Wen frowned, "Ask again who got the wine?"

"I took it."

The voice of the producer Ma Ke suddenly came from the gate, and then he walked in generously with two bottles of wine in his hand, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Why is it okay?" Jiang Wen frowned, "Didn't I say to tear off the brand name before?"

"Before he finished speaking, Ma Ke put the other two bottles of wine heavily on the table after hearing a "click". Jiang Wen took a closer look, okay, these are two brands of wine again.

"I said old horse, what do you mean?"

"Director Jiang, 3000 million advertising fees." Ma Ke stretched out three fingers excitedly, "This is only for Moutai. Do you know how much the other two paid?"

"I'm not interested in knowing." Jiang Wen waved his hand and his face was a little gloomy, "Old Ma, I think you're really crazy about money, a scene that lasts about 10 minutes, you play three fucking commercials ? Are the audience here for a show or a drink?"

Seeing that the surrounding staff were all looking at this, Ma Ke pulled Jiang Wen aside and muttered in a low voice, "Director Jiang, what you gain is what you lose. The advertising costs of the three brands add up to 8000-8 million, so let's use Wouldn’t it be okay to make up for his delicate 8000 minutes in exchange for the 8-[-] million funding for these unrefined [-] minutes?”

"Even if you make up an exquisite 10 minutes, there are still 8 minutes of garbage in it, I don't agree to this!"

Ma Ke knew Jiang Wen well, and he was very stubborn.It is difficult to change what is established.

Seeing his attitude, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "Then just keep the Moutai brand advertisement?"

"I don't want any of them."

Seeing his stiff attitude, Ma Ke stopped talking, called an assistant, and left with three bottles of wine.

It wasn't until Ma Ke and his wine were out of sight that Jiang Wen asked the staff to serve unlabeled wine.

Huo Yunting witnessed the whole process from the sidelines, and his original thought of despising him because he taught Huang Hua's eldest daughter to film nude scenes in his heart was exaggerated.

I would rather give up the tens of millions of advertising fees than let my film be mixed with a little impurity. This is a good director.

So the nude scene yesterday was really for art?


Jiang Wen, who was directing the scene, suddenly turned his head, strode towards Zhou Runfa, and then stuffed a stack of papers into his hand.

Zhou Runfa frowned slightly, "What is this?"

"New script, take a look."

Afterwards, Jiang Wen wandered off and disappeared.

Looking at the old and new scripts in his hands, Zhou Runfa's eyelids twitched, and it took a long while before he said tremblingly, "I lost your mother."

Jiang Wen attached great importance to this three-person rivalry scene, and it only took about a minute to watch the storyboard. However, after two days of filming, he only finished filming less than ten scenes, which means co-authoring for two to three minutes.

Moreover, Jiang Wen kept changing the script of this scene. In two or three days, four editions had been published. Zhou Run was so angry that he wanted to play with him.

Fa Ge is not the only person who wants to fight Jiang Wen, but also the producer Ma Ke.

After he passed the bad news of the inability to cooperate to the three companies, he did not expect that they would soon send people to discuss again, and it was the three companies in one.

The three companies sent a representative. What he meant was that the three leading actors, Huo Yunting, Ge You, and Zhou Runfa, would each drink a brand of wine and reveal a scene worth 1000 million views per second.

"Director Jiang, think carefully about it yourself, 1000 million per second! If you play for 10 minutes, if you insert one second per minute, we will get 1 million!"

Ma Ke was very excited when he said it, but Jiang Wen was unmoved.

"No discussion is no discussion."

It was the same with Zhou Runfa. Facing the fifth edition of the new script handed over by Jiang Wen, he slapped it heavily on the table without even looking at it, "If you didn't discuss it, you didn't discuss it. It's only been a few days. The script has been revised a few times." ? Have you considered my feelings?"

Therefore, in the following period of time, the crew was full of wild animals, except for filming every day, they would listen to Jiang Wen arguing with others.

Ge You wanted to be a peacemaker, but he was a man who would be squeezed if he stood in the middle, so he had no choice but to let Huo Yunting play.

Whoever quarrels again, clamps the back of the other person with one hand, shakes them up like a chicken, and walks away.

Anyway, the conflict between Jiang Wen and Chow Yun-fat was still unresolved in the end, and the same between him and Ma Ke.

In the end, Jiang Wen insisted on going his own way and did not insert any advertisements.

Although Ma Ke said that he was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to go with him in the end, but Jiang Wen promised him that the tens of millions of advertising fees would be made up for him on the quality of the film.

As for whether he can really make up for it, Ma Ke dare not say, but if he gave this step, he has to go downhill.

This continued until mid-September, when Wang Jiawei suddenly called in the fall, "Master Huo, are you free? When are you going to take another shot?"

Huo Yunting chuckled, "It's useless to tell me about it now, you have to tell our director." Then he left Jiang Wen's phone number with him.

I don't know what Wang Jiawei said, anyway, Jiang Wen reluctantly told him that night that he could leave.

Huo Yunting didn't ask any further questions, he immediately packed his luggage and returned to Peiping with Shen Teng.

The re-shooting location was at the old Beijing Film Studio, but Huo Yunting didn't go there first, but went back home.

Ever since he greeted Wang Zhongjun, Liu Yifei was basically in a state of being freed in Huayi. Apart from a layer of contractual links between them, the rest probably had nothing to do with each other.

I went back to the villa but couldn't find Liu Yifei, probably because I was busy with the company.

In the past few months, Liu Yifei has been busy with various matters of Xiting Entertainment, such as location selection.

After taking a taxi, I went to the location of Xiting Entertainment according to the address. An office building stood in front of me, and the signboard on the top said several big characters: Xiting Entertainment Co., Ltd.

After Huo Yunting entered the company, he went straight to the front desk and tapped on the table lightly. When the girls at the front desk looked up and saw Huo Yunting's face, they stood up in a jerk and quickly bowed and said hello to the chairman.

Huo Yunting waved his hand, "Where are Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang?"

"Hok Tung, I'll take you there."

The little girl at the front desk led the way, Huo Yunting followed behind, and suddenly turned around and patted Shen Teng on the shoulder, "Go for a stroll and visit the company."

Then he followed the girl at the front desk to Liu Yifei's office, and went in without knocking on the door.

Seeing that someone entered without knocking, Liu Yifei raised her brows, and was about to reprimand when the words came to her lips and suddenly swallowed.

"Brother Yun! Why are you here!"

"Sneaking in, I took a vacation from the crew to see you."

After dismissing the little girl at the front desk behind him, as soon as the door closed, Liu Yifei, who was still a bit of a business elite, jumped up to him, "You don't even know how busy I am these days."

Ever since the establishment of this company, Huo Yunting has been working as a hands-off shopkeeper, all kinds of miscellaneous trivial matters and other matters are all handled by Liu Yifei.

"My mistake, I will definitely make up for you during the time I'm back." Rubbing his head, Huo Yunting showed a strange expression on his face again, "However, Sissy is quite capable, and the company's affairs are handled so quickly."

"My mother hired a gold medal team for me." Liu Yifei twitched the corners of her lips, "I feel like I've been forcibly indoctrinated into a white-collar worker these days."

Huo Yunting scratched her chin and teased, "Why don't you step back and run the company with peace of mind."

Liu Yifei was taken aback by these words, and shook her head again and again, "Don't. Now that someone is helping me set up the company, I'm still exhausted from running it. If you let me focus on the company, I might as well die. "

"To put it bluntly, it's not as easy as being an actor? By the way, did Wang Jiawei tell you about the reshoot?"

"I told you, it's just for a few days. Huh? Wait a minute, you didn't come back to see me because Wang Jiawei asked you to make up the shoot, did you?"

"Even if Lao Wang doesn't call me, I plan to come back."

The two were chattering about an office romance that was about to start. With a "bang", the door was pushed open again.

"Brother Huo, I heard you're back!"

There was a lot of movement, which startled Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei who was sitting on his lap.

Looking towards the door, he found Zhang Debang in a suit and leather shoes standing at the door in high spirits.

I have to say that some people do look like dogs after changing into suits.

"I said, Old Zhang, can't you knock on the door first when you come in?"

"My fault, my fault."

Seeing Liu Yifei with his arms around Huo Yunting's neck, Zhang Debang knew that he came in at the wrong time, and he should have come in half an hour later.So he bowed his hands again and again, then backed out, closed the door, and knocked again.

Liu Yifei got up from Huo Yunting's lap and sat on the sofa beside him, "Come in."

"Brother Huo, you're back."

"Ahem! Old Zhang, did I tell you about picking another agent?"

"A few of them were basically trained by Wang Jinghua's subordinates." Mentioning Wang Jinghua, Zhang Debang couldn't help smacking his lips. The manager's godmother really didn't talk for nothing.

Huo Yunting nodded, "Come back and show me the name list."

A few people walked out of the office and chatted, and when they reached the third floor, Shen Teng happened to be wandering around.

"By the way, him." Huo Yunting pointed, "Arrange some work for Shen Teng, and then remember to find me a new assistant."

Zhang Debang nodded, and Shen Teng followed him all the way. Among other things, he was indeed loyal and not a bad person.Compared with the previous one surnamed Zhang, he is ten thousand miles stronger than him.

In the beginning, this kid came to work as Huo Ge's assistant to make some connections so that he could get involved in the entertainment industry in the future.But these years have passed, and he never said about job-hopping, flying solo or anything, and has been doing his job as an assistant in a stable manner.

Zhang Debang nodded secretly, this boy Shen Teng can be regarded as a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law.

"Okay, Brother Huo, I will definitely find you a suitable assistant."

The two talked too quickly, and before Shen Teng could react, the matter had already been settled, and when he did, he felt a burst of ecstasy.

damn it!Finally made it through!

After walking around the company for a few times, feeling that there was no big problem, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei set off to Beijing Film Studio.

I don't know why Wang Jiawei decided to set the place here, but the two of them didn't get out of the car, but stopped nearby to watch.

The Beijing Film Studio is the same as it was seven or eight years ago. There are still those people squatting in the corner, old and young, men and women.Although the genders are different in appearance, there is only one thing the same, and the eyes are hopeful.

Seeing Huo Yunting staring at those people for a long time, Liu Yifei shook his hands curiously, "Brother Yun, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing."

Liu Yifei tilted her head curiously, "Did you fall in love with the scene?"

She knew about Huo Yunting's past, and at first he started his family in this small corner, and even Zhang Debang met in this small corner.

"What's so exciting about this scenery, I'm almost sick of it after reading those years." Huo Yunting took a deep breath, "I'm looking at those people..."

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

"Hello? Old Wang, where are you? Beijing Film Studio didn't see you."

"Northern Film Studio? Damn, I made a mistake, it's North Putuo..."

Wang Jiawei was very noisy there, and he didn't know what he was doing.After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's really fucking."

Liu Yifei also nodded seriously, "Sexy."

Several hours later, the two finally arrived at the North Putuo Film and Television Base, where they saw a lot of familiar faces.

After greeting them, Huo Yunting went straight to Wang Jiawei, "I said, old Wang, do you have a script this time?"

Wang Jiawei shrugged, "No."

Huo Yunting resisted the urge to kick him, "Come on, let's shoot."

I didn't even have a script, let alone a storyboard, and it took me half a year to get involved in this filming with him.

But it was really fresh enough that Jiang Wen actually agreed with Wang Jiawei to take him away for several months.

Soon, within a week or so, Huo Yunting understood why Jiang Wen agreed to make up the shoot.

"Let me tell you, Director Wang, you're doing this a bit out of character, right? You told me for a while back then, half a fucking month has passed."

"Director Jiang, for me, a period of time is a one-month basis. You didn't ask carefully. How can I tell you this?"

"A period of time means about a month? Come on, come on, find one for me."

"Am I not?"

In North Putuo Film and Television City, Huo Yunting watched Jiang Wen and Wang Jiawei, who came suddenly, blushing and arguing with thick necks, and almost found someone to fix two bottles of wine and buy some side dishes.

It is not easy to see Wang Jiawei suffer a run.

The tempers of the two are not very good, but their strength and status are roughly the same.

When the two were arguing fiercely, Huo Yunting's pockets buzzed and vibrated, and it turned out that the caller was his father.
In desperation, he had no choice but to withdraw his gaze reluctantly, and hid aside to answer the phone.

"Hello? Dad, what's the matter?"

"Yunting... your grandma is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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