Chapter 251
Huo Yunting froze for a moment, "Dad, what did you say just now? I didn't hear you clearly."

"The old man and the old lady are gone."

This time he heard it clearly, the expression on his face became stiff, and then gradually stopped and returned to calm.

Not far away, the quarrel between Wang Jiawei and Jiang Wen was still going on, mixed with the voices of other crew members watching the excitement.Countless voices converged and mixed together, but Huo Yunting didn't feel noisy.

His mind was blank, he only thought about what his father said just now.

The old man and the old lady are gone.

"My grandfather... and my grandma all left? On the same day?"

Huo Zhongde's voice was very low, "It's about the same time just now."

Marriage Customization felt a little top-heavy, and squatted down slowly against the wall, "I'll go back right away."

"Yunting, don't be too sad. It's a coincidence that the old man and the old lady are leaving together, but when they die, it's considered a blessing and a lifetime..."

"I'll go back right now."

Hanging up the phone hastily, Huo Yunting leaned against the wall, and he picked up and put down the phone countless times, always feeling absurd in his heart from time to time.

My grandpa and grandma just left?Did I hear wrong?
No, could it be that my illness is getting serious again?

"Brother Huo! Where's Brother Huo?" Jiang Wen yelled a few times, found Huo Yunting who was leaning against the corner, and pulled him to find Wang Jiawei, "Brother Huo, tell him that this is not over!"

Seeing this, Wang Jiawei was not to be outdone, and strode towards this side, "Why are you looking for Master Huo? What does this matter have to do with him? Did we discuss it in advance?"

"Director Wang, let's not speak out of our minds. You are in such a hurry to make up the shoot. Nine times out of ten it is Bona's urging. The investors are in a hurry, aren't they?"

The two of them confronted Maimang, and they would quarrel again if they disagreed.

"You two go over there to argue." Huo Yunting said suddenly, his tone was very calm, "My grandma passed away, let me be alone."

As soon as these words were spoken, Wang Jiawei and Jiang Wen's words stopped abruptly, and they looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

This kid is real, so he wouldn't make fun of the elders in his family, right?
It's just that the timing of the card is somewhat weird.

The two of them didn't speak, and the surroundings were quiet for a while, but it was a bit of an eyesore for the two of them to stand aside.

"Can you two go away?"

When Huo Yunting spoke, his tone was terrifyingly calm, without any emotion.It was quite different from his previous carefree appearance, the two of them didn't dare to make any more noise, and retreated quietly to a distance.

The two stopped arguing about the schedule, and hid in the distance and watched Huo Yunting quietly, until two stones hit them with a "bang bang", then they looked back with grinning teeth, and ran further away.

When the two looked over again, Huo Yunting had already left in a taxi.

Huo Yunting went directly to the funeral parlor, followed the steps of the staff to the two coffins, his father and his mother were sitting beside them.

Huo Zhongde is better, his face is still firm, but his eyes are reddish, and his heart is not calm at this time.

Chen Caiping lightly covered her face and said nothing, but her tears couldn't stop streaming down her face.

Huo Yunting stood aside and watched for a long time, then said softly, "My grandpa and grandma are both dead?"

"When your grandfather went for a walk in the park, he was playing chess with someone. He thought about chess for a long time without making a sound. It was only when others pushed him that he realized..."

"...Where's my milk?"

"After taking a nap at home, I left. There was a half unknit sweater by the bed, worn by the baby."

Huo Yunting took a deep breath and let it out slowly, he could only feel his internal organs trembling.

With a "plop", he sat on the ground in a daze, and after an unknown amount of time, he said in a hoarse voice, "That's fine, it's the end of life, and all the blessings and longevity will return."

The funeral of Huo Gang and his wife was in the afternoon of the next day.

Two light urns, plus two three-inch black and white photos, this is all that the two old people left behind.

The cemetery was chosen in Beiping, and there was no mention of going back to Huojiazhuang.

The old man and the old lady are willing to sell the house in their hometown and come to Peiping, which shows that they don't have any thoughts of returning to their roots.What's more, even if you want to return to your roots, you have nowhere to go now.

The two old men were buried together, forming a tomb.

Huo Yunting didn't tell anyone about this matter, but there were still quite a few people who came.

Like Shi Xingyu and his three brothers, Wang Jiawei and Jiang Wen, Zhang Debang, and some students and coaches from the martial arts gym...

Although the old man didn't stay in the martial arts hall for a long time, he was very talkative, and the children's coaches also liked him very much.

Wang Jiawei and Jiang Wen knew about this, and it would be inappropriate not to come, and the other one felt apologetic.It's really not the right time for the two of them to intervene and play subjects.

Standing behind him were his parents, Sissy's mother and daughter, and Huo Yunting sat cross-legged in front of the tombstone and watched quietly without saying a word.

Liu Yifei squatted gently beside him, holding his hand with some distress.

I have known him for many years, and have seen his joys, sorrows and joys, but I have never seen him look so empty, so haggard that it makes one's heart tremble.

Liu Xiaoli from behind looked at the two snuggling together, sighed softly, and placed her sacrifice in front of the two old people.

She has already heard Huo Zhongde describe the matter of the old man and the old lady. Although it is said that they are at the end of their lives, no one can bear this situation.

The dead are the greatest, and some things have to be pushed back.

"Old man, old lady, you two have a good journey."

"All good fortune and longevity return, and the end of life. Blessed are the children and grandchildren, and they will rise up every step of the way. You two have not lived in vain in this life."

Jiang Wen and Wang Jiawei burned incense respectfully, then came to Huo Yunting's side and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Master Huo, I'm really sorry about this matter."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just waved his hands.

The two looked at each other, said no more, bowed deeply again, then turned and left.

After all the worshipers had left, only Huo Yunting's family remained in front of the tomb.

Chen Caiping's eyes were bloodshot and her face was haggard.She married into the Huo family because she received a lot of care from her parents-in-law. When chatting with some village women on weekdays, she was envious of her parents-in-law.

But now, people are gone.

"Yunting, go back."

"You guys go first, I'm staying with my grandpa and grandma for a while." Huo Yunting smiled self-deprecatingly, "When I was still there, I told me every day that I had nothing to go back and have a look, but now it's good, I can't see anyone who wants to go back .”

Huo Zhongde couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he took Chen Caiping to leave first.Before leaving, she greeted Liu Xiaoli lightly, "Family, come and talk about the wedding of these two children."

Liu Xiaoli nodded slightly, got up and left with Huo Zhongde.

Huo Yunting didn't know how long he had been there, it was already sunset when he came back to his senses.

Liu Yifei was still by his side, and had already been bitten quite a bit.


"Brother Yun?"

"We go home."


After returning home, Huo Yunting fell asleep on the bed and did not wake up until noon the next day.Huo Zhongde called him and told him that his wedding with Sissy would be postponed for a while.

Although he didn't say the reason, everyone knew that Huo Yunting just said "oh", hung up the phone, covered his head and continued to sleep.

Neither Wang Jiawei nor Jiang Wen came to urge him, nor did they call to inquire, and acquiesced to his indulgence.

This time he fell asleep again until three or four o'clock in the afternoon the next day. Liu Yifei was so worried, but he didn't know how to persuade him, so he finally called his best buddy.

Not long after, Huo Yunting received a call from Yu Qian.

"Brother Huo, come out to relax?"

Huo Yunting's eyelids moved slightly, and he glanced at Liu Yifei, who looked guilty and lowered his head, and guessed something.

"No, I'll just sleep and rest for a while."

"Brother Huo, let's not be bored no matter what it is. If you are bored, you will easily get sick. You go with my brother and me now, call Lao Guo, and the three of us go out to relax."

This time Huo Yunting did not refuse.


"Okay, then you change your clothes, and I will pick you up later."

About 10 minutes later, Huo Yunting saw two familiar old faces downstairs.

It's just that this time the three of them didn't tease each other as usual, they just looked at each other silently for a few seconds, and then Yu Qian grinned, "Come on, get in the car."

Yu Qian's so-called relaxation is to go straight to the restaurant, ask for a private room, and let the few people get drunk.

Such things as life and death, farewell, how could he be able to explain clearly as an old man, not to mention that he is not qualified to preach to others, so it is better to let him get drunk to the fullest.

Both Guo Degang and Yu Qian put on a posture of not getting drunk and not going home, and Huo Yunting also tried his best to drink this time.

A few people didn't order much food, but the table was full of wine.

Those who drink beer drink white, and those who drink beer drink beer.Huo Yunting blushed slightly, and wanted to ask for a few more bottles of red wine, but Yu Qian hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Huo, don't drink any more. Our yellow with white is enough. If we add some red in it, we will have to go to the hospital for a bottle after we finish this meal."

Seeing this, Huo Yunting didn't say much, and stretched out a finger, "One more beer."

Huo Yunting's alcohol capacity is not low, and since he swallowed the strange snake guts from hallucinations when he was on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", his alcohol capacity is getting better day by day.

Not to mention too much, just drinking with Yu Qian and the others and still not drunk.

But today it was different, there were bottles of wine lying around on the table, most of them were done by Huo Yunting himself.

Even if Huo Yunting can't drink a thousand cups, he will soon catch up to ten thousand cups.

Seeing that Huo Yunting's eyes began to blur, Yu Qian, who had gone to the toilet to vomit twice, hiccupped and said, "I've known you so many times over the years, but this is the first time I've seen you drunk."

Huo Yunting nodded, and pointed to Guo Degang, who was lying down on the chair beside him, and said, "Old Guo won't have the chance to watch me drink too much."

Soon, both of them chuckled.

"Brother Huo, it's hard to talk about this matter of life and death. I don't advise you to think about it or whatever. This time will pass after a long time. I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it."

Huo Yunting blew off the half bottle of beer in his hand, and slammed it on the table, "The old man and the old lady are dying. Logically speaking, it should be happy and mourning. What can I be dissatisfied with? I just regret it in my mother's heart."

"Regret what?"

"I haven't visited the old couple much."

My reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and I am taking on more and more jobs. I usually go back to stay during the holidays, and I rarely have the opportunity to make phone calls.

The number of times he met with his parents was like this, but the number of times he met the old man and the old lady could be counted on half a hand.

"I'm fucking regretful, Brother Qian'er. If it wasn't for the engagement, maybe the days when I met my grandpa and my grandma would have to go back another year..."

Huo Yunting babbled, his mouth was vague.Just when Yu Qian wanted to say something to persuade him, he heard "vomit", and Huo Yunting also vomited, throwing up all over the floor.

Yu Qian shook his head while watching, Brother Huo is really drunk today.

"Let's go, Brother Huo, I'll help you go back."

Yu Qian got up staggeringly, trying to help Huo Yunting up, but found that his body was motionless.And the drunkenness on his face also disappeared, with a cautious look on his face.

"what happened?"

Following his gaze, Yu Qian looked at the puddle of vomit repeatedly for a long time, and finally couldn't help turning her head away, "Brother Huo, don't look at it."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just stared at a strange bead in his puddle of vomit.

He has an impression of this bead, its appearance is very familiar, it is the strange snake gall.

Brother Qian can't see it?

Just when he was about to reach out to grab it, the snake gall suddenly began to split, swell, and spread.In the end, it swelled into a pure black figure in front of Huo Yunting.

His figure was very similar to him, with a golden light shining in the eye sockets, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses appeared.

"Brother Huo—I'm a fool!"


Huo Yunting exploded suddenly, picked up a wine bottle on the table and smashed it, and then directly stabbed the black figure's neck with the tip.

After stabbing several times, a shadow fell heavily on the ground, turning into a puddle of black.

"Yunting, be careful..."

Yu Qian woke up more than half of the wine from the fright, and huddled in a corner, sweating profusely.

Damn it, it's no wonder this kid doesn't get drunk easily, who the hell is going to be a drunkard and just stab it with a glass bottle.

Huo Yunting carefully looked at the black puddle on the ground, poured half a bottle of white wine, and then turned on the lighter, and the ground was ablaze.

Yu Qian yelled anxiously, not caring how dirty the vomit was on the ground, and hurriedly stomped it out.

It wasn't until the blackness was no longer visible on the ground that Huo Yunting heaved a sigh of relief, fell down on the chair, and soon fell asleep.

This time Huo Yunting slept for a long time, and it was also very fragrant.When he woke up again, he was already at home. He checked the time, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

The hangover is not over yet, he stretched himself, Brother Qian sent me back?

Just as she was about to call out to Qianqian, her face froze suddenly.He didn't seem to wake up at five o'clock today?
Soon he discovered another problem. His body was extremely relaxed, which was due to his mental relaxation.

The shadow seems to have disappeared.

 Yao Jie, who has obtained the dream of the future, has the habit of writing a diary. He thinks it is well hidden, but everything is under the watchful eye of another person.

  "2006.4, sunny."

  "... Every actor who can be named will have his own role, just like Wang Baoqiang's Xu Sanduo, Chen Sichen's Chengcai, Liu Yifei's Zhao Linger, they are almost irreplaceable..."

  At this time, Liu Maomao, who was only 18 years old, was still full of expectations for his acting career.

  "Whoever said that my natal role is Zhao Ling'er, I, Liu Yifei, will definitely play a more exciting role than her."

  After a few years...

  "How do you know the diary I wrote?"

  "Who is a decent person to keep a diary?!!!"

  This is when their roles are truly unique...

(End of this chapter)

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