Chapter 254
Red light stop, green light go.The car was about to move forward when Huo Yunting, who was sitting in the back, patted the driver repeatedly, "Stop, stop, wait a minute!"

"Sir, how do you park on the road? Or should I go around?"

"What's the matter, Huo, what happened?" Nolan had a curious look on his face.

Huo Yunting's face changed a little, and finally shook his head, "It's okay, let's go."

Seeing him like this, Nolan became even more curious.

He has dealt with Huo Yunting a lot, especially during the time in London, England.

In Huo Yunting's Martial Arts Hall, I don't know how many people come to compete. They are all bald, tattooed, and muscular men with hideous faces. One looks more fierce than the other.He didn't dare to make eye contact with these people.

But what about Huo Yunting?He always looked indifferent, even smoking a cigarette indifferently.

Without exception, the group of people who came to compete were enraged by Huo Yunting and asked him to look good in the boxing ring.However, the final result was without exception, they were all pushed down by Huo Yunting.

From the beginning to the end, the expression on his face has not changed, it is always that cynical look.

What did such a person see, and there was a terrified expression on his face.

"Huo, are you really okay?"

"Mr. Nolan, I remember that when you were filming, you didn't whine like you usually do."

Nolan shrugged and stopped talking.

Huo Yunting comforted himself in his heart. There are also many Chinese in Laomei, and there are also many Chinese who know kung fu. The word Shangwu is not a niche name.

After arriving at the hotel, I met with other main creative members, checked the lines, emphasized the outline, and everyone went to announce the premiere of "Inception" the next day.

The time was a little tight, Huo Yunting felt that it would be better for him to wait for the film premiere announcement and then go to the Martial Arts Hall to see what was going on.

Nolan is British, but he is still developing in Hollywood. The media reporters who came to the premiere did not know him. In addition, the investor Legendary Films is also an American company. Otherwise, the first stop of the premiere would be to go to Great Britain.

After walking the red carpet and taking pictures, it's time to prepare for the interview.

This position is also particular, Huo Yunting is the third from the left, a position that can't go up or down.

He himself has no objection to this, after all, his contribution in this film is not much, if it is not because he is also a screenwriter, it is estimated that he will have to stand on the edge.

As far as this publicity ceremony is concerned, he is not the protagonist, he just came to join in the fun.Two reporters came to ask some anecdotes about him and Nolan rushing to make the script, and it was over.

"Mr. Nolan, what do you think of some people saying that your "Inception" is suspected of plagiarizing the Japanese animation "Red Pepper"?"

"May I ask Mr. Leonardo, do you think there is a chance to win the Oscar for Best Actor this time?"

"Mr. Joseph..."

Listening to the media reporters asking questions in a hurry, Huo Yunting only felt disgusted and panicked.Chirping.

He is looking forward to ending the announcement of "Inception" as soon as possible, and then going back to film "Let the Bullets Fly".

He can't wait to enjoy his own retirement.

Over the years of entering the industry, his net worth can be said to have risen exponentially, and now he has a net worth of tens of millions.

If it were someone else, in front of his great age and momentum, he would definitely be higher and higher.But Huo Yunting is really not interested in continuing to hang out in this circle.

His wife and children are hot on the kang, which is his greatest hope now.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo?"

Huo Yunting, who had long been fascinated by the beautiful future life in his heart, was elbowed several times by Tom Hardy by his side before he came back to his senses.

"Oh, what's up Tom."

"Huo, the reporter is asking you a question."

Huo Yunting coughed twice, memorized the draft of "Inception" again in his heart, and then nodded slightly to the black female reporter who asked the question.

Afro, matte black, and gaps in the front teeth, it can be said to be the perfect opposite of Huo Yunting's aesthetics.

"Mr. Huo, is there any connection between you and the Martial Arts Halls all over North America?"

As soon as these words were said, Huo Yunting's expression became a little stiff, because he didn't know if it had anything to do with him.

Originally, he thought that the announcement ceremony was a bit rushed, so he wanted to finish the participation first and then study what the North American Martial Arts Hall is. This is great, the reporter took the initiative to ask.

But Huo Yunting was not in a hurry, and smiled again, "Sorry, Miss reporter, let's discuss about "Inception" today."

The black female reporter did not give up and wanted to ask again, but Huo Yunting no longer paid attention to her.There are also several security guards wearing sunglasses watching on both sides.

In the end, the black female reporter changed the subject rather unwillingly, "Mr. Huo, who do you think contributed more to this script?"

After the announcement ceremony of the "Inception" crew in the United States was over, Huo Yunting bid farewell to everyone, and did not go to the remaining announcements.

Nolan regretted this, he still hoped that Huo Yunting could participate in the other announcements, but no one knew how long it would take for him to deal with this matter, so in the end he had to let Huo Yunting go.

Early the next morning, Huo Yunting put on the sunglasses he bought on the side of the road and took a taxi to the Martial Arts Hall.On the way, I asked the driver, good guy, there are three martial arts halls in San Francisco alone.

No wonder the black female reporter mentioned "North America" ​​yesterday. There are five in San Francisco alone. How many are there in North America?
Huo Yunting didn't dare to think any further.

But it's also strange to say that.None of the three Shangwutang martial arts gyms in San Francisco are located in Chinatown, and it can even be said to be far away from Chinatown.Relatively speaking, it is closer to some black neighborhoods and drug addict neighborhoods.

Huo Yunting found a nearby one to watch. Not only did they teach martial arts indoors, but they also had a small backyard, a bit like the small courtyard of Ye Zhunye's martial arts gym.

Just when I entered, a skinny Caucasian guy came over, "Good morning, man, are you here to learn Kung Fu?"

"Look first."

"Of course, sir, you can come with me. But then again, I haven't heard such a proper London accent for a long time."

"Are you from London too?"

"My father is, but my mother is American."

The two talked and chatted, passed the martial arts hall to the backyard, and then heard a burst of squeaking.

A group of black and white men holding screwdrivers or waving charger heads rushed forward with hideous faces.

Huo Yunting's heart stopped suddenly, it was over, he didn't run away, and he couldn't escape it.

He shuddered at the sight of the screwdriver gleaming in the sun, which was about to become the signature weapon of Unlimited Martial Arts.

But the question is when did I bring this Martial Arts Hall to the United States?He couldn't figure it out.

"Who opened this Martial Arts Hall?"

"Mr. Li from Hollywood." The caucasian guy patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder enthusiastically, "He is the apprentice of that kung fu master Huo Yunting."

When Huo Yunting said this, his heart narrowed again.

"Excuse me, you said... Lee from Hollywood? Li Cai?"


This time Huo Yunting didn't speak, he knew where the problem was.The root cause comes from his mother, Li Cai, an old boy.

How long has it been since he left Martial Arts Hall from London?About a year, right?Now that you come to Hollywood to be a martial artist, why the hell do you bring this martial arts hall?

I didn't remember what I told him to only open the one in London. There can be three in San Francisco alone. If you look at the whole of North America, there can't be a three-digit number?
But looking at this group of Americans who were practicing in full swing, Huo Yunting suddenly thought of a sentence: oranges grown in Huainan are oranges, oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges.

Li Cai's modified Unlimited Martial Arts is only more popular in the UK. The main reason is that he made a big news before, and there are a lot of people who follow it.After he left, the number of people in Shangwutang gradually decreased.I didn't expect this set to be so popular in the United States.

Huo Yunting poked the white guy, "Dude, why do you practice this?"

"Of course it's for self-protection. If it wasn't for self-protection, who would want to come here to learn kung fu."

As soon as he said this, Huo Yunting suddenly realized, and immediately understood what was going on, no wonder this unlimited fighting technique is so rare in Americans, Americans can't help but shoot!

Not to mention the black community, the rising crime rate is all pointing to this area, this unrestricted martial arts has come to the United States, it's really a bastard looking at mung beans-it's right.

In the name of visiting, Huo Yunting walked around the upper and lower floors of this martial arts hall, and found that there are quite a lot of people who come here to practice.The first floor is for physical training, and the second floor is for studying the Fa.

Huo Yunting listened for a while, and felt that the judicial system in the United States was so fucking in need of improvement.

The laws of Americans are relatively looser, and they don't use too many self-defense rules and regulations, which means that they tend to make things bigger.

After visiting this martial arts gym, the guy at the front desk was still enthusiastically asking him if he wanted to sign up, but Huo Yunting declined and went out, and immediately called Li Cai when he was walking to the hotel.

This matter really needs to be dealt with urgently.

Shangwutangtang is like a cultural invasion. It took only one year to take root in the United States. The bigger the scale, the easier it will be to cause trouble. At that time, it will be hard to say what will happen to him, the founder.

And even if the U.S. authorities feel that this Martial Arts Hall is dangerous and want to eradicate it completely, Huo Yunting thinks that it will not be possible in two or three years.

This unlimited fighting technique focuses on a quick and deadly move.How many new disciples does Shangwutang have to cultivate in the United States for about a year?

Even if he can destroy the martial arts hall of Shangwutang, he cannot destroy the unlimited fighting skills in the heads of the disciples of Shangwutang.

Unless the Americans really have something like the amnestic device in the movie "Men in Black", "click" makes people forget all about Unlimited Martial Arts.

"Oh, boss, why did you call?"

Huo Yunting wasn't in the mood to chat with him, "Where are you?"

"Where's Hollywood in San Francisco?"

"Come to my hotel tonight."

"What do you mean, boss...sister-in-law...why it doesn't suit your taste?"

Hearing his stuttering voice, Huo Yunting also realized that his words were somewhat ambiguous, "What the hell are you thinking about? Come to my room and I have something serious to tell you."

Now Li felt relieved.

The crew he was in came from Hollywood to shoot, and they arrived at Huo Yunting's hotel in less than two hours.

Seeing Li Cai, Huo Yunting cut to the chase, "Let me ask you, what happened to the Martial Arts Hall? It's all fucking spread to the United States. Can't I remember or hear what I told you?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Li Cai had no choice but to tell the whole story in the end.

"Brother Huo, you have to be strict, it can't be all my fault..."

Who opened the first Martial Arts Hall in North America?It's really not Li Cai, but one of the two apprentices he taught in London back then.

One became the owner of the Martial Arts Hall in London, and the other wanted to find a way out by following the master.

Li Cai is the mainstay of Huo's class, he knows that Huo's class is the team of martial arts star Huo Yunting, he knows better, that's what he came here for.

As a result, this kid followed Li Cai to the United States, and immediately discovered the great business opportunity of the American people's fear of guns.

But to open a martial arts gym, you have to have a master who has a good background and someone above him, so he opened the first martial arts gym in San Francisco under the name of Huo Yunting's disciple and grandson.

By the time Li discovered this problem, the British had already opened the martial arts gym outside of San Francisco.

The tail is too big to fall off.

"Boss, let me tell you what's on my mind, let this kid use your name, it's better for me to take the matter down."

"What's the matter, then I have to thank you?"

"No, boss, don't blame me for not taking people seriously, I am content."

Now Li Cai's forehead was sweating.

Originally, the british guy who wanted to deal with the bastard after finishing the joke in his hand created countless martial arts halls, but now, the halls are not destroyed, and he is the first to reveal his secrets.

Huo Yunting lowered his head and smoked a stuffy cigarette, and asked abruptly, "How many Shangwutangs are there in the United States?"

"It's only a hundred or so."

"That's it? A martial arts school should say that his mother can accommodate people number six or seven."

Shangwutang is different from those gymnasiums with a fitness nature, what he teaches is real hard work.

Why did Chen Hegao only open that one in Hangzhou and not spread it out?Why did he only open one in London and doesn't plan to open a second one?
If the fuck really spreads out, there will be problems.

But the situation in the United States is not bad. According to his worst plan, there will be three to five hundred companies. Now there are only less than one hundred companies, so this problem will be much easier to solve.

"The Martial Arts Hall in the United States can no longer teach those real things. If it is not guaranteed, some gangsters from the underworld will come in and learn."

Li Cai nodded in deep agreement, "Understood."

After staying in Hollywood for almost a year, he can be regarded as wandering around San Francisco.He knows best how much filth lies beneath the glamorous exterior of this place.

"By the way, there is one more thing, how much is the fee?"

"One person, one month, six hundred dollars."

(End of this chapter)

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