Chapter 255 Just touch it
"The martial arts school is counted as one hundred, and the students are counted as sixty, six hundred dollars a month, open for twelve months a year..."

Huo Yunting made a random "hiss", "Damn it, you got a lot of money, at least 4000 million?"

No wonder this kid insisted on not saying anything for a year, and he might not be able to hold back if it were him.

Seeing Huo Yunting's "So that's it" look in his eyes, Li Cai's legs went limp.

Not to mention anything else, Brother Huo really can't delay here.He and Huo Yunting are not just subordinates, they also have an in-depth cooperation contract.

"Brother Huo, you can't count like this. Didn't this Martial Arts Hall spread to the United States and there are a hundred of them?" Seeing that Huo Yunting's eyes became more and more dangerous, Li Cai quickly explained, "When this Martial Arts Hall was first introduced to the United States, it used It took more than two months to open the second one, and it took more than nine months for it to spread throughout North America."

Huo Yunting clicked his tongue, "All in all, in a nutshell, you have made a lot of money, right?"

"Excluding venue fees, decoration fees, labor costs, publicity fees, and early losses, etc., the net profit so far is probably more than 1000 million."

"More than 1000 million? Even if you and the British split half and half, each person can get 500 million dollars on average, right? Is this price more or less than the money you make from making martial arts?"

Li Cai's eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he quickly raised his hand to swear, "Brother Huo, I didn't spend a penny. I dare not. Our family has been honest people for generations. I dare not move a penny. inside."

"How are you two?"

"Twenty-eight, he is two and I am eight."

"Hey, he agreed to all of this?"

Li Cai grinned, "Brother Huo, I can handle him to death."

Huo Yunting was not interested in knowing how he handled the Englishman, "Where is this Englishman? Call him over, and I'll have a good talk with him."

"Okay boss, I'll call you now."

"By the way, what's the name of this Englishman?"


"Faius? Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

Li Cai grinned, "Brother Huo, you must be familiar, this is Ma Baoguo's eldest disciple."

"Hey, it's this kid." Huo Yunting remembered now.

After Ma Baoguo was tortured away, he also went to learn about his life and past. If you don't read the part where he is a liar, it is still very inspirational.

When he came to the UK penniless, in order to let the British learn Kung Fu from him, he boxed every day from the park lakeside and other places, but unfortunately no one was fooled.

Until he was about to starve to death, Huyou came to his first apprentice, this young man named Feius.

The reason why the Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji Gate can be opened so wide is that his big apprentice Feius has contributed a lot in it.

This person himself is a boxer who has learned boxing since he was a child, and he also has some subordinates.After he worshiped Ma Baoguo as his teacher, those apprentices were directly descended to become disciples.This time, the Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji Sect, which was originally alone, instantly expanded to double digits.

With this initial team, it will be much easier to follow up with various deceptive propaganda.Of course, it also had a lot to do with the extraordinary business acumen of his big disciple, Faus.

It can only be said that Ma Baoguo has indeed met a nobleman, but this nobleman's brain is not very good, and he can be fooled by just a little trick.

"When can I arrive?"


Because of the seriousness of what this Feius caused, Li Cai didn't dare to let him stay too far away, so he just followed him obediently.

After the incident of Shangwutang Dongchuang, he has been with him all the time, and he is also in Hollywood at the moment.

Within two hours, the door rang three times, and then a strong Caucasian guy with slightly curly hair walked in and bowed respectfully to Li Cai, "Master."

Then he came to Huo Yunting, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and saluted, "Master Zu."

Among other things, this Chinese is quite standard.

"Hurry up, don't make a fool of me from here!" Li Cai cursed angrily, and pulled him up by his collar, "Where did I learn this, don's lip is wrong!"

Huo Yunting didn't care about this, but just sized him up a bit, "How old is this year?"


"I remember you used to be Ma Baoguo's first disciple?"

"Yes, although he is a liar, I think he has some real kung fu. Not much though."

Huo Yunting nodded, "Tai Chi's inch strength, he also knows this."

Seeing his grand master's calm and indifferent appearance, he probably won't question him again, just want to get involved in this martial arts hall to make a fortune.

Feius breathed a sigh of relief, and just when he was about to sit down, Huo Yunting suddenly said, "You fucking set up this Martial Arts Hall, and you still dare to use my name?"

The tone was extremely calm, as if talking about an irrelevant trifle.But these words were very sharp, like a knife was on his throat.

The muscles in Feius' legs that were about to soften instantly tightened up again, and his waist straightened unconsciously, "Master, I apologize to you, this matter is entirely my own problem, I just wanted to make Shangwutang flourish. ..."

The more Faus spoke, the more excited he became, and at the end he even said that his eyes were red, and he almost said that he had devoted himself to Shangwutang and died.

"...I sincerely apologize, and I am also willing to hand over all the profits I have made in Shangwutang."

Looking at Faus with red eyes, Huo Yunting silently lit a cigarette, "It's enough to deceive others, don't deceive yourself."

Feus' face froze.

"However, what you said is indeed reasonable. All the profits you have made in Shangwutang should indeed be handed over. Of course, if you don't want to hand it over, I won't force you."

Feus' complexion was a little relaxed.

"Let's go straight to the legal process."

Now Feius' complexion became more rigid, and he mechanically turned his head to look at Li Cai.

"What do you think I'm doing? Let me tell you, the more than 800 million dollars in my hand was spent for nothing. Don't tell me that the 200 million dollars in your hand are all spent."

Feius didn't speak, but now Li was really startled, "Is it all spent?"

"It doesn't matter if the flowers are over."

Fius was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but soon got stuck in his throat, should he breathe a sigh of relief?

"The money owed will be deducted from his salary." Huo Yunting took a breath, "Tip, do you have any objections?"

Faus forced a smile: "No."

"Okay, that's the end of the matter." Huo Yunting clapped his hands together, and then saw off the guests.

However, the only one who sent him away was Faus, and he still had something to tell Li Cai about the more than 100 Martial Arts Halls left over from the United States.

First, the proceeds from Martial Arts Hall will be handed over, and then a one-year bonus will be deducted.

However, Huo Yunting is not too good at doing it. He can take two points from the tuition fee of more than 800 million dollars as his hard-earned money for this year.

The second is that Martial Arts Hall will no longer teach those hard jobs, and gradually change to fitness-oriented ones, and turn off some of them one by one.

Li Cai patted his chest to make sure, "Don't worry, boss, even if you don't tell me, I've been quietly doing the second point."

"Okay, it's okay, let's go."

"Okay boss."

Just two steps away, Li Cai turned his head again, "Boss, you really want him to pay more than 200 million knives?"

"Otherwise? Open a martial arts hall in my name to teach a large number of real things, damn curse me!"

Seeing that Huo Yunting was really angry, Li Cai left in a hurry.

After solving Shangwutang's matter thoroughly, Huo Yunting returned to Chikan Ancient Town to continue filming.It was just that Li Cai was given a task request, and he should report to him more about Shangwutang.

I was very happy to see Huo Yunting return to Jiang Wen early, "Brother Huo, I have been living like a year during your absence. Hey, why did you come back early?"

"Something happened, so I took a leave of absence with Director Nuo, and I didn't go after the announcement in the United States."

He didn't want to say too much about this issue of Martial Arts Hall, just let it slowly reduce its influence to a minimum over time.

He thought so, but Jiang Wen didn't think so.Hearing his ambiguous words, I knew something in my heart. This must be to come back to film "Let the Bullets Fly", and break up with Nolan!
Jiang Wen couldn't help but feel a little moved, "Brother Huo, needless to say, your love brother will remember everything in his heart."

Huo Yunting was slightly surprised, but he didn't ask why, and nodded, "Okay, just remember it, I won't remember it."

The rest of the day is filming, filming, or fucking filming.

I have to say that Jiang Wen and Wang Jiawei are indeed a family, even if they gritted their teeth in anger, they still changed the script on the spot.

In this way, I went all the way from the ancient town of Chikan in Guangdong to Huairou in Beiping——Jiang Wen took a train from here to shoot the opening scene of the movie.

Not to mention that the interior of this train is not bad, and the copper hot pot is still steaming.

The scene in the train doesn't have much to do with him, but there are two new characters.

One is Feng Xiaogang who played a guest role, and the other is Liu Jialing, the wife of the county magistrate who appeared late.These two can also be regarded as the wrist of the wrist.

The scene of the county magistrate's wife was put in the later stage of filming, and she was not needed in the front, so Liu Jialing never came.

Jiang Wen didn't send a message to Liu Jialing until they were coming to Huairou.

"Brother Wen, sister Ling is over 40, right?"

"45 to six, it's rounded up to fifty."

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth, "You rounded it up again, it's his [-]th birthday."

"Brother Huo, don't say that in front of this person."

"What a mess, I want to ask if it's suitable for me to act opposite her?"

"It's appropriate, why isn't it appropriate?"

While Jiang Wen was talking, a small assistant rushed over and shouted, "Director, Miss Jia Ling is here."

"Brother Huo, let's talk later."

Jiang Wen ran out to meet him in person, and Huo Yunting followed him to take a look. He was picked up by a special car and accompanied by bodyguards. He was full of aura, and he couldn't show his aura when he was lower than the front line.

Wearing sunglasses, with long hair, and a shawl on his shoulders.I have to say, the skin care is really good.No wonder she was invited to be the county magistrate's wife. She was in her early thirties when she was in her 40s.

The plasticity of my face is relatively strong, and I can act from my teens to my forties and fifties. It's just right for them to stand together.

"Jia Ling, I finally waited for you."

"Long time no see, Director Jiang."

After entering the crew, the assistant bodyguards left with the accompanying items, and Liu Jialing and Jiang Wen walked in talking and laughing.

"Hey, by the way, let me introduce you to our hero, Huo Yunting."

Jiang Wen dragged Huo Yunting over, and patted him on the shoulder, "How about it, handsome guy from Hebei. He's really the northern guy I love most in my heart."

"Hello, Mr. Liu." Jiang Wen can have no taboos with others, but he can't.

At Liu Jialing's age, he can be called an artist, and he is not good at making jokes.

"Haha, don't, if it's about acting, I think I have to call you teacher." Liu Jialing's voice was very magnetic, "I've watched Mr. Huo's "Green Red" many times, no matter how I look at it, I can't believe that sensitive The introverted country boy was played by Mr. Huo."

"Miss Liu, you are too polite, just call me Xiao Huo."

"Then Mr. Huo, don't be so polite, just call me Sister Ling."

The two met each other and found that the other party was easy to get along with. It can be said that they both breathed a sigh of relief, talking and laughing as they walked towards the train, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

During the following days of filming in Huairou, Huo Yunting watched Liu Jialing's drama.The more he watched it, the more interesting he became, and he felt that he should call Liu Yifei to see how the old actors acted.

Even if you can't ask for advice, watching from the sidelines is still beneficial.

Just as he was nodding his head thoughtfully, he paused suddenly, no, I was planning to quit the circle, why are you still trying so hard to learn?
It was already November when the filming of the train scene was over, and "Let the Bullets Fly" had come to an end.

But it was just this impending kick that made Huo Yunting somewhat unable to keep kicking.

Damn it, when Jiang Wen showed him the script, he didn't mention that he and Liu Jialing had a sex scene.

He didn't say anything when the two shared the same bed. When making a movie, he strived for a sense of reality, and some physical contact was inevitable.

But is it appropriate to catch someone's place by yourself?

"Is it necessary to add this segment to this scene?"

"This is nonsensical, black humor, understand?" Jiang Wen frowned, "I said Brother Huo, why are you so pretentious about this kind of thing? You don't suffer."

That's what I said, but Liu Jialing only got married to Liang Chaowei in July this year, and in less than half a year, he has already attacked others from the crew.

Besides, when he thought of Liu Yifei, he always felt a little guilty.

"Brother Wen, this is not good. She is an elder, and I have been calling her Lingjie Lingjie all the time. Aren't you forcing someone into prostitution now?"

"I'll force you to be a prostitute, and your elder sister Ling agrees."

Jiang Wen said this, and Liu Jialing also responded from the other side, "Xiao Huo, you can be generous, it's all filming."

Huo Yunting twitched the corners of his mouth, that's true, without this thought of dedicating himself to art, he wouldn't be with Liang Chaowei.

(End of this chapter)

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