The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 257 Killing Xu Haofeng Explosively

Chapter 257 Killing Xu Haofeng Explosively

"When the director came to me, I rejected him because I thought his film was a bit bad and not good enough. As a result, within a few days, old man Yu personally came for this film..."

When Liu Yifei mentioned Mr. Yu, Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Yu? Which one is Mr. Yu?"

Soon he realized that he knew only two old men named Yu, one was Yu Hai and the other was Yu Chenghui.

"Old Juggernaut?"

Liu Yifei nodded, "I also told the old man that it is fine to contact you privately for this kind of thing, but the old man refused. He insisted on going through the proper process and reporting each item from our company. I was shocked when I saw that the old man wanted to see me .”

Huo Yunting frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

If the general movie is pushed, it will be pushed. The quality of "Let the Bullets Fly" and "The Grandmaster" will not be too bad. No matter which of these two films is released last, it will not be too bad as his curtain call film .

So he didn't have much feeling for this new film.

What's more, even Liu Yifei thinks this film is not good.

She generally only said four words when commenting on the film, she felt that it was okay, and rarely said it was not good.The last time she said no, it was the time they went to watch "The Promise" together.

It can be seen how deep the impression the script left on her.

Logically speaking, it would be fine to push this film directly, but if this film was invited by the old man, that would be another matter.

The old man is kind to me, if he asks, I can't refuse.

"Whose notebook?"

"Xu Haofeng. It's the screenwriter of "The Great Master"."

Huo Yunting froze for a moment, his face became strange.It's the one with a nondescript understanding of Chuanwu.

"Don't tell me this script is a movie about martial arts."

"Then you really guessed right, it's about passing on martial arts."

Huo Yunting pinched the bridge of his nose, "I didn't even read the script, and I already started to feel that I'm not good enough. His understanding of Chuanwu, how should I put it, is indeed somewhat unique."

Liu Yifei shook her head, "I don't know if he understands martial arts, but he showed me his martial arts scenes, I think it's like a turn-based system." Liu Yifei rummaged in the drawer for a long time while talking, and found out A script came, "I handed this script to me several months ago. You were still filming at that time, and I told Xu Haofeng to wait until you came back."

Huo Yunting took the script and looked at it, and there were five large characters written on it, "Traces of the Japanese Pirates".

"Hey, sit here and watch." Liu Yifei got up and left her massage chair to Huo Yunting, "I think his script is rather obscure. You should take a closer look."

"Then where are you sitting?"

Although Huo Yunting spoke politely, his legs did not hesitate. He strode over and sat on her office chair.

After that, her whole body was like a water snake, the tip of her buttocks scraped his knees, rubbed against his thighs, and finally curled up in his arms, "I'll sit on you."

Huo Yunting remained calm, his thigh muscles tensed, he slowly raised his legs against the more than 100 kilograms of soft flesh on his thighs, and then pressed down heavily.

Liu Yifei rested her head on his chest, followed his gaze to look at the script together, stretching out her pale fingers from time to time to explain to him the unclear parts of the script.

After reading all the script, Liu Yifei spoke dryly, while Huo Yunting was completely silent.

From the perspective of street fighting, it really has the flavor of "The Grandmaster".These things are fine, but the one who silenced Huo Yunting the most was the Qi family knife.

It's only on the head of the knife, it's neither long nor short, it looks like a gun but not a gun, what kind of weapon is this, it's not as good as a pure iron rod.

There is a saying on the Internet that Huo Yunting agrees with, the weirder the weapon, the faster the death.

The common weapons left behind are all products that have passed the test of time and war. Except for assassination, unpopular weapons are mostly targeted.

Speaking of the script, Huo Yunting only read it once, and he didn't have the eyes to read it a second time.

Turning to the last page, I saw the notes written for this script, and one of the key words was "real martial arts".

Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched, none of these four characters were close to each other.

"Brother Yun, what do you think of this script? I feel that it is not quite right with the martial arts you told me."

"Then how did you tell Xu Haofeng?"

Liu Yifei pouted helplessly, "I never said anything about him. I don't know how to teach martial arts, I just learned a little bit of three-legged cat kung fu from you."

Huo Yunting pinched her nose, "Listen to me, don't listen to him, he's just talking nonsense."


Rubbing Liu Yifei's chin with his left hand and the script with his right hand, Huo Yunting asked, "How does Mr. Yu invite you?"

"It means that I hope you can come and play the male lead, and nothing else."

"Just said that and left?"

"hold head high."

Huo Yunting was thoughtful, nine out of ten he came here because of Xu Haofeng's face, otherwise, according to the old man's personality, he must have called him directly, and he wouldn't just say a few words Walk.

Although Huo Yunting had already passed the film in his mind, he subconsciously asked, "How much is the film?"

"Tens of thousands of dollars."

This time Huo Yunting was full of question marks, so he quickly checked the time and date on his phone, which was December 2010, 12.

"Damn, I was shocked, I thought I went back to 8 years ago. Isn't the price too low?"

"I also think it's outrageous, but he said that you are also a leader in the martial arts circle, and you may be more interested in this kind of real martial arts, so I want to come to you to try."

Huo Yunting's heart is really a big grass, after all these years in the industry, it's the first time he sees someone who can play like this.

In fact, more people went there than Xu Haofeng, but they were stuck at the step of Zhang Debang, so Huo Yunting didn't know.

The reason why Xu Haofeng was able to give the green light to Liu Yifei was nothing more than the presence of the old man.

"Be content, at least I didn't bother you with your private number."

Huo Yunting chuckled, when he forced me to talk about Chuanwu, I found that this person was not quite right, he didn't even have my mobile phone number.

Liu Yifei gave a thumbs up, "You are still sharp, I didn't expect it."

Huo Yunting threw the script on the table, "Forget it, this book... can't be explained in words. To say he is Xiao Wang Jiawei is a bit overestimating him."

"Okay, then I'll go back and push."

Huo Yunting picked Liu Yifei up and put them on the table, and stomped his feet twice, "The legs are numb."

"I'm that heavy."

"It's good to be stocky, it's not healthy to be skinny and skinny."

What is solid, Liu Yifei's mouth puffed up, and she couldn't speak at all.

He scraped off the high heels against the table, and then flicked the feet wrapped in black stockings into Huo Yunting's hands, "See for yourself, I'm all muscles."

Huo Yunting squeezed it subconsciously, and I have to say, it feels good.Then he quickly reacted and coughed twice, "The trouser legs are so long, don't look at them, put them down quickly."

"Then I'll pull up the trouser legs and show you."

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

"Put on your shoes quickly, your office door is unlocked."

Pretending to sternly reprimand, Huo Yunting answered the phone, "Hello, Shen Teng, what's the matter?"

Liu Yifei curled her lips, ignored him, and sat on the desk, dangling her high heels on her toes.

"Brother Huo, let me ask, is your play finished? I would like to invite you to take a look at the play I starred in."

Shen Teng's side sounded messy, as if he was on the set.

"A drama? "The Earl of Wulong Mountain" with your little lover?"

"Hey, brother Huo, you can't talk nonsense, we are just good partners."

"All right, good partner. I'll cheer you on when you start the show."

The two have been together for so many years, and the time spent together almost catches up with the time he spent with Liu Yifei.

It is said that they are superiors and subordinates, but they are also good brothers.It is not too much to praise him.

"Come on! Brother Huo, just wait, you're sure to like this play. The day after tomorrow, Geological Auditorium Theater, you can come directly. You don't need a ticket, I'll send someone to pick you up, let's go directly to the VIP channel."

"You won't be announcing that I'm coming like last time, will you?"

Shen Teng's hearty smile came from the other end of the phone, "No way, who would dare to make me anxious the first time."

After making an appointment to hang up the phone, Huo Yunting looked at Liu Yifei who was playing with high heels, "Shen Teng's play will start the day after tomorrow, come with me to have a look?"

"Okay, Happy Twist is relatively well-known in the drama industry."

We made an appointment, the day after tomorrow at [-]:[-] p.m. in Peking Geological Auditorium Theater, happy twist, "The Earl of Wulong Mountain".

The two of them set the schedule and went out an hour and a half early, leaving all the rest of the work to Zhang Debang.

Although Lao Zhang doesn't like to deal with a lot of mess, he also enjoys the feeling of being in power. Sitting in an office chair can be described as painful and happy.

"Let's go, Sissy, let's see how good Shen Teng's drama is that he insists on acting in spite of his bright future."

The two went downstairs, and when they passed by Zhang Debang's office, Huo Yunting even encouraged him.

"Old Zhang, I can do without Xiting, but I can't live without you."

Zhang Debang just chuckled, and didn't pay much attention to it. He has been working as a shopkeeper since he and Huo Yunting were working together as buddies.

got used to.

Going downstairs again, when I reached the front lobby, I happened to hear the little girl at the front desk arguing with someone.

"I just want to meet you Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Huo, any one will do."

"Sir, you really can't do without an appointment..."

Huo Yunting turned his head sideways, his brows furrowed instantly, isn't this Xu Haofeng?
"Qiqian, why did you tell Xu Haofeng? You even chased him to the company."

Just when he was looking at Xu Haofeng, Xu Haofeng also happened to turn around and meet his eyes.

"Mr. Huo! Mr. Liu! I'm Xu Haofeng!"

With a smile on his face, Huo Yunting waved to the girl at the front desk, "Don't stop me."

Now that the little girl saw this, she had no choice but to show a polite smile, slightly bowed to Xu Haofeng to apologize, and then let her go.

Seeing Xu Haofeng walking towards him in big strides, Huo Yunting remained calm and asked in a low voice with a crack in the corner of his mouth, "Why did you tell him? Why did you chase after the company?"

"I just said decline, he insisted that I tell you a reason for your decline."

"Then what did you say?"

"I said you think his script is not very good."

Huo Yunting's right eyelid began to twitch wildly.

"Did you tell him that if I think the salary is too small, I can get it?"

"But he said that if you are really willing to act, he is willing to discuss with the investor to increase the money."

Huo Yunting's right eyelid twitched even more.

"Mr. Huo, your nickname Renqiu Chuanwu is recognized in the circle, and your words must have some truth."

When he came to Huo Yunting, Xu Haofeng cut straight to the point, "I want to ask you, what is the problem with my script?"

When he said this, his eyes were piercing and his righteousness was awe-inspiring, which made Huo Yunting a little confused for a moment, did he come to Xingshi to ask for his sins, or did he come to sincerely ask for advice?

Liu Yifei at the side winked at him quietly, how could he have the guts to go crazy with you.

Having said that, Huo Yunting still tactfully said, "Director Xu, the film is indeed unique. It just doesn't suit my taste—"

"Mr. Huo, you don't have to worry about my face, just say it."

Seeing what he said, Huo Yunting hesitated a little, "Then I'll get straight to the point?"

"Please." Xu Haofeng asked for advice humbly.

"Too fake."

"I remember you said in your film that the Yanyue Dao is a weapon for horses? Then let me tell you, the description of the Yanyue Dao in the "Wu Bei Zhi" of the Ming Dynasty has this sentence: use it to show your strength, but it cannot be used on the battlefield."

Xu Haofeng was silent for a while, then forced a smile, "Boss Huo has a lot of knowledge."

"It's not that I have a wealth of knowledge, it's that I've actually seen people who use the Qi's knife. Your Qi's knife is also very nonsense."

As for the so-called rejection of Japanese knives in the film, he even disagrees, which is obviously nonsense.He is not interested in history, dropped out of high school before finishing high school, and doesn't know much, if it comes to the Ming Dynasty.As for the development of martial arts and weapons, then he has to talk about it.When he was young, there were more people practicing dance in Huojiazhuang, which is also a national policy, and there is no explicit prohibition, which can be said to be full of martial arts.At that time, people from other villages often came to exchange and learn martial arts. He had seen Xu Haofeng who came from another village and compared his weapon with a wild goose feather knife. After a moment of silence, he forced a smile. "Boss Huo has a wealth of knowledge."

"It's not that I have a wealth of knowledge, it's that I've actually seen people who use the Qi's knife. Your Qi's knife is also very nonsense."

When Huo Yunting was young, there were many people practicing martial arts in Huojiazhuang, and it was also at that time that the national policy did not explicitly prohibit it, so it can be said that martial arts were full of virtue.

From time to time, people from other villages come to exchange martial arts with each other. Huo Yunting has seen one who compares weapons with others, using a waist knife in the style of a Yanling knife.

After the competition was over, this person introduced that what he used was the Qi Family Saber.

The knife is as light as paper and as light as water, and the two lines of inscriptions recognize Qiu Manhao.

"Qi Family Knife, that can be used with a knife shield."

Just as Xu Haofeng was about to speak, he was interrupted again by Huo Yunting.

"The National Museum has a Ming Dynasty waist knife engraved with the eight characters 'Wanli Ten Years, Dengzhou Qi's'. The overall length is 89 cm, and the handle is 16 cm long. It was cast when Qi Jiguang was the general officer of Ji Town. This It is the authentic Qi family knife."

Liu Yifei on the side lowered her head and said nothing, Brother Yun is really merciless in revealing the fault.

"And your rejection of Japanese knives." Huo Yunting coughed lightly, "I was curious about Qi's knives, so that person told me some related stories about Qi's knives. Later, I went to check some historical materials myself record."

"At the time of Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, the Bingzhan Bureau had already started making Japanese waist knives and Japanese hobs."

"The Japanese sword in the Ming Dynasty is different from what you see now. It was a wild sword at that time. The sword and shield can already be broken."

Xu Haofeng still didn't speak, Liu Yifei quietly pulled the hem of his clothes from behind.He's already like this, save him some face.

(End of this chapter)

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